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EXPO ‘TREASURE’ – London (UK) – 14-17 Juin 2012

TREASURE - London’s visionary jewellery show 14–17 June 2012

EXPO 'TREASURE' - London (UK) - 14-17 Juin 2012 dans Christiane WICHERT (DE) treasure-logo-2-300x203

« Treasure 2012, London’s visionary jewellery show, is the best place to purchase the most beautiful, exciting and vibrant contemporary jewellery anywhere in the UK »


Some of the jewellers exhibited :

Jeehyun Chung, a recent graduate from Edinburgh College of Art, makes oriental and contemporary style jewellery inspired by blending moments from travels across Europe with traditional Korean art and crafts
Atelier Michael BergerMichael Berger – kinetic rings
« By extending the body with jewellery you can design your identity and express your personality. This fundamental relation between body and jewellery was source of inspiration for my « BodyJewellery – JewelleryBody » collection . In some designs I focused on the appearance of the material, in others I gave priority to how the jewellery is made or how to wear it. »
« Referencing the disruption of nature’s order through my work, I create new life forms that appear as direct replications of recognizable organic matter yet they are not quite as they seem.
Having accumulated an assortment of natural forms and materials based on their intrinsic characters, the process of casting helps me to amalgamate these ever evolving hybrids, deceptively leading to mistaken identity. By acting as the divine creator, I am mimicking the power we have to alter nature’s path, which ultimately leads to chaos and the sinister presence lurking throughout the work.« 
« Since I can remember I have been a bit of a magpie, hoarding incessantly anything miniature or eclectic that has caught my eye. Born and brought up in Northern Ireland, with parents involved in the Antique business it was moving to Edinburgh in the late eighties to attend Edinburgh College of Art that I became an avid collector of ephemera. As my time at Art College progressed it became clear that the things I was collecting were becoming the inspiration for my work and this is when I started to use these actual found objects in my work. Straight after graduation I set up my business and have exhibited internationally ever since. My work has been featured widely in press and publications, is represented in many public and private collections and in 2007 I was shortlisted for the prestigious ‘Jerwood Applied Arts Prize – Jewellery’.« 

« …Colour has always been a significant feature of her jewellery. By introducing the translucent qualities of silicone with bright pigments, alongside the shifting reflective surfaces of precious metal and plastics, she conveys the qualities of underwater life forms. »

Lili DesignLili Design (Lili Giacobino) detail of a necklace
« No chemicals are used in the creation of Bioplastic jewellery, which means it will not last forever »
Lili DesignLili Design (Lili Giacobino)  necklace
RenushRenush -Contempory hand made, moulded leather jewellery
« Renush is the creation of designer and maker Renáta Koch, a graduate in Footwear and Accessories from Cordwainers College at the London College of Fashion. Taking her inspiration from the contours of the human body and the characteristics of materials used, Renáta uses traditional techniques to create thoroughly modern and highly original pieces »
« I was first inspired by a tutor to pursue a career in jewellery design. I loved to make small sculptures and turn them into playful wearable objects. From the moment I was introduced to enamelling at Edinburgh College of Art I immediately loved its instantaneous effects. I find the enamelling process fascinating from applying the enamel to metal to firing it in a kiln. The most satisfying part for me is when the layers of rich colour are rubbed back to reveal patterns and textures underneath. My love for the city is the inspiration behind my work. I initially paint my ideas onto enamel panels and then translate these drawings into tactile, sculptural forms that play with line,texture and colour. My recent collection consists of earrings, pendants and brooches made from oxidised silver, iron and enamel. I oxidise the silver to create an industrial feel which compliments the bold colours that feature throughout my jewellery designs.« 
« Veiled jewellery reflects my assumption that although certainty is often required in modern society, ambiguous expression has been the most distinctive characteristic found in Japanese values and religious beliefs« 



Somerset House – Ethical Pavillion
London WC2R 1LA



some RINGS discovered here & there ……………

Each time I see great rings I think about the great « ring web site », « The Carrotbox » ! :-) and my dream would be to help her to discover new rings ….. but she knows ALL about rings before everybody ! :-( so keep up dreaming ! :-)

………….. and trying to STOP this post !!!! finding every hour new GORGEOUS rings !!!
Alina Alamorean

Julia  deVille

some RINGS discovered here & there ............... dans Agata FRIEDMAN (PL) ringe9
Lisbeth Nordskov ring – Nylon, sølv, elfenben og granater.
Susanne Klemm

Rita Marcangelo – silk (burnt) & silver rings

 dans Alina ALAMOREAN (FR)Lucia Massei- « Le parole vengono dopo  » 2011
Lucia Massei- 2 Pigmented shibuichi (silver & copper) rings
Patty Nieman – Ring (exhibition « Finger symbols » 2010)

 dans Amber O'HARROW (US) dans Anthi VOYATJES (ZA)
Marcus Marguillier- 3rd hologram series ring
Ingjerd Hanevold – Norway
Ingjerd Hanevold – Norway

Medan Toril ring (saw on blog)

Shannon Carney ring
‘s contribution to the book New Rings: 500+ Designs from Around the World :-)
Violaine Ulmer - céramique, argent

Tomasz ZaremskiTomasz Zaremski – Poland

Tomasz Zaremski (Poland) – rings

 dans Ashley AKERS (US)
Amber O’Harrowseashell ring
Esther Knobel
Tasso Mattar

Marie Bonfils  (DK) – ‘Ode to Manfred’ ring

existence+ring+on+the+body dans Augousta THEMISTOKLEOUS (CY)
Katherine Wheeler existence ring

Susanne Klemm – sleeping-beauties – couldn’t resist to them …………

Joe Wood (US) – ball rings 1999 – cast sterling silver, with 18K gold liner

Augousta Themistocleous  – ‘ping pong’ ring – collection 2009

Melanie Moulhen – émail – bagues ? (blog Bijouterra)

Winfried Krueger ring 1999
(blog Bijouterra)
Sun Kyoung Kim
Iwaki Yu

Agata Friedman

pj_2011_03-37 dans blog TheCarrotBox
Liisa Hashimoto – shoe ring
Margaret Bridgewater – ‘Floating’ rings
Anthi Voyatjes - « Death encapsulated » - Sterling silver, pearls, animal skull; hollow form construction

n679453139_913412_6129 dans BOOKS / BIBLIO
Keri Kwik (US) – ring
Kaylee Russotti
Robean Visschers so well-known « under-construction » structure ring -Gold, silver (oxidized)- 2006

