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EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Rafael Luis ALVAREZ – premiado a Viste Rosario 2017 !

 Rafael Luis Alvarez (Argentina)

ha vencido el 2do premio al Final del concurso Viste Rosario 2017 (Concurso nacional Argentino de Diseño) en su categoría (accesorios) para la coleccion Kosmos

« En el marco del Concurso Nacional Viste Rosario, entre mayo y octubre de 2017 en el Centro de Expresiones Contemporáneas, se realizaron distintas actividades relacionadas con el diseño indumentaria, accesorios y textil. El Concurso conto con la participación de 289 proyectos de los cuales fueron preseleccionados 42″ – (concurso organizado por la Secretaría de Cultura y Educación municipal de la ciudad de Rosario)

concurso #VisteRosario


Rafael Luis Alvarez - broche de la coleccion KOSMOS (en el catalogo) -  2do premio (coleccion KOSMOS) para Viste RosarioRafael Luis Alvarez - broche de la coleccion KOSMOS en el catalogo

Rafael Luis Alvarez - piezas de la coleccion KOSMOS expuestas en  Viste Rosario (2do premio (coleccion KOSMOS))Rafael Luis Alvarez - piezas de la coleccion KOSMOS expuestas en  Viste Rosario

 Rafael Luis Alvarez Collar GEA colección Kosmos Rafael Luis Alvarez Collar GEA colección Kosmos (detalle) silicone rubber, mineral fibers

Rafael Luis Alvarez - Kosmos "Colección Gea" detalle   Rafael Luis Alvarez – Kosmos « Colección Gea » detalle - silicone rubber, mineral fibers


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Jessica Morillo – 1°premio en el concurso #VisteRosario

Jessica Morillo / ANSIOSA HORMONA – arte y diseño

Después del succeso de su muestra EBULLICIÓN en el Museo de Arte Popular José Hernández, Jessica Morillo  gana el 1°premio en el concurso #VisteRosario, categoria accesorios !

concurso #VisteRosario


« #MujerCasa es el nombre de mi coleccion de joyeria contemporanea presentada en el concurso #VisteRosario  1°Premio en la categoria accesorios« 

« #MujerCasa Mi cuerpo el jardin de mis placeres, mis organos huecos, mi cuerpo es mi casa. Soy casa propia que alberga explosivos movimientos de mi sangre que se transforma y llena mis fibras de nuevos aires de lucha. El cuerpo conectado con la tierra que se innuda de rafagas de libertad. Esta coleccion de joyeria contemporanea MujerCasa esta compuesta de por pieza textiles de formas variables. Donde las concavidades florecen con la energia de la transformacion femenina albergando nueva vida, pariendo la independencia de nuestros cuerpos libres. ANSIOSA HORMONA – arte y diseño- Tecnica: tejido y bordado Piezas: collares, anillo y pulsera Materiales: fibras naturales Foto: Flor Garcia Otta »

Jessica morillo - 1°premio en el concurso #VisteRosario - coleccion #MujerCasaJessica Morillocoleccion  #MujerCasa

Jessica morillo - 1°premio en el concurso #VisteRosario - coleccion #MujerCasaJessica Morillo coleccion  #MujerCasa

Jessica morillo - 1°premio en el concurso #VisteRosario - coleccion #MujerCasaJessica Morillocoleccion  #MujerCasa

« La felicidad es enorme, estos logros son abrazos fuertes que me permiten continuar con mi produccion, ideas, proyectos.  Me permiten relajar una parte para acelerar en otra, la creativa, la que amo hacer, la que me hace feliz!!! « 

BRAVO !!!!


JOYA 2017 – Barcelona (SP) – ENJOIA’T – 27 Sept.-5 Oct/6 Oct. 2017

It’s time for JOYA 2017 !! Barcelona (SP) – 5-6-7 Oct 2017

  JOYA_2017 - 5-6-7 Oct 2017

During JOYA, some AWARDS I particularly appreciate, organised by the  A-FAD :


ENJOIA'T 2017 2017/


Enjoia’t, Contemporary Jewelry Awards
The ENJOIA´T Contemporary Jewelry Awards have taken place annually over the past 23 years, acknowledging the most outstanding contemporary creations in the jewellery industry. The awards have therefore become an important meeting point for professional and student jewellers from all over the world, as part of Barcelona Jewellery Week. The ENJOIA´T awards acknowledge designs that question and transgress the limits of contemporary jewellery creation through originality, technical quality and conceptual richness. With international jewellers taking part in the awards, ENJOIA´T has become a showcase for the industry’s latest trends from a range of cultural perspectives.


ENJOIA’T empezara el 27 de setembre con la exposición en el edificio Disseny Hub Barcelona. La muestra se podrà ver del 27 de septiembre al 5 de octubre al vestíbulo de la planta 0. Se podran ver las piezas finalistas de los seleccionados de ENJOIA’T 2017, un històrico de todas las coronas que han servido a galardonar los ganadores de cada edición, y las coronas hechas por los alumnos de la Escola Massana para coronar el ganador del Premio de Opinión de ENJOIA’T 2017.

La entrega de los premios se hara el 6 de octubre a la Virreina – Un ganador en premio categoria Professional, y dos finalistas, igual para la categoria Estudiantes, y solo un premio para el Premio de opinion del publico.

