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AUTOR 2016 – Call for entries – deadline : 6 Mars 2016

Classé dans : Appel a candidature / Call for Entry,AUTOR (RO),Roumanie (RO) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:02

Throughout the last 7 years, AUTOR has grown bigger, wider, better. It turned into the complete and perfect event we wanted, and it has now expanded to the amplitude of an annual event. Starting this spring, AUTOR will happen once a year.

AUTOR 2016 will take place on the 16-17th of April in Bucharest, Romania.

AUTOR 2016 -  Call for entries - deadline : 6 Mars 2016 dans Appel a candidature / Call for Entry AUTOR2016_jewelry

 Entries deadline is on March 6th 2016

The results of selection will be announced after the 12th of March.

AUTOR 2016 call for entries

Starting this year, AUTOR Contemporary Jewelry Fair will take place ONCE A YEAR, in spring. So, 2016 = AUTOR 2016.

Apply now for the 2016 edition of AUTOR !

For applying to AUTOR 2016, the following should be attached and send on the e-mail address:
1. The designer will send pictures of a minimum 5 new contemporary jewelry from a collection which has never been presented to AUTOR’s visitors and audiences. (size: 350 KB, format: JPG; jewelry in their final form, preferably neutral background or contextualized on human body).
2. Short description of the concept (max 15 lines)
3. Short bio/CV, that must include: • the name he/she wishes to present to the public • e-mail address • phone number • website or Facebook page.

The e-mail address for sending the applications is:

Apply now for the 2016 edition of AUTOR Fair!



*In Partnership with AUTOR


Alliages Award & Collection – CALL for ENTRIES – deadline : July 10th 2015

Alliages Award & Collection.

 Open Call from May 2015.

Selected artists will be shown at JOYA Barcelona 

Alliages award



ALLIAGES a 2 objectifs: promouvoir le bijou contemporain et sensibiliser à cet art. Pour éduquer le public au bijou contemporain, ALLIAGES a commencé une collection privée dont le but principal est de la transmettre à un musée. Depuis sa création jusqu’au moment où cette collection sera transmise, ALLIAGES promouvra cette collection et les artistes qui en font partie, en faisant des expositions ou autres événements, utilisant les réseaux virtuels ou physiques. Afin de promouvoir et récompenser les bijoutiers, ALLIAGES crée son prix pour le Bijou Contemporain en collaboration avec JOYA Barcelone Art Jewellery Fair, et Ring-Ring Galeria à Barcelone


Les partenaires d’ALLIAGES pour ce prix sont :

  • JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair. ALLIAGES présentera les pièces sélectionnées pour le prix à JOYA en octobre 2015. Le Jury annoncera le vainqueur le dernier jour du salon.
  • Ring-ring Gallery, Barcelona. Le Prix du Public 2015 aura une exposition solo dans cette galerie pour JOYA-Off 2016.


Un catalogue/livre sera édité et inclura tous les artistes sélectionnés. Les gagnants des prix seront mis en vedette. Chaque artiste sélectionné aura une copie de cet ouvrage.


Prix du Jury : 800 € / mise en vedette dans les événements d’ALLIAGES en 2016 / Page de couverture sur le catalogue
Prix du Public : 200 € & exhibition à JOYA OFF 2016 / 4eme de couverture
Prix du Choix Alliages : Présence gratuite au Permanent 2016 d’ALLIAGES / mise en vedette sur catalogue


  1. Le concours est ouvert à tous les artistes du monde entier, des professionnels ou des étudiants, indépendamment de leur expérience.
  2. Pas de restrictions dans les matériaux utilisés, techniques ou tailles. Les bijoux doivent être effectuées en utilisant des techniques traditionnelles et / ou de nouvelles de la joaillerie.
  3. Un artiste peut présenter un maximum de 2 œuvres. L’application sera envoyée uniquement en utilisant le formulaire de ce site avec toutes les données requises dans des formats appropriés. Un montant de 10 € (dix euros) de frais sera appliquée pour chaque œuvre présentée et devra être payé via le formulaire Paypal.
  4. Les œuvres sélectionnées seront envoyées par les artistes dans un emballage approprié et sécurisé à ses frais, y compris toute taxe, à la date d’échéance.
  5. Les œuvres sélectionnées pour le prix seront acquises automatiquement à la collection privée de ALLIAGES, cela signifie que l’artiste donnera le travail sélectionné à la galerie pour sa collection privée (collection qui sera promue, l’objectif étant toujours de le transférer à un musée ). Les œuvres sélectionnées pour le prix seront exposées à JOYA, où un jury composé de professionnels du monde de l’art et du bijou sélectionnera le bijou gagnant du « Prix du Jury ». Le public présent à JOYA pourra voter et sélectionner un bijou qui va gagner le « Prix du Public ». ALLIAGES choisira un bijou qui va gagner le « Prix du choix Alliages ».
  6. L’artiste permet à l’Association ALLIAGES de reproduire les œuvres sélectionnées ainsi que tout matériel fourni dans le but de promouvoir l’événement, l’espace d’exposition et pour les archives ou promotion de l’association, sous n’importe quelle forme. La cession du droit de reproduction accordé par l’artiste est non-exclusif, non-transférable, territoire illimité pour la distribution de reproductions.
  7. Les décisions de la sélection et du jury sont irrévocables. Si l’artiste n’effectue pas les tâches demandées dans les délais annoncés (ex. paiement, livraison, etc ..), il / elle pourra être exclu de la sélection/prix sans prétendre à aucun remboursement des frais.