Robean VISSCHERS ring
Robean Visschers  - another construction/structure ring – glorious ! :-)
Lisa JUEN – ring (exhibition « Finger symbols » 2010)
Yoko Izawa - veiled rings (exhibition « Finger symbols » 2010)
Nora FOK – ring ?  (exhibition « Finger symbols » 2010)
Rhona HOGG (UK) ring
Jenny Llewellyn set of rings -  like jelly worms …..
Isabelle Hertzeisen – twist tie rings
Ashley Akers


41I7KuDLL8L._SS500_ dans COUP DE COEUR

New Rings – 500+ Designs from Around the World – by Nicolas Estrada – Thames & Hudson, 272 pp – available in JUNE 2011 -


GREAT RINGS saw on this Flickr page about « Finger symbols » exhibition  held in 2010 by Shetland Arts (Finger Symbols, an exhibition exploring rings and finger ornaments, curated by Mary Smith can be seen at Bonhoga Gallery, Weisdale, Shetland from 7 August to 5 September. 2010)
Felieke Van der Leest – ring ……. LOL !

VIDEO à voir ABSOLUMENT sur les bagues de l’expo  « Finger symbols » !


GREAT page too on this Flickr gallery : The Ring Show !!(The Ring Shows: ‘Then & Now’ and ‘Putting the Band Back Together’ at the Georgia Museum of Art in Georgia, US- It runs August 23-November 2, 2008)
Yael Krakowski
Vickie Sedman (US)


EXPO ‘Alchemists: New concepts in jewellery’ – New Brewery Arts, Cirencester (UK) – 14 Janv-27 Fevr. 2011

 Alchemists: New concepts in jewellery

Jewellers are not defined by traditional materials and today’s makers are constantly pushing the boundaries of what jewellery can be.
Be it big and bold or pale and subtle, the innovative world of studio jewellery will delight and challenge in equal measure often making us re examine our pre conceptions of what jewellery means.
ALCHEMISTS, the latest jewellery exhibition to be curated at New Brewery Arts, sets out to investigate and present the work of contemporary jewellers who take precious or unexpected materials and transform them into unusual and desirable jewellery.
The notion of using precious and non-precious materials within jewellery is hardly new, but this show seeks to highlight the breadth of approaches and range of materials used by today’s makers when exploring the adornment of the body.
New Brewery Arts is proud to present the work of over 25 artists. Internationally renowned and award winning contemporary jewellers will be exhibiting alongside the fresh talent of new makers just stepping out in their careers.

Jane Adam, Jivan Astfalck, Karen Bartlett, Sally Collins, Jack Cunningham, Anna Gordon, Maria Hanson, Yoko Izawa, Tanvi Kant, Hannah Louise Lamb, Bridie Lander, Alison Macleod, Lindsey Mann, Toni Mayner, Maria Militsi, John Moore, Grainne Morton, Louise Parry, Kathryn Partington, Betty Pepper, Lina Peterson, Jo Pond, Mah Rana, Katherine Richmond, Zoe Robertson, Ruth Tomlinson, Jessica Turrell.

Jivan Astfalck
Jivan Astfalck – ‘Vanitas’
Lina Peterson

Jack Cunningham
Jack Cunningham

Sally Collins' brooch
Sally Collins - brooch
Grainne Morton Ruth
Lindsey Manncombines brightly printed sheet aluminium & other non-precious materials (found objects)

< />Scribble Series</em><br />brooches, silver, copper, vitreous enamel, 2009  » width= »284″ height= »348″ /><br />
<font size=Jessica Turrell- Scribble Series – brooches, silver, copper, vitreous enamel, 2009 : brooch - given a kite
Jo Pond- brooch – given a kite (cocoon serie)



EXPO 'Alchemists: New concepts in jewellery' - New Brewery Arts, Cirencester (UK) - 14 Janv-27 Fevr. 2011 dans Alison MAcLEOD (UK) Maria-Militsi---Inner-Voice
Maria Militsi

Karen Bartlett - Ring-Copper, silver,CZ,gold plate,powder coat



New Brewery Arts
Brewery Court, Cricklade St
GL7 1JH – Cirencester
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01285 65718


Coloured Aluminium Jewellery: design & make – Lindsey Mann -
Published by A& C Black Publishers Ltd, London – 128 pp


EXPO ‘FORMA vs MATERIA – Incursione nel gioiello contemporaneo’ – Galleria Cristiani, Torino (IT) – 5 Nov.- 31 Dec. 2010

Incursione nel gioiello contemporaneo

FORMA VS MATERIA seconda edizione 2010

Venerdì 5 novembre alle ore 19 inaugura alla Galleria Cristiani di Torino la seconda edizione di ‘FORMA vs MATERIA – incursione nel gioiello contemporaneo’, a cura di Mariola Demeglio e Maria De Ambrogio.
Saranno esposti e venduti gioielli dalle forme più classiche a quelle più eccentriche, realizzati con materiali diversi: dall’argento al cemento, dall’oro alla pelliccia, dalla fibra di carbonio alla ceramica…
FORMA vs MATERIA raccoglie una selezione di gioielli unici nella FORMA, e sobri nel materiale, o particolari per la MATERIA utilizzata e dalle forme tradizionali. Una suddivisione nata seguendo il processo creativo nelle sue prime fasi: è nata prima la FORMA o la MATERIA?

EXPO 'FORMA vs MATERIA - Incursione nel gioiello contemporaneo' - Galleria Cristiani, Torino (IT) - 5 Nov.- 31 Dec. 2010 dans Constanze SCHREIBER (DE) 50254_159798850721244_8038314_n
Luisa Bruni

Jewels producted in many traditional or odd shapes and made of different materials, will be on the show, as well as sold: from silver to cement, from gold to fur, from carbon fibre to ceramics… FORMA vs Materia collects some selected jewels, which are unique in their shapes, and sober because of their materials, or, original as the matters used to give objects a traditional form. This division was born by following the creative approach in its first phases: what was it born first, form or matter?
Tra gli artisti: 22 design studio, Airam, Loretta Baiocchi, Nicola Bolla, Luisa Bruni, Alba Casares, Monica Castiglioni, Gesine Hackenberg, Malin Henningsson, Mari Ishikawa, Yoko Izawa, Alba Lisca, Stefania Lucchetta, Manuela Gandini (MANUGANDA), Luciana Massironi, Pietra Pistoletto, Kilian Schindler, Serienumerica, Karin Seufert, Constanze Schreiber, Yoko Takirai, Luisa Tamagna, Fabrizio Tridenti e altri ancora.