AWARDS on October 6th

Here are the finalists :

Students finalists :

 Enjoia't 2017 - Students finalists

1. Through, Mansuo Zhu
2. Contrast, Yi-Jhu Huang (
3. Erosión, Leticia Rayo (
4. Holes, Ching Su Metal Studio (
5. Horizon 3, Dongyi Wu
6. Sin Digerir, Elena Moreno Ribas (
7. in my skin; on your skin, Olivia Marsha (
8. Delicia, Olga Koungourova Koungourova
Professional finalists :
Enjoia't 2017 - Professional finalists
1. Air Capsules neck piece, Eva Fernandez Martos (
2. Duality, Nassin Vesslian (
3. Reflections, Agustina Ros (
4. Metanoia, Darja Popolitova (
5. Dogma, Jounghye Park
6. Cariñoro, Sapi Szilágyi (
7. Portrait n.1, Federica Sala (
8. Fuckyeah!, Cedric Chevalley (
9. Hollow, Angela Ciobanu, (
10. Its motion, Ryungjae Jung
11. Heart Square Series, Wu Ching Chih (

Edificio Disseny Hub de Barcelona
Pl. de les Glòries Catalanes, 37-38
08018 Barcelona
Tel. (34) 932 566 776
/(34) 932 566 777


EXPO ‘Marzee Graduate Show 2017′ – Marzee Gallery, Nijmegen (NL) – 20 Aout-25 Oct. 2017

Marzee International Graduate Show 2017

Please join us, and the participating graduates, for the opening of the Marzee International Graduation Show on Sunday 20 August 2017 at 4pm at Galerie Marzee.

Marzee Graduation Show - opening 20 August 2017 at 4 pm

The annual Marzee International Graduation Show, is the highlight of our exhibition calendar, and has grown from a modest affair to an event unparallelled in size and scope. This year’s show will present a selection of jewellery and objects by more than 100 graduates from 40 different art schools and academies from Europe, US, Asia and Australia.
Galerie Marzee is unique in its support for emerging young talent and since 1986 the Marzee International Graduate Show has offered the best new graduates their first opportunity to exhibit in a world-renowned gallery. During the opening we will also award the Marzee Graduate Prize to this year’s most promising students.
Bringing together student works from all over the globe, Galerie Marzee’s graduate exhibition is the only of its kind. It serves as an annual survey of thesis research in the field of jewellery, but more importantly, as a venue for these investigations, questions, and queries to come to light. Indeed, with contributions from over 40 academies and colleges across the world, design and process are as varied as there are selected works. As these students transition from the structure provided by university jewellery departments into a studio practice of their own making, the opportunity for their first body of work to continue into the contemporary conversation is significant. Perfectly housed within the gallery, the Marzee International Graduate Show 2017 marks the 31st installment, and the only jewellery degree exhibition of this size and scope.
The exhibition will be on show through October 25th.


  Lotta Koov, Earthly Pleasures, 2017, brooches; silicone, silver, steel. Graduated from EKA Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Tallinn, EstoniaLotta Koov, Earthly Pleasures, 2017, brooches; silicone, silver, steel. Graduated from EKA Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Tallinn, Estonia
 Graduate Show preview: Ammeli Engström, Not my hands, 2017, brooch; silver. Graduated from HDK Academy of Design and Crafts, Gothenburg, Sweden
  Ammeli Engström, Not my hands, 2017, brooch; silver. Graduated from HDK – School of Design and Crafts, Gothenburg, Sweden

    Melissa Selvius, Ankh II, 2017, necklace; aluminium, gold. Graduated from SDSU San Diego State University, United StatesMelissa Selvius, Ankh II, 2017, necklace; aluminium, gold. Graduated from SDSU San Diego State University, United States

 Marzee International Graduate Show 2017 -  Lu Kuai, Peep-Communication, 2017, necklace; lacquer, horse hair, wood, silver, copper. Graduated from BIFT Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing, ChinaLu Kuai , Peep-Communication, 2017, necklace; lacquer, horse hair, wood, silver, copper. Graduated from BIFT Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing, China

MARZEE Graduate Show (2017) preview: Tamae Kamishima, Gather, 2017, brooches; acrylic paint. Graduated from Hiko Mizuno, Tokyo, Japan Tamae Kamishima, Gather, 2017, brooches; acrylic paint. Graduated from Hiko Mizuno, Tokyo, Japan
Lilian Mattuschka, untitled, 2016, necklace; wood, rubber, iron. Graduated from Alchimia, Florence, ItalyLilian Mattuschka, untitled, 2016, necklace; wood, rubber, iron. Graduated from Alchimia, Florence, Italy

 Holly O'Hanlon, Excess 2, 2016/2017, brooch; slate, treated mild steel, precious white metal, precious yellow metal, two-part epoxy, steel pin. Graduated from Central Saint Martins, London, UK. #graduateshow2017 #galeriemarzee Holly O’Hanlon, Excess 2, 2016/2017, brooch; slate, treated mild steel, precious white metal, precious yellow metal, two-part epoxy, steel pin. Graduated from Central Saint Martins, London, UK

Graduate Show preview: Dabin Lee, Down the Rabbit Hole, 2017, brooch; silver, copper wire, fabric. Graduated from Royal Academy of Antwerp, Belgium Dabin Lee, Down the Rabbit Hole, 2017, brooch; silver, copper wire, fabric. Graduated from Royal Academy of Antwerp, Belgium

Natalie Nicholson, Yellow, 2016, necklace; linen, sterling silver, rubber, wood. Graduated from SUNY, New Paltz, USNatalie Nicholson, Yellow, 2016, necklace; linen, sterling silver, rubber, wood. Graduated from SUNY, New Paltz, US

Marzee graduate show 2017 - Pia Groh, N'1, 2017, earrings agate, oxidised silver. Graduated from Idar-Oberstein, Hochschule Trier, GermanyPia Groh, N’1, 2017, earrings agate, oxidised silver. Graduated from Idar-Oberstein, Hochschule Trier, Germany

Marzee Graduation Show - opening 20 August 2017 at 4 pm

Lage Markt 3 / Waalkade 4
6511 VK Nijmegen, Netherlands
tel +31 24 322 9670




EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Ute van der PLAATS …. success at LOOT !!

