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EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Rafael Luis ALVAREZ at « Veintitrés. Joyería Contemporánea en Iberoamérica » – Lisbonne (PT) – 27 Juin-22 Juill. 2017

 Rafael Luis Alvarez (Argentina)

at  Vinte e Três. Joalharia Contemporânea na Ibero-América

Veintitrés. Joyería Contemporánea en Iberoamérica / Twenty-Three. Contemporary Jewelry in Ibero-America

This exhibition is part of the official Past and Present – Lisbon Ibero-American Capital of Culture 2017 commemoration / Exposición incluida en el ámbito de las conmemoraciones oficiales Pasado y Presente – Lisboa Capital Iberoamericana de la Cultura 2017
Opening/Inauguración – 26.06.2017 – 18h00 – 21h00
Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes –  Lisboa (PT) – 27 Juin- 22 Juill. 2017

En la muestra Pasado y Presente en Lisboa Portugal, donde participaré con parte de la colección « Lo que fue escrito » y realizare ademas dos seminarios de Electroformado

PIN - 23


Rafael Luis Alvarez  - colección "Lo que fue escrito" Rafael Luis Alvarez  pieza colección «Lo que fue escrito» (PASADO Y PRESENTE) –
hecho con MICA (placas frágiles que se usaban como resistencia para las planchas de ropa), I

ntercaladas hay fotos

Rafael Luis Alvarez  pieza colección «Lo que fue escrito» (PASADO Y PRESENTE) - hecho con MICA (placas frágiles que se usaban como resistencia para las planchas de ropa), Intercaladas hay fotos - DETALLERafael Luis Alvarez  pieza colección «Lo que fue escrito» (PASADO Y PRESENTE) – hecho con MICA (placas frágiles que se usaban como resistencia para las planchas de ropa), Intercaladas hay fotos – DETALLE

Rafael Luis Alvarez  pieza colección «Lo que fue escrito» (PASADO Y PRESENTE) Rafael Luis Alvarez  pieza colección «Lo que fue escrito» (PASADO Y PRESENTE)

Rafael Luis Alvarez  broche colección «Lo que fue escrito» - hecho con MICA (placas frágiles que se usaban como resistencia para las planchas de ropa), Intercaladas hay fotosRafael Luis Alvarez  broche colección «Lo que fue escrito» – hecho con MICA (placas frágiles que se usaban como resistencia para las planchas de ropa), Intercaladas hay fotos   

Rafael Luis Alvarez- album PASADO Y PRESENTE.    Entre el 4 y el 11 de julio 2017   muestra Pasado y Presente en Lisboa Portugal, donde participaré con parte de la colección "Lo que fue escrito" - colección "Lo que fue escrito" - hecho de MICA (placas frágiles que se usaban como resistencia para las planchas de ropa), Intercaladas hay fotosRafael Luis Alvarez  collar colección «Lo que fue escrito» (PASADO Y PRESENTE)  - hecho con MICA (placas frágiles que se usaban como resistencia para las planchas de ropa), Intercaladas hay fotos


Entre el 30 de junio y el 11 de julio, Rafael Alvarez realizará tres seminarios de Electroformado, uno en Buenos Aires y dos en Lisboa, Portugal

Rafael Luis Alvarez  -

Lisboa Portugal
8 y 9 de julio,
10 y 11 de Julio
Allis Jewelery



ATHENS JEWELRY WEEK (AJW) 2017 – general schedule – Athens (GR) – 18-21 May 2017


AJW 2017 on Facebook

AJW 2017

Contemporary jewelry meets the Athenian audience in a 4-day art event with international participations.

For a second year in a row, Athens Jewelry Week opens its doors to welcome its guests. The objective of this new and dynamic institution is to present to the Greek audience the trends and the rich diversity of contemporary art jewelry, as they have been evolving in Greece and abroad.

In the framework of the international jewelry scene, the organization constitutes the Greek presence on the world map of equivalent art events with an ever increasing interest. AJW 2017 covers four days of exhibitions, lectures and workshops, highlighting contemporary jewelry creators, their art and their authentic work.

The central exhibition titled “Art + Jewelry: Intersecting Spaces is hosted this year by the Benaki Museum (Pireos Annexe) and it aims to present the exceptional work of 48 selected artists. The influential German jewelry maker Peter Bauhuis, invited as a guest artist, will honor the event with his presence, by exhibiting his work in the main exhibition hall and by opening the lectures program.

