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Melting Point 2016 VALENCIA (Spain) – EXPO ‘Formation/Formaciò/Formación’ – EASD, Valencia (SP) – 21 Avril-22 Mai 2016

Al Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de València (EASD)

Formation / Formaciò / Formación

Inauguración: jueves 21 a las 12h.

   Melting Point Valencia 2016

 Melting Point 2016


18 escuelas europeas ! : Escola d’Art i Disseny Tarragona — AFAD Bratislava (Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava) — Escola Municipal d’Art Arsenal — University of Lincoln (GB) — Escuela de Arte de Zaragoza — Maden Studio Istambul (TR) — Escola Massana (Barcelona)-Centre d’Art i Disseny — Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest — Escuela de Arte de Murcia — Hochschule TrierEscola d’Art La Industrial (Barcelona) — Escola Superior de Disseny Illes Balears — Estonian Academy of ArtsHochschule Pforzheim — EAS de Palencia-Mariano Timón – Llotja-Escola Superior de Disseny i Art Escuela de Arte 3 (Madrid) — Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de València
EASD - Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de València. Calle Pintor Domingo, 20
Calle Pintor Domingo, 20.
Lunes a viernes: 8 a 21h. Sábado 23: 10 a 14h.


JOYA Barcelona 2014 – in the OFF we present you ESCOLA D’ART DEL TREBALL/Jo.Joia – 3-30 Oct. 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –  Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –
OFF JOYA – EXHIBITIONS – Jo.Joia -  ESCOLA D’ART DEL TREBALL (Escola d’Art La Industrial, Barcelona)
  Apertura/Opening 08 Oct. – 19:00





Comte d’Urgell, 187
08036 Barcelona
T 933 219 066
 Fax 93 410 54 34
Horarios/Schedules 09:00 – 20:00


JOYA: Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair
Santa Monica Arts Centre
Rambla, 7
08001 – Barcelona
Telephone: +34 93 459 24 06







JOYA Barcelona 2014 – Selected SCHOOLS

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –  Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –
SCHOOLS : this year 8 schools have been selected, with a total of 37 students, which show their new approaches in design, creativity and originality.
* seven national schools :
Escola Massana : Centre d’Art i Disseny (Barcelona) –
Arsenal : Escola Municipal D’Art (Barcelona) –
Escola D’Art i Superior de Disseny (EASD) Valencia
Escuela de Arte 3, Madrid –
Escola Superior de Disseny i Art Llotja , Barcelona –
Escola d’Art i Disseny de Tarragona EADT
* and the prestigious school Rietveld Academy from the Netherlands as a guest school.


Gerrit Rietveld Academy presents  Garam Jung – Giedre Lisauskaite Mio Fujimaki Misato Unno —  Veselina Popova

Giedre LisauskaiteGiedre Lisauskaite

Gerrit Rietveld Academy presents Misato Unno Misato Unno

Gerrit Rietveld Academy presents Veselina Popova Veselina Popova

Escuela de Arte 3 , Madrid, presents : Covadonga Rios — Eliana Klenicki — Gimena Caram
Covadonga Rios (Escuela de Arte 3 ) Covadonga Rios
Escola Municipal d’Art Arsenal, Barcelona,presents :  Nirka Panoso
Escola Superior de Disseny i Art Llotja, Barcelona, presents  :  Yuko Yamada
Escola Massana Barcelona, presents :  Natsumi Kaihara.
Natsumi Kaihara PFC pieza2 -  Polyphony of silence - Pin / Stainless steel, brass gold plating 75 × 25 × 15
Natsumi Kaihara  -  Polyphony of silence – Pin / Stainless steel, brass gold plating 75 ×25×15
Escola d’Art i Disseny Tarragona presents  :  Laura Juanós
Laura JuanósLaura Juanós
Escola d’Art del Treball presents :  Jennifer Lozano
 Escola d'Art del Treball presents Jennifer LozanoJennifer Lozano
Elvira MelladoRosa Borredá
  Elvira Mellado - Escola d'Art i Superior de Disseny de Valencia    Elvira Mellado
Rosa BorredaRosa Borredá



JOYA: Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair
Santa Monica Arts Centre
Rambla, 7
08001 – Barcelona
Telephone: +34 93 459 24 06





JOYA Barcelona 2014 – OFF JOYA Program

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –  Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –
For the second consecutive year, JOYA increases the art jewellery offer to the public. That is why the jewels exhibitions’ route in the city of Barcelona has been expanded, so that it reaches out to more people.