Ute van der PLAATS 

BIG success at LOOT for Ute van der Plaats !! well deserved !!!

« I won, together with Sun Young Kim , the LOOT Acquisition Prize 2017. One of my big rings will be added to the permanent collection of the Museum of Arts and Design (MAD). »

BIG success at LOOT 2017 for Ute van der PlaatsUte van der Plaats …. and her jewels ! at LOOTS 2017
« So happy that my all time favorite necklace went to  Michele Cohen, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the MAD museum. »

Ute van der Plaats  at LOOTS 2017 - the "PORCELAIN Club", here with Ralu Buzura.Ute van der Plaats  at LOOTS 2017 – the « PORCELAIN Club », here with Ralu Buzura.

Ute van der Plaats - collection "In-between days". (2016) ring with little porcelain flowers (all handmade) inside - The width of the balls is either 2,5 cm or 3 cm:Ute van der Plaats – collection « In-between days ». (2016) ring with little porcelain flowers (all handmade) inside – The width of the balls is either 2,5 cm or 3 cm
« One of my big rings will be added to the permanent collection of the Museum of Arts and Design (MAD). »


of HOW Ute van der Plaats makes her jewels
(sorry I can’t include it directly here … so put the link !)


Born in Germany and based in Brussels, Belgium, Ute van der Plaats has worked as a jewelry designer since 2009. In addition to contemporary jewelry, she has a passion for graphic design and ceramics, and her latest collection combines these three disciplines. A few years ago, she discovered porcelain—the white gold—and fell in love with it. Since then, this pure material has become the starting point in the creation process of her jewelry collections. She is attracted by its translucent white color, the fragile appearance that belies a surprisingly solid character, and the almost sensual texture of unglazed porcelain. By integrating different materials, such as 3D-printed ornaments and digitally designed images, into handcrafted porcelain creations, she translates traditional jewelry concepts into contemporary pieces




Gioielli in Fermento 2017 – Dinner May 4th / Approfondimenti May 6th / Master Collection EXPO – Torre Fornello (IT) – 7-17 Mai 2017

Gioielli in Fermento 2017


* Gioielli in Fermento 2017 – The DINNER

CENA DI GALA Giovedì 4 Maggio 2017 a Torre Fornello Chef Isa Mazzocchi del Ristorante La Palta di Bilegno interpreterà i gioielli della Master Collection 2017 in abbinamento ai vini di Torre Fornello. Aperitivo nelle Scuderie allestite e atmosfera elegante per la cena nel Salone della Villa seicentesca del borgo di TorreFornello, Fornello di Ziano Piacentino – Italy –

Gioielli in Fermento 2017 - The DINNER  CENA DI GALA Giovedì 4 Maggio 2017 a Torre Fornello5 courses Themed Menu inspired to the jewels
♣ Enxhibition preview and cocktail at 7.00 pm
♣ Gala Dinner in the XVII century Hall at 8.00 pm
♣ Introduction to the three arts: inspired jewelry, food and wine
Event gift and the chance just for one of the diners to win Gigi Mariani‘s unique piece “Almost” ring
(courtesy of Gioielli in Fermento #gallery)
♣ Long table banquet. Formal dress code.

Dinner fee € 100,00 beverages included
Event will start at 7.00 pm
reservations by April 30th
tel +39 333 4003308 |

Gioielli in Fermento 2017 - The DINNER  CENA DI GALA Giovedì 4 Maggio 2017 a Torre Fornello - MENUGioielli in Fermento 2017 – The DINNER  4 Maggio 2017 a Torre Fornello – MENU

  work in progress gioielli in cucina Isa Mazzocchi & Clara Del Papa work in progress gioielli in cucina Isa Mazzocchi & Clara Del PapaGIOIELLI IN FERMENTO 2017 - The Dinner - Gigi Mariani Ring: Almost.. ring, 2015 18k gold, silver, niello Photo by: Paolo Terzi Courtesy of Gioielli in Fermento gallery: Gigi Mariani Ring: Almost.. ring, 2015 18k gold, silver, niello Photo by: Paolo Terzi Courtesy of Gioielli in Fermento gallery

 GIOIELLI IN FERMENTO 2017 - The Dinner - Liana Pattihis Brooch: Emilia, 2016 Silver Ball Chain, Silver Trace Chain, Enamel, Stainless Steel 10 x 7 cm Awarded at: Gioielli In ...Fermento 2016 From series: Chained Interpretations Inspired by the Vineyards of the Emilia Romagna region in Italy: Liana Pattihis Brooch: Emilia, 2016 Silver Ball Chain, Silver Trace Chain, Enamel, Stainless Steel 10 x 7 cm Awarded at: Gioielli In …Fermento 2016 From series: Chained Interpretations Inspired by the Vineyards of the Emilia Romagna region in Italy