Date limite/deadline pour envoyer candidature : 10 Juillet 2015
Annonce des pièces sélectionnées : 10-15 Août 2015
Pièces sélectionnées doivent avoir été reçues à Alliages : avant 10 Septembre 2015
Pièces sélectionnées en exposition à JOYA : 8-10 Octobre 2015
Remise des Prix à JOYA : 10 October 2015


Le jury sélectionnera le gagnant du prix principal durant JOYA et sera composé de professionnels des mondes de l’art, la mode et le bijou contemporain :

*Marianne Gassier, collectionneuse de bijoux contemporains et blogueuse (blog «Bijou_Contemporain»)
*Charo Mora, spécialiste en culture de mode et tendances
*Esther Montoriol, directrice à la galerie d’art contemporain « Esther Montoriol »
*Maria Josep Forcadell, professeure de joaillerie et illustration à l’école d’art « La Industrial »
*Paulo Ribero, directeur de JOYA


ANY QUESTION ????? see the FAQ


As you know, ALLIAGES organisation has 2 goals : promote contemporary jewellery & educate to this art. To educate public to contemporary jewellery, ALLIAGES has started a private collection. To promote & recompense the jewellers, ALLIAGES creates its Price for Contemporary Jewellery, in collaboration with JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair.


A Legacy, an heritage left or handed down by a predecessor. The aim of ALLIAGES is to pass on an artistic heritage to make it known as widely as possible by the public. An heritage composed of emotions and imprints, of persons and talents. An heritage to be transmitted…

Do you want to be part of this legacy ? Send your application !


JOYA 2015 (7th Edition) Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair – 8–9-10 October 2015

Soon JOYA 2015 will finish the deadline! We already received amazing applications from all over the world, do you want join us?

JOYA: Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair 2015.  – JOYA 2015 (7th Edition) Arts Santa Monica 8th October – 10th October, 2015.

JOYA: Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair 2015.  - JOYA 2015 (7th Edition) Arts Santa Monica 8th October – 10th October, 2015.(Gigi Mariani necklace)



(for collectives – schools – galleries – artists)


The selections of who will be participating to JOYA 2015 will be officially divulgated by e-mail on May  20th 2015




Gioielli in Fermento 2015 – COMPETITION – deadline : 28 Fevr. 2015

 gioiellinfermento 2015 -  Iscrizione 2015 / Entry Registration
Gli autori che desiderano partecipare a Gioielli in Fermento 2015 – Premio Torre Fornello Award possono scaricare qui tutti i documenti : – all informations for entry registration within the following documents –
SCADENZA 28 febbraio 2015   |   DEADLINE February 28th 2015
registrazione a partire dal 15 gennaio  |  registration between Jan.15 and Feb.28 2015



in collaboration with AGC – Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo, JOYA Contemporary Jewellery Fair Barcelona and Klimt02 International Art Jewellery Online

A competition open to designers, artists, goldsmiths and handcrafters, scholars and professionals, for an unreleased piece of jewellery inspired by the following theme:

in addition to the support of AGC, we will collaborate with  a project supported by ADI Lombardia dedicated to designers approaching a theme related to EXPO2015: “non di solo pane (not just bread)“.

un-conventional jewellery

“unconventional jewellery, which is food for the soul: material, spiritual, precious, affordable“.