The route will be made of 11 exhibitions and 1 reading


*October 3rd
To inaugurate the exhibitions cycle we have the artist Amira Jalet, which will be presenting her work « Sibú« , a collection inspired in the pre-Columbian art of Costa Rica, in the Galería Ring Ring*.
*Galería Ring Ring - Carrer De Lluís ‘el Piadós - 08003 Barcelone – tel+34 649 46 29 74- ringringartscraftsbcn@gmail.commap


*October 6th 
* the Cypriot artist settled in London Liana Pattihis, will present her reading « Digging Deep » in Galería Dterra*,
* the same day Fili Plaza Barcelona*, inaugurates her collection « Calado« , with a staging of real models next to their pieces.
*DTerra - Avinguda Josep Anselm Clavé, 9, 08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona – tel +34 936 74 78 07  - map
*Fili Plaza Barcelona - Carrer de Provença, 225, 08008 Barcelona – tel +34 934 17 78 11 -  map


*October 7th 
* The Galería Dterra* will present « Intercanvis Simultanis« , the work of Ramón Puig Cuyás.
* The same day Joya Brava, Chilean contemporary jewellery association, will present « Joyeros: erotismo, joyería y cuerpo » in the gallery « El Lavadero« *. 
*« El Lavadero«  Calle Sant Rafael 14 -08001 Barcelona – tel +34 666 23 00 99- ellavaderojoyasbcn@gmail.comisabelherrera@hotmail.commap



*October 8th 
* Amaranto Joies* will present « Plateus Jewellery Project«  by Barbora Dzurakova, Patricia Correia Domingues, Katharina Dettar and Edu Tarín.
* L’Escola d’Art del Treball*, will present a sample of jewellery schools « Jo. Joia »
* Klimt02 Gallery* will inaugurate « Daily Delicious Feast of Today » by Gésine Hackenberg.
* The gallery of Lluís Comín Joyeria Creativa* will present « Ludus Gemmarum » a combined exhibition of Montserrat Lacomba with her work « Dels Paisatges«  and Lluís Comín « Mosaic de la Memòria« . 
*AmarantoJoies  c/ Sant Domènec 23 – 08012 Barcelona, Spain -   amarantojoies@d-dos.complano
*Escola d’Art del TreballComte d’Urgell, 187 – 08036 Barcelona - Tel: 93 321 90 - mapa
*Klimt02 Gallery – tel 00 34 933687235 -  Carrer de la Riera de Sant Miquel, 65 -08006 Barcelona – map
*Lluís Comín – Joieria creativaAvinguda de Mistral, 66, 08015 Barcelona – tel +34 933 25 53 40map


* October 9th 
* »Joies minimes » is inaugurated, the proposal of 30 artist to represent the minimalism in Galería Context*.  
*Galería Context – c. Viñolas 8-10, Sant Cugat del Vallès - tel 935 893 806 –  map

OFF JOYA - EXHIBITIONS -   context - joiesminimes

* October 10th 
*La Basílica Galería* will present « Anatomía de los Pensamientos » by Jorge Manilla.
* At Boffi, Gioielli in Fermento will present the pieces of 60 selected artists and the winners of the prestigious award. (map)
*La Basílica Galería Carrer de Sant Sever, 8 derecha, 08002 Barcelona – tel +34 93 250 41 31 – map  



JOYA: Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair
Santa Monica Arts Centre
Rambla, 7
08001 – Barcelona
Telephone: +34 93 459 24 06


EXPO ‘Aproximaciones’ – EASD, Valencia (ES) – 8-16 Mai 2014 – Melting Point Valencia 2014

« Aproximaciones/Approaches. European Jewellery Schools’ Exhibition»   forma parte del recorrido de exposiciones de Melting Point 2014 del 8 al 11 de mayo.

8 mayo/16 mayo

Melting Point Valencia 2014

Inauguración: 8 mayo, 12.00 h

Coordinador: Kepa Karmona
with :   HEAR Strasbourg — AFAD Bratislava — University of Lincoln — Maden Studio EstambulEscola Massana BarcelonaÉcole Boulle ParisEscola d’Art del Treball Barcelona — AP Hogeschool Anvers — EAD TarragonaAr.Co Lisboa — Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest — EA Murcia — ESAD Matosinhos


love suspens !