GIOIELLI IN FERMENTO 2017 - The Dinner - Corrado de Meo Brooch: The colors of the night III, 2016 Polystyrene, acrylic paint, resin, silver Photo by: Federico Cavicchioli: Corrado de Meo Brooch: The colors of the night III, 2016 Polystyrene, acrylic paint, resin, silver Photo by: Federico Cavicchioli

 .....ispirazioni. Anteprima 4 maggio 2017 ore 20 Torre Fornello – avec Enrico Sgorbati e Corrado De Meo  …..ispirazioni. Anteprima 4 maggio 2017 ore 20 Torre Fornello – avec Enrico Sgorbati e Corrado De Meo


* Gioielli in Fermento 2017Approfondimenti

 samedi 6 mai à 10:00 – 17:00

 During the exhibit of Gioielli in Fermento – Master Collection 2017 set up at Torre Fornello (Italy) on May 7-17 . 2017, we are pleased to present a program of seminars open to studio jewelers and designers

Torre Fornello 6 maggio 2017
seminario full immersion – dalle ore 10 alle 18
in italiano – informazioni disponibili a breve

Torre Fornello 8-9 maggio 2017 sessione I
Torre Fornello 11-12 maggio 2017 sessione II
seminario full immersion – 2 giorni
disponibile a breve il programma dettagliato
e soluzioni per il pernottamento in zona
2 days full immersion seminar



* Gioielli in Fermento 2017 Master Collection

An overview of the works, the most significant in the evolution of the project over the years exhibiting Selected and new Works from 2011 to 2017 together with the Torre Fornello Award Collection and some of the works by the Guest Artists.
Opening on Sunday May 7th with the presentation of the book Gioielli in Fermento Master Collection and the announcement of the next competition (2018 edition).
Free entrance to the exhibition
Free visit to the winery – Wine&Food tasting tickets available
exhibition 7-17 May 2017

Gioielli in Fermento 2017 Master Collection 7-17 may 2017

Gioielli in Fermento 2017 Master Collection – 7-17 MAY 2017
Una galleria dei lavori più significativi e dell’evoluzione negli anni del progetto.
In mostra Opere scelte e lavori inediti dal 2011 al 2017 insieme alle opere del Premio Torre Fornello e alcune opere degli artisti Ospiti.
Nella giornata di apertura della mostra, domenica 7 maggio 2017, verrà presentato il volume Gioielli in Fermento Master Collection e annunciato il bando per la prossima edizione del concorso, rivolto a designer orafi e studenti di accademie e istituti di arte e design, scuole orafe, facoltà internazionali di arti applicate.
Mostra e Visita alla Cantina (ingresso libero)
Degustazione enogastronomica (tickets)

Collezione Premio Torre Fornello
Maura Biamonti — Sébastien Carré — Nicoletta Frigerio — Akis Goumas — Annamaria Iodice — SunYoung Kim — Aline Kokinopoulos — Gigi Mariani — Olivia Monti Arduini — Viktoria Münzker — Liana Pattihis

Artisti Ospiti
Maria Rosa Franzin — Gesine Hackenberg –  GianCarlo Montebello con Matteo Bonafede — Fumiki Taguchi

Opere scelte
Francesca Antonello Susanna Baldacci Graziano Barzetti Silvia Beccaria Isabelle Busnel Alina Carp Luisa Chiandotto Luís Comín Katarina Cudic Maximilian Czerny Nicoletta Dal Vera Corrado De Meo –  Clara Del Papa Ylenia Deriu Martina Eiselein Gaspare Gaeta Rosabella Gallotti Eleonora GhilardiLucilla GiovanninettiSteffi Götze Georgia Gremouti Nicola Heidemann Heidemarie Herb Mara Irsara Marilena Karagkiozi Iro Kaskani Saerom Kong Miriam M.KorolkovazMia Kwon Christiana Lazopoulou Heng Lee Ria Lins Chiara Lucato Mineri Matsuura Paola Mirai Rosa Nogués Freixas Daria Olejniczak Ester Ortiz VillajosBarbara Paz Mabel Pena Paola Perez Alessandro Petrolati Marco PiccialiHester Popma-van de Kolk Poppy Porter Rosanna Raljevic Ceglar Gianni RivaMaddalena RoccoStefano Rossi Kika Rufino Stenia Scarselli Sergio e Stefano SpivachMaurizio Stagni Claudia Steiner Yoko Takirai Eva Tesarik Barbara UderzoAndrea VaggioneFederico Vianello Caterina Zanca.

 GIOIELLI in FERMENTO 2017 - MASTER COLLECTION - Silvia Beccaria - Ruff: Bijou à Boire, 2014 Nylon, PVC, Cork, Wine Photo by: Mariano Dallago: Silvia Beccaria - Ruff: Bijou à Boire, 2014 Nylon, PVC, Cork, Wine Photo by: Mariano Dallago

 GIOIELLI in FERMENTO 2017 - MASTER COLLECTION -  Gigi Mariani. Bangle: Bubble, 2016. Silver, niello, gold. 11 x 11 x 8. Photo by: P. Terzi.: Gigi Mariani. Bangle: Bubble, 2016. Silver, niello, gold. 11 x 11 x 8. Photo by: P. Terzi.

