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EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Marion FILLANCQ at Inhorgenta Munich – 18-21 Fevr. 2017

Marion Fillancq

new stuffs  for  Inhorgenta, Munich – Hall C2 – gang F – stand 616- 18/21 February


* à Munich pour le salon Inhorgenta
Soon soon soon … « GLACITE » in Munich for Inhorgenta trade show EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Marion FILLANCQ at Inhorgenta Munich - 18-21 Fevr. 2017 dans COUP DE COEUR 1f642 :)
18-21 fevrier

* 2  mars : et Bientôt à la galerie Artes à Troyes 1f642 dans EXCHANGE-BIJOU :)
Bijoux & sculptures

du plus SOMBRE à la LUMIERE ……

Marion FILLANCQ    Marion FILLANCQ  – barock Bifaces noirs, 2015-16- cristal, cristaux Swarovski, pailletes
taille archéologique, strassage



Marion FILLANCQ - collection GLACITEMarion FILLANCQ – collection GLACITE

Marion FILLANCQ - collection MARIONITEMarion FILLANCQ - collection MARIONITE

Marion FILLANCQ at INHORGENTAMarion Fillancq at INHORGENTA 2017






EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Julia Obermaier – at « Die Vier » Exhibition(s) Munich

Julia Obermaier

Die Vier  Exhibition  -

* 18- 21 Febr. 2017 at  Inhorgenta  in Munich  – hall C2 – Stand 526
* 8-14 Mars 2017 IHM Internationale Handwerksmesse in Munich – Halle B1 – stand 728
* 19-21 May Eunique in Karlsruhe.

« Four women with a strong language expressed through jewellery have the aim to revive the traditions of stone carving and goldsmithing with a contemporary approach. Idar-Oberstein is the point of encounter from all the members of the group, coming from Costa Rica, Austria and Germany. »

   "Die Vier"  Exhibition  /  18 Feb 2017  -  21 Feb 2017   Inhorgenta:


Artist list  : Catalina Brenes — Denise Ebert — Pia Groh — Julia Obermaier

  »Even though each one of them has their own special way of expressing, they believe that presenting their works together, there are even stronger “Our differences disappear when the main motor of our creativity joins. We are four women, four designers, four aesthetics with one language: JEWELLERY.” »

Julia Obermaier. Necklace: Breathe, 2016. Rockcrystal, silver, iron, paint, resin. 33 x 18 x 2 cm. Photo by: Qi Wang. - - . - at  "Die Vier"  Exhibition  /  18 Feb 2017  -  21 Feb 2017   Inhorgenta: Julia Obermaier. Necklace: Breathe, 2016. Rockcrystal, silver, iron, paint, resin. 33 x 18 x 2 cm. Photo by: Qi Wang

Julia Obermaier (Germany), recently opened her own beautiful atelier in Kempten (Allgäu). Julia’s pieces from her Bachelor of Fine Arts at the University of Applied Sciences Trier, Dept. Gemstone and Jewellery in Idar-Oberstein will be on exhibition at Inhorgenta, IHM and Eunique. Come and visit us !!!!

Julia ObermaierWant to know more of Julia Obm follow her in facebook and Instagram or visit her website:

  Julia Obermaier« My main subject is about private space. If someone is crossing the borders of my spaces without permission, it causes a bad feeling. I try to protect them as much as possible, but in daily life, one cannot always keep direct surroundings and personal space in their preferred way. Our outside world is always in relation with each other and our circumstances.
I create in my pieces rooms, containers, boxes or little caves. These spaces can be filled with ones own personal feelings, perceptions and sensations. I see my work as containers protecting the innermost emotions of the viewer or wearer, that they use to confront a busy world ».

Julia Obermaier
 Julia ObermaierJulia Obermaier Necklace: The Hug, 2016 Agate, silver, resin, pigment Photo by: Julia Obermaier
presented at TALENTE 2017 – during SCHMUCK – 8-14 mars 2017 -



Willy Brandt Allee 1, Messegelände
81829 -  Munich


Internationale Handwerkmesse Munich
Willy Brandt Allee 1, Messegelände
81829 -  Munich






Preziosa Young 2015 – and the winners are ……..

…. and the winners are ….
After a difficult selection, we have the winners for PREZIOSA YOUNG 2015 :
Han Sang Deok, Republic of Korea;
Jie Sun, Republic of China;
Tithi Kutchamuch, Thailand;
Seoyeon Lee, Republic of Korea;
Daniela Hedman, Sweden

congratulations !!

Preziosa Young 2015

PY2015 will be previewed at Inhorgenta 2015 (Munich – 20.02 – 23.02.2015), with the presentation of some works of each artist.
The full exhibition will then hosted at the “Legnica Silver Festival” (15-16 May 2015), in Poland, and then finally in Florence.


