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ATHENS JEWELRY WEEK (AJW) 2017 – general schedule – Athens (GR) – 18-21 May 2017


AJW 2017 on Facebook

AJW 2017

Contemporary jewelry meets the Athenian audience in a 4-day art event with international participations.

For a second year in a row, Athens Jewelry Week opens its doors to welcome its guests. The objective of this new and dynamic institution is to present to the Greek audience the trends and the rich diversity of contemporary art jewelry, as they have been evolving in Greece and abroad.

In the framework of the international jewelry scene, the organization constitutes the Greek presence on the world map of equivalent art events with an ever increasing interest. AJW 2017 covers four days of exhibitions, lectures and workshops, highlighting contemporary jewelry creators, their art and their authentic work.

The central exhibition titled “Art + Jewelry: Intersecting Spaces is hosted this year by the Benaki Museum (Pireos Annexe) and it aims to present the exceptional work of 48 selected artists. The influential German jewelry maker Peter Bauhuis, invited as a guest artist, will honor the event with his presence, by exhibiting his work in the main exhibition hall and by opening the lectures program.

AJW 2017 also includes 5 group exhibitions that will take places in various venues around Athens, lectures and seminars. The closing of the event will be marked by the awards ceremony. Awards will be given by international institutions/entities that are active in the contemporary jewelry field.

Athens Jewelry Week – organized by Anticlastics, a group of contemporary jewelry creators – aims, among other things, at introducing the art of contemporary jewelry to the broader public. It is addressed to artists and art aficionados of all ages and backgrounds, but mostly to all those who love contemporary art jewelry and want to learn more about it. Because -as the poet W.B. Yeats would say- « The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper ».



For the Central Exhibition « Art + Jewelry : Intersecting Spaces«  at Benaki Museum the Selected Individual Artists 2017  are :

Aggelika Diplari – Greece // Angelos Konstantakatos – Greece // Akis Goumas – Greece //  Angela Malhues – Chile //  Anna Vlahos – Greece/Australia // Antria Prasinou - Greece //  Christine Jalio – Finland //  Daniella Saraya -Israel // Hao-Han-Jhang – Taiwan // Ioli Livada – Greece // Irina Siman/Wundervenus – Belarus //  Iryna Voitenko – Ukraine // Isabelle Busnel -France-UK //  Kätrin Beljaev – Estonia //  Kristine Nuke Pantelejeva – Latvia // Liana Pattihis – UK/Cyprus // Magali Thibault Gobeil - Canada //  Maria Tsimpiskaki - Greece //  Martina Dempf – Germany // Melina Lindroos – Finland //  Mika Kaskantami – Greece // Sara Chyan – Hong Kong  // Snem Yildirim – Turkey // Sol Flores – Argentina // Stefania Sioufa – Greece //  Yakinthi Oikonomou – Greece //  Yiota Vogli - Greece

18 – 21 MAY 2017 @ BENAKI MUSEUM – 138 PIREOS STR.





19.00 : οpening : Art + Jewelry : Intersecting Spaces (group exhibition)
@Benaki Museum, Pireos St. Annexe / 138 Pireos & Andronikou St., tel. (+30) 210 3453111,
Dates: 18/5 – 21/5, opening hours: Friday, Saturday & Sunday 11:00-21:00

AjW 2017




11.00-15.00 : workshop : Anamma studio / contemporary jewelry seminars
@Benaki Museum (Pireos St. Annexe) / 138 Pireos & Andronikou St. /  tel. (+30) 210 3453111,
for reservations (+30) 6972848300,

5 SENSES Interactive Workshop - AJW 2017

18.00 : opening : +Apantima
@Krama School of Contemporary Jewelry / Evrou 9 Str., 11528, Athens / tel. (+30) 6939080989, 6972840825
Dates: 19/5 – 21/5, opening hours: Fri-Sat-Sunday: 11.00 – 21.00

KRAMA school


19.30 : opening : “Worthless” by Arkivet Collective (group exhibition)
@IOS22 Creative Gallery (art + architecture) / Tzaferi 10, 11854, Gazi / tel. (+30) 210 3460710
Dates: 19/5 – 21/5, opening hours: Friday: 12.00 – 21.00, Saturday: 11.00 – 19.00, Sunday: 11.00 – 17.00

AJW 2017 - 19-05 : 19.30 : opening : “Worthless” by Arkivet Collective

21.00 : opening : JOYA Barcelona (fair)
@The Sowl / Herakleidon 10, Thiseio / tel. (+30) 210 345003
Dates: 18/5 – 21/5, opening hours: Thurs-Fri: 16.00-02.00, Sat: 11.00-03.00, Sun: 11.00-00.00

JOYA at AJW 2017





11.00 – 15.00: lectures
@Benaki Museum, Main Building / 1 Koumbari St. & Vas. Sofias Ave. / tel. (+30) 210 3671000 /