GIOIELLI in FERMENTO 2017 - MASTER COLLECTION - Ria Lins. Brooch: Just a Drop, 2016. Silver, glass. 9 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm. Photo by: Dries Van den Brande.: Ria Lins. Brooch: Just a Drop, 2016. Silver, glass. 9 x 2.5 x 1.5 cm. Photo by: Dries Van den Brande

GIOIELLI in FERMENTO 2017 - MASTER COLLECTION -  Sébastien Carré. Ring: Several scales of grape, 2015. Awarded at: Gioielli In ...Fermento 2015.: Sébastien Carré. Ring: Several scales of grape, 2015. Awarded at: Gioielli In …Fermento 2015



Gioielli in Fermento  
Torre FornelloLoc. Fornello, 29010 Ziano Piacentino
+39 0523 861001
T.+39 3358083039
curaduría Eliana Negroni





ATHENS JEWELRY WEEK (AJW) 2017 – general schedule – Athens (GR) – 18-21 May 2017


AJW 2017 on Facebook

AJW 2017

Contemporary jewelry meets the Athenian audience in a 4-day art event with international participations.

For a second year in a row, Athens Jewelry Week opens its doors to welcome its guests. The objective of this new and dynamic institution is to present to the Greek audience the trends and the rich diversity of contemporary art jewelry, as they have been evolving in Greece and abroad.

In the framework of the international jewelry scene, the organization constitutes the Greek presence on the world map of equivalent art events with an ever increasing interest. AJW 2017 covers four days of exhibitions, lectures and workshops, highlighting contemporary jewelry creators, their art and their authentic work.

The central exhibition titled “Art + Jewelry: Intersecting Spaces is hosted this year by the Benaki Museum (Pireos Annexe) and it aims to present the exceptional work of 48 selected artists. The influential German jewelry maker Peter Bauhuis, invited as a guest artist, will honor the event with his presence, by exhibiting his work in the main exhibition hall and by opening the lectures program.

AJW 2017 also includes 5 group exhibitions that will take places in various venues around Athens, lectures and seminars. The closing of the event will be marked by the awards ceremony. Awards will be given by international institutions/entities that are active in the contemporary jewelry field.

Athens Jewelry Week – organized by Anticlastics, a group of contemporary jewelry creators – aims, among other things, at introducing the art of contemporary jewelry to the broader public. It is addressed to artists and art aficionados of all ages and backgrounds, but mostly to all those who love contemporary art jewelry and want to learn more about it. Because -as the poet W.B. Yeats would say- « The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper ».



For the Central Exhibition « Art + Jewelry : Intersecting Spaces«  at Benaki Museum the Selected Individual Artists 2017  are :

Aggelika Diplari – Greece // Angelos Konstantakatos – Greece // Akis Goumas – Greece //  Angela Malhues – Chile //  Anna Vlahos – Greece/Australia // Antria Prasinou - Greece //  Christine Jalio – Finland //  Daniella Saraya -Israel // Hao-Han-Jhang – Taiwan // Ioli Livada – Greece // Irina Siman/Wundervenus – Belarus //  Iryna Voitenko – Ukraine // Isabelle Busnel -France-UK //  Kätrin Beljaev – Estonia //  Kristine Nuke Pantelejeva – Latvia // Liana Pattihis – UK/Cyprus // Magali Thibault Gobeil - Canada //  Maria Tsimpiskaki - Greece //  Martina Dempf – Germany // Melina Lindroos – Finland //  Mika Kaskantami – Greece // Sara Chyan – Hong Kong  // Snem Yildirim – Turkey // Sol Flores – Argentina // Stefania Sioufa – Greece //  Yakinthi Oikonomou – Greece //  Yiota Vogli - Greece

18 – 21 MAY 2017 @ BENAKI MUSEUM – 138 PIREOS STR.





19.00 : οpening : Art + Jewelry : Intersecting Spaces (group exhibition)
@Benaki Museum, Pireos St. Annexe / 138 Pireos & Andronikou St., tel. (+30) 210 3453111,
Dates: 18/5 – 21/5, opening hours: Friday, Saturday & Sunday 11:00-21:00

AjW 2017




11.00-15.00 : workshop : Anamma studio / contemporary jewelry seminars
@Benaki Museum (Pireos St. Annexe) / 138 Pireos & Andronikou St. /  tel. (+30) 210 3453111,
for reservations (+30) 6972848300,

5 SENSES Interactive Workshop - AJW 2017

18.00 : opening : +Apantima
@Krama School of Contemporary Jewelry / Evrou 9 Str., 11528, Athens / tel. (+30) 6939080989, 6972840825
Dates: 19/5 – 21/5, opening hours: Fri-Sat-Sunday: 11.00 – 21.00

KRAMA school


19.30 : opening : “Worthless” by Arkivet Collective (group exhibition)
@IOS22 Creative Gallery (art + architecture) / Tzaferi 10, 11854, Gazi / tel. (+30) 210 3460710
Dates: 19/5 – 21/5, opening hours: Friday: 12.00 – 21.00, Saturday: 11.00 – 19.00, Sunday: 11.00 – 17.00

AJW 2017 - 19-05 : 19.30 : opening : “Worthless” by Arkivet Collective

21.00 : opening : JOYA Barcelona (fair)
@The Sowl / Herakleidon 10, Thiseio / tel. (+30) 210 345003
Dates: 18/5 – 21/5, opening hours: Thurs-Fri: 16.00-02.00, Sat: 11.00-03.00, Sun: 11.00-00.00