 Gioielli in Fermento 2015 un-conventional jewellery

 bando di partecipazione/english textGioielli in fermento 2015_Announcement

Gioielli in Fermento ®
T.+39 3358083039 Ziano Pc Italy
curaduría Eliana Negroni





COMINELLI Foundation AWARD 2015 – VI Edition CALL FOR ENTRY – DEADLINE : 10th APRIL 2015


CALL FOR ENTRY – Fondazione Cominelli (IT)

Cominelli awards -   2015

 The competition is open to artists from all over the world.

Registration for selection must be submitted by no later than
10th APRIL 2015

and is subject to applications being sent to:

For MORE INFORMATION AND DETAILS, , please visit the AGC website

e-mail :

The selection will be made by Mrs Renate Slavik, Gallerist in Vienna.
Exhibition opening reception and awards: 29th August 2015

Exhibition dates: 29th August – 4th October 2015
Organisers for Cominelli Foundation Rosanna Padrini Dolcini
Organisers for AGC – Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo
Maria Rosa FranzinRossella Tornquist



Fondazione Cominelli
Palazzo Cominelli
- Cisano di San Felice del Benaco


Autor 13 – Call for entries ! deadline : 5 april 2015

Classé dans : Appel a candidature / Call for Entry,AUTOR (RO),Roumanie (RO) — bijoucontemporain @ 22:22

Autor 13 – Call for entries !

Spring edition of AUTOR 13 will held on 9–10 of May, Bucharest, Romania


Autor 13 - Call for entries !  deadline : 5 april 2015 dans Appel a candidature / Call for Entry 800x296xfb_page_cover-web.jpg.pagespeed.ic.U883BjqSdg


The International Jewelry Fair AUTOR is one of the most important ones in South-Eastern Europe. The biannual event aims to create a dynamic environment with high selection standards. The participants to Autor are offered the access to a select and attractive clientele. Autor is an active platform which encourages and creates a dialogue between designers and their public: consumers, distributors, specialized media.

Selection process:

Who is eligible to participate at Autor: jewelry professionals, artists from creative fields who create contemporary jewelry, galleries of contemporary jewelry, contemporary jewelry schools from all over the world – any country or nationality.

An international jury will select the designers participating in AUTOR 13, based on the following general criteria: the principles chosen concept for jewelry, originality, innovative use of materials and techniques.

The jury consists of:

Doris Maninger – Director of Alchimia jewelry school in Florence
Lucia Massei – Director of Alchimia jewelry school in Florence
Paulo Ribeiro – Founder and Director of Joya Barcelona
Gio Carbone – Director of Le Arti Orafe jewelry school and Preciosa Exhibition in Florence
Dan Piersinaru – Founder and Director of Autor

Application Requirements:

1. The designer will send pictures of a minimum 5 new contemporary jewelry from a collection which has never been presented to AUTOR’s visitors and audiences. Preferable, the pictures of the pieces should not exceed 350 KB/JPG and will present the jewelry in their final form, simple and clear (preferably neutral background or contextualized on human body). The designer will send a text with the name and a concept description of the collection. (100 words should be fine)

2. The designer will send a brief biography : the name he/she wishes to present to the public, e-mail address, phone number, website or Facebook page.

Deadline for applications is:  5th of April 2015

The results of selection will announce after the 13th of April.


e-mail address for sending the applications is :


APPEL à PROJET : «ESTHETIQUE ET PARURE» – Baccarat (FR) – deadline : 1er OCT. 2014

Classé dans : Appel a candidature / Call for Entry,France (FR),Pole Bijou BACCARAT — bijoucontemporain @ 16:05

Dix créateurs pour un projet :
En 2014, le Pôle Bijou invite dix créateurs intéressés par ce projet à venir s’installer à Baccarat, afin de rejoindre le projet créatif collectif intitulé «Esthétique et Parure» et développer leur activité.

Photo de Pôle Bijou.

En effet, de 2015 à 2017, le projet «Esthétique et Parure» vise à favoriser la collaboration entre plusieurs créateurs des secteurs Bijou, Mode et Accessoires. L’objectif premier de cette collaboration est la réussite économique de chacune de ces activités métiers d’art et leur pérennisation sur le territoire de Baccarat.
Dépôt des candidatures jusqu’au 1er octobre 2014 !