Peter Bauhuis – Jewelry Artist: “Armillaria, Arithmeticians and other Amazements”
Georgia Gremouti – Visual Artist: “Poly-folds – expanding the dimensions”
Juan Riusech – Founder of Alliages Organization & Gallery : “Back to the future, a jewel history”
Marianne Gassier – Blogger / Collector: “Jewelry, a NEED for life”


19.00 : opening : “The after Joya effect IV” (group exhibition)
@Popeye Loves Olive Art-Space / 5 Limbona str., 10560, Ag. Irinis Square / tel. (+30) 210 8673461
Dates: 18/5- 6/6, opening hours: Tues-Sat: 12.00-20.00, Sun: 12.00 – 17.00

The After Joya Effect IV -  18 may-6 june 2017


21.00 : opening : Difference by Jonathan Hens & Dimitar Stankov (group exhibition)
@Six D.o.g.s / 6-8 Avramiotou str., Monastiraki 10551, Athens / tel. (+30) 210 3210510 /
Dates: 19/5- 21/5, opening hours: Friday, Saturday : 12.00 – 19.00, Sunday: 12.00 – 17.00

Jonathan HENS - no expiry -



17.00 – 19.00 : awards
The Anticlastics Award
The Benaki Award
The Alchimia Award
@Benaki Museum, Pireos St. Annexe / 138 Pireos & Andronikou St. / tel. (+30) 210 3453111 /





EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Jessica Morillo/ANSIOSA HORMONA – Arte Textil


30 Mars 2017 : Hoy en el Museo de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán a las 19.30

Mesa Panel de Arte Textil “Con historia, con memoria, Con Textura” – Nos encontramos a compartir un espacio de Charla y debate en torno a diferentes producciones textiles, de lo tradicional a lo contemporáneo.
Quedan invitadisimos, sera un gusto grande mostrar mis obras.

(Museo de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán  (MUNT) – San Martin 1545 – San Miguel de Tucumán ARGENTINA – tel +54 381 452-7550 – –

 Jessica Morillo - Museo de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán a las 19.30. 30 mars 2017


Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona - “Coraza / Aprender a hacer y deshacer el amor” oct 2016  Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona – “Coraza / Aprender a hacer y deshacer el amor
Pieza en construcción desde el 2014 al 2016. Proceso de Cortar-coser: unir/lastimar/marcar/: cicatriz-costra: herida abierta y cerrada
La costura como puente de unión, un puente es el vehículo entre dos partes, para unirlas, conectarlas, vincularlas.
La pieza presentada es parte de un proceso de trabajo de dos años que a modo ritual, lento, repetitivo fui desarrollando, cortando mis prendas, usadas/vividas con registro de mi cuerpo y de las experiencias transitadas, para luego volverlas a coser, sin pensar en un fin, sin pensar en que será luego de terminar.
Me servía como una práctica que calmaba un sentimiento interno doloroso de separación, estaba separada y buscaba de manera inconsciente generar el puente que vinculara el pasado y el presente para poder cerrar la herida.
Esta pieza es un exorcismo, una ofrenda, ha sido para mí un ritual su construcción, puntada tras puntada iba uniendo pero a la vez lastimando la piel de cada prenda.
foto: Julio Gutierresoct 2016

Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona:

Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona
buscando sus raizes ?

Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona buscando sus raizes ?Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona

Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona - buscando sus raizes ?Jessica Morillo / Ansiosa Hormona – buscando sus raizes ?



ATHENS JEWELRY WEEK (AJW) 2016 – general schedule – Athens (GR) – 29 June-3 July 2016



AJW 2016


ATHENS JEWELRY WEEK is organised by Anticlastics. The Anticlastics group was formed by Anastasia Kandaraki, Erato Kouloubi, Ioanna Natsikou and Niki Stylianou . All four are active in the Contemporary Jewellery scene and follow parallel paths. Their work covers a wide range of areas in the field of creative expression : from research and design to making and teaching. The Anticlastics group is a non-profit entity aiming, through collective action, to promote Contemporary Greek Jewelry, both in Greece and abroad, enhancing awareness and exchange of views.
ATHENS JEWELRY WEEK 2016 is open to Greek jewelry designers/makers, individual artists or art groups, schools and galleries that consider jewelry as an art form and that through their action are trying to push the boundaries, expand and enrich the field of Contemporary Jewelry. All events scheduled (actions, performances, seminars, lectures) will open to the public between 29/6 and 3/7. Depending on their content/purpose, they may last from one day up to one month.
The aim of ATHENS JEWELRY WEEK 2016  is to present to the wider public the specifics, diversity and artistic dimension of Contemporary Jewelry in Greece. In particular, it aims to: – Inform and educate the public on issues related to Contemporary Jewelry as an art form and a means of creative expression – Support individual artists and creative groups that are active in this particular field and – To bring together all interested and collaborative parts/members (artists, galleries, collectors, museums and other institutions promoting the arts and culture etc.) through communication and networking.