AJW 2017 also includes 5 group exhibitions that will take places in various venues around Athens, lectures and seminars. The closing of the event will be marked by the awards ceremony. Awards will be given by international institutions/entities that are active in the contemporary jewelry field.

Athens Jewelry Week – organized by Anticlastics, a group of contemporary jewelry creators – aims, among other things, at introducing the art of contemporary jewelry to the broader public. It is addressed to artists and art aficionados of all ages and backgrounds, but mostly to all those who love contemporary art jewelry and want to learn more about it. Because -as the poet W.B. Yeats would say- « The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper ».



For the Central Exhibition « Art + Jewelry : Intersecting Spaces«  at Benaki Museum the Selected Individual Artists 2017  are :

Aggelika Diplari – Greece // Angelos Konstantakatos – Greece // Akis Goumas – Greece //  Angela Malhues – Chile //  Anna Vlahos – Greece/Australia // Antria Prasinou - Greece //  Christine Jalio – Finland //  Daniella Saraya -Israel // Hao-Han-Jhang – Taiwan // Ioli Livada – Greece // Irina Siman/Wundervenus – Belarus //  Iryna Voitenko – Ukraine // Isabelle Busnel -France-UK //  Kätrin Beljaev – Estonia //  Kristine Nuke Pantelejeva – Latvia // Liana Pattihis – UK/Cyprus // Magali Thibault Gobeil - Canada //  Maria Tsimpiskaki - Greece //  Martina Dempf – Germany // Melina Lindroos – Finland //  Mika Kaskantami – Greece // Sara Chyan – Hong Kong  // Snem Yildirim – Turkey // Sol Flores – Argentina // Stefania Sioufa – Greece //  Yakinthi Oikonomou – Greece //  Yiota Vogli - Greece

18 – 21 MAY 2017 @ BENAKI MUSEUM – 138 PIREOS STR.





19.00 : οpening : Art + Jewelry : Intersecting Spaces (group exhibition)
@Benaki Museum, Pireos St. Annexe / 138 Pireos & Andronikou St., tel. (+30) 210 3453111,
Dates: 18/5 – 21/5, opening hours: Friday, Saturday & Sunday 11:00-21:00

AjW 2017




11.00-15.00 : workshop : Anamma studio / contemporary jewelry seminars
@Benaki Museum (Pireos St. Annexe) / 138 Pireos & Andronikou St. /  tel. (+30) 210 3453111,
for reservations (+30) 6972848300,

5 SENSES Interactive Workshop - AJW 2017

18.00 : opening : +Apantima
@Krama School of Contemporary Jewelry / Evrou 9 Str., 11528, Athens / tel. (+30) 6939080989, 6972840825
Dates: 19/5 – 21/5, opening hours: Fri-Sat-Sunday: 11.00 – 21.00

KRAMA school


19.30 : opening : “Worthless” by Arkivet Collective (group exhibition)
@IOS22 Creative Gallery (art + architecture) / Tzaferi 10, 11854, Gazi / tel. (+30) 210 3460710
Dates: 19/5 – 21/5, opening hours: Friday: 12.00 – 21.00, Saturday: 11.00 – 19.00, Sunday: 11.00 – 17.00

AJW 2017 - 19-05 : 19.30 : opening : “Worthless” by Arkivet Collective

21.00 : opening : JOYA Barcelona (fair)
@The Sowl / Herakleidon 10, Thiseio / tel. (+30) 210 345003
Dates: 18/5 – 21/5, opening hours: Thurs-Fri: 16.00-02.00, Sat: 11.00-03.00, Sun: 11.00-00.00

JOYA at AJW 2017





11.00 – 15.00: lectures
@Benaki Museum, Main Building / 1 Koumbari St. & Vas. Sofias Ave. / tel. (+30) 210 3671000 /

Peter Bauhuis – Jewelry Artist: “Armillaria, Arithmeticians and other Amazements”
Georgia Gremouti – Visual Artist: “Poly-folds – expanding the dimensions”
Juan Riusech – Founder of Alliages Organization & Gallery : “Back to the future, a jewel history”
Marianne Gassier – Blogger / Collector: “Jewelry, a NEED for life”