JOYA at AJW 2017





11.00 – 15.00: lectures
@Benaki Museum, Main Building / 1 Koumbari St. & Vas. Sofias Ave. / tel. (+30) 210 3671000 /

Peter Bauhuis – Jewelry Artist: “Armillaria, Arithmeticians and other Amazements”
Georgia Gremouti – Visual Artist: “Poly-folds – expanding the dimensions”
Juan Riusech – Founder of Alliages Organization & Gallery : “Back to the future, a jewel history”
Marianne Gassier – Blogger / Collector: “Jewelry, a NEED for life”


19.00 : opening : “The after Joya effect IV” (group exhibition)
@Popeye Loves Olive Art-Space / 5 Limbona str., 10560, Ag. Irinis Square / tel. (+30) 210 8673461
Dates: 18/5- 6/6, opening hours: Tues-Sat: 12.00-20.00, Sun: 12.00 – 17.00

The After Joya Effect IV -  18 may-6 june 2017


21.00 : opening : Difference by Jonathan Hens & Dimitar Stankov (group exhibition)
@Six D.o.g.s / 6-8 Avramiotou str., Monastiraki 10551, Athens / tel. (+30) 210 3210510 /
Dates: 19/5- 21/5, opening hours: Friday, Saturday : 12.00 – 19.00, Sunday: 12.00 – 17.00

Jonathan HENS - no expiry -



17.00 – 19.00 : awards
The Anticlastics Award
The Benaki Award
The Alchimia Award
@Benaki Museum, Pireos St. Annexe / 138 Pireos & Andronikou St. / tel. (+30) 210 3453111 /





EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Viktoria MUNZKER at Dorotheum (Vienna, AT) from 4 May 2017

Viktoria MUNZKER

« To give birth to something new, something old must die. »

the next selling exhibition will be at  Dorotheum,  Vienna (Le Dorotheum, fondé en 1707, est la plus ancienne salle des ventes au monde ; elle donne son nom à la société qui en assure la gestion)
It will be a small exhibition with 23 pieces, mainly to present my winning pieces from the Arts and Craft Design Award. Pieces can be seen from 4 May .
There is a private opening party on 4th may from 18:00 to 21:00.

 Viktoria Munzker  "Cupido minimus" necklace 2016 - (fish bones), brass, glass, glass granules, pearl, varnish - 12 x 10 x 2,5 cm, 45 cm length: Viktoria Munzker  « Cupido minimus » necklace 2016 – Crystal Odyssey series – (fish bones), brass, glass, glass granules, pearl, varnish – 12 x 10 x 2,5 cm, 45 cm length

Viktoria Munzker   necklace "Calmella Calvolini" from MICROVITA series 2017 - Driftwood, cotton, silver, plastic beads, granules, lacquer Viktoria Munzker   necklace « Calmella Calvolini » from MICROVITA series 2017 – Driftwood, cotton, silver, plastic beads, granules, lacquer

Viktoria Munzker   - brooch  "Tubularia Perla" < 2011 - 2012 - Worms series - Driftwood, Alpaca, Steel, Lyberian Dessert Glass, Paint, Metal Granules, Plastic pearls 2012: Viktoria Munzker   – brooch  « Tubularia Perla »  2011 – 2012 – Worms series – Driftwood, Alpaca, Steel, Lyberian Dessert Glass, Paint, Metal Granules, Plastic pearls 2012Viktoria Munzker  - brooch  "Blue Tunnel" < 2011 - 2012 - "Worms" series -: Viktoria Munzker  – brooch  « Blue Tunnel » < 2011 – 2012 – « Worms » series -

Viktoria Munzker  - brooch from 2015 - Orbis Regius series: Viktoria Munzker  - brooch from 2015 – « Orbis Regius » series

Viktoria Munzker   - brooch from 2013 - "Desiderium Ad Universum" series: Viktoria Munzker   – brooch from 2013 – « Desiderium Ad Universum » series

Viktoria Munzker  - brooch "Species"< 2011 - 2012 - Worms series: Viktoria Munzker  – brooch « Species »  2011 – 2012 – Worms series

 Viktoria Munzker - brooch " Heliopora coreulea " Driftwood, silver, glass granules, topaz, varnish - 13,5 x 5,5 x 4,5 cm: Viktoria Munzker - brooch  » Heliopora coreulea  » Driftwood, silver, glass granules, topaz, varnish – 13,5 x 5,5 x 4,5 cm

« At the beginning, all is empty and dark.
It looks like a never-ending sphere.
The darkness is strong and heavy.
Only a small grain from the destroyed world remains.
It’s floating and collecting positive energy from the space.
In the right moment, at the proper place, it explodes at the speed of light.
From one moment to another, the universe is full.
Blending, full of light, waiting for you.
Make a wish.
Create the new world of light, gravid in possibilities.
By focusing on the essentials we reach the blurred lines between natural and artificial.
These relationships are the jewel in the composition of freedom and individual expression.
Sometimes we see only what we want to see. Sometimes it’s enough.
We want to know the truth behind the things.
Truth is freedom.
So we ask, investigate and are curious.
We want to find out how things work.
We are creating universe with the least constraint.
The need to create is an elementary necessity of us all. » – Viktoria Munzker




Kärntnerstrasse 36
A-1010 Vienna (AUSTRIA)
Phone: +43-1-513 32 02
Opening hours Monday to friday 9:30 to 19:00, saturday 9:30 to 18:00




EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Alzbeta Dvorakova – news …

Alžběta Dvořáková

CZECH Grand DESIGN : Grande compétition cette année surtout dans la catégorie Designer bijoux de l’année, a été sélectionnée  Alžběta Dvořáková (collection Secret Space) - Les projets gagnants seront présentés dans l’exposition de vente Czech Grand Design Best of du 30 Mars au 2 Avril 2017 Villa Pellé (Prague)

Czech grand design - 30 mars-2 avril 2017 -  Alzbeta Dvorakova nominé catégorie BIJOUX

Dvořáková (collection Secret Space)Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)

Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)

Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)
« I play with illusion with empty or full space what means that a first time it looks solid and heavy but when you look closer you can see through … only wooden shell… »

Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space): Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)

je suis SÛRE qu’elle sera la REINE de la fête !!