 Seoyeon LeeSeoyeon Lee


PREZIOSA is a cultural project designed and co-ordinated by “Le Arti Orafe”, since 1985 the most prestigious contemporary jewellery school in Italy.
The project, launched in 2005, has become one of the most important European events devoted to contemporary jewellery.
The conceptual quality, the presence of artists of international fame, the prestigious set-up, the elegant catalogues and the original formula that comprises the organisation of conferences with the artists taking part, make “Preziosa” an appointment that lovers of contemporary jewellery cannot afford to miss.
A country of exquisite jewellery traditions, Italy has no museum devoted to jewellery, and temporary exhibitions have always been rare.
The attention devoted by the communication media and the cultural institutions to initiatives devoted to this art form has – apart from a few shining exceptions – always been limited, while great interest has always been expressed by lovers of contemporary art.
Through the organisation of events such as PREZIOSA, the school wishes to help to fill a gap the discrepancy of which is more or less consciously acknowledged.
Since 2008, a «parallel» exibition for young artists is organized: PREZIOSA Young is already an international reference for new artists and goldsmiths


Han Sang DeokHan Sang Deok


Tithi KutchamuchTithi Kutchamuch  

Jie Sun Brooch: Face to Face, 2013 Wood, Silver, Steel, Chinese lacquer From Face to Face seriesJie Sun  Brooches: Face to Face, 2013 Wood, Silver, Steel, Chinese lacquer From Face to Face series

Daniela Hedman Necklace: Beach-series 2013 Copper, cherry wood, red birch, textile, thread 31 x 20 x 0,4 cmDaniela Hedman Necklace: Beach-series 2013 Copper, cherry wood, red birch, textile, thread 31 x 20 x 0,4 cm

The PY exhibition will take place in conjunction with the international event PREZIOSA 2015, in Florence, in the prestigious Marino Marini Contemporary Museum of Art (Firenze). The organizers could also plan other exhibitions along the year: the selected artists are committed to deliver their work to all the scheduled events. Each of the selected winners must present 5 to 10 pieces for the exhibition. These pieces must be the same (or similar) to those submitted for the selection



Contacts : +39 055 2280131



Inhorgenta Munich (DE) – 14-17 Fevr. 2014

Classé dans : Allemagne (DE),INHORGENTA (DE),Salon — bijoucontemporain @ 2:46

Inhorgenta Munich – 14-17 Febr. 2014

In 2014, Hall C2 will signify Contemporary Design (HALL PLAN)

Young talents meet with premium designers: at the 41st INHORGENTA MUNICH on February 14 – 17, 2014, Hall C2 will be the platform for the most notable jewelry designers and goldsmiths from all over the world. To date, over 50 new exhibitors from various countries have registered to take part.

Inhorgenta Munich - 14-17 Febr. 2014 -  Espaijoia will attend you at booth hall C2 stand 515E.
Almost half of the exhibitors in C2 come from abroad and include numerous new exhibitors from Spain, Portugal and Poland. Designers from Great Britain, Greece, Portugal and Romania will be presenting at joint booths with a high-quality design.
“The Contemporary Design area is regarded as one of the unique features of the trade show and we will be strengthening it even further with our focus on premium design. Hall C2 is also an important springboard for young jewelry designers because here they can introduce their work to an international audience from the trade. This connection between creative design and young talents from throughout the world is at the heart of this hall”, says Renate Wittgenstein, Product Manager of INHORGENTA MUNICH.
In the Premium Design area, labels like Marion Knorr, Juni, Carl Dau, Galerie Cipango, Angela Hübel and Andrea Frahm will present their collections combining clear forms and esthetics with top-class materials. “There are jewelry designers who have developed from contemporary towards premium design in recent years”, explains Renate Wittgenstein. “We wish to give these exhibitors their own area so they can reach their customers more specifically.”
A significant part too is played by the special shows. For the 17th time, the Silver Triennial will present handcrafted utensils and objects by internationally important silversmiths and metal designers at INHORGENTA MUNICH 2014. In addition, the pieces of jewelryby the winners of the INHORGENTA MUNICH Award, Legnica and Preziosa Young Mari Ishikawa from Japan and Vanessa Tickle from the USA – will be exhibited at the Innovation Forum. As well as that, young talents
such as Sonja Heymann, Atelier Godolé, Tings Jewellery and Nicole Schuster will present their new creations at special areas.
The complete reconfiguration of Hall C2 for jubilee year 2013 went down very well among the participants and visitors. “Hall C2 is the heartbeat of design: usefully developed concepts put into diverse effect; unusual design unified worldwide; technical innovations coupled with tradition; individual design presented up close; creative minds with unmistakable jewelry – it’s all about showing something special, discovering something special!” says Monika Seitter, qualified designer and exhibitor in C2.
* Espaijoia will attend you at booth hall C2 stand 515E.
* Catalina Brenes Orfebre : with great honor  would like to invite you all to my solo stand at the upcoming Inhorgenta Munich 2014. Hope you can join! hall C2 stand525 
Catalina Brenes Orfebre With great honor I would like to invite you all to my solo stand at the upcoming Inhorgenta Munich 2014. Hope you can join! - hall C2 stand 525E - - X
* Angela Ciobanu  – hall C2 stand 304-405 n°11
Inhorgenta - ANgela Ciobanu -  hall C2 stand 304-405 n°11
* Stephanie Bates  -  To visit Stephanie at Inhorgenta, head to the ‘British Allied Trade Federation’ stand (stand 108/209, Gang A/B)
stephanie bates jewellery at Inhorgenta 2014Stephanie Bates jewellery at Inhorgenta 2014
and, among others :
* Atelier Godolé  hall C2 stand 304-405
* Min-Ji Cho   &  Jahyun Rita Baek  hall C2 stand 226
* Dorit Schubert  C2.232 
* Sophia Epp  C2.339
News - Events | Tsimpiskaki Maria
* Hochschule Esd Idar-Oberstein : Meet our new graduates at our booth 535 & 537 • Gang E • Hall C2:  MA: Patricia Correia Domingues • BA: Dagmar Dluzniak •Levan Jishkariani • Katja Köditz • Jia Liu • Stephanie Morawetz • Kathrin Münsch • Sari Räthel • Katharina Reimann
……………….. etc …..


