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Melting Point 2014 VALENCIA (Spain) – 8-11 Mai 2014

Melting Point Valencia 2014

The Jewellery Department of the School of Art and Design College of Valencia (EASD) will organise the second edition of the so-called “Melting Point Valencia. Joieria Contemporània 2014” next May. In 2012 we celebrated, due to the first Melting Point, the tenth anniversary of the implementation of the Jewellery Department and jewellery studies in our centre. The experience was fruitful in terms of the participation of institutions and jewellers, the quality of the papers presented and the exchange of experiences and contacts made during those days. Thus, we really want to take advantage of the opportunity to repeat this experience.
The aim of this meeting is still the same than before: “…for one week the EASD Valencia and the whole city become the meeting point for artists, designers, experts, collectors, scholars and broad audiences interested in jewellery in southern Europe”. However, we would like to include a further ambitious goal: that is, to consolidate and strengthen our position in the national and international scene as a cultural, artistic, academic and professional reference for Spanish contemporary jewellery. We do not claim to be a trade fair, it is not our task. Hence, our goal is to spread the work of our students and the current projection of jewellery regarding language, profession, function or symbolism.
Melting Point 2014
For this 2014 edition we have the honour to offer a wide diversity of exhibitions, conferences and other activities by highly reputed institutions such as the National Museum of Ceramics and Sumptuary Arts González Martí, or the Octubre Centre for Contemporary Culture.
We want to highlight the participation of Peter Bauhuis, Ursula Guttmann, Gisbert and Rose Stach. (Germany), Museum of Turnov (Czech Republic), Villa de Bondt Gallery (Belgium), Natalia Saldías (Chile), Alchimia School (Italy), Maden Studio (Turkey), University of Lincoln (United Kingdom), La Basilica Gallery (Barcelona), Taller Perill (Barcelona) or EAD Tarragona, among others.
Melting Point 2014
We also want to emphasise the relevance that this ancient discipline stands beyond our borders nowadays, on the artistic, educational and professional levels. Concerning this, we would like to ask the appropriate educational authorities for the deserved transition of the jewellery studies to a Degree level, following the same direction that other countries around our cultural and economic environment took years ago. This way, our professionals will no longer be in an inferior position when compared to the students of other European Union countries. In addition, as this demand is feasible due to the fact that human resources and programs already exist, we just need a political action.
Finally, we would like to invite you to visit Melting Point València. Joieria Contemporània 2014, in order to meet us, to learn from all the projects you can find here during these days, and to enjoy the jewellery as well as Valencia city. This is an experience we want to share with you. 
Antonio Sánchez García
EASD València
*Salón de Actos
*Sala de Exposiciones
C/ Pintor Domingo, 20
46001 – Valencia
Tel. 963 156 700 Fax. 963 156 701

Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí
Poeta Querol,2
46002 Valencia
Martes a sábado de 10.00 a 14.00 h y de 16.00 a 20.00 h. Domingos de 10.00 a 14.00 h.
tel +34 963 51 63 92


Centre del Carme
Calle Museo, 2,
46003 Valencia
tel +34 963 15 20 24
Martes a domingo de 11.00 a 19.00 h

tel +34 657 64 68 61
MAP - with MUVIM, Museo Ceramica - train station & Mercado ! :-)MAP – with MUVIM, Museo Ceramica – train station & Mercado ! :-)


DECOUVERTE : Ioanna Natsikou from Alchimia

Classé dans : ALCHIMIA (IT),Ioanna NATSIKOU (GR) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:30

Graduations works 2013  (Alchimia scuola di gioielleria, Florence, Italy) :

Ioanna Natsikou from Athens has created a series of necklaces based on photographs of her own body. The result is seductive and sensual and she has been chosen for the Marzee graduation show in August in Holland.