Alzbeta DvorakovaAlzbeta Dvorakova Royal, petit, grand, tordu, argent, coeur … Chacun est différent. Venez choisir une petite broche



EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Ute van der PLAATS at LOOT spring 2017

Ute van der PLAATS

have been selected to participate in the 2017 spring edition of LOOT: Mad About Jewelry at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York. From April 4 through 8, 2017

‘LOOT: Mad About Jewelry’ Returns this Spring with 54 Artists from 21 Countries

LOOT spring 2017

From April 4 through 8, 2017, the Museum of Arts and Design (MAD) presents LOOT: MAD About Jewelry, the annual exhibition and sale of contemporary art jewelry. Now in its 17th edition, LOOT presents a cross-section of the most exciting cutting-edge art jewelry designs, while offering the public a rare opportunity to meet and acquire pieces directly from some of the most skilled creators in the field. A striking example of the evolving possibilities of jewelry as an art form, LOOT: MAD About Jewelry champions the vision and craftsmanship of outstanding art jewelers—most of whom have never before shown work in the United States.

This year’s edition welcomes 54 artists from 21 countries, the majority of whom have never been shown in New York. All were selected by Bryna Pomp following a full year of travel and research. For the first time, LOOT will feature three artists from Iceland and one from Romania. There will also be artists from Argentina (1), Austria (2), Belgium (1), Canada (1), Denmark (3), Finland (2), France (5), Germany (4), Greece (2), Holland (1), Israel (1), Italy (5), Korea (2), Norway (1), Portugal (1), Spain (2), United Kingdom (10), and United States (6). [.....]

The 2017 presentation includes driftwood, neoprene, marble, sheer plywood, textiles, ceramic, aluminum, beading, and acrylic. A significant trend this year is the use of recycled materials, including china tableware, plastic bottles and shopping bags, and even skateboards.”
This year, over two dozen artists have designed jewelry using natural forms as their subjects. Artists showcasing their nature-inspired designs include Hebe Argentieri (Argentina); Katharina Eder (Austria); Ute van der Plaats (Belgium); Aino Favén (Finland); Silke Lazarević (Germany); Guðbjörg Ingvarsdóttir (Iceland); Mario Salvucci (Italy); Sowon Joo (Korea); Sunyoung Kim (Korea); Åse-Marit Thorbjørnsrud (Norway); Raluca Buzura (Romania); Ana Hagopian (Spain); Jane Adam (UK); Jacqueline Clarke (UK); Olivia Creber (UK); and Iradj Moini (USA). Visitors will meet Finnish artist Inni Pärnänen, who makes floral designs using sheer plywood, and English artist Rie Taniguchi, whose jewelry depicts animals and birds. Fellow English jewelry artist Olivia Creber uses molten metal with minerals, while French artist Delphine Nardin uses sea glass, gold, and silver to design jewelry inspired by the ocean. And Icelandic artist Helga Mogensen uses driftwood and visible threads to create unique statement necklaces. »


Awarded by a jury, the LOOT Acquisition Prize seeks to recognize a LOOT jewelry artist whose work reflects a maturity in artistry and concept; exhibits both a superior and experimental understanding of materials and form; and demonstrates expertise in technique and execution. The 2017 jury is chaired by William and Mildred Lasdon Chief Curator Shannon R. Stratton, Assistant Curator Barbara Paris Gifford, and LOOT Curator Bryna Pomp. The 2017 LOOT Acquisition Prize will be awarded on April 3 at the Opening Benefit dinner.

2017 LOOT ARTISTS (click to see more pictures):

Jane Adam
Hebe Argentieri
Kate Bajic
Giulia Barela
Ferràn Iglesias Barón
Marianne Batlle
Abigail Brown
Ilka Bruse
Raluca Buzura
Michelle Cangiano
Jacqueline Clarke
Cor Sine Labe Doli
Olivia Creber
Julie Decubber
Anne Dinan
Katharina Eder
Gaëtan Essayie
Aino Favén
Liliana Guerreiro
Aurélie Guillaume
Ana Hagopian
Guðbjörg Ingvarsdóttir
Sowon Joo
Jeong Ju Lee
Kaori Juzu
Sunyoung Kim
Saerom Kong
Konrad Laimer
Silke Lazarević
Tara Locklear
Lucy Martin
Jo McAllister
Rhona McCallum
Helga Mogensen
Iradj Moini
Gerda and Nikolai Monies
Delphine Nardin
Iris Nijenhuis
Semeli Androulidaki and Labros Papageorgiou
Inni Pärnänen
Amalia Petsali
Anna Porcu
Hélène Prime
Hlín Reykdal
Andrea Rosales-Balcarcel
Mario Salvucci
Louise Seijen ten Hoorn
Inbar Shahak
Rie Taniguchi
Åse-Marit Thorbjørnsrud
Karola Torkos
Kristin Urup
Ute van der Plaats
Katrin Zimmermann