Map FinalMAP


* Galleries :  El.Marneri Galerie //  Popeye Loves Olive Art Space

* Groups / Collectives :  Cluster // J.A.W. // Maria Tsimpiskaki – Niki Stylianou // RagTag

* and …. LOT of (Greek) ARTISTS  (see different posts about it that will be publicated here)




Lectures at : Melanithros ( art space) / 4 Zappa str., 11635, Kallimarmaro
12.00-13.00 : Martina Dempfjewelry designer & social anthropologist : “Off the Beaten Track- Art Jewelry in Central Europe”
13.00-14.00 : Paulo Ribeiro  director of Joya Barcelona : “Jewelry & Icons”
14.00-14.30 : Dan PiersinaruFounder & Director of AUTOR : “The Newborn: Recent Jewelry Platforms”
14.30-15.30 : Jorge Manillajewelry & art designer “It is not the same, but we will meet”

SUNDAY, 03/7

Lectures at : Melanithros ( art space) / 4 Zappa str., 11635, Kallimarmaro

17.00 – 17.30 : Juan Riusech  Founder of Alliages Organization & Gallery : “Alliages project”
17.30-18.30 : Nicole Polentas  jewelry artist : “Framing Place: An unfolding of time and experience through the jewelry object”
18.30-19.30 : Demitra Thomloudis jewelry artist & assistant professor : “Site: Influence within contemporary Jewelry ”
19.30-20.30 : Akis Goumas – jewelry maker / researcher : “Searching for the prehistoric craftsman”






EXPO ‘Joya – la inspiracion en el pasado’ – Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos (ES) – 31 Mai-2 Oct. 2016

Today May 31 Opening at 6:30 pm 

« Jewel – The inspiration in the past »

at the Museo de la Evolución Humana (Museum of Human Evolution) in Burgos.

« Joya – la inspiracion en el pasado » (Bijou – l’ inspiration dans le passé) au Musée de l’Evolution Humaine de Burgos en Espagne (Museo de la Evolución Humana). L’exposition sera visible jusqu’en Septembre 2016 .

La podéis visitar en la zona de talleres del MEH hasta el 2 de octubre con entrada libre. Contiene diseños de 30 joyeros de todo el mundo que se han inspirado en algún aspecto de la Prehistoria. No os la perdáis!!

EXPO 'Joya - la inspiracion en el pasado' - Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos

   Artist List:        Akis Goumas – Beth LeggCarla García Durlan Carlos Pastor  — Carlos Reano –  Clara del Papa Gigi Mariani Gold & Roses –  Hege OsdalenJee Hye Kwon – Jordi Aparicio –  Jorge Manilla José Marín  – Juan José García Martín –  Judy McCaig – Katerina Glyca Laura Gómez — Laura González – Lluís Comín – Mabel Pena – Maria Diez – Montserrat Lacomba   Patricia Domingues – Niki Stylianou -- Paul AdiePilar Cotter – Rosa NoguésSara SernaSébastien Carré –  Trinidad Contreras



La muestra, que reúne diseños de 30 joyeros de once países distintos, entiende la joyería como parte de nuestra historia cultural y se podrá ver hasta octubre de forma gratuita en la Sala de Talleres del MEH El Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), ha presentado la exposición ‘Joya. La inspiración en el pasado’, que se podrá ver gratuitamente en la Sala de talleres (planta -1) del MEH hasta el próximo2 de octubre. Este proyecto, comisariado por Sara Serna, reúne trabajos de una treintena de joyeros de todo el mundo que entienden la joyería como parte de nuestra historia cultural y que, inspirados en la Prehistoria y utilizando diferentes técnicas y materiales, pretenden conmover al visitante ensalzando la joya como un elemento conceptual, superando el valor ornamental de las mismas. La exposición, puesta en marcha por la Consejería de Cultura y Turismo en el MEH, contiene piezas de 30 joyeros de once países distintos. Así, diseñadores de España, Reino Unido, Argentina, Grecia, Venezuela, Italia, Noruega, República de Corea, Bélgica, Portugal o Francia exhiben diversas técnicas innovadoras, materiales, formas y texturas en joyas artísticas con una inspiración y una investigación prehistórica, con el fin de conmover al asistente y buscar una reacción en la expresión de las piezas.