Ioanna Natsikou

Ioanna Natsikou 06

Ioanna Natsikou

Ioanna Natsikou

Ioanna Natsikou - Alchimia scuola di gioielleria, Florence, Italy - necklace, Epithumia, 2013, transparent film, plastic, vinylIoanna Natsikou -  necklace, Epithumia, 2013, transparent film, plastic, vinyl

Ioanna Natsikou at MarzeeIoanna Natsikou at Marzee graduation show 2013


EXPO ‘ECCOCI’ – Blue Chair Café, Victoria (Australia) – 22 Nov-1st Dec 2013

ECCOCI (« Here we are !! ») :   An exhibition featuring students from Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School in Florence, Italy.  12 Jewellers, from 9 different countries, showing a distinct range of jewellery all available for sale. Opening night – Friday 22nd November 7pm

ECCOCI - at Blue Chair  - 22 Nov-1st Dec 2013

12 Jewellers, from 9 different countries :   Amani Bou DarghamCarla Movia — Daria Borovkova — Elena GilFederica SalaFrancesco Coda — Kyla Murrihy (Curator) — Lilian MattuschkaLucy Clark — María Ignacia Walker — Melissa AriasSana Khalil

  Amani Bou Dargham (Alchimia 2012-13)Amani Bou Dargham – wood rings

EXPO ECCOCI - Amani Bou Dargham (Alchimia)
Amani Bou Dargham
Lilian Mattuschka anelli 2013
Federica Sala (Alchimia 2013)
Federica Sala  Frogs. Ring. 2012. Plastic Balloon, Lattex, Silver, Emerald.
EXPO ECCOCI - Federica Sala (Alchimia)

Federica SalaElena Gil, 2013  Flamboyant, Brooch. Sterling silver, plexiglass, steel and resin-dipped cotton buds.

Elena Gil, 2013  Flamboyant, Brooch. Sterling silver, plexiglass, steel and resin-dipped cotton buds.

Maria Ignacia Walker (Alchimia) ECCOCI exhibition
Maria Ignacia Walker





Blue ChairCafe
611 Nepean Hwy, Carrum,
Victoria, Australia 3197 (just outside of Melbourne !)


EXPO ‘PATTERN’ – Eleni Marneri Gallery, Athens (GR) – 6 Sept.-5 Oct. 2013


All artists are Alchimia alumni : Anna Drexel — Azahara Santoro — Chiara Cavallo — Enrica Prazzoli — Francesca Urciuoli — Lavinia Rossetti — Lena Grabher — Nur Terun — Valentina Caporali

  PATTERN Exhibition at Marneri Gallery

Anna Drexel - Necklace. Photo from alchimiablog.comAnna Drexel – Necklace (the pieces are wearable in their original state or in the broken one, and some pieces as a ring and a bracelet have to be broken in order to become wearable)

Azahara Santoro - BroochAzahara Santoro – Brooch  (Azahara was an exchange student from Valencia and she was the one to install her ‘private garden’ at Alchimia’s window, which is also the main picture on the exhibition’s poster (fishing wire and and about 200 cups filled with color, plants, objects and personal memories)

"sign language" brooch by Enrica PrazzoliEnrica Prazzoli – Brooch « sign language »
5 Lempesi str
11742 Athènes
tel 210 8619488, 210 8668195


EXPO ‘Delirio & Cordura’ – Centro Cultural Scuola Italiana, Santiago (Chile) – 8 Aout-13 Sept. 2013