Inhorgenta 2013 – Munich (DE) – 22-25 fevr. 2013

Inhorgenta :

New Munich Trade Fair Centre  February 22nd to 25th, 2013  Friday-Sunday: 9 am – 6 pm

Inhorgenta 2013 Munich - 22-25 Feb.

I hope to meet you in the next Inhorgenta with works of the graduate students from Hochschule Esd Idar-Oberstein :
Carmen HauserTatjana GiorgadsePenka Arabova • Anna Ameling • Nelly Van OostKatharina Dettar • Anna Jacobs • Magdalena Meng • Tala YuanEdu TarínChristina Röhlen
at our booth 535 & 537Gang EHall C2

Nelly Van Oost :   I hope to meet you in the next Inhorgenta with works of the graduate students from Hochschule Esd Idar-Oberstein in the Hall C2 - Booth 537    New Munich Trade Fair Centre  February 22nd to 25th, 2013  Friday-Sunday: 9 am - 6 pm

Inhorgenta/Graduates: Nelly Van Oost (MA 2013) • brooch "Rencontre 10" • agate, gold, paint, new silver, steel • 2012 Nelly Van Oost (MA 2013) • brooch « Rencontre 10″ • agate, gold, paint, new silver, steel • 2012

Inhorgenta/Graduates: Magdalena Meng (BA 2013) • chain • cobble stones, jasper, thread • 2013Magdalena Meng (BA 2013) • chain • cobble stones, jasper, thread • 2013

nhorgenta/Graduates: Katharina Dettar (BA 2013) • chain "Summmer is gone" • red agate, pink ivory wood, silver, goldplated silver, 18kt gold and steel • 2013 • Photo: Manu Ocaña Katharina Dettar (BA 2013) • chain « Summmer is gone » • red agate, pink ivory wood, silver, goldplated silver, 18kt gold and steel • 2013 • Photo: Manu Ocaña Inhorgenta/Graduates: Christina Röhlen (Diploma 2013) • brooch #01# • green apatite, rubber, nylon plastic, silver, steel • 2013 • Photo: Christina Röhlen • at our booth in Hall C2 • 535 & 537 • Gang E • New Munich Trade Fair Centre • 22 to 25 February Christina Röhlen (Diploma 2013) • brooch #01# • green apatite, rubber, nylon plastic, silver, steel • 2013 • Photo: Christina Röhlen

Inhorgenta/Graduates: Edu Tarín (BA 2012) • brooch "Revival 11. 2012 • cooper, enamel, amethyst - electroforming • 2012 Edu Tarín (BA 2012) • brooch « Revival 11. 2012 • cooper, enamel, amethyst – electroforming • 2012

Messe München GmbH
81823 München, Deutschland
Tel. +49 89 949-20720
Fax +49 89 949-9720729


Inhorgenta 2012 – 10-13 fevr. 2012

Inhorgenta 2012

Salon International de la Bijouterie, de l’Horlogerie, du Design, de la Pierre Précieuse et de la Technologie HBJO