La mostra rimarrà aperta al pubblico fino a fine dicembre 2010.

blue-white-ruins-ring_Gal700px dans Exposition/Exhibition
Gésine Hackenberg  – ‘blue white ruins’ ring

anello_Sponge25_brillanti_fotoZonta_Gal700px dans Fabrizio TRIDENTI (IT)
Stefania Lucchetta - Anello « Sponge 25″, in resina biocompatibile e brillanti


35197_1502801926032_1113733022_31505159_657211_n dans GALERIES
Manuela Gandini ‘MANUGANDA’ – ‘BOLD!’ bangle anallergic recyclable rubber,+%27Louise%27,+%27Sofie%27+Necklaces.+Fur,+Silver,+Plumb,+Stainless+Steal.+by+Constanze+Schreiber+(Unique+Pieces).jpg
Constanze Schreiber – fur necklaces

39564_1087762427872_1040760246_298922_7596098_n dans Gesine HACKENBERG (NL)
Fabrizio Tridenti – horn ring


Galleria Cristiani
porta palatina 13
Torino (Italy)
+39 0114362092
0039 3477304095
Orari Galleria: dal martedì al sabato 11/19 continuato


‘ORIGIN’ London Craft Fair – 23-29 sept. 2010

Origin : The London Craft Fair

Origin is an annual showcase of original contemporary craft, bringing together 220 of the most innovative UK and international makers for 1 week. It offers a rare chance to buy directly from the makers and meet them face to face.

Origin will now take place in September during the annual London Design Festival (LDF).
Origin 2010 will relocate from Somerset House to the newly refurbished Old Spitalfields Market from the 23rd-29th September 2010. This exciting new venue in the heart of creative London and the new timing of Origin as a major presence during the London Design Festival will inject new life and a renewed sense of excitement into this highly respected, established event.


une TRES TRES belle liste d’exposants !

Ai KawauchiAi Kawauchi (JP)organic pieces of jewellery – stand P02
« Handmade silk accessories created by using a unique technique to produce organic pieces of jewellery. It is made from traditional silk from the town of Kiryu, Japan and natural red and black beans that are used to give the shape, form and colour to these botanical inspired feminine pieces.« 

Alison Macleod Jewellery Re-Found Brooch #2 2010Alison Macleod (UK) -  Re-Found Brooch #2 , 2010 - stand P13

 Blooming Boa NecklaceAnna Wales - blooming boa necklace stand F27
« My jewellery is designed to create a powerful visual impact along with an enticing tactility. It focuses on the combination of felt and silver, or of oxidized silver with polished precious metals arranged to form stark contrasts or subtle transformations throughout a singular piece.« 

'ORIGIN' London Craft Fair - 23-29 sept. 2010 dans Ai KAWAUCHI (JP) bj31
Bea Jareño (ES) – neckpiece- oxidised silver, sponge red dyed coral - stand A11

 1 dans Alison MAcLEOD (UK)Claire McAlister- 12 diamonds brooch-  stand K31
« In my distinctive design language I make jewellery using a unique combination of silver and dramatically coloured wood veneers. I make individual rectangular links which are assembled into complex structures of intricate geometry. The pieces, although bold and complex, are light weight and easy to wear.« 

Danielle+Gori-Montanelli dans Anke HENNIG (DE)Danielle Gori-Montanelli (IT) – « licorice » felt necklace -  stand P41

Jacqueline Cullen: hand carved broochJacqueline Cullen (UK) – Whitby JET jewelry  (brooch) -  stand P09


Repetition Flower bracelet, Jeehyun Chung, oxidised silver wire, Korean silk, metallic and invisible thread (photo: Kwang Choon Park)Jeehyun Chung (Korea) Repetition Flower bracelet, oxidised silver wire –  stand P03
« My interest in contemporary art jewellery led me to explore the aesthetic value of using non-traditional materials and resources from as varied fields as fashion, textiles when making my work. I mainly use precious metals (gold and silver) with flexible materials such as Korean silk and self-dyed elastic threads.« 

 Plume necklace

Jenny Llewellyn (UK) silicone jewelry -  stand C03
« I take inspiration from the luminous colours, shapes and movement of creatures from the deep sea to create vibrant, playful pieces that move with the wearer and glow in the dark. Colour is a significant visual feature in my jewellery. By introducing the translucent qualities of silicone with bright pigments, I combine these with the shifting reflective surfaces of precious metals to convey the qualities of underwater life forms« 


Anke Hennig - 'Hybrid' necklace  Cotton, rayon, monofilament and silverAnke Hennig (DE) - ’Hybrid’ necklace  Cotton, rayon, monofilament and silver-  stand G19
« The underlying idea of my work is restricted to clear forms and the principle of sequences. Simple, flat braids are wound around and over themselves, to form a spiral and provide an unusual aesthetic in the third dimension. These pieces of jewellery have both appearance and a surface, making it hard to imagine their origin – a new interpretation of an ancient technique.« 

Karen BartlettKaren Bartlett (UK)-  stand K09
« Bespoke sculptural jewellery concerned with how the dynamics and perceptions of materials alter when used in an unfamiliar context, or as a visual metaphor for an underlying thought or theme through the use and juxtaposition of ‘precious’ and ‘non precious’ material including metals, gemstones & silicon rubber.« 

Kathryn PartingtonKathryn Partington -  stand K09
« One-off pieces of wearable decorative jewellery. Surface pattern and ornamentation is explored by utilising a diverse range of materials, including silks, bone china, silver and metals creating pieces that are extremely unique within the arena of contemporary jewellery, craft and fashion.« 

 Kiwon Wang, Newspaper 'Statement' Necklace in NY Times newspaper, sterling silver, pearl, and steel cable. 35.8 x 1.5 x 1.5"Kiwon WANG (Korea) Newspaper ‘Statement’ Necklace in NY Times newspaper, sterling silver, pearl, and steel cable. –  stand B35
« My work is based on ‘East meets West‘. Everyday material meets precious by using traditional and contemporary techniques.« 