APROXIMACIONES  - with Ar.CO (Portugal) jewelry school - among others, Carlos Silva jewels
EASD ValènciaSala de Exposiciones Velluters
Calle Pintor Domingo 20
Lunes a viernes 09.00 a 21.00 h.
Sábado y domingo 10:00 a 13:00 h
Joves Joiers


EXPO ‘Salt Project’ – Escola d’Art del Treball, Barcelona (ES) – 4-30 Avril 2013

‘Salt Project’ at Escola d’Art del Treball (Barcelona) – 4-30 April 2013

'Salt Project' at Escola d'Art del Treball (Barcelona) - 4-30 April 2013 -

La Escola d’Art del Treball expone Proyecto SAL, joyas y objetos de pequeño formato con el leitmotiv de la SAL gema de Cardona.
Las piezas han sido diseñadas teniendo en cuenta los aspectos conceptuales de la sal y también sus características físicas.
Este proyecto comenzó en el 2012 conjuntamente con la CAA, China Academy of Art, de Hangzhou. Con él se pueden ver como las dos escuelas con metodologías y culturas diferentes han trabajado bajo los mismos condicionantes para obtener resultados tan originales.
La muestra estará durante todo el mes de Abril, coincidiendo con las jornadas de puertas abiertas del centro, que oferta dos líneas de Bachillerato artístico, CFGM de Decoración Cerámica, CFGS de Joyería Artística, CFGS de Ilustración y formación permanente.

What is the SALT Project? 

The SALT Project was born out of two schools’ desire to reach beyond their borders, to see and understand how other people work whilst applying different ways of working, whilst valuing the whole experience as a learning process and cultural and artistic exchange.
The starting point was in February of 2010 when Aiyu Zhu, a student at the China Academy of Art – the CAA – in Hangzhou, visited the Escola d’Art del Treball in Barcelona, taking advantage of her trip to Europe. From that moment, the EAT and the CAA formed a link with the objective of finding out how jewellers work in a different part of the world, to assess new methods and processes. This experience helps to better spread what is done in the classroom as well as enabling students to gain first-hand experience of a more open vision of what is happening in the jewellery trade in different areas of the planet.

How well has the SALT Project worked at the EAT? 

At the EAT we see the SALT Project as a whole school project, which is why we are trying to involve as many members of our institution as possible. Because of this, all students and ex-students of jewellery-making were invited to participate, as well as all of the teachers at the school, regardless of what department they belong to – be it ceramics, illustration, sculpture and so on. We believe that inviting people from different departments enriches the project because we can see small-sized pieces that have characteristics that are far removed from the way things are done in the jewellery trade.
In the case of ex-students and teachers, the subject matter, technique and materials has been open to all. The requirement was that it had to be a small piece of jewellery or small object and that SAL was the focus, either physically or conceptually.
In the case of seasonal students, we introduced the project into the yearly schedule of various modules. Furthermore, in the subject of gemmology they have studied the characteristics and properties of the salt gem and the jewels were fashioned in the jewellery workshop.
The first-year students have worked on the SALT Project in their Modelling module (a subject where the technical and procedural processes of different waxes for microfusion are taught). In these classes they were asked to produce a sculptural ring by manipulating modelling wax (a soft wax used mainly by sculptors), in which they would incorporate the salt as an important part of the jewel. This ring would be finished in metal, after the process of melting the wax.
Some of these pieces have references to Chinese culture: dragons, water lilies, bonsais, and there are also references to nature and the sea.
Despite the fact that the conceptual aspects were not in the initial briefing, many students incorporated symbolic connotations in their pieces, such as alluding to the salt as a currency or seeing the salt as an ephemeral part of the piece.
As part of their Jewellery projects module, the second-year students were given the task of working with the idea of friendship rings, under the heading of “salt friendship rings”. The most traditional or popular type of friendship ring is the wedding ring, but we wanted the largest scope possible. Therefore, the first thing that the students had to define was who the two people that they were going to design the ring for were, what it was that united them and how the salt symbolised that union.
There are projects where the people chosen are members of a family, or in other projects they are fictional characters. The link between them is indicated by a single connection. The salt theme has been worked as a key part of the design, paying attention to its physical properties. The fact that the salt is ephemeral was taken into account when it came to work the material. In some cases this property was emphasized; in others measures were taken to protect it from erosion and wear.