Sébastien Carré - broche 2016 - EXPO 'Joya - la inspiracion en el pasado' - Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos (ES) - 31 Mai-2 Oct. 2016: Sébastien Carré – « Couches Archéologiques » – Broche -2016 Papier Japonais, Laque Japonaise, poussière d’aluminium, Ruby Zoisite, Turquoise d’Afrique, Aigue Marine, perles rocaille, soie, coton //  » Archaeological Layers » – Brooch – 2016 Japanese paper, Japanese Lacquer, Aluminum powder, Zoisite’s Ruby, African Turquoise, AquaMarine, beads, silk, cotton

Lluís ComínLluis Comin:
Lluís Comín - « España » collar – plata, oro, bronce, mica, patinas

- Niki Stylianou - EXPO 'Joya - la inspiracion en el pasado' - Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos  Niki Stylianou

Jorge Manilla- SCHMUCK 2015: Jorge Manilla - Sacrifices II  (presented at SCHMUCK 2015)

Gigi Mariani - Per il MEH ho fatto una collana "inclusion" soliti ingredienti   2016: Gigi Mariani – Per il MEH  collana « inclusion »   2016

Gigi Mariani -   collana "inclusion" 2016 (detail)Gigi Mariani -   collana « inclusion » 2016 (detail)

Hege Osdalen - necklace 2016Hege Osdalen – necklace (detail) Clara Del Papa - TAIMA-T prehistoric hug ringClara Del Papa – TAIMA-T prehistoric hug ring

Clara Del Papa - TAIMA-T prehistoric hug ringClara Del Papa – TAIMA-T prehistoric hug ring

 Mabel Pena - Huellas de tiempos Collar Detalle - Photo:Ruben Andon Mabel Pena – Huellas de tiempos Collar Detalle – Photo:Ruben Andon

Mabel Pena - Huellas de tiempos Collar Detalle - Photo:Ruben Andon: Mabel Pena – Huellas de tiempos Collar Detalle – Photo:Ruben Andon

 Jee Hye KwonJee Hye Kwon

Montserrat Lacomba - Brooch  “Transformed Halberd” Brooch 50 x 130 x 10 mm Silver, copper and enamel 2016Montserrat Lacomba - Brooch  “Transformed Halberd” Brooch 50 x 130 x 10 mm Silver, copper and enamel 2016

Carlos Pastor - manopla-objeto - pergamino - EXPO 'Joya - la inspiracion en el pasado' - Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos: Carlos Pastor – manopla-objeto – pergamino de cabra

Jose Marin - Collar. "La Dama de la Cova del Parpalló".Jose Marin - Collar. « La Dama de la Cova del Parpalló ». silex, hueso, crin de caballo, titanio, oro

Rosa Nogués Freixas  - EXPO 'Joya - la inspiracion en el pasado' - Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos: Rosa Nogués Freixas

* el MEH realizará el taller ‘Pequejoyeros’ para conocer qué es una joya y cuándo nuestros antepasados comenzaron a fabricarlas. Esta actividad, en la que los participantes fabricarán sus propias joyas, se desarrollará los días 27, 28 y 29 de julio, de 11 a 12.15 horas, para niños y niñas de entre 4 y 7 años y los mismos días para menores de de 8 a 12 años de 12.30 a 13.45 horas.

* El MEH organizará la conferencia ‘La joya, más allá de la belleza’, por parte de Sara Serna, comisaria de la exposición, quien dará a conocer el objetivo y resultados de esta muestra, dando a conocer cómo todo el proceso creativo de la joyería actual lleva detrás una investigación, una innovación y un estudio que, en este caso, nos remite a nuestro pasado más remoto. La charla será el jueves, 22 de septiembre, en el Salón de Actos del MEH. La ponente invitará a reflexionar sobre las joyas en relación con materiales y utensilios prehistóricos que se asemejan en formas y texturas a obras contemporáneas.

Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH)

Paseo de la Sierra de Atapuerca, 2.
tel 34 902 024 246





Melting Point 2016 VALENCIA (Spain) – EXPO ‘PASSION BIJOU(x)’ – Galería del Tossal, Valencia (SP) – 21 Avril-22 Mai 2016

Passion Bijou(x). Colección Marianne Gassier de Joyería Contemporánea.

Galería del Tossal.   (Con la colaboración del Ajuntament de València):


 Melting Point Valencia 2016

Passion Bijou(x). Colección Marianne Gassier de Joyería Contemporánea. Galería del Tossal. Plaça del Tossal, Barri de Carme, València. (Con la colaboración del Ajuntament de València):

 My contemporary jewelry collection in an exhibition !!!

Thanks to Antonio Sánchez García and to all the EASD Valencia team, what was dreamed two years ago after drinking some « Valencia’s water » (not water at all ….. ;-) …) will become reality very soon …..
About 80 jewels from my collection (brooches, neckpieces, bracelets) in 4 themes (« Black envy« , « All Whites« , « Get the Blues » and « Red (thread) » will be displayed, separated by a stream of  about 60 rings …… Was VERY hard to do a choice (galeria Tossal is not big …) !!!

Of course jewels by the « better » actual jewellers (Christophe Burger, Sébastien Carré, Edu Tarin (Talente Prize 2016), François Pereña, Patricia Lemaire, Marianne Anselin, Teresa Faris, Maria Rosa Franzin, Philip Sajet, Noon Passama, Jorge Manilla, Gaetano Pesce, Gigi Mariani, Liana Pattihis, Marta Mattsson, Ramon Puig Cuyas , etc etc ……..) but also by all the youngs newly graduates  (my favourite field of investigations !  ….) from the better jewelry schools (Alchimia in Italy, Idar Oberstein in Germany, Massana in Spain, Afedap or HEAR in France, Suny New Palz in USA …..).