Delirio & Cordura – 8-08/13-09 – Centro Cultural Scuola Italiana

Delirio & Cordura - 8-08/13-09
El Centro Cultural Scuola inaugurará el día jueves 8 de Agosto a las 19:30 horas la muestra de Joyería Contemporánea “Delirio y Cordura”. La exposición está conformada por las obras de 26 joyeros, 16 chilenos y 10 de diferentes nacionalidades quienes actualmente están estudiando en la prestigiosa escuela de joyería Alchimia en Florencia, Italia.
Para la muestra, cada orfebre se inspiró en la temática sobre el delirio y la cordura, escogiendo uno o ambos conceptos, por tanto la armonía y equilibrio versus la locura e irracionalidad de las formas, colores, materiales, fueron el motor creativo de cada joya. « Nos gusta mantener delirio y cordura separados mutuamente. Hay espacios para el orden, como las universidades, y también hay momentos para la locura, como el carnaval. Pero ¿Qué pasaría si estuvieran juntos? », es la reflexión que plantearon este grupo de orfebres y que se ve reflejada en este montaje. Cabe recalcar que en esta muestra el trabajo de los diferentes materiales utilizados (plata, oro, cobre, piedras, acrílicos, ceras, cerámicas, entre otros) y técnicas con que se realizó cada joya, dan forma a diversas piezas que destacan por su creatividad, complejidad, manufactura y destreza que trascienden lo meramente ornamental, convirtiéndose en objetos exclusivos y únicos que dan cuenta del estado de la joyería contemporánea.
La exposición estará disponible en la Sala Terracota del Centro Cultural Scuola Italiana del 8 de Agosto hasta el 13 de Septiembre. .
Centro Cultural Scuola Italiana
exponen : Carolina GimenoCarolina Hornauer — Claudia Correa — Claudio Pino — Francisco Ceppi — Gabriela Fissore — Maria Eugenia Muñoz — Nicolas Hernandez — Paola Raggo — Paulina Jaschan — Pia Walker — Rafaella Pruzzo — Rocco Napoli — Veronica Perez Artigas — Valentina RosenthalWalka Studio — Yessica Bordon
Carolina Hornaüer -  …”Todos saben bien, seguro, un importante secreto, excepto individuos de un estilo como yo. Nos mecemos en la ilusión de que afuera hay un espacio libre para los fuera de lo común. Es claro el impulso interior y el anhelo de vivir igual que todos. Tu ves que por ejemplo todos los autistas estamos de acuerdo en saber que rodeados de gente estamos solos como nadie en el mundo”…
Carolina Hornaüer -  …”Todos saben bien, seguro, un importante secreto, excepto individuos de un estilo como yo. Nos mecemos en la ilusión de que afuera hay un espacio libre para los fuera de lo común. Es claro el impulso interior y el anhelo de vivir igual que todos. Tu ves que por ejemplo todos los autistas estamos de acuerdo en saber que rodeados de gente estamos solos como nadie en el mundo”…

expo DELIRIO y CORDURA - brooch by ... ?WALKA STUDIOHorn, goldplated brooch

Pia Walker Foto: Karen Clunes
Pia Walker - Foto: Karen Clunes
Paola Raggo y sus "Delirios nocturnos", estarán presentes en la muestra "Delirio y Cordura" Fotografía: Karen Clunes

Paola Raggo y sus « Delirios nocturnos »- Fotografía: Karen Clunes

Carolina Gimeno - muestra "Delirio y Cordura"
Carolina Gimeno
Gabriela Fissore  "De la cordura me quedo con el COR (del latín corazón) Antiguamente se pensaba que en el corazón yacían las facultades de la memoria, era el centro de la vida interior, en donde se ubicaban sentimientos, pensamiento, voluntad. Tres piezas que muestran parte de este corazón. Abstracción de arterias coronarias."
Gabriela Fissore  uno de los colgantes que presento en la expo « delirio o cordura »-  plata, cobre, laca japonesa - « De la cordura me quedo con el COR (del latín corazón) Antiguamente se pensaba que en el corazón yacían las facultades de la memoria, era el centro de la vida interior, en donde se ubicaban sentimientos, pensamiento, voluntad. Tres piezas que muestran parte de este corazón. Abstracción de arterias coronarias. »
Claudio Pino - Interactive Mirror 14k Gold, 925 Silver, mirror, pearls, opals. 2012
Claudio Pino – Interactive Mirror 14k Gold, 925 Silver, mirror, pearls, opals. 2012


Sala Terracota del Centro Cultural Scuola Italiana
Avenida Las Flores 12707
San Carlos de Apoquindo
Las Condes – Chile
Mayor información contactar a Ma. Gabriela Castillo Coordinadora Centro Cultural Scuola Italiana 2 5927544
Lunes a Viernes de 8 a 17 hrs.
tel Fono: (56) 02 5927544


Alchimia Graduation show 2013 – Florence (Italy) – 20-21-22 Juin 2013

Alchimia Graduation show 2013

we are
What makes us human?
We analyse, we process, we try, we fail, we try again, we develop, we change direction, we fail, we gather our strength again, we start all over.
We look at things upside down gaining new perspectives.
This is how we grow.
Going through this cycle over an over makes us human.
This is how we create, how we create jewellery.
Using our experiences, thoughts, impressions, our life.