19.00 : opening : “The after Joya effect IV” (group exhibition)
@Popeye Loves Olive Art-Space / 5 Limbona str., 10560, Ag. Irinis Square / tel. (+30) 210 8673461
Dates: 18/5- 6/6, opening hours: Tues-Sat: 12.00-20.00, Sun: 12.00 – 17.00

The After Joya Effect IV -  18 may-6 june 2017


21.00 : opening : Difference by Jonathan Hens & Dimitar Stankov (group exhibition)
@Six D.o.g.s / 6-8 Avramiotou str., Monastiraki 10551, Athens / tel. (+30) 210 3210510 /
Dates: 19/5- 21/5, opening hours: Friday, Saturday : 12.00 – 19.00, Sunday: 12.00 – 17.00

Jonathan HENS - no expiry -



17.00 – 19.00 : awards
The Anticlastics Award
The Benaki Award
The Alchimia Award
@Benaki Museum, Pireos St. Annexe / 138 Pireos & Andronikou St. / tel. (+30) 210 3453111 /





Gustavo Paradiso Jewelry school

Classé dans : Atelier/workshop,ECOLE / SCHOOLS,Espagne (ES),Gustavo PARADISO (RA),VIDEO — bijoucontemporain @ 16:36

Gustavo Paradiso Jewelry school 

Gustavo Paradiso Jewelry school dans Atelier/workshop 13502573_894964713960055_8739502721232508849_o
« Gustavo’s studio and jewelry school is located in the beautiful village of Vejer de la Frontera, in South of Spain.
It is totally equipped with material and tools for up to four students.
The ones who will take part to a class, will be able to come for a week-end or a week with provided accommodation.
For about 4h of class per day, students will learn or improve any techniques they want. They will benefit of a totally customized and Personal coaching with useful advices on research, jewelry design and creation.
The students will also enjoy the amazing landscapes of the area of Cadiz and have the possibility to go the the beach during their free time.
A class at Gustavo Paradiso Jewelry school is a great occasion to live a total immersion in a Jewelry studio and in the Spanish way of life ! » (by Salomé)

gustavo Paradiso jewelry school


gustavo Paradiso jewelry school


« Gustavo Paradiso is a professional Jeweler and contemporary artist since 1999. He also teaches various jewelry techniques through workshops all over Europe and he has now opened his own Jewelry school in a beautiful village in south of Spain. The school is open for summer classes from march to November. Every levels are welcome to take part.
It is the perfect place to discover or improve jewelry skills and enjoy the Spanish way of life by wandering in the white streets or going to the beach during free time ! »
Gustavo Paradiso :
« Originally from Patagonia, It has been 16 years that Gustavo Paradiso is improving himself as a great Jeweler and artist.
He took part in many different workshops and exhibitions in both continents south-America and Europe, which permitted him to acquire a huge range of knowledges of the contemporary jewelry techniques. From the stone setting, the Mokume Gane, the enameling, to many more such as cuttle bonefish casting, woodcarving and porcelain work.
He Enjoys playing with diverse materials, experimenting the technique through collage of metals and complex pieces.
Now living in Spain, he is contributing to the jewelry world by teaching full time and giving back to his students the passion of manual work. He is regularly invited to teach workshops in Jewelry schools and shared studio all over the country, Italy, Portugal and more. He also gives private classes at his own studio and house. »
Vejer de la FronteraVejer de la Frontera

Classes and Workshop are given from March to November.
For any further informations about the classes in Vejer de la Frontera, please go on Gustavo Paradiso Jewelry school
facebook page :
If you wish to organize a workshop with Gustavo Paradiso at your own school or studio, please contact him on :


Gustavo Paradiso / Jewelry School
critical thinking, design, making techniques, personal training, research.
Calle Rosario 24
11150 Vejer de la Frontera
phone: +34 622 22 48 57
website :
facebook  page
instagram :



ATHENS JEWELRY WEEK (AJW) 2016 – general schedule – Athens (GR) – 29 June-3 July 2016