Nature of Fragility – Thistle Ring No.1' (5 x 5 cm) by Laura Bennett; Photo: Chris Darmanin, 2008Laura Bennett (UK) Nature of Fragility – Thistle Ring No.1 –  stand P05

« Hand made jewellery, composed from natural found objects/materials – combined with precious metals. The collections are inspired by natural organic forms and constructed elegantly and sympathetically. The designs emulate the fragility of human emotions, inviting the individual to embark on a journey of self-discovery through memories and keepsakes« 

Lee Myungjoo 'Roll'Lee Myungjoo (Korea) -  stand K07

« ‘Roll’ and ‘Bend’ are themes and techniques that I use on my simple formed jewellery pieces. To give vitality I use painting effect on silver with Keumboo (Korean overlay technique) and gold leaf. I want my jewellery to be a small sculpture on your body. »

PhotobucketNuntaka Nopkhun-  stand F43
« Jewellery defined by its sensorial, tactile and visual qualities that aims to be sensually pleasing to the touch, but at the same time gently disturbing in context and form.« 

series--4 dans Anna WALES (UK)
Stacey Bentley (UK)- textured enamel serie  –  stand K15
« I aim to explore the new possibilities and ideas that industrial liquid enamel can bring to contemporary jewellery. Urban scenery inspires my designs. By exploring unusual line and structure, texture and muted colour, I aim to generate an idea of spontaneity that reflects alternative notions of the unappreciated urban landscape« 

Tania Clarke Hall -Red slash gold leather necklaceTania Clarke Hall  (UK) – ‘ Red Slash Gold’ leather necklace-  stand F25
« Award winning jeweller, Tania Clarke Hall works in leather, her ‘perfect creative playmate’. Having studied chemistry and jewellery, Tania designs innovative pieces inspired by the elegant solutions offered by simple geometry and a love of experimentation. Her versatile jewellery is bold and graphic, yet tactile and very wearable. »


Necklace by Yoko IzawaYoko Izawa (JP) stand L01
« ‘Veiled’ jewellery combines skilful and unique creative compositions, compelling colour palettes and original techniques using elastic fine knitting combined with other materials. The designs are characterized by tactile, organic and harmonious qualities« 

Kinetic Ring RK015-3BRs' (3 x 3.5 x 1 cm) by Michael Berger; Photo: Michael Berger, 2008Michael Berger (DE) Kinetic rings stand A17


La Vie en Rose ! « girly tour »

« Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en rose..
 » (Edith Piaf)

Arthur HASH voit (aussi) la vie en rose !!! …. et c’est KITSCH !!!
pinky- Arthur Hash (photos) pinky- Arthur Hash - ping pong pinpinky- Arthur Hash Cake Mixer brooch (Luke & Eloy...)
Arthur Hash  bracelet  –  ping pong pin  –  Cake Mixer brooch


Maiiiiis ……. il n’est pas le seul !!! allez, c’est parti pour un « girly tour » !!emoticone

La Vie en Rose !    dans Alexia COHEN (US)
Mette Saabye (DK) – Ring ‘Crystalring’ – silver, salt crystal, paper
Mette Saabye (DK) – Brooch ‘Bumblebee harasses Pink Flower’ – gold, laquer, paper, silver (Gal. Louise Smit)

Dana SEACHUGA (IL)'hollow cries' brooch- 2009 - ivory, deer horn,pearls,silver, nail polishMia Maljojoki necklace
Dana Seachuga (IL) – ‘Hollow cries’ brooch – deer horn, pearls, nail polish, silver …
Mia Maljojoki (DE) – necklace

MIETTE- envie necklace - pvcMikiko Minewaki - necklace 'plachain 2004' - curler - schmuck2010Kate KUSACK Zipper Band necklace
Miette (FR)- « envie » necklace, pvc
Mikiko Minewaki (JP)- necklace ‘plachain’ – curlers – (schmuck 2010)
Kate Kusack (US) zipper necklace

Alexia Cohen braceletHeather Skowood - love-hate bracelet, silver & pom poms
Alexia Cohen (US) bracelet
Heather Skowood - love-hate bracelet, silver & pom poms (photo Jonathan Keenan, UK)

pinky- Amy Weiks- lick seriespinky- Karen Monny collerette
Amy Weiks (US) – lick series
Karen Monny (FR) – collerettes soie 2000-01

Julie Bouldoires - boucles spirales -fleurs - bijou d'un jour avec fleurs fraîches ou synthétiquesEmiko OYE- eclipse_pink_ Limited Edition bracelet made from repurosed LEGO
Julie Bouldoires – b.o. spirales -fleurs – bijou d’un jour avec fleurs fraîches (ou pas) (Gal. Caractere)
Emiko OYE (US) – eclipse pink  Limited Edition bracelet – LEGO, sterling silver, rubber cord

Uli Rapp (NL) – proudly FAKE
Fifi  la Ferraille (FR) – Collier – Pièce unique

Cheryl Eve Acosta- Double Bracelet - sterling- nylon braceletHelen Britton - non omne est aurum quod splendet (all that glitters is not gold)
Cheryl Eve Acosta (US) – Double Bracelet – expo ‘fibers expanded’ – sterling- nylon bracelet
Helen Britton (AU) – ‘non omne est aurum quod splendet’ (all that glitters is not gold)

pinky- Denise_Julia_Reytan neckpieceMasako ONODERA - Eruption Necklace
Denise Julia Reytan (DE)- neckpiece
Masako ONODERA (US) – Eruption Necklace


'mikeandmaryjewelry' - ring_a_day challengeBrigit Daamen (NL) felt ringYoko IZAWA - veiled rings
mikeandmaryjewelry‘ ‘ring_a_day » challenge
Brigit Daamen (NL) felt ring
Yoko Izawa  (UK)- veiled ring

Iris Eichenberg - 'traenenmeer' brooch - 'pink years later' - copper plated silver, beads, nylonTerhi TOLVANEN -Hyacinthe Cristalline - broche, 2008 - grape wood- silk, silver, amethyst (long 18cm) - série Folie des Fleurs (winter)
Iris Eichenberg (NL)- ‘traenenmeer’ brooch – ‘pink years later’ – copper plated silver, beads, nylon
Terhi Tolvanen (NL)- Hyacinthe Cristalline – broche, 2008 – grape wood- silk, silver, amethyst (long 18cm)