Alchimia graduation show 2013

11 students [ ] are presenting their graduation work in an exciting installation in the Alchimia front gallery. An installation to demonstrate their state of mind, their continuos research, their acceptance of failure as a neccessary condition for growth, their desire to grow, and their curiosity in the existant and the maybe ……..

And of course there will be the final work of the second and the first year on show.
Three days of contemporary jewellery to explore in the stunning location of Alchimia school in Piazza Piattellina 3/r.

We expect you for the opening on June 20, from 5 to 10p.m.

Anna DrexelAnna Drexel

Lena GrabherLena Grabher

Ioanna Natsikou 06Ioanna Natsikou

Alchimia school
Piazza Piattellina 3/r
50124 Florence, Italy
tel +39 055 223218


Belles rencontres à JOYA : Valentina Caprini

Valentina Caprini, son immense sourire, son prénom au charme si désuet, la chemise en dentelle de sa grand-mère, « pizzi e merletti » …., ses coups de fard charmants, et, surtout, surtout, ses bijoux et leur histoire ….. leur histoire qui m’a tellement touché, faisant écho à ma propre histoire, jusque dans ce final en éclatement de rouge, cette « Rinascita » couleur de vie ….
séquence émotion

« Jewellery is Therapy
The act of making gives the possibility to take out what is unconfortable to keep inside.
The work and the self are strictly linked, what you live and what you make are going in the same direction.
My original project was about old fabric, mostly lace.
While I was making my own lace its structure started to become like a cell structure, thousands of meters of threads to materialize what was happening in my own life.
I treat my pieces as I do with my body.
The body becomes the support of its own representation, its re-birth. »

Comme une moderne Pénélope, tirant tissant brodant le fil, mètre après mètre, y incluant médicaments et pilules, comme pour mieux parvenir à sa guérison, comme des gris-gris, de petites conjurations du mal qui, peu à peu, se dilueront avec le temps, patiemment déroulant le fil, du temps, de la vie, de l’ouvrage, tirant de soi, au propre comme au figuré, le mal, la patience, le travail, le temps, la « parole », car cet ouvrage est parole, expression de soi, partant du pâle exsangue pour arriver au trop plein de sang de la guérison, de la vie ………

oui, « jewellery is therapy », et d’ailleurs chaque bijou porte un nom de médicament ……

  Valentina CapriniValentina Caprini « Ampilisa » detail

Valentina Caprini - Soliris - Necklace -   1000 Meters of Acid Yellow Thread, Pills, 18kt Gold - 2012  Necklace    1000 Meters of Acid Yellow Thread, Pills, 18kt Gold    2012Valentina Caprini - « Soliris » – Necklace -   1000 Meters of Acid Yellow Thread, Pills, 18kt Gold – 2012 Valentina Caprini - Ampilisa  Necklace -   1800 Meters of Yellow Thread, Pills    2012

Valentina Caprini – « Ampilisa »  Necklace -   1800 Meters of Yellow Thread, Pills    2012

Valentina caprini - "Purus" exhibition - AlchimiaValentina Caprini – at « Purus » exhibition – Alchimia

Valentina Caprini (Alchimia) "Roxene" - Necklace -   2000 Meters of Red Thread, Pills  2012Valentina Caprini (Alchimia) « Roxene » – Necklace -   2000 Meters of Red Thread, Pills  2012

Valentina Caprini (exhibited at "Purus" Alchimia 2012)Valentina Caprini (exhibited at « Purus » Alchimia 2012) (details with medicine pills)

Valentina Caprini (Alchimia 2012)Valentina Caprini - « Rinascita » necklace – 1300 Meters of Red Thread


JOYA 2012 Barcelona – 11-12-13 Oct. 2012 : ESCUELAS / SCHOOLS – Internacional

at JOYA Barcelona 2012 – ESCUELAS  -  Internacional

(see also this post : JOYA 2012 Barcelona – 11-12-13 Oct. 2012)