AJW 2016


ATHENS JEWELRY WEEK is organised by Anticlastics. The Anticlastics group was formed by Anastasia Kandaraki, Erato Kouloubi, Ioanna Natsikou and Niki Stylianou . All four are active in the Contemporary Jewellery scene and follow parallel paths. Their work covers a wide range of areas in the field of creative expression : from research and design to making and teaching. The Anticlastics group is a non-profit entity aiming, through collective action, to promote Contemporary Greek Jewelry, both in Greece and abroad, enhancing awareness and exchange of views.
ATHENS JEWELRY WEEK 2016 is open to Greek jewelry designers/makers, individual artists or art groups, schools and galleries that consider jewelry as an art form and that through their action are trying to push the boundaries, expand and enrich the field of Contemporary Jewelry. All events scheduled (actions, performances, seminars, lectures) will open to the public between 29/6 and 3/7. Depending on their content/purpose, they may last from one day up to one month.
The aim of ATHENS JEWELRY WEEK 2016  is to present to the wider public the specifics, diversity and artistic dimension of Contemporary Jewelry in Greece. In particular, it aims to: – Inform and educate the public on issues related to Contemporary Jewelry as an art form and a means of creative expression – Support individual artists and creative groups that are active in this particular field and – To bring together all interested and collaborative parts/members (artists, galleries, collectors, museums and other institutions promoting the arts and culture etc.) through communication and networking.


Map FinalMAP


* Galleries :  El.Marneri Galerie //  Popeye Loves Olive Art Space

* Groups / Collectives :  Cluster // J.A.W. // Maria Tsimpiskaki – Niki Stylianou // RagTag

* and …. LOT of (Greek) ARTISTS  (see different posts about it that will be publicated here)




Lectures at : Melanithros ( art space) / 4 Zappa str., 11635, Kallimarmaro
12.00-13.00 : Martina Dempfjewelry designer & social anthropologist : “Off the Beaten Track- Art Jewelry in Central Europe”
13.00-14.00 : Paulo Ribeiro  director of Joya Barcelona : “Jewelry & Icons”
14.00-14.30 : Dan PiersinaruFounder & Director of AUTOR : “The Newborn: Recent Jewelry Platforms”
14.30-15.30 : Jorge Manillajewelry & art designer “It is not the same, but we will meet”

SUNDAY, 03/7

Lectures at : Melanithros ( art space) / 4 Zappa str., 11635, Kallimarmaro

17.00 – 17.30 : Juan Riusech  Founder of Alliages Organization & Gallery : “Alliages project”
17.30-18.30 : Nicole Polentas  jewelry artist : “Framing Place: An unfolding of time and experience through the jewelry object”
18.30-19.30 : Demitra Thomloudis jewelry artist & assistant professor : “Site: Influence within contemporary Jewelry ”
19.30-20.30 : Akis Goumas – jewelry maker / researcher : “Searching for the prehistoric craftsman”






EXPO ‘Joya – la inspiracion en el pasado’ – Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos (ES) – 31 Mai-2 Oct. 2016

Today May 31 Opening at 6:30 pm 

« Jewel – The inspiration in the past »

at the Museo de la Evolución Humana (Museum of Human Evolution) in Burgos.

« Joya – la inspiracion en el pasado » (Bijou – l’ inspiration dans le passé) au Musée de l’Evolution Humaine de Burgos en Espagne (Museo de la Evolución Humana). L’exposition sera visible jusqu’en Septembre 2016 .

La podéis visitar en la zona de talleres del MEH hasta el 2 de octubre con entrada libre. Contiene diseños de 30 joyeros de todo el mundo que se han inspirado en algún aspecto de la Prehistoria. No os la perdáis!!

EXPO 'Joya - la inspiracion en el pasado' - Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos

   Artist List:        Akis Goumas – Beth LeggCarla García Durlan Carlos Pastor  — Carlos Reano –  Clara del Papa Gigi Mariani Gold & Roses –  Hege OsdalenJee Hye Kwon – Jordi Aparicio –  Jorge Manilla José Marín  – Juan José García Martín –  Judy McCaig – Katerina Glyca Laura Gómez — Laura González – Lluís Comín – Mabel Pena – Maria Diez – Montserrat Lacomba   Patricia Domingues – Niki Stylianou -- Paul AdiePilar Cotter – Rosa NoguésSara SernaSébastien Carré –  Trinidad Contreras