I’m VERY proud &  filled with emotion to share my choices and to give back to these jewellers, I hope, the pleasure they gave me.

The exhibition, titled « PASSION BIJOU(x) », will be held in Galeria Tossal, Valencia (Spain) from April 21 to May 22 2016, during the MELTING POINT jewelry event that occurs every two years in the city of Valencia.
More informations here

And SO SO SO MANY THANKS to all who helped for this project !! A SPECIAL THANK to Antonio Sánchez García who worked (hard) at EASD Valencia !

Alina Carp - ma broche 'Ana' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Alina Carp – ma broche ‘Ana’ (from the legend Of Manole) – means SO much for me !

Michelle Kraemer Necklace: CumulusNimbus II, 2014 Balsawood, paint, artificial sand, silver powder, silver 50 x 12 x 7 cm Photo by: Michelle Kraemer From series: Cumulus: Michelle Kraemer Necklace: CumulusNimbus II, 2014 Balsawood, paint, artificial sand, silver powder, silver 50 x 12 x 7 cm Photo by: Michelle Kraemer From series: Cumulus (when times become DARK … even darkness has its beauties …)

Jorge Manilla necklace - : from serie "IN MEMORIAM". •	Mexico,  2014 •	porcelain & thread / porcelana y hilo de algodon Jorge Manilla necklace – : from serie « IN MEMORIAM ». •    Mexico,  2014 •    porcelain & thread / porcelana y hilo de algodon

Mireia Calaf - broche"cortando obsesiones": Mireia Calaf - broche »cortando obsesiones« 

Sebastien Carré 'Inflammation noire', 2014 - pellicule de film, coton, laine & perles: Sebastien Carré ‘Inflammation noire’, 2014 – pellicule de film, coton, laine & perles

Edu Tarín. "Antípoda 5" black. 2014. Brooch. Copper, gold. Electroforming. 115x90x55mm. Photo by Manu Ocaña: Edu Tarín. « Antípoda 5″ black. 2014. Brooch. Copper, gold. Electroforming. 115x90x55mm. Photo by Manu Ocaña

Liana Pattihis broches 01-blue fine trace chain (small) 5,5cm diam L17cm -oct 2012-: Liana Pattihis broche 01-blue fine trace chain (small) 5,5cm diam L17cm -oct 2012

 Noon Passama black  portrait brooch - "Portrait # 16" , 2013 Leather, fur, oxidized silver mouth, oxidized silver backing, remanium pin 10.6 x 10.6 x 5.5 cm: Noon Passama black  portrait brooch – « Portrait # 16″ , 2013 Leather, fur, oxidized silver mouth, oxidized silver backing, remanium pin 10.6 x 10.6 x 5.5 cm (this one choosed me !)

Catalina Gibert - aMARE  necklace - 2013- linen canvas, acrylic paint, lapis lazuli, silver-   detail: Catalina GibertaMARE  necklace – 2013- linen canvas, acrylic paint, lapis lazuli, silver-   detail

Selen Ozus - "error 107" necklace - porcelain | glaze | cotton | silk - 2011: Selen Ozus – « error 107 » necklace – porcelain | glaze | cotton | silk – 2011

Valentina Caprini (Alchimia 2012) - necklace "Rinascita" -  1300 Meters of Red Thread -Valentina Caprini (Alchimia 2012) – necklace « Rinascita » -  1300 Meters of Red Thread

with "Strong" necklace, by Yiota Vogli  France 2015: with « Strong » necklace, by Yiota Vogli   - ’Arteries & Veins’ collection 2015, cotton, wool

Fermall " Tenebres" Plata, or, ópal etiopia. 2016  Brooch "Darkness" Silver, gold, opal Ethiopia. 2016  Lluís Comín.: Lluís Comín – brooch  » Tenebres » Plata, or, ópal etiopia. 2016  Brooch « Darkness » Silver, gold, opal Ethiopia. 2016 

I then will give a conference on April 22, at 10:00, at EASD de València: Salón de Actos
Calle Pintor Domingo, 20. – this day, conferences/lectures talk about the COLLECTORS and PROMOTERS view

22nd APRIL / lectures :
10:00  Marianne Gassier (France). Collector, blogger and contemporary jewellery expert. Passion Bijou(x)
11:15   Juan Riusech (France/Spain) Jeweller, galerist and colector in Lille (France). Proyecto Alliage
12:30   Eliana Negroni (Italy) Curator and organizer of “Jewels in Ferment / Gioielli in fermento”. Considerations on a Themed Award


Galería del Tossal.
Plaça del Tossal,
Barri de Carme, València



Melting Point 2016 VALENCIA (Spain) – EXPO ‘THE NAME OF THE ROSE’ – Museo Nacional de Cerámica, Valencia (SP) – 21 Avril-21 Mai 2016

At Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias « González Martí »

Tanel Veenre will be exhibiting in one of the most beautiful buildings here in Valencia, a Rococo Palace built in the 1740s. This enchanting space is perfect to showcase his exhibition « THE NAME OF THE ROSE » where we will find carved books, silver seahorses and poetic flutes.