Min-Jii Cho - ou comment donner 1 2me vie aux gants MAPA !!silvina romero - buenos Aires -textile necklace
Min-Jii CHO - necklace
Silvina Romero (Arg.) – textile necklace


Katerina handlova-Glass-rocailles, lamp-worked beads - 'coral' necklace 2007Christine Bossler - Distance - 2.jpg
Katerina Handlova (CS) – glass-rocaille, lamp-worked beads ‘coral’ necklace
Christine Bossler (US) ‘Distance’ necklace


Lemarié-Broche Étoile du Sud-plumes,argent,cristaux lisa juen - Brooch 'Pink Tradition' 2009- Steel, nail varnish,
Eric-Charles Donatien pour Lemarié (FR) – Broche Étoile du Sud-plumes, argent,cristaux
Lisa Juen – Brooch ‘Pink Tradition’ 2009- Steel, nail varnish, rost, glass, silk floss

Mi-Mi Moscow necklace 'tranquility' 2003Felicity PETERS- 'inspired by the gherkin', earplugs and silver thread
Mi-Mi Moscow (RU)- necklace « tranquility »
Felicity PETERS (AU) – ‘inspired by the gherkin’, earplugs and silver thread


akiko-kurihara_ ring pinky- Susanne KLEMM - ring 'sleeping beauty'- 'orchid'  -silver,cold enamel
Akiko Kurihara (JP) ring
Susanne KLEMM (CH) – ring ‘sleeping beauty’- ‘orchid’  -silver,cold enamel


pinky- Johanna Dahm (CH) perspex broochshannon_carney
Johanna Dahm (CH) perspex brooch
Shannon Carney – resin brooch


sarah_keay_pink_bangle_detail - Silver, monofilament, enamel, plastickatharina moch bracelet- plastic (partly glow in the dark) copper, enamel, citrin...
Sarah Keay (UK) pink bangle detail – Silver, monofilament, enamel, plastic.
Katharina Moch (DE) bracelet- plastic (partly glow in the dark) copper, enamel, citrin...


Philip SAJET- 'Precious and stone' 2008 - gold, rose quartzTed NOTEN-' Fashionista Purple Haze' necklace- glass, crystal, nylon
Philip SAJET- ‘Precious and stone’ 2008 – gold, rose quartz
Ted NOTEN-’ Fashionista Purple Haze’ necklace- glass, crystal, nylon

susie ganch at SOFA 2009pinky- Seth PAPAC
Susie Ganch  brooch (SOFA 2009)
Seth Papac  (US) necklace

chlo%C3%A9+durand+la+vie+en+rose+1 dans Amy WEIKS (US)chlo%C3%A9+durand+la+vie+en+rose+2 dans Arthur HASH (US)
Chloé Durand - Monocle : laiton doré + gravure laser « ¥€$ » + plexiglass teinté en rose taille diamant
« Monocle qui met en avant la dérision de notre comportement vis à vis de l’argent ; l’obsession que la quête de la richesse engendre en nous, et l’illusion de bonheur qu’elle produit. Avec, je vois la vie en rose… »



et pour finir en beauté …. des fesses roses … de bonheur ! emoticone

pinky- Brigit Daamen
Brigit Daamen (NL) was recently featured in the exhibition “Fashioning Felt”, at the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum. Brigit felts plastic costume jewelry with merino wool and transforms them into precious edgy neck pieces.


SCHMUCK 2010 – Munich (DE) 3-9 mars 2010 – PROGRAMME

Classé dans : Adrean BLOOMARD (IT),Alexander BLANK (DE),Allemagne (DE),Amandine MEUNIER (FR),Anna EICHLINGER (DE),Aud Charlotte HO SINDING (SE),Babette BOUCHER (FR),Bettina SPECKNER (DE),Blanka SPERKOVA (CS),Brune BOYER-PELLEREJ (FR),Carole DELTENRE (FR),Catherine LE GAL (FR),Christine GRAF (DE),Christophe MARGUIER (FR),Chuchart SARUNNAYAWATSIN (Thai.),Claire BALOGE (FR),Constanze SCHREIBER (DE),Daniel KRUGER (DE),Elena RUEBEL (DE),Emmanuel LACOSTE (FR),Eunmi CHUN (KR),EVENEMENT / Type of EVENT,Exposition/Exhibition,Fabrizio TRIDENTI (IT),Fiona HERMSE (UK),Flora VAGI (HU),Florence LEHMANN (FR),Florian WEICHSBERGER (DE),Frederic BRAHAM (FR),Gal. Marzee (NL),Gal. Platina (SE),Gal. RA (NL),Gal. Spektrum (DE),Giampaolo BABETTO (IT),Helen BRITTON (AU),Helfried KODRE (AT),Ines SCHWOTZER (DE),Iris EICHENBERG (NL),Jana NATIER (FR),Jessica WORLEY (UK),Joanne GRIMONPREZ (FR),Kadri MALK (EE),Karen PONTOPPIDAN (DK),Karl FRITSCH (DE),Katerina HANDLOVA (CS),Katharina MOCH (DE),Katherine RICHMOND (UK),Kathryn PARTINGTON (UK),Kristiina LAURITS (EE),Lisa JUEN (CN),Luzia VOGT (CH),Lydia HIRTE (DE),Mari FUNAKI (JP),Mari IWAMOTO (JP),Martin PAPCUN (CS),Masayuki NAGATA (JP),Maud TRAON (FR),Melanie ISVERDING (DE),Mia MALJOJOKI (FI),Mikaela LYONS (UK),Mikiko MINEWAKI (JP),Mirjam HILLER (DE),Monika BRUGGER (FR),Monika JAKUBEC (DE),Nathalie PERRET (FR),Nicole BECK (DE),Otto KUNZLI (CH),Patrick McMILLAN (US),Peter BAUHUIS (DE),Petr DVORAK (CS),Piret HIRV (EE),Renate SCHMID (DE),Rickson SALKELD (CA),Robert BAINES (AU),Sam Tho DUONG (VN),Shadi VOSSOUGH (UK),Simon COTTRELL (AU),Sophie HANAGARTH (CH),Susanne ELSTNER (DE),Svatopluk KASALY (CS),Tamsin LEIGHTON-BOYCE (UK),Tanel VEENRE (EE),Tarja TUUPANEN (FI),Therese HILBERT (DE),Tiina RAJAKALLIO (FI),Toni MAYNER (UK),Ulrike KAMPFERT (DE/FR),Vaclav CIGLER (CS),Villu PLINK (EE),Volker ATROPS (DE),Yoko IZAWA (JP) — bijoucontemporain @ 19:57