Sandra Yelo — Maria Josep Forcadell — Xavier Aguado — Sònia Serrano — Júlia Castro — Meritxell Cuevas – Isabel Alejo — Bárbara Rodríguez — Laura Martín –  Isabel Suárez — Nora Castaño — Clara Devesa — Patricia Portocarrero — Aina Gómez — Ariadna Valls — Ariana Gaitan — Adriana Díaz — Juliana Mónaco — Nerea Pitarque — Marisa Tomás — Pilar Ramón — Laura Paglieri — Gloria Gómez — Gina Contel — Jennifer Lozano — Lourdes Freixa — Elisabet Moreno — Maria Ninot — Liliana Ruíz — Edwin Páez — Carmen Esteba — Patrick Alvarez — Violant Cebria — Alaitz Martínez-Marañón — Jordi AparicioMarta MiguelDani Fàbregues — Anna Vila — Ana Parra — Laura Sabatés — Ortrum Meinhard — Anna González — Ana García — Josep Raventós — Selma Leal — Alexandra Steinforth — Montserrat Saperas — Margarita Alonso.

Sandra Yelo - jewelry with SALT - broochSandra Yelo – « No es un doctor » Broche (front)  – Colección: Sal para las heridas – “el tiempo no cura nada – el tiempo no es un doctor – el tiempo sólo cura lo que no importa ya”

jewelry with SALT - Sandra Yelo - brooch -  Materiales:  plata oxidada  sal gema  hilo quirúrgicoSandra Yelo – « No es un doctor » Broche (back) -  Materiales:  plata oxidada  sal gema  hilo quirúrgico

Projecte Sal - Joana Jarque - ring with SALTProjecte Sal – Joana Jarque – ring with SALT

jewelry with SALT - Projecte SAL - Dani Fàbregues "Ou de sal"Dani Fàbregues « Ou de sal »

jewelry with SALT -   Projecte Sal - Sònia Serrano -   "Mar y montaña"  Collar. Sal de Cardona y plata  18x22cm      Montaña salada, restos de un antiguo mar, una vuelta al origen, un pez de sal.Sònia Serrano -   « Mar y montaña »  Collar. Sal de Cardona y plata  18x22cm      Montaña salada, restos de un antiguo mar, una vuelta al origen, un pez de sal.

Sònia Serrano  Necklace: MAR Y MONTAÑA  Silver, gem saltSònia Serrano  Necklace: MAR Y MONTAÑA  Silver, gem salt

JEWELRY with SALT -   Projecte Sal - Laura Sabatés - "STRAND" Anillo doble - Latón, sal gema y resina epoxy    El anillo quiere representar la típica pintura china de paisajes. La sal representa las montañas, la resina el agua, el gallonado la flora y la textura la tierra.Laura Sabatés – « STRAND » Anillo doble – Latón, sal gema y resina epoxy    El anillo quiere representar la típica pintura china de paisajes. La sal representa las montañas, la resina el agua, el gallonado la flora y la textura la tierra.

JEWELRY with SALT - Projecte Sal  - Marta Miguel Martínez-Soria.Projecte Sal - Marta Miguel Martínez-Soria.

Projecte Sal  – Marta Miguel Martínez-Soria   -La sal de Gema – Materiales: Cobre, acero, tela, algodón y pintura de esmalte -
Y llegó el día en que sus lágrimas dejaron de acariciar su rostro.
Projecte Sal - Margarita Alonso -   “Sabores de dos tierras”  Materiales: Plata oxidada, sal de las minas de Zipaquirá-Colombia, sal de las minas de Cardona-España, cadena textil y seda de organza.Margarita Alonso -   “Sabores de dos tierras”  Materiales: Plata oxidada, sal de las minas de Zipaquirá-Colombia, sal de las minas de Cardona-España, cadena textil y seda de organza.

