Melting Point 2014 VALENCIA (Spain) – 8-11 Mai 2014

The aim of this meeting is still the same than before: “…for one week the EASD Valencia and the whole city become the meeting point for artists, designers, experts, collectors, scholars and broad audiences interested in jewellery in southern Europe”. However, we would like to include a further ambitious goal: that is, to consolidate and strengthen our position in the national and international scene as a cultural, artistic, academic and professional reference for Spanish contemporary jewellery. We do not claim to be a trade fair, it is not our task. Hence, our goal is to spread the work of our students and the current projection of jewellery regarding language, profession, function or symbolism.
Finally, we would like to invite you to visit Melting Point València. Joieria Contemporània 2014, in order to meet us, to learn from all the projects you can find here during these days, and to enjoy the jewellery as well as Valencia city. This is an experience we want to share with you.

Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí
Poeta Querol,2
46002 Valencia
Martes a sábado de 10.00 a 14.00 h y de 16.00 a 20.00 h. Domingos de 10.00 a 14.00 h.
tel +34 963 51 63 92
Centre del Carme
Calle Museo, 2,
46003 Valencia
tel +34 963 15 20 24
Martes a domingo de 11.00 a 19.00 h