Inauguración: 21/4 a las 19h.

 Melting Point Valencia 2016

Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias "González Martí". Valence, Espagne ·  Tanel Veenre will be exhibiting

 As a quick reminder, He will be giving a LECTURE titled « Dealing with Unknown » on Saturday 23rd @10:00 am in EASD’s conference room

Tanel Veenre -  Brooch: Paradox II, 2016 Silver, sapphire beetle, enamel, powdered stonesTanel Veenre -  Brooch: Paradox II, 2016 Silver, sapphire beetle, enamel, powdered stones

Tanel Veenre - Necklace: Paradox I, 2015 Wood, reconstructed onyx, silverTanel Veenre - Necklace: Paradox I, 2015 Wood, reconstructed onyx, silver

Tanel Veenre: Tanel Veenre – brooch   United Hearts, 2012 – Wood, silver, cosmic dust -
Hele-Mai from the series « United Hearts »

   2013 Tanel Veenre - in-the-beginning-was-the-word -neckpiece: Tanel Veenre – in-the-beginning-was-the-word - 2013 neckpiece


Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias « González Martí »

Salas planta noble
Carrer del Poeta Querol, 2,
46002 València, Valencia, Espagne
Téléphone :+34 963 08 54 29


Melting Point 2016 VALENCIA (Spain) – 21-24 AVRIL 2016

Melting Point Valencia 2016


a FANTASTIC program !!!! …. don’t miss it !!

Melting Point 2016 – Joieria Contemporània València es un encuentro internacional de joyería artística contemporánea organizado por el Departament de Joieria de la Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de València. Lo venimos realizando en la ciudad de Valencia desde 2012. Esta es la 3ª edición y se celebra en abril de 2016.

Melting Point 2016. 
Joieria Contemporània València.

Este mes de abril la joyería contemporánea tiene una nueva cita en Valencia en la tercera edición de nuestra bienal internacional. Deseamos, desde la satisfacción que nos proporciona poder disfrutar otra vez de vuestra presencia, invitaros a visitar las exposiciones previstas, a participar en las actividades y conferencias programadas, a intercambiar ideas, compartir experiencias y profundizar en el debate sobre los retos que afrontan sus creadores.

La edición 2016 de Melting Point se plantea como objetivo ofrecer un panorama de la joyería actual rico y lleno de matices, capaz de reflejar la pluralidad de opciones y enfoques que caracterizan la creatividad de estas primeras décadas del siglo XXI. Con este espíritu se ha organizado en la Galería Tossal el homenaje a Marianne Gassier, coleccionista apasionada de joyas de vanguardia y mujer dinamizadora de la cultura joyera contemporánea a través de su blog de prestigio internacional (OH !! …) . Se ha preparado, igualmente, una exposición monográfica de la obra del estonio Tanel Veenre, cuyas piezas podréis contemplar en las salas nobles del Palacio del Marqués de Dos Aguas. El Centre del Carme, por su parte, acoge la sección dedicada a los jóvenes creadores: Jorge Manilla, Edu Tarín (premio Talente 2016 y exalumno de la Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de València), los participantes en Visible Wall y Página en blanco, o la muestra dedicada a jóvenes joyeros argentinos.
Y aún hay mucho más: contamos con Akis Goumas, Gisbert Stach, Judy McCaig, José Marín, Peter Bauhuis y los estudiantes de Alchimia, Eliana Negroni con Gioielli in Fermento, Juan Riusech y Alliages, Tomas Palos, Imma Gibert, Manel G. Ramiro, Jordi Aparicio, Joyas Sensacionales, Anna Maria Staiano …………

Queremos mostrar nuestro profundo agradecimiento a las instituciones y particulares que colaboran en este proyecto: Museo Nacional de Cerámica González Martí, Direcció General de Patrimoni Cultural, Centre del Carme, Regidoria de Cultura de l’Ajuntament de València, Centre d’Artesania Comunitat Valenciana, Círculo de Bellas Artes, Fuencisla Francés, Pepe March, Solar Corona, Fabrika12, Elisa Peris…

AQUI/HERE exhibitions program

Por último, también deseamos celebrar con todos vosotros la consecución de uno de los grandes retos marcados por el Departament de Joieria de la EASD de València: la implantación en nuestro centro de los estudios de Grado/Bachellor en Joyería, únicos en España, que nos equiparan a otros países europeos. En este momento, estamos trabajando para ofrecer, igualmente, un Máster, que esperamos vea la luz en breve.

Nos vemos en Valencia, del 21 al 24 de abril para trabajar, pero también para compartir y disfrutar.

Antonio Sánchez. Departament de Joieria de l’EASD de València


Here is the MAP for all the events !!!

map of all events !