Schmuck 2010 in München / Jewellery in Munich
Events related to Jewellery during the International Trade Fair

3.-9.3.2010 Neue Messe München I Halle A1 “Handwerk & Design” 9.30-18 h
Sonderschauen der 62. Internationalen Handwerksmesse München. Schmuck 2010,
Exempla 2010 – Keramik, Talente 2010, Meister der Moderne 2010

Frame” Präsentation internationaler Galerien, Galerie Marzee, Galerie Platina, Galerie Ra

* Schatzkammer Australien -Treasure room Australia. Opening: 25.2.,18.30  h.
Galerie Handwerk,
Max-Joseph- Str. 4, 80333 München.
Tel. 089-595584
26.2.-10.4., Di, Mi, Fr 10-18, Do 10-20, Sa 10-13.
So 7.3. Special opening 10-14 h.

SCHMUCK 2010 - Munich (DE) 3-9 mars 2010 - PROGRAMME dans Adrean BLOOMARD (IT) 18038

[Artists:  Helen Aitken-Kuhnen, Robert Baines, Roseanne Bartley, Nicholas Bastin, Julie Blyfield, Helen Britton, Susan Cohn, Simon Cottrell, Anna Davern, Laura Deakin, Mark Edgoose, Mari Funaki, Stephen Gallagher, Kiko Gianocca, Kirsten Haydon, Marian Hosking, Linda Hughes, Johannes Kuhnen Carlier Makigawa, Sally Marsland, Christopher Earl Milbourne, Nina Oikawa, David Phillips, Nicole Polentas. ]

*Giampaolo Babetto. L’Italianità dei Gioielli, 6.3.-30.5. Opening 5.3. 19 h

*Wenn Helden zittern – Tokyo, München, London, 6.-7.3., 10-18, Opening 5.3. 19 h
Alexander Blank, Eunmi Chun, Stefan Heuser, Mari Iwamoto, Jasleen Kaur, Märta Mattson, Hajime Matsuo, Masayuki Nagata, Christopher Thomson-Royds.
Alexander Blank- brooch- Silver, plexiglass, rigid foam, lacquer

*Danner-Rotunde. Neu. Kuratiert von Karl Fritsch, ab 6.3. Opening. 5.3. 19 h.
Die Neue Sammlung – The International Design Museum Munich
Barerstrasse 40,
Pinakothek der Moderne, 80333 München,
Tel. 089-272725-0 u. 089-23805-360,
Di-So 10-18, Do 10-20 h

*Nicht dass Du mir von der Bluse fällst. (« Don’t you dare to fall off my blouse! ») 12.2.-10.4. Opening 11.2. 18.30 h,
Broschen von Volker Atrops, Peter Bauhuis, Waltraud Erlacher, Therese Hilbert, Otto Künzli, Karen Pontoppidan, Bettina Speckner.
Galerie für Angewandte Kunst, Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein e.V.,
Pacellistr. 6-8, 80333 München,
Tel. 089-2901470
Mo-Sa 10-18, Do 4.3. 17-18 h meet the artists, So 7.3. Special opening 11-17 h

(cf article « EXPO ‘Don’t you dare to fall off my blouse!‘ – Gallery for Applied Arts, Munich (DE) – 12 Fevr.- 10 Avr. 2010″)
Bettina Speckner - brooches

> 3.3. Wednesday

19 h: Glas im tschechischen Schmuck. 3.3.-31.3. Opening 3.3. 19 h
Václav Cigler
, Petr Dvorák, Stanislava Grebenícková, Katerina Handlová, Jan Hásko, Svatopluk Kasaly, Jaroslav Kodejs, Zdenka Lastovicková, Martina Mináriková, Martin Papcún, Jirí Sibor, Markéta Sílená, Blanka Sperková.,
Tschechisches Zentrum, Prinzregentenstr. 7,
Mo-Do 10-17, Fr 10-16
3.-4.3. 10-22 h,

(cf article « EXPO ‘Glass in Czech Jewelry – Contemporary Jewelry’ – Munich 3-31 mars 2010« )

> 4.3. Thursday

10 h: bloß keine Steine, « No gems, please ». 4.-7.3
Kerstin Becker, Susanne Elstner, Monika Jakubec, Michaela Köppl, Kristina Kundt, Gabriele von Miller-Lehsten, Daniela Osterrieder, Renate Schmid, Renate Scholz, Ines Schwotzer, Gottlinde Singer, Monika Vesely, Hanni Weber.
galerie GEDOK muc, Elisabethstr. 13 RG, 80796 München,
10-20 h   (

Susanne Elstner, Brosche
Susanne Elstner, brosche

12 h: Life’s a bench. 4.-7.3
Fiona Jane Hermse, You-Hua Hsieh, Tamsin Leighton-Boyce, Mikaela Lyons, Katharina Moch, Katherine Richmond, Elena Ruebel, Rickson Salkeld, Chuchart Sarunnayawatsin, Ching-Chih Tseng, Shadi Vossough,
Studio K162 Renate Scholz,
Klugstraße 162,
Tel. 089-1577231
Do-Sa 12-19, So 12-16 h              (

necklace_2+chu dans Alexander BLANK (DE)Mikaela+Lyons+Ecklectika+Collection dans Allemagne (DE)
Chuchart Sarunnayawatsin                     Mikaela Lyons

13 h: Ishikawa, Maljojoki, Steinau-Streinrück, Borgegård, in memoriam Ho Sook Sinding  (Aud Charlotte Ho Sook Sinding). 4.-7.3.,
Frauenstr. 36,
Tel. 0179-2047433, mit Van de Velde im Auto -  13-16 h

9 dans Amandine MEUNIER (FR)
Mia Maljojoki - ‘Lollipops in the woods – Bites from everyday’

16 h: schmuck krönt das schöne. 4.3-7.3
Claudia Milic, Ingrid Römmich, Veronika Schmidt
Schlegelschmuck München, Nordendstr.7a,
Tel. 089-2710071
Do 16-19 h
Fr, Sa 11-18, So 11-14 h

