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EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Julia Obermaier – « Die Vier » EXPO suite (et fin) at EUNIQUE, 19-21 May 2017 Karlsruhe (DE)]

Julia Obermaier

Upcoming show « weekend Art gallery #4« at Arnoldsche Verlag on the 12 of may until the 14th of may in Stuttgart.  
Inauguration 12 May from 19h

(ARNOLDSCHE Art Publishers  Olgastraße 137, 70180 Stuttgart, Allemagne -Tél : +49 711 6456180

Julia Obm -Arnoldsche week-end Art gallery MAY 2017upcoming show "weekend gallery"at arnoldsche Verlag on the 12 of may until the 14th of may in stuttgart.


The weekend after the show in Stuttgart I will show my work with DIE VIER at Eunique :

EUNIQUE visitor Flyer
Die Vier  Exhibition  continue,  next time  on  19-21 May at Eunique in Karlsruhe.
« Four women with a strong language expressed through jewellery have the aim to revive the traditions of stone carving and goldsmithing with a contemporary approach. Idar-Oberstein is the point of encounter from all the members of the group, coming from Costa Rica, Austria and Germany. »

 Julia Obermaier at Die VierJulia Obermaier at Die Vier

Julia Obm - at Die Vier   Julia Obermaier at Die Vier





EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Julia Obermaier – at « Die Vier » Exhibition(s) Munich

Julia Obermaier

Die Vier  Exhibition  -

* 18- 21 Febr. 2017 at  Inhorgenta  in Munich  – hall C2 – Stand 526
* 8-14 Mars 2017 IHM Internationale Handwerksmesse in Munich – Halle B1 – stand 728
* 19-21 May Eunique in Karlsruhe.

« Four women with a strong language expressed through jewellery have the aim to revive the traditions of stone carving and goldsmithing with a contemporary approach. Idar-Oberstein is the point of encounter from all the members of the group, coming from Costa Rica, Austria and Germany. »

   "Die Vier"  Exhibition  /  18 Feb 2017  -  21 Feb 2017   Inhorgenta:


Artist list  : Catalina Brenes — Denise Ebert — Pia Groh — Julia Obermaier

  »Even though each one of them has their own special way of expressing, they believe that presenting their works together, there are even stronger “Our differences disappear when the main motor of our creativity joins. We are four women, four designers, four aesthetics with one language: JEWELLERY.” »

Julia Obermaier. Necklace: Breathe, 2016. Rockcrystal, silver, iron, paint, resin. 33 x 18 x 2 cm. Photo by: Qi Wang. - - . - at  "Die Vier"  Exhibition  /  18 Feb 2017  -  21 Feb 2017   Inhorgenta: Julia Obermaier. Necklace: Breathe, 2016. Rockcrystal, silver, iron, paint, resin. 33 x 18 x 2 cm. Photo by: Qi Wang

Julia Obermaier (Germany), recently opened her own beautiful atelier in Kempten (Allgäu). Julia’s pieces from her Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Applied Sciences Trier, Dept. Gemstone and Jewellery in Idar-Oberstein will be on exhibition at Inhorgenta, IHM and Eunique. Come and visit us !!!!

Julia ObermaierWant to know more of Julia Obm follow her in facebook and Instagram or visit her website:

  Julia Obermaier« My main subject is about private space. If someone is crossing the borders of my spaces without permission, it causes a bad feeling. I try to protect them as much as possible, but in daily life, one cannot always keep direct surroundings and personal space in their preferred way. Our outside world is always in relation with each other and our circumstances.
I create in my pieces rooms, containers, boxes or little caves. These spaces can be filled with ones own personal feelings, perceptions and sensations. I see my work as containers protecting the innermost emotions of the viewer or wearer, that they use to confront a busy world ».

Julia Obermaier
 Julia ObermaierJulia Obermaier Necklace: The Hug, 2016 Agate, silver, resin, pigment Photo by: Julia Obermaier
presented at TALENTE 2017 – during SCHMUCK – 8-14 mars 2017 -



Willy Brandt Allee 1, Messegelände
81829 -  Munich


Internationale Handwerkmesse Munich
Willy Brandt Allee 1, Messegelände
81829 -  Munich






Salon EUNIQUE – KARLSRUHE Trade Fair Center (DE) – 27-29 Mai 2011

Welcome to EUNIQUE – arts & crafts 2011

International Trade Fair for Applied Arts and Design

27.- 29 MAI 2011

With more than 350 exhibitors, EUNIQUE 2011 –arts & crafts is Germany’s largest trade fair for applied arts and design– represents a superb response to the growing general interest in exceptional products, unique design and small-scale hand-made product series. A visit to EUNIQUE 2011 – arts & crafts in the elegant setting of the Karlsruhe Trade Fair Center promises to be a voyage of discovery!

participating galleries and be found here .
list of exhibitors here

Salon EUNIQUE - KARLSRUHE Trade Fair Center (DE) - 27-29 Mai 2011 dans Allemagne (DE) 203580_126304264113637_1968968_n

Some graduates and a master student of the University of Applied Science Trier/Gemstone and Jewellery (Fachhochschule Esd Idar-Oberstein)will shown their works at the trade fair EUNIQUE 2011, Karlsruhe.Please come and visit their booth to see their jewellery design! :
*Tanja Emmert
Booth H4.1
*Héctor Lasso
Booth B4.6
*Jennifer Sauer
Booth G4.2
Tanja Emmert - ring
Jennifer Sauer- cage ring

249699_2095247861292_1248196810_2521867_4803489_n dans Ateliers d'Art de France
Nora ROCHEL will be at Eunique ! :-)


et un spécial « cocorico » :
Special exhibition « Maitres d’art de France »
France will present a special exhibition – « Maitres d’art de France »: selected French artists who have been chosen by the Ministry of Culture in France will be shown as a part of ‘Top of Europe’

Partner country  »La France »

Known for its distinct lifestyle, love for the beautiful things in life and savoir vivre, France shows not only its artistic potential with a joint booth at EUNIQUE 2011.

France is represented by the following associations and special shows:

*Maitres d’art de France -
Meet a selection of the top 100 artists in France, which have been appointed for life by the ministry of culture, within a special exhibition. 
*Ateliers d’Art de France
The french organisation is a member of WCC-Europe and presents itself with a total of 15 members:


*FREMAA- Fédération Régionale des Métiers d’Art d’Alsace
Our neighbours of Alsace are present with their regional association and 9 members:


Independant French artists on the French area:


*Nancy - Twincity of Karlsruhe
The twincity of Karlsruhe is represented by selected artists and the university ENSA – Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Art de Nancy.

Blandine Luce
Suzanne Otwell-Nègre 

Michèle ForestMichèle Forest-parures textiles
Florence Croisier – bracelet – titane
Florence Croisier Créoles ‘Rock’ en aluminium satiné orange.

KARLSRUHE Trade Fair Center
Messeallee 1,
76287 Rheinstetten, Germany


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