Téléchargez le descriptif complet du projet et le dossier de candidature sur :


JOYA Barcelona 2014 – Open Call for Submissions – deadline : 30 Avril 2014

Classé dans : Appel a candidature / Call for Entry,BARCELONA,Espagne (ES),JOYA (ES),Salon,VIDEO — bijoucontemporain @ 20:36

JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014

JOYA Barcelona 2014 –

Open Call for Submissions to JOYA is open for applications

 click here to download the different documents

Deadline to apply : April 30th, 2014

JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair, October 9, 10 and 11, 2014.
JOYA 2014 Jury :
Paulo Ribeiro and Anthony Chevallier , Directors of JOYA
Wolfgang Loesche, Director of Schmuck
Marina Elenskaya, Editor in Chief of Current Obsession
Reinhold Ludwig, Editorial director of Art Aurea
Pilar Garrigosa, Art Collector
Piotr Rybazcek, Gallery owner of La Basilica Galería
Yannick Mur, JOYA 2014 featured artist


Preziosa Young 2015 – deadline : 15 NOV. 2014

LAO – Le Arti Orafe, Contemporary Jewellery School in Firenze, is pleased to announce the
2015 edition of Preziosa Young –

International contest/exhibition for young jewellery makers
The competition does not have a predetermined theme, and the selection will be made based on: Quality of design and manufacture of the pieces; Originality in the use and interpretation of the materials; Conceptual and technical innovation.

The selected artists (6 to 10) will be invited to take part to PREZIOSA Exhibition in FlorenceParticipants
Worldwide goldsmiths, silversmiths, designers, artists, professionals, students, may submit their candidature, provided that they are not older than 35 years at the end of 2014. There is no cost for participation, apart from the shipment of the objects (see the « Shipment of the pieces” section below)Materials
The items may be created in any material and techniqueApplication
Applicants should send a DVD or a USB stick with the following material:
- The fulfilled registration form;
- At least 5 images (TIF format). To provide the jury with tools necessary for the evaluation of the participants, images must be referred to 5 different objects. Images must be numbered from 1 to 5, and must carry the author’s last name. The candidate may submit multiple images of the same object if necessary (please, look at “Registration form“ – download in Microsoft Word format)

November 15th 2014
By this date at latest the registration-form and the required material must reach the following address:
LAO srl (PY Contest)
Via dei Serragli 104
50124 Firenze (Italy)

The selection of the winners will be made through the material submitted by the candidates (images and texts): only in the event that the jury deems it necessary or useful for the selection, candidates will be requested to send an object for jury’s evaluation

The PY exhibition will take place in conjunction with the international event PREZIOSA 2015, in Florence, in the prestigious Marino Marini Contemporary Museum of Art. The organizers could also plan other exhibitions along the year: the selected artists are committed to deliver their work to all the scheduled events. Each of the selected winners must present 5 to 10 pieces for the exhibition. These pieces must be the same (or similar) to those submitted for the selection

A full colour catalogue will be published

Shipment of the pieces (for the selection and for the exhibition)
The shipping costs for the pieces from the origin to Firenze and back home must be paid by the submitters. It is up to the artists to decide whether to insure and/or send their pieces by registered mail. Shipment from Firenze to/by other locations for the exhibition will be paid by the organization.

Registration form (download in Microsoft Word format)

+39 055 2280131 –


AUTOR 2014 – Call for entries – deadline : 17 March 2014

Classé dans : Appel a candidature / Call for Entry,AUTOR (RO),Roumanie (RO),Salon — bijoucontemporain @ 21:26

AUTOR 2014 ! Call for entries

 AUTOR is an open and active platform for contemporary jewelry designers in Europe. The main event is the biannual Fair for Contemporary Jewelry AUTOR – Bucarest (Romania)

Based in Bucharest and having reached it’s 5th year of existence, AUTOR contemporary jewelry fair is the largest such event in Romania and, on account of its popularity, it is steadily expanding from year to year.

AUTOR 2014! Call for entries
The participants have to create a new collection that follows the following theme: colour. The theme proposes an analysis of how originality and innovation in contemporary jewelry can be achieved through the usage of colour.
A new collection is defined as a collection which has never been presented to Autor’s visitors and audiences.
The collection must encompass minimum 5 pieces and the applicants have to provide the following information:
- The collection description should include the presentation of 5 pieces in their final form, along with the concept of the collection (name, text, sketches, mood board, etc.).
- 5 photographs of the pieces which do not exceed 350 KB/JPG. The pictures should present the pieces in a clear and simple manner.
The e-mail address where the applications are to be sent is:
The deadline for applications is the 17th of March 2014

Autor will announce the results of the selection after the date of April the 1st, 2014.


Autor Contemporary Jewelry Fair

Mid-May 2014, Sala Dalles, Bucharest, Romania


Valérie Salvo |
dochinoiu | | Annuaire | Signaler un abus | Françoise Fourteau-Labarthe
| Aidez les jeunes artistes
| Tableaux de Christian Maillot