Agnes Larsson :
Studium an der Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm, Ädellab – Silversmithing & Jewelry, bei Prof. Ruudt Peters, Helena Lehtinen, Karen Pontoppidan, abgeschlossen mit Master of Fine Arts
Minor Field Studies, Saathicenter, Indien
Studium an der Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts and Design,Stockholm, Ädellab – Silversmithing and Jewelry, bei Prof. Ruudt Peters, Kim Buck, Christer Jonsson, abgeschlossen mit Bachelor of Fine Arts
Ausbildung an der Nyckelviksskolan, Stockholm, Metal design and Craft
« I let the material lead the way threw the working process, drawing inspiration from thoughts about gravity, lightness and heaviness, death, life, transparency and darkness, growth, decomposition and transformation to show contrasts like fragility and strength, depth and surface, darkness and light. »(Agnes Larsson)
Agnes Larsson – carbo necklace
November 2010 at SOFA Chicago Art Fair
Susan Cummins, Chair of the Art Jewelry Forum (AJF), and Susan Kempin, Award Program Chair, are pleased to announce this year’s (2010) Emerging Artist Award winner, Agnes Larsson. Larsson was chosen from among 117 entries, from 38 countries.
The goal of the Emerging Artist Award is to acknowledge promise, innovation and individuality in the work of emerging jewelers. The competition is open to makers of art jewelry who have recently completed their professional training and have not been a featured artist in a commercial gallery or museum. Larsson will receive a $5,000 cash award. In addition, her work will be featured by an AJF member gallery at the Sculptural Object and Functional Art (SOFA) Expo in Chicago and in AJF ads, and she will serve as a juror for next year’s competition.
Jurors for the 2010 competition were Namita Wiggers, Curator at the Museum of Contemporary Craft, Portland, Oregon; Susan Beech, long-standing member of AJF and collector of contemporary jewelry; and Sharon Massey, jeweler and recipient of the AJF’s 2009 Emerging Artist Award.
Criteria used in the judging were originality, depth of concept and quality of craftsmanship. Larsson used carbon and horse hair in this series of work she submitted. She allows the material to lead the way through the working process, drawing inspiration from thoughts about gravity, lightness and heaviness, death, life, transparency and darkness, growth, decomposition and transformation to show contrasts like fragility and strength, depth and surface, darkness and light.
Juror Susan Beech commented, ‘This body of work most exemplified the guidelines for judging: originality, depth of concept and quality of craftsmanship. The use of carbon and horsehair, original materials, work well together. The first thought that came to mind when I looked at this body of work was elegant.’ Sharon Massey added, ‘Agnes Larsson presents a cohesive body of work that I found quite unusual and poetic. Her forms are simple, emphasizing the texture and blackness of the carbon as well as the fragility of the horsehair. Her artistic voice seemed the most authentic and unique.’
Larsson received a BFA, in 2004, and an MFA, in 2007, in Silversmithing and Jewellery from Konstfack University College of Arts, Craft and Design, Stockholm, Sweden. (AJF blog)
Agnes Larsson, Carbo, 2010, mixed media, 16 x 18 x 1 inches
Carbo serie, 2010
Agnes Larsson jewelry – Charcoal, horse hair and wire
BKV-Preis für Junges Kunsthandwerk 2010 : 3rd Preis: Agnes Larsson (Schweden, Stockholm)
Karbon, kohlenstofffaserverstärkter Kunststoff, ist ein ungewöhnliches Material für Schmuck. Bei der Herstellung der Stücke spielte auch der Zufall eine Rolle. Die Farbe Schwarz, die reizvollen Oberflächen, die Bruchspuren: Erst bei der bewussten Beschränkung auf einfache, aber elegante Grundformen kommen sie zum Tragen. Ein wirkungsvoller Kontrast ergibt sich auch daraus, dass die schwer wirkenden Objekte in Wirklichkeit ziemlich leichtgewichtig sind.
(le charbon …. est un matériau rare pour les bijoux. Dans la fabrication des pièces « l’accident » a également joué un rôle. La couleur noire, les belles surfaces, les traces de fractures : ce n’est que lorsque la restriction délibérée des formes de base entre en jeu, simples mais élégantes. Un contraste efficace en raison du fait que les objets, d’apparence lourds, sont en fait assez légers en réalité)(traduction google …)
Diese Auszeichnung ist dotiert mit EUR 1.000.-