 Ute van der PlaatsUte van der Plaats

« Born in Germany and based in Brussels, Belgium, Ute van der Plaats has worked as a jewelry designer since 2009. In addition to contemporary jewelry, she has a passion for graphic design and ceramics, and her latest collection combines these three disciplines. A few years ago, she discovered porcelain—the white gold—and fell in love with it. Since then, this pure material has become the starting point in the creation process of her jewelry collections. She is attracted by its translucent white color, the fragile appearance that belies a surprisingly solid character, and the almost sensual texture of unglazed porcelain. By integrating different materials, such as 3D-printed ornaments and digitally designed images, into handcrafted porcelain creations, she translates traditional jewelry concepts into contemporary pieces. « 

Ute van der PlaatsUte van der Plaats

Ute van der Plaats - add a little of blue ..... fevr 2017Ute van der Plaats - add a little of blue ….. fevr 2017

Ute van der Plaats - add a little of blue ..... fevr 2017Ute van der Plaats – add a little of blue ….. fevr 2017



  • Ferràn Iglesias Barón (Spain) has over 20 years of experience in goldsmithing, encompassing academic studies and written publications, teaching, and exhibitions. He is the recipient of numerous awards. Essence and meaning are two driving forces of his growth and creative process. Barón uses the interaction of different mediums and chromas to express emotion, transcending aesthetics to create a new form of beauty and appeal.
  • Ute van der Plaats (Belgium) integrates different materials, such as 3D-printed ornaments and digitally designed images, into handcrafted porcelain creations, thus translating traditional jewelry concepts into contemporary pieces.
  • Michelle Cangiano (Australia) produces limited-edition handmade contemporary jewelry and one-off pieces for private commissions. For her “Paper Cuts” collection, Cangiano draws on her painting background and employs the simple yet time-consuming technique of threading and knotting paper discs to create pieces that seem to shift and change color as they move with the wearer.
  • Julie Decubber (France) specializes in antique porcelain and earthenware plates, turning ordinary objects into unique jewels that explore the theme of memory. Decubber cuts and reassembles pieces in order to highlight what is precious in the ordinary, applying techniques of the jeweler, stonecutter, and potter to generate elegant and unexpected combinations.
  • Aino Favén (Finland) moves between art and design to explore the achievements of nature and man. Her pieces made of translucent plastic bags are subtle comments on the large trash islands floating in oceans and endangering nature and wildlife. They also serve as memorial garlands for birds and other animals who have died from eating plastic waste.
  • Aurélie Guillaume (Canada) is reviving the idea of narrative in enameling through a contemporary context fueled by street art, comics, pop art, and counterculture. A jeweler, enamelist, and illustrator, she begins her designs with illustrations, which through the process of enameling are given new life in the physical world as wearable objects.
  • Guðbjörg Ingvarsdóttir (Iceland) takes inspiration from the Icelandic wilderness. She allows her collections to continually evolve, underlining the organic process of translating concept into finished article.
  • Sunyoung Kim (Korea) finds inspiration in the world of plants, which though frail have a strong hold on life. She focuses on representing this strength with thin metal plates, which she processes through hammering and injection using various chasing tools.
  • Konrad Laimer (Italy) has defined his works through themed workshops ranging from jewelry to objects and graphics. Through installations, international workshops, and multimedia works, he transfers his concepts to various artistic mediums and locations. The Alps have become Laimer’s main source of inspiration in regard to both themes and materials.
  • Silke Lazarević (Germany) focuses on natural materials, with the aim of expressing their inherent qualities and various potentialities. She finds inspiration in the coincidence involved in the process of working with parchment, which as a natural product follows its own logic.
  • Helga Mogensen (Iceland) creates neckpieces of all sorts, as well as smaller-scale works such as earrings, using driftwood in combination with thread and sterling silver. Mogensen considers the thread to represent human connection.
  • Iradj Moini (United States), a jewelry designer with a background in architecture, specializes in the usage of bold stones. In 2006, his jewelry was on display at the Metropolitan Museum of Art as part of Iris Apfel’s collection, in addition to being featured at the Louvre, where he has three pieces in the permanent collection.
  • Delphine Nardin (France) designs jewelry around pieces of found sea glass, rough stones formed billions of years ago, and other collected relics. She combines these found eroded treasures with 18-karat gold or silver to create completely unique, delicate, and understated pieces of wearable history, which forge new links between archaeology and modernity.
  • Hélène Prime (France) creates unique pieces made of horn and of leather, each adorned with semiprecious stones. All of her creations are handmade with the greatest care in Paris and produced in limited series, using metal gilded with fine gold and natural stones.



Museum of Arts and Design (MAD Museum)
Jerome and Simona Chazen Building / 2 Columbus Circle /
New York, NY 10019
(212) 299-7777

Tuesday, April 4: 10 am to 7 pm
Wednesday, April 5: 10 am to 8 pm
Thursday, April 6: 10 am to 9 pm
Friday, April 7: 10 am to 6 pm
Saturday, April 8: 10 am to 6 pm
Entrance is free with Museum admission.
For questions regarding LOOT 2017, please call Rebekka Grossman at 212.299.7712 or email