EASD València
* Salón de Actos *
C/ Pintor Domingo, 20
46001 – Valencia
Tel. 963 156 700 Fax. 963 156 701


EXPO ‘LISA WALKER ONE WEEK EXHIBITION’ – Platina Gallery, Stockholm (SE) – 3-11 Nov. 2015

November 3-11, 2015
Welcome to the reception on Tuesday Nov 10, 17-19.


During Lisa Walkers visit in Sweden, she will give a lecture at Nordiska museet, Nov 11, 18.30
The lecture is organized by Iaspis, Konstnärsnämnden and Nordiska Museet.
She is one of the invited for the seminar About Time, Nov 7 at HDK, Gothenburg



LISA WALKER  red broochLISA WALKER  red brooch

LISA WALKER lego neckpieceLISA WALKER lego neckpiece

LISA WALKER  neckpiecesLISA WALKER  neckpieces

Lisa Walker is an artist/jeweller/designer mostly working in the area of contemporary jewellery.
She exhibits and is involved in projects with museums, galleries, and other venues around the world. She is regularly invited to teach workshops and give lectures.
Her work is a study into the differences between an accepted notion of beauty or stereo-type, and something else – the search for a quality that we hardly ever see, but nevertheless perhaps recognise. Walker says « I don’t want to make pieces that are easily steered through our established channels, I want people to be forced to work on new syllogisms, analogies and positions. » She is continually pushing towards the extreme – a method which enables an expansion in thinking and ways of working.
Walker uses a large range of materials and techniques.
She makes reactionary work, consciously active with influences from all walks of culture and life. The pieces are often laced with references to contemporary jewellery of the last forty years, questioning and researching what jewellery means, what it can be.
Walker largely positions her work around the history, future, and boundaries of jewellery. She makes pieces for the future.
« Everything is food for art ».
After many years spent living in Munich, Germany, Walker is currently based in her city of birth Wellington, New Zealand.
Odengatan 68,
10232 Stockholm (Sweden)
tel +46 8 30 02 80

OPEN TU-FR 11-18, SA 11-15


EXPO during JOYA Barcelona OFF 2015 : ‘BÓRAX 08001: Celebrando 5 años’ – Escola Massana , Barcelona (ES) – 8-13 Oct. 2015

exhibition being part of « OFF JOYA » 2015

BÓRAX 08001: Celebrando 5 años

Escola Massana -  Barcelona

Opening: 8 October at 18h

Una exposición Bórax08001-5 years y una presentación/debate del resultado de la edición especial de nuestra acción ¿Qué tienes entre las manos?, en el marco de JOYA 2015

The contemporary art jewellery collective Bórax08001 is pleased to invite you to the inauguration of the exhibition Bórax08001, 5 Years, on Thursday, October 8, at 6 pm, in the Blava Room of the Escola Massana (Carrer Hospital 56, 08001, Barcelona, Spain). The exhibition, framed within OFFJOYA, commemorates the collective’s first five years of life with a selection of its members’ most representative projects. The show will remain open until October 10th.

BÓRAX 08001: Celebrando 5 años.

Artist list   Aline BerdichevskyTrinidad ContrerasPatrícia Correia DominguesCarolina GimenoDalia JuradoCristina Marti MatóCarolina Martinez LinaresAndrea NabholzGastón RoisNelly Van Oost

Con la exposición Bórax08001- 5 years regresaremos a nuestra alma mater para mostrar los momentos más significativos de esta aventura en colectivo. Te esperamos en la inauguración, que será el jueves 8 de octubre a las 18h en la Sala Blava de la Escola Massana. La exposición podrá visitarse hasta el 13 de octubre de 2015

También puedes participar de la mesa redonda que haremos el sábado 10 de octubre a las 14h en la sala de conferencias del JOYA 2015 en Arts Santa Mònica, C/ La Rambla 7. Invitamos a varios joyeros a vivir nuestra acción ¿Qué tienes entre las manos? Allí podrás ver el resultado audiovisual; habrá un espacio abierto donde los participantes podrán compartir sus vivencias, dando pie al debate..

BoraxConference BORAX 08001 « What do you have in your hands? »
The Bórax08001 collective has invited JOYA 2015′s participating artists to collaborate with them and carry out the What do you have in your hands? project in their own cities, with their own jewels and with their own unknown public. The goal of this project is to reach a part of society that is unaware of Contemporary Art Jewellery. By going out on the streets, direct contact between the creators and the passers-by can be established and feedback gathered. During Bórax08001′s conference, the collection of reactions and dialogues obtained from these interventions will be shared and reflected upon by the members of the collective, the participants and the audience.