La muestra, que reúne diseños de 30 joyeros de once países distintos, entiende la joyería como parte de nuestra historia cultural y se podrá ver hasta octubre de forma gratuita en la Sala de Talleres del MEH El Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), ha presentado la exposición ‘Joya. La inspiración en el pasado’, que se podrá ver gratuitamente en la Sala de talleres (planta -1) del MEH hasta el próximo2 de octubre. Este proyecto, comisariado por Sara Serna, reúne trabajos de una treintena de joyeros de todo el mundo que entienden la joyería como parte de nuestra historia cultural y que, inspirados en la Prehistoria y utilizando diferentes técnicas y materiales, pretenden conmover al visitante ensalzando la joya como un elemento conceptual, superando el valor ornamental de las mismas. La exposición, puesta en marcha por la Consejería de Cultura y Turismo en el MEH, contiene piezas de 30 joyeros de once países distintos. Así, diseñadores de España, Reino Unido, Argentina, Grecia, Venezuela, Italia, Noruega, República de Corea, Bélgica, Portugal o Francia exhiben diversas técnicas innovadoras, materiales, formas y texturas en joyas artísticas con una inspiración y una investigación prehistórica, con el fin de conmover al asistente y buscar una reacción en la expresión de las piezas.

Sébastien Carré - broche 2016 - EXPO 'Joya - la inspiracion en el pasado' - Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos (ES) - 31 Mai-2 Oct. 2016: Sébastien Carré – « Couches Archéologiques » – Broche -2016 Papier Japonais, Laque Japonaise, poussière d’aluminium, Ruby Zoisite, Turquoise d’Afrique, Aigue Marine, perles rocaille, soie, coton //  » Archaeological Layers » – Brooch – 2016 Japanese paper, Japanese Lacquer, Aluminum powder, Zoisite’s Ruby, African Turquoise, AquaMarine, beads, silk, cotton

Lluís ComínLluis Comin:
Lluís Comín - « España » collar – plata, oro, bronce, mica, patinas

- Niki Stylianou - EXPO 'Joya - la inspiracion en el pasado' - Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos  Niki Stylianou

Jorge Manilla- SCHMUCK 2015: Jorge Manilla - Sacrifices II  (presented at SCHMUCK 2015)

Gigi Mariani - Per il MEH ho fatto una collana "inclusion" soliti ingredienti   2016: Gigi Mariani – Per il MEH  collana « inclusion »   2016

Gigi Mariani -   collana "inclusion" 2016 (detail)Gigi Mariani -   collana « inclusion » 2016 (detail)

Hege Osdalen - necklace 2016Hege Osdalen – necklace (detail) Clara Del Papa - TAIMA-T prehistoric hug ringClara Del Papa – TAIMA-T prehistoric hug ring

Clara Del Papa - TAIMA-T prehistoric hug ringClara Del Papa – TAIMA-T prehistoric hug ring

 Mabel Pena - Huellas de tiempos Collar Detalle - Photo:Ruben Andon Mabel Pena – Huellas de tiempos Collar Detalle – Photo:Ruben Andon

Mabel Pena - Huellas de tiempos Collar Detalle - Photo:Ruben Andon: Mabel Pena – Huellas de tiempos Collar Detalle – Photo:Ruben Andon

 Jee Hye KwonJee Hye Kwon

Montserrat Lacomba - Brooch  “Transformed Halberd” Brooch 50 x 130 x 10 mm Silver, copper and enamel 2016Montserrat Lacomba - Brooch  “Transformed Halberd” Brooch 50 x 130 x 10 mm Silver, copper and enamel 2016

Carlos Pastor - manopla-objeto - pergamino - EXPO 'Joya - la inspiracion en el pasado' - Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos: Carlos Pastor – manopla-objeto – pergamino de cabra

Jose Marin - Collar. "La Dama de la Cova del Parpalló".Jose Marin - Collar. « La Dama de la Cova del Parpalló ». silex, hueso, crin de caballo, titanio, oro

Rosa Nogués Freixas  - EXPO 'Joya - la inspiracion en el pasado' - Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos: Rosa Nogués Freixas

* el MEH realizará el taller ‘Pequejoyeros’ para conocer qué es una joya y cuándo nuestros antepasados comenzaron a fabricarlas. Esta actividad, en la que los participantes fabricarán sus propias joyas, se desarrollará los días 27, 28 y 29 de julio, de 11 a 12.15 horas, para niños y niñas de entre 4 y 7 años y los mismos días para menores de de 8 a 12 años de 12.30 a 13.45 horas.