Bàrbara Rodríguez -  "LES LLAGRIMES DE SAL"  Ferro rovellat i sal - projecte sal (a Valencia Melting point) - jewelry with SALTBàrbara Rodríguez -  « LES LLAGRIMES DE SAL »  Ferro rovellat i sal – projecte sal (exhibited a Valencia Melting point)

Bárbara Rodríguez  Bracelet: LES LLAGRIMES DE SAL  Iron, gem saltBárbara Rodríguez  Bracelet: LES LLAGRIMES DE SAL  Iron, gem salt

jewelry with SALT - María Liliana Ruiz  - Todos los caminos llevan a Tombuctú  Materiales: Barro negro, pigmento de oro, hilo de acero, oro y sal gema de Cardona.    Un antiguo proverbio de Malí decía:  «El oro viene del sur, la sal del norte y el dinero del país del hombre blanco; pero los cuentos maravillosos y la palabra de Dios sólo se encuentran en Tombuctú»Liliana Ruiz  – Todos los caminos llevan a Tombuctú  Materiales: Barro negro, pigmento de oro, hilo de acero, oro y sal gema de Cardona.    Un antiguo proverbio de Malí decía:  «El oro viene del sur, la sal del norte y el dinero del país del hombre blanco; pero los cuentos maravillosos y la palabra de Dios sólo se encuentran en Tombuctú»

María Liliana Ruiz  Todos los caminos llevan a Tombuctú  Materiales: Barro negro, pigmento de oro, hilo de acero, oro y sal gema de Cardona.    Un antiguo proverbio de Malí decía:  «El oro viene del sur, la sal del norte y el dinero del país del hombre blanco; pero los cuentos maravillosos y la palabra de Dios sólo se encuentran en Tombuctú» Liliana Ruiz  Todos los caminos llevan a Tombuctú

Clara Devesa  Rings: SALIATGES  Sugar, gem salt, cork, glass, silverClara Devesa  Rings: SALIATGES  Sugar, gem salt, cork, glass, silver

Isabel Alejo  Brooches: LLIGAMS  Silver, gem salt, zirconite, magnetIsabel Alejo  Brooches: LLIGAMS  Silver, gem salt, zirconite, magnet

Jordi Aparicio  Título pieza: T'ESTIMO COM LA SAL  Broche  -Copper, gel coat, gem salt - Cobre, gel coat y sal picada    Pieza inspirada en el cuento "La Margarideta, la princesa de sal "Jordi Aparicio  - » T’ESTIMO COM LA SAL »  Broche  – Copper, gel coat, gem salt – Cobre, gel coat y sal picada    Pieza inspirada en el cuento « La Margarideta, la princesa de sal « 


Escola d’ART del Treball
Comte d’Urgell, 187.
08036 Barcelona –
Tel. 93 321 90 66 -
Fax 93 410 54 34


JOYA 2012 Barcelona – 11-12-13 Oct. 2012 : OFF Joya : « JO, JOIA »

at JOYA Barcelona 2012 – ESCUELAS  : Off Joya « JO, JOIA »

JOYA Semana de la Joyería Contemporánea de Barcelona


One more year, the Escola d’Art del Treball (EAT) organizes the exhibition Jo, joia within the space « OFF-JOYA », where Liliana Ruíz, Júlia Castro, Edwin Pérez and Juan Riusech, students from the EAT,
and also students from other Catalan schools and one from Valencia (Llotja, Escola Arsenal, EADT – Escola d’Art i Disseny de Tarragona and EASD – Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de València) show a number of works carried out during the past school year.

 20120426-154010.jpg Azahara Santoro - EASD ValenciaAzahara Santoro - »‘Hipopotomonstruosesquipedaliofobia’ »  :-) EASD Valencia

Alba Segués - Arsenal (at JOYA Barcelona 2012)Alba SeguésArsenal
Isabel Aurea - Escolla LlotjaIsabel Aurea - ’Timeless ‘- Escolla Llotja
Laura Gualda - Escola MassanaLaura GualdaEscola Massana
« El metal representa el instinto, una característica constante y casi irrompible. Los tejidos representan la emoción, maleable y cambiante y al mismo tiempo dura y firme. La razón es un hilo prácticamente invisible que permite la coexistencia de todas estas fuerzas. »



Valérie Salvo |
dochinoiu | | Annuaire | Signaler un abus | Françoise Fourteau-Labarthe
| Aidez les jeunes artistes
| Tableaux de Christian Maillot