Bórax08001 is a basic component in jewellery because it prevents oxide from forming and, at the same time, works as a flux favoring the flow of metal when it is being soldered and fused. The Bórax08001 collective acts as an antioxidant that drives our artistic creation, but also as a flux, favoring the flow of ideas and concepts as well as the development of new techniques and trends in contemporary art jewellery.
We come from multiple geographic coordinates and backgrounds. This particularity has enriched us personally and as a group ever since our paths crossed at the Escola Massana (Barcelona, Spain). As we grew up and deepened our skills as jewellers at Massana, strong synergies and complicities were created between us. And we have chosen Bórax08001 as the means to keep them alive, searching for new horizons and goals while sharing experiences and learning from each other.
Our work can be defined as the cartography of personal and experimental dialogues through contemporary art jewellery. Dialogues through matter, space, color… based on quests, poems, memories, doubts, thoughts, mistakes, games, dreams, intuition, perfection, light, consciousness, unconsciousness, beauty, and emotions.
Bórax08001 means contemporary, signature, art jewellery. Signature, because we value work from beginning to end and we wish to recover the value of authenticity, taking pride and joy in creating high-quality jewellery, putting special emphasis on the details. Contemporary, because our pieces of jewellery speak for us and reflect the society we live in. And art(istic) because we strive to express ourselves through metaphors and symbols while we create unique pieces.We conceive our collective as a medium, a tool, a channel that allows us to disseminate contemporary jewellery culture to the public unaware of this form of art. We are convinced that to make our work known it’s not only important to show it in the traditional established places, but also to approximate our artistic and conceptual vision  to people who are outside of the contemporary jewellery circuit. We try to do so by taking jewellery to their own territory in a natural, open and simple way through actions in public spaces which  occur in different places.  Our intention, through these direct interventions with society, is to bring closer the contemporary jewellery concept and to extend the conception of art to jewellery



Escola Massana 
Calle Hospital 56
08001 -  Barcelona

Lu-Vi de 8h a 21h



JOYA 2015 – Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair – PROGRAM – 8–9-10 October 2015

 JOYA Barcelona 2015 


(thanks to Klimt02)

JOYA: Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair 2015.  - JOYA 2015 (7th Edition) Arts Santa Monica 8th October – 10th October, 2015.(Gigi Mariani necklace)



Thursday October 8th
10:00 Press Preview
11:00 – 14:00 Fair
14:00 Round table Art Jewellery Forum with Benjamin Lignel
16:00 – 21:00 Fair
18:00 Gioielli in Fermento winners presentation/ Fondazioni Cominelli Award
20:00 Enjoia’t Awards

Friday October 9th
11:00 – 14:00 Fair
14:00 Conference MUDAC with Chantal Prod’Hom and Carole Guinard
16:00 – 21:00 Fair
18:00 Autor Award
20:00 VI Yearbook Award – Arte & Joya
20:30 Cocktail with Espaijoia

Saturday October 10th
11:00 – 14:00 Fair
14:00 Conference BORAX 08001 “What do you have in your hands? “
16:00 – 21:00 Fair
19:00 Alchimia Student Award/ Legnica Gallery Award
20:00 Alliages Legacy Award 2015
20:45 JOYA 2015 Award
22:00 JOYA Official Dinner at Museo del Disseny de Barcelona



Sébastien Carré - “Oh My God..." 7m (!!) Necklace - Wool, leather, silk, cotton, Red tiger eyes /tiger eyes/Aventurine, beadsSébastien Carré - “Oh My God… » 7m (!!) Necklace – Wool, leather, silk, cotton, Red tiger eyes /tiger eyes/Aventurine, beads






 Selected artist:

Aggelika DiplariAkis GoumasAlina CarpAlja NeunerAmira JaletAnna Krol — Anna Pavlova — Artemis ValsamakiBokyeong Lee — Carolyn Baker — Cedric Chevalley — Christine JalioCristina ZaniDora HarambalakiErato Kouloubi — Esme Parsons — Eva TesarikFlorence CroisierGigi MarianiGili DolinerInbar ShahakIrene Palomar Isabelle BusnelJeemin Jamie ChungJordi AparicioJose MarínKaterina GlykaKatja ToporskiKsenia VokhmentsevaLiana Pattihis — Marie Eve Castonguay — Mia KwonMichelle KraemerMihai Basoiu (« Bashou ») — Nicolas EstradaNiki Stylianou — Nina Lima — Omri Goren — Ruriko Ito — Sébastian CarréSenay AkinSteffi GotzeStenia Scarselli — Tami Eshed — Viktoria Munzker — Xing Zhou — Yafit Ben Meshulam — Yana TankovskaYannick MurYiota Vogli Zeta Tsermou.

Beside this, we have the honor to present the winners of different international events related with art jewellery :
Marie Eve Castonguay – Winner Autor Award 2015
Gigi Marini – Winner JOYA Award 2014
Akis Goumas – Winner Gioiello in Fermento Torre Fornello Award 2015
Sebastian Carré – Winner Gioiello in Fermento Torre Fornello Award 2015
Anna Krol – Winner La Basílica Award 2014.




Santa Monica Arts Centre
La Rambla 7
08001 -  Barcelona
Phone: + 34 931 42 26 17