* El MEH organizará la conferencia ‘La joya, más allá de la belleza’, por parte de Sara Serna, comisaria de la exposición, quien dará a conocer el objetivo y resultados de esta muestra, dando a conocer cómo todo el proceso creativo de la joyería actual lleva detrás una investigación, una innovación y un estudio que, en este caso, nos remite a nuestro pasado más remoto. La charla será el jueves, 22 de septiembre, en el Salón de Actos del MEH. La ponente invitará a reflexionar sobre las joyas en relación con materiales y utensilios prehistóricos que se asemejan en formas y texturas a obras contemporáneas.

Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH)

Paseo de la Sierra de Atapuerca, 2.
tel 34 902 024 246





EXPO/Vente aux ENCHERES ‘Jewellery Experience « Greece-Spain for Humanity »‘ – Centro Artesanía Comunitat Valenciana, Valencia (SP) – 16-26 Mai 2016

Exposición y subasta benéfica

Jewellery Experience « Greece-Spain for Humanity »

Inauguración lunes 16 mayo a las 19,30h

SUBASTA / Vente aux ENCHERES / AUCTION :  26 de mayo,  a las 20h

El dinero recaudado en esta subasta irá íntegro a los refugiados sirios a través de la ONG Intermón OXFAM.
next May 26th at 20:00h will be the auction. All the money that we collect will go completely to the Syrian refugees through the ONG Intermón OXFAM.
If you want to send money to the Syrian refugees without buying a jewel you can do it through this link:


Foto de la Actividad

El proyecto Jewellery Experience, realizado en el seno del Melting Point 2016, 3º encuentro de Joyería Contemporánea Valencia, nació de la mano del orfebre y arqueólogo griego, Akis Goumas, y el orfebre valenciano José Marín con una filosofía clara: reutilizar materiales sostenibles para la elaboración de distintas piezas de joyería con un fin puramente solidario.

workshop at  Solar Coronaworkshop at  Solar Corona

Las obras realizadas durante este workshop celebrado en el Solar Corona, y que han sido generosamente donadas por l’Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de Valencia y los orfebres José Marín y Akis Goumas para apoyar la acción humanitaria a favor de los refugiados sirios, serán expuestas desde el 16 de mayo en la sala « Una Mirada Singular » del Centro de Artesania de la Comunitat Valenciana.

La exposición de estas piezas de joyería contemporánea concluirá el próximo 26 de mayo, con la celebración a las 20h de de una subasta benéfica en el salón de actos del Centro de Artesanía, y cuya recaudación irá destinada a los proyectos realizados por Intermon Oxfam en esas zonas de conflicto.

some of the pieces done and that will be sold at the auction : expo/vente enchères

expo/vente enchères

 expo/vente enchères

expo/vente enchères

 expo/vente enchères


Image de prévisualisation YouTube


 Solidaridad joyera en Valencia con los refugiados de Siria | GoldAndTime: Solidaridad joyera en Valencia con los refugiados de Siria (Akis Goumas en el centro, José Marin à la izquierda)


Centro de Artesanía de la Comunitat Valenciana

Hospital, 7 (acceso plaza peatonal MuVIM)
46001, Valencia
Cómo llegarTeléfono: +34 96-351-30-90 / +34 96-352-05-20
Fax: +34 96-394-44-91




Triennale européenne du bijou contemporain – Wcc-bf Mons (Belgique) – 25 Oct.-28 Dec. 2014

Wcc-bf Mons

La Triennale européenne du bijou contemporain
De europese Triënnale voor hedendaagse sieraden
The European Triennial for Contemporary Jewellery
Belgique / Finlande / Italie – Belgium / Finland / Italy
Triennale Mons 2014

Pour sa cinquième édition, la Triennale européenne du Bijou contemporain invite les créateurs d’Italie et de Finlande à dialoguer avec les Belges.

Quarante-cinq artistes, maîtres d’art ou jeunes talents, seront  réunis à la Grande Halle des anciens abattoirs de Mons pour un des événements majeurs du bijou contemporain en Europe.


Belgique / België / Belgium
Nevin Arig, Liesbeth Bussche, Clarisse Bruynbroeck, Hilde De Decker, Marion Delarue,
Silke Fleischer, Bernard François, Delphine Joly, Patrick Marchal, Shana Teugels, Karen Vanmol, kuppers&wuytens, Marta Miguel Martinez Soria, Claire Lavendhomme, Nelly Van Oost.