17 h: The Box4.-7.3
Bette, Adrean Bloomard, Förster, Hilbert, Kallfelz, Helfried Kodré, Lisca, Fabrizio Tridenti, Flora Vagi, Luzia Vogt, Weber, Florian Weichsberger
Maurer-Zilioli – Contemporary Arts, Brescia, zu Gast bei
Kunstbüro Reillplast, Amalienstraße 21, 80331 München,
Tel. 0179-1023868,
Helfried Kodré (AT) – brooch                     Luzia Vogt – brooch 

Brosche, 2. Preis
Florian Weichsberger - broche

17 h: Dear James. 5.-7.3
Christine Graf, Lisa Juen, Toni Mayner, Patrick McMillan, Kathryn Partington, Jessica Worley.
Atelier Klarastr.1,
Tel. 0160-94957212, .
11-17 h

(cf article « Message in a jewel …..” (chanson bien connue) – “Dear JAMES”)
The JAMES Exchange

18 h: Bettina Dittlmann und Michael Jank. 5.-25.3
Galerie Isabella Hund, Frauenplatz 13,
Tel. 089-29160717
Mo-Fr 11-14 und 15-19, Sa 11-18 h18 h: Dormitory_Bauleitung_Laboratorio. Schmuck im Schlafrock aus 7 Ländern.
Atelier Stach, Welserstr. 29a,
Tel. 0174-8050333,
Fr 5.3. 11-18, Sa 6.3.11-13 h

18-22 h: Sam Tho Duong und Nils Schmalenbach. 4.-9.3
Schmuckgalerie tal20, Tal 20, 80331 München,
Tel: 089-24231491
Mo-Fr 11-19, Sa 10-16 h

18 h: Eternal shine – it´s not a pony. 5.-7.3.
Nicole Beck, Melanie Isverding, Constanze Schreiber, Florian Weichsberger
Projektraum J. Baumeister, Georgenstr. 66, 80799 München
Tel. 0176-23112592
Fr 12-18, Sa 11-16, So 11-18 h
Florian Weichsberger


18.30 h: Daniel Kruger. 4.3.-25.4.
Galerie Biro, Zieblandstr. 19,
Tel. 089-2730686,
Di-Sa 14-18 h

Daniel-Kruger dans Anna EICHLINGER (DE)
Daniel Krüger - brooch


19 h: AAVISTUS. 5.-7.3
Tiina Rajakallio, Tarja Tuupanen, Maria Vuorinen.
84 GHz Kultur im Keller, Georgenstr. 84, 80799 München,
Tel. 089-30637911
12-20 h


>5.3. Friday

10 h: Across borders. 5.-8.3
Leila Arzaghi, Lydia Hirte, Yoko Izawa, Christiana Jöckel, Sangeun Kim,
Studio Gabi Green, Gollierstr. 17, Tel. 089-54030254
10-18 h

17 h: õhuLoss / luftSchloss / spatialPalace. 5.-7.3
Kadri Mälk, Tanel Veenre, Piret Hirv, Eve Margus-Villems, Kristiina Laurits, Villu Plink
Alter Nordfriedhof, Arcisstr. 45,
Tel. 089- 2720526 (Friedhof),
Tel. 00372-5223595 (Kadri Mälk)
Fr 17-21, Sa-So 12-18 h

(cf article « Estonian jewellery« )


17 h: 2 Münchener Goldschmiede +1 junger Star. 5-12.3
Peter Müller, Dagmar Stühler, Mirjam Hiller.
Galerie Stühler bei Winterberg-Kunst, Barerstr. 46, 80333 München,
Tel. 0177-8817633
5.3. 17-23h, 6.-12.3. 12-18 h

17 h: “mine x mine”. 5.-9.3
Mikiko Minewaki und Yutaka Minegishi
WITTENBRINKFuenfhoefe, Theatinerstr. 14,
Tel: 089-25541933
12-19 h

18 h: Cagnes-sur-Mer hors les murs präsentiert Also known as jewellery, 3.-9.3
a travelling exhibition of French contemporary jewellery.
Baloge, Boucher, Boyer-Pellerej, Braham, Brugger, Deltenre, Grimonprez, Hanagarth, Kampfert, Lacoste, Le Gal, Lehmann, Marguier, Meunier, Natier, Perret, Traon.
L’institut Français, Kaulbachstraße 13,
Tel. 089-2866280
9-21 h18 h: Dialogue 8. 5.-7.3
P. Bishai, A, Death, R. Gilbert, B. Humphries, J. Patterson, J. Robinson, P. Scura, Timothy Information Limited, R. Terry, A. Toch.
Kunstgießerei Schwabing, Schleißheimer Str. 72, with 84 GHz,
Fr 18-21 h, Sa-So 12-20 h

19 h: Jewellery Mia Maljojoki bei “Meisterschüler 2010“ 6.-14.3.
Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, Galerie der Künstler, Maximilianstr. 42, 80538 München,
Mi-Sa 14-19 h

20 h: Iris Eichenberg : Birds and flowers of Michigan.  5.3.-24.4
Galerie Spektrum, Theresienstr. 46,
Tel. 089-284590,Di-Fr 13-19, Sa 11-14,
7.3. Special opening12-18 h
Iris EichenbergBrooch

> 6.3. Saturday

11 h: Returning to the Jewel is a Return from Exile 2. 6.-7.3.
Robert Baines, Karl Fritsch, Gerd Rothmann, präsentiert von Galerie Biro,
Einsäulen-Saal Münchner Residenz, Residenzstr. 1,
Tel. 089-2730686
11-18 h

11 h: 3 x GOLD. 6-8.3.
Florian Buddeberg, Anna Eichlinger, Irene Gonzalez,
Bergmannstr. 28,
Tel. 0173-5926015
Sa u.Mo 11-16, So 11-18 h
Neue Messe München Halle A1, Aktionsbühne

16 h: Talente-Preis Verleihung
17 h: Herbert-Hofmann-Preis Verleihung
20 h: Jewellery Get-together
Augustiner Großgaststätten, Neuhauserstr. 27
Tel. 089-23183257

> 7.3. Sunday

12-19 h: Die Kunst des Abschieds. 31.1.-30.4
Bettina Speckner, Thomas Kammerl und andere…bei Gastroph und Jünger: w e i s s ….über den tod hinaus,
Hans-Sachs-Str. 3,
Tel. 0176-62483342
Mo-Fr 11-19, Sa 11-16 h

12 h: Claus Bury – Maßstabssprünge. 9.3.-13.6.
Die Neue Sammlung – The International
Design Museum Munich, im Neuen Museum für Kunst und Design, Klarissenplatz, 90402 Nürnberg,
Tel. 089-2727250 u. 0911-240200,,
Di-Fr 10-20, Sa u.So 10-18 h

15-18 h: Finissagentag “Iron Man” 4.2.-7.3
Volker Atrops.
Antiquariat Dieter Zipprich, Zieblandstr. 2, 80799 München
Tel. 02845-609956
Mo-Sa 9-13 h

>> Download the complete program of events
(MERCI à Klimt02)

Rings rings rings rings !!!!!