Joya Barcelona 2012

Alchimia (Italy):
JOYA Semana de la Joyería Contemporánea de Barcelona  - Sam Hamilton (Alchimia)Sam Hamilton (Alchimia)
JOYA Semana de la Joyería Contemporánea de Barcelona -  Izabella Petrut (Alchimia)Izabella Petrut (Alchimia)
JOYA Semana de la Joyería Contemporánea de Barcelona -   Giulia Savino (Alchimia)Giulia Savino (Alchimia)
JOYA Semana de la Joyería Contemporánea de Barcelona  -  Weronika Marek (Alchimia)Weronika Marek (Alchimia)
JOYA Semana de la Joyería Contemporánea de Barcelona  - Valentina Caprini (Alchimia)Valentina Caprini (Alchimia)
JOYA 2012 Barcelona – 11-12-13 Oct. 2012 : ESCUELAS / SCHOOLS - Internacional dans ALCHIMIA (IT) davison
Patrick davison (Alchimia)
Ar.Co (Portugal) :
Typhaine Le Monnier -  Ar.Co School - JOYA 2012Typhaine Le Monnier Ar.Co School
Ar.Co School - JOYA 2012 - Natalia OlarteNatalia OlarteAr.Co School 
at JOYA 2012 - Wang Zhenghong - China Academy of ArtWang ZhenghongChina Academy of Art
Zhou XiaoChina Academy of Art
Zhang Lan - China Academy of Art - JOYA 2012Zhang LanChina Academy of Art

JOYA Semana de la Joyería Contemporánea de Barcelona -   Shana Teugels -  Sint Lucas Antwerpen SchoolShana TeugelsSint Lucas Antwerpen School

Sint Lucas Antwerpen School - JOYA 2012 - Sandra BuyckSandra BuyckSint Lucas Antwerpen School

Sint Lucas Antwerpen School - JOYA 2012 - Charlotte van de VeldeCharlotte van de VeldeSint Lucas Antwerpen School


JOYA 2012 Barcelona – 11-12-13 Oct. 2012

 JOYA Barcelona 2012


Pour vous mettre l’eau à la bouche en avant-première, de TRES TRES belles sélections !!

Yannick Mur necklace -   at JOYA 2012 in BarcelonaYannick Mur (France)

Solveig Linke -     will be at JOYA 2012 BarcelonaSolveig Linke

Sabine Muller  - at JOYA 2012 BarcelonaSabine Muller

Jee Hye Kwon - will be at JOYA 2012 BarcelonaJee Hye Kwon
Seul-Gi KwonSeulGi Kwon
JOYA Barcelona 2012 - 'PERSIAN CALLIGRAPHY' Necklace; copper and brass MOHSEN AMINI (Iran, 1981) His collection is inspired in Persian calligraphy: "I don’t intent to create the past. The notion of 'human' in contrast with tradition and modernity is my concern. With my fascination for the power of the word, I analyze the appearance of the words and create an abstract, personal aesthetic form. Mohsen Amini (Iran) – ‘PERSIAN CALLIGRAPHY’ Necklace; copper and brass
Dorit Schubert - so delicate work !   JOYA Semana de la Joyería Contemporánea de Barcelona   -  (La Basilica Gallery) -Dorit Schubert (presentée par la Basilica Gallery)
La Basilica Gallery qui présentera également, entre autres, Ineke Otte, Hee Joo Kim , Yeehyung Chung, Walter Chen, Seul Gi KwonMalgosia Kalinska, Karolina Bik, Jacek Byczewski, ……
Malgosia Kalinska ringMalgosia Kalinska
Liana Pattihis, Elizabete Ludviks et Florence Croisier, qui risquent de nous retenir dans leurs rets, enchainées …. de bonheur !
Florence Croisier ( at JOYA 2012 in Barcelona)Florence Croisier
Joya Barcelona 2012 - Guest Artist - Liana PattihisLiana Pattihis
Niki StylianouNiki Stylianou qui nous vient de Grèce
Daniela Boieri et Marzia Rossi qui nous viennent d’Alchimia Gallery ….. avec aussi leur dernière « fournée » d’élèves, toujours aussi talentueux : Catalina Gibert (et ses citrons !), Hana Choi, Lavinia Rossetti, Lena Grabher, Sam Hamilton, Carla Movia, Valentina Caprini etc ….
Daniela Boieri -  at JOYA 2012 at BarcelonaDaniela Boieri
Marzia Rossi Brooch: Spinosa 2011  German silver, tourmaline.  See more of Marzia's work on her site:

Marzia Rossi brooch

"Joyas de espuma" Catalina Gibert Nadal, Brooches, 2012Catalina Gibert « Joyas de espuma » , Brooches, 2012
Carla Movia - Alchimia - at JOYA 2012Carla Movia
PURUS' COLLECTION  VALENTINA CAPRINI (Italy)Valentina Caprini – « Roxene » – Necklace -   2000 Meters of Red Thread, Pills  2012
Hana Choi - Alchimia - at JOYA 2012Hana Choi
Sam Hamilton (Alchimia) - 'Swimming in Praise' necklace - resin, acrylic pigment, silver, nylon cord - 2012Sam Hamilton  – ‘Swimming in Praise’ necklace – resin, acrylic pigment, silver, nylon cord – 2012
au « rayon » « géométrique & structuré », beaucoup de très belles propositions :
Iro Kaskani - the space in betweenIro Kaskani
Stephanie Bates   - at JOYA 2012 Barcelona Stephanie Bates
'TRESB'    Anillo, plata y cera perdida    JIMENA BELLO (Alemania, 1973)Jimena Bello
Ruth Laird
Ruth Laird   (Scotland)
et puis de « l’organique », pour que tous les goûts soient contentés …
Hee Joo Kim - at JOYA 2012 Barcelona, presented by La Basílica GaleríaHee Joo Kim (detail) (presentée par la Basilica Gallery)
Viktoria Münzker - (Yellow and blue broch, 2012) at JOYA 2013 ????? hope so !!Viktoria Munzker Yellow and blue broch, 2012
NEW !! présence de l’AGC, Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo, qui présentera entre autres : Angelo LomuscioChiara ScarpittiElisabetta DupreGigi MarianiGraziano Barzetti — le Gruppo A4 (Maria Cristina Fabbri, Pino Lena & Gerhard Franken) — Maura BiamontiLuisa Bruni –  Heidemarie HerbStefano Rossi ………..
Gigi Mariani - JOYA Semana de la Joyería Contemporánea de Barcelona  - AGC Italia -ring « Alone » by Gigi Mariani
Heidemarie Herb - will be at JOYA 2012 BarcelonaHeidemarie Herb  Rings: Collerction herb’s garden 2012  Organic fragment, resin, ag
JOYA 2012 Barcelona - 11-12-13 Oct. 2012 dans AGC Italia galleries-rossi
Stefano Rossi shibuichi brooch
et ceci n’est qu’un avant-goût très partiel et non impartial !! :-)
Catalogue JOYA 2012 - 128 pages
Catalogue JOYA 2012 – 128 pages


Sur un fil rouge …. Poly Nikolopoulou

Classé dans : ALCHIMIA (IT),COUP DE COEUR,Grece (GR),Poly NIKOLOPOULOU (GR) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:02

Poly Nikolopoulou (Alchimia 2005-2007) : « My work is a way of communicate with the people and also with myself …
When I am making a piece, is very important the process, the feelings that I am experimenting at the moment and all the energy that those are reflecting in each object; the mistake of the moment, is something that I enjoy and I support from my work. I like the idea of making something that when is finished can give me different images, ideas, forms and the complete definition of my concept.
I prefer to use hard materials like silver, playing with the hammer and with the fire obtaining as an outcome shapes and colors that make them alive… sometimes in an abstract way or another in figurative. »

 Poly NikolopoulouPoly Nikolopoulou

Poly Nikolopoulou

poly nikolopoulou.

        Sur un fil rouge .... Poly Nikolopoulou dans ALCHIMIA (IT) pyrgos my-castle dans COUP DE COEUR     i-allagi dans Grece (GR)

Poly Nikolopoulou

ooops ! … il a dû tomber du fil rouge …………. ;-)