Nelly Van Oost (MA 2012) • Brooch "Instant" • Paint, new silver and steel • 2014 • ©p Lotta DuseNelly Van Oost (MA 2012 Idar Oberstein) • Brooch « Instant » • Paint, new silver and steel • 2014 • ©p Lotta Duse

Nevin Arig, Occupy-gezi-day3, collier, 2014. Bois, argent, pigments sur métal et sur bois. 40x6,7x3,5 cm. Photo: Nevin Arig.Nevin Arig, Occupy-gezi-day3, collier, 2014. Bois, argent, pigments sur métal et sur bois. 40×6,7×3,5 cm. Photo: Nevin Arig.

Karen VanmolKaren Vanmol

clarisse BruynbroeckClarisse Bruynbroeck

Brooch by Claire Lavendhomme. "Passage" series 2013 . Photo on aluminum & silver.Brooch by Claire Lavendhomme. « Passage » series 2013 . Photo on aluminum & silver.


Finlande / Finland / Finland
Ulla Ahola, Tuija Hietanen, Sirja Knaapi, Helena Lehtinen, Eija Mustonen, Maria Nuutinen, Inni Pärnänen, Essi Pullinen, Ari Pyörälä, Tiina Rajakallio, Jenni Sokura, Janna Syvänoja, Nelli Tanner, Tarja Tuupanen, Tatu Vuorio.

 Janna Syvanoja, broche, 2013. papier recyclé (carte), fil d'acier, 19 x 9 x 6 cm. Photo: Janna Syvanoja.Janna Syvanoja, broche, 2013. papier recyclé (carte), fil d’acier, 19 x 9 x 6 cm. Photo: Janna Syvanoja.


Italie / Italie / Italy
Daniela Boieri, Giovanni Corvaja, Arata Fuchi, Doris Maninger, Stefano Marchetti, Lucia Massei, Barbara Paganin, Marzia Rossi, Jacqueline Ryan, Giovanni Sicuro, Fabrizio Tridenti, Barbara Uderzo, Graziano Visintin, Annamaria Zanella.

 Stefano Marchetti, Broche, 2014. Or, titane, résine. Photo: Stefano Marchetti.Stefano Marchetti, Broche, 2014. Or, titane, résine. Photo: Stefano Marchetti.

Marzia Rossi - She is gone, necklace 2011-12 silver, beads nylon threadMarzia Rossi – She is gone, necklace 2011-12 silver, beads nylon thread

Doris Maninger - ‘ephemeral floating’, necklace, 2013, iron, silver, electroformedDoris Maninger – ‘ephemeral floating’, necklace, 2013, iron, silver, electroformed

Daniela Boieri -  necklace, 2014, silverDaniela Boieri -  necklace, 2014, silver

Lucia Massei “Orientale" bracelet, 2014 ancient epaulettes,  copper, yellow gold, silk Lucia Massei “Orientale » bracelet, 2014 ancient epaulettes,  copper, yellow gold, silk

Dans ce cadre, une journée de conférence et un workshop sont organisés !

Triennale Mons 2014

Grande Halle des anciens abattoirs de Mons
Du 25.10.2014 au 28.12.2014
Tous les jours sauf le lundi et le 25.12
de 12h00 à 18h00 (17h00 le 24.12)
From 25.10.2014 until 28.12.2014,
everyday except Monday and 25.12,
from 12:00 to 18:00 (17:00, on the 24.12)

 Site des Anciens Abattoirs
17 – 02, Rue de la Trouille
B-7000 Mons (Belgique)
Tél. : +32-(0)65-84.64.67
Fax : +32-(0)65-84.31.22


Gustavo Paradiso – WORKSHOP – Mallorca (ES) – 5-6 Aout 2014

Gustavo Paradiso – workshop

Tecnica de fundicion en hueso de sepia, jibia –  Cuttlefish bone casting technique  – fonte a l’os de seiche


Info + inscripciones:



C/ Sa Lluna 43
07100 – Soller
Mallorca – Baleares
0034 971631732


WORKSHOP with LUIS ACOSTA – BARCELONA (ES) – samedi 10 mai 2014

Classé dans : Atelier/workshop,BARCELONA,Luis ACOSTA (RA),papier / paper — bijoucontemporain @ 0:56

WORKSHOP with LUIS ACOSTA – BARCELONA -    samedi 10 mai  – 10:00 – 17:00 -             Barcelona, A pasos de la Rambla, Metro Liceo, Mercado de la Boquería, Plaza Real, etc.  Sábado 10 de mayo de 10 a 17 hs en Barcelona

CUPO LIMITADO  Inscripción hasta un mes antes o sea hasta el 10 de abril.