YES ! I DO love rings, why ???
OUI OUI OUI, j’aime les bagues !

Viens de « tomber » sur une page de bagues, toutes plus créatives, plus fantaisistes, plus drôles, plus imaginatives les unes que les autres ! Je ne peux résister à la tentation de « poster » tout cela ici, avec mes remerciements au blog (ou au site ?) « popgloss » (qui propose une section « rings », une « necklaces », « bracelets » et « jewelry » avec des choix TRES consistants !)
ring Andi Velgosrings - Yoko IZAWA - veiled rings

Andi Velgos rings  —- Yoko IZAWA - veiled rings

Rings rings rings rings !!!!! dans Andi VELGOS (US) legorings

Lego Silver Rings Will Brick Your Marriage – « The only rings I’ve ever liked are nipple rings, The Lord of the Rings, and Ringo Starr. I love these silver Lego rings, though. You can customize them putting any brick you want on top- As you can see in the gallery, you can use any Lego brick or piece you want to change their appearance. They come in three different models. Ah, if I only knew when I asked the two ex-wives to marry me. (Gizmodo blog) » (rings by « Edition Mathea (DE) »)

Message in a ring …….. (chanson bien connue …  Cool)
Colleen Baran 'i miss you' ring 2008rings - inner message ring - Jungyun Yoon
Colleen BARAN - « I miss you the second you leave » ring  (message in a ring … ;-) ) – shop it on ETSY
Jungyun Yoon (Korea) created this Inner Message Ring, a metal band with raised text on the inside surface. After a while, the message « Marry Me » and « Always » will imprint itself on the wearer’s finger.

Le SUMMUM du kitsh …. pour ne pas dire du « mauvais goût » …. mais quel est le bon, et quel est le mauvais ???  j’avoue que je suis assez « fan » du kitsch, et qu’entre une bague très classique ‘BCBG’ et ça, je préférerai « ça » (hééééé oui ! on ne se refait pas ! ;-)

Felicity paters ringrings- Silicone and plastic sexrings by Florian Brune & Nina Wohlke !
Felicity Peters (AU) ring ‘too many hats to wear’, sterling silver, 24ct gold diamonds, mixed media
Florian Brune & Nina Wohlke  – Silicone and plastic « sexrings » (un autre aspect de la « vie de tous les jours » ! Cool)

 dans Brigit DAAMEN (NL)
Sherry Cordova – recycled bottles glass rings  - euuhhh …. (c’est du lard … pardon, de l’art, ou du cochon ? parce que sur le site, y’a pas de quoi casser 3 pattes à un canard ! c’est pour ça que je ne mets même pas de lien ! les bouteilles, c’est un clin-d’oeil, le reste, c’est … triste :-( )

rings - face rings - dillon designrings- face rings - sehnsucht tillyrings- face rings - fornasetti
FACE rings serie :  Dillon Design – Face ring –  Sehnsucht Tilly face rings -  AND … Fornasetti !

MI-MI MOSCOW - Double ring 'EAST & WEST' 2006rings - handshake stamp-
Mi-Mi MOSCOW - Double ring ‘EAST & WEST’ 2006  (eux,  j’ADORE ce qu’ils font ! une imagination débridée, un humour grinçant, un coup de pied à tous les clichés & idées reçues de la société, rien que du BONHEUR ! :-) )
« Afroditi«  (UK) -  handshake stamp ring
felt ringrings - recycled paper rings by MIETTErings- transparent - martina christoffel
felt rings  (at
MIETTE« déjà lu » recycled paper rings  (allez voir le reste ! rafraichissant et réjouissant – Une Slovaque à Paris ? ;-) )à voir aussi sur
Martina Christoffel (CH) – bagues transparentes ‘Folie’
Mixko ringscityscape rings by CYNOSURE JEWELRY
MIXKO (UK) Barbie inspired collection of Barby, Cindie, and Ken heads rings cast in bone china - Pas moyen d’échapper à Barbie !!! à croire que notre génération a un compte à régler ….. ;-)
Cynosure Jewelry (Canada)  « Cityscape » rings

Bon, je crois que je vais m’arrêter là, c’est un puits sans fond !! :-)

Allez voir « l’album » « Ring a ring » pour voir d’autres bagues, plus de bagues, encore des bagues, more rings ! :-)


EXPO ‘Across borders’ Yoko IZAWA jewelry, Studio Gabi Green, Munich (DE) 5-8 MARS 2010

Classé dans : Allemagne (DE),COUP DE COEUR,Exposition/Exhibition,VIDEO,Yoko IZAWA (JP) — bijoucontemporain @ 19:48

Léger et ludique, coloré et joyeux, l’air « tout simple » mais une très jolie idée ! J’achète ! :-)
yoko izawa - necklace 'small petals' veiled serieyoko izawa - veiled rings
Yoko IZAWA - necklace ‘small petals’ – veiled serie  — veiled rings


« inro » is a flexible knitted tube band worn on the wrist. People can put an object / objects into inro, or can put them within the plastic cases in which inro was packed.
The characteristics of inro are that the form changes depending on what the user puts in because of its adaptability, and that the purpose of its use also changes. It can be a watchstrap, a container like a pill case, or simply an accessory.


Studio Gabi Green
Gollierstrasse 17
D-80339 münchen
tel: +49 89 / 54 03 02 54


video Yoko Izawa (CraftsCouncil) :  Image de prévisualisation YouTube

Image de prévisualisation YouTube

Image de prévisualisation YouTube