WORKSHOP with LUIS ACOSTA - BARCELONA -    samedi 10 mai  2014
Luis Acosta paper bracelet
And ….. to show you how much it LOOKS « EASY » to do it, Luis Acosta offers us the images of the process …..
Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images - 1Luis Acostaproceso en imágenes  /  process images – 1
Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images - 2Luis Acostaproceso en imágenes  /  process images – 2
Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images - 3Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images – 3
Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images - 4Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images – 4
Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images - 5Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images – 5
Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images - 6Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images – 6
Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images -  7 - braceletLuis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images -  7bracelet
Luis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images - 7 bracelet detailLuis Acosta -  avril 2011 -  proceso en imágenes / process images – 7 bracelet detail
EASY !!! isnt’it ??????? ;-)
Luis Acosta - workshop Holland 20 mars 2014Luis Acosta – workshop Holland 20 mars 2014
Luis Acosta -  workshop in Hollande 20 mars 2014Luis Acosta -  workshop in Hollande 20 mars 2014


WORKSHOP : ‘Exhibitionism(s)’ – St Lucas University, Antwerp (BE) – 24-28 Mars 2014

You are invited to participate in the Masterclass « Exhibitionism(s) » by Benjamin Lignel

 MASTERCLASS ‘Exhibitionism(s)’ BY BENJAMIN LIGNEL24.March.2014 - 28.March.2014St Lucas University College of Art & Design Antwerp

Place: St Lucas University College of Art & Design Antwerp
(Kerkstraat 45, Antwerp, Belgium)
Management: Hilde De Decker
24.March.2014 – 28.March.2014

deadline: 20.Feb.2014

Any exhibition must contend with the physical constraints of the medium you work in and with the ongoing discussion the wider field of art is having regarding display conventions: less critical than complicit, current curatorial trends treat those conventions like a toolbox of endless combinatory possibilities. As a result, exhibition set-ups dialogue with their heritage (the white-cube, the wunderkammer), incorporate strategies borrowed from other fields in the distribution business (the shop, the vending machine) and employ various penetration methods (installation, occupation, infiltration).

Meanwhile, the last decade has seen the rise to prominence of the curator, who takes an ever more active (and playful) role in determining how we engage with art. Whether they obscure or activate the intention of the artist, their curatorial strategies have a huge effect on how we perceive art, and give it value. However, ‘impactful’ does not always translate into ‘meaningful’, and we often wonder how much control and understanding curators (and artist-curators) have over the environments they set-up, and whether those environments actually do the work a favor.

During this workshop, the participants will investigate, separately, two of the exhibition formats they will encounter in their career: the group show, and the solo show.

No longer a second choice, the group show – when done well – can lend itself to ‘creating’ something that is more that the simple addition of unrelated parts. It can define the contours of a new genre (like Germano Celan’s Arte Povera show, and closer to us, the YBA’s Sensation show), revisit and modernize an old one (Les Magiciens de la Terre) or become a tool to research an idea (Nul si découvert). The challenges facing collective projects have to do with working from a given (in this case, a diverse group of makers) and reconciling various artistic ambitions under a single umbrella. Group shows are also human adventures: their success hangs on our ability to work together towards different goals.

The solo show, on the other hand, presumably lets the artist have total control of how, what, and where: there is more freedom there. The challenges are also different, and have to do with putting out something that is ‘proportioned’ to your intentions, and manufacturing an experience from the few constraints that do exist (the space where you exhibit).

The participants will start working in groups of two: they will plan, and design solo exhibitions in two adjoining rooms of the same museum/gallery/alternative space. After their projects have been presented and discussed, they will then be asked to work in groups of eight (half the total number of students) to conceive, design and explain two group shows.In both cases, we will look at how the participants’ projects articulate their conceptual allegiance to art, fashion, design or the applied, and what mediation strategy they use to put their message across.

Three guests curators will come during the week to attend the de-briefing and discussion sessions.

What to bring:  Need to have a finished body of work/installation project etc. that will serve as ‘material’ for the curatorial research (you will be contacted concerning the preparation)

Requirements: A good understanding and spoken level of English / Master level or graduated from a similar education

Dates: Monday 24th to Friday 28th March.2014 at 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. (except Monday 2 p.m. – 7 p.m.)

Price: EUR 95 (not incl. Materials)