Inhorgenta 2012 - 10-13 fevr. 2012 dans Allemagne (DE) inhorgenta-munichscreenshot450x600

Nouveau Parc des Expositions de Munich,
du 10 au 13 février 2012

Exhibiting at Inhorgenta 2012 :

eily o'connell

German jewelry designer, Nora Rochel ( is going to present her new work at the Inhorgenta Trade fair in Munich from 10th until 13th of February, at hall C2 stand number 538. This year she is exhibiting together with Leonore Jock ( and Stephanie Hensle ( Here is the invitation card with exceptional decoration created by Stephanie Hensle :

tumblr_lz1qegnHxP1qao1ct dans Eily O'CONNELL (IRL)

Die Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle stellt auch in diesem Jahr auf der Inhorgenta in München die neusten Arbeiten von Studierenden der Studienrichtung Schmuck unter der Leitung von Prof. Daniel Kruger aus.  Die internationale Fachmesse bietet den Studentinnen und Studenten nicht nur die Begegnung mit einem interessierten Publikum sondern auch fachlichen Austausch mit Studierenden von Schmuckklassen an Fach- und Hochschulen aus verschiedenen Ländern Europas :

sophie_baumgaertner_cce3b09d34 dans INHORGENTA (DE)
Sophie Baumgärtner, Brosche, Material: Eisen und Stahl, Foto: Udo W. Beier
marcus_biesecke_0a684d9aca dans Leonore JOCK (DE)
Marcus Biesecke, Anhänger « Bücher », Material: Papier, Silber; Foto: Udo W. Beier
Sawa Aso
Sawa Aso, Kette « Telefon », Material: Silber und Seide, Foto: Udo W. Beier




Inhorgenta Munich 2012
Trade Show for Jewelry and Watches
Neue Messe München/, Eingang West & Eingang Nordwest
Halle C2 Stand 651


INHORGENTA MESSE MÜNCHEN 2011 – Munich (DE) – 25-28 Fevrier 2011

Inhorgenta 2011

38ème Salon International de la Bijouterie, de l’Horlogerie, du Design, de la Pierre Précieuse et de la Technologie HBJO

Nouveau Parc des Expositions de Munich,
du 25 au 28 février 2011
Tous les jours 9 h à 18 h,
De 9 h à 17 h le lundi 28 février 2011


Liste des exposants / exhibitors list   ici/here


repérés :
Bettina Goetsch , Birgit Hagmann, Claudia Lassner , Dorit Schubert, Isabel Dammermann, Jacqueline Cullen, Hilde Janich, Karina Noyons, Karola Torkos, Katerina Ioannidis, Vitalis Kubach, La Mollla (Tiziana Redavid), Mirjam Hiller, Nora Rochel, Petr Dvorak, Ruth Tomlinson, Uta Knoop, Vivi Touloumidi, etc etc etc …..

Fachhochschule Esd Idar-Oberstein : Graduates of the FH - Sabine Conrad, Marcella Ferretti, Lisa Kröber, Silke Rehermann, Antje Stolz and Sachiyo Higaki – will shown their works at hall C2booth 546/647

Sachiyo Higaki
Antje Stolz  - ‘As light as stone’ Collier

INHORGENTA MESSE MÜNCHEN 2011 - Munich (DE) - 25-28 Fevrier 2011  dans Allemagne (DE) sr_6_3
Silke Rehermann brooch

Kette-ohne_Titel2_01 dans Antje STOLZ (DE)
Lisa Kröber necklace

mf_6_03 dans Bettina GOTSCH (DE)
Marcella Ferretti ‘reflektor’

Stadtneuplanung_2__2011_bearbeitet-1 dans Birgit HAGMANN (DE)
Sabine Conrad
Bettina Goetsch (ou Götsch)

d00 dans Claudia LASSNER (DE)
Birgit Hagmann

voodoo2_q9yntyj1_id_user_portfolio dans Dorit SCHUBERT (DE)
Claudia Lassner‘wild things’

Dorit Schubert
Dorit Schubert

366a07c606 dans Hilde JANICH (DE)
Isabel Dammermann- ‘Treasures’  – Brooch; 12 x 8 x 1 cm; Silver, shell


Hilde Janich

orbit dans Isabel DAMMERMANN (DE)
Karina Noyons

Karola TORKOS - variable necklace
 Karola Torkos – variable necklace

11187_pr2 dans Jacqueline CULLEN (UK)
Katerina Ioannidis- Earrings, gold 18K and thread

stein_gold_b dans Karina NOYONS (DK)
stein_gold_c dans Karola TORKOS (UK)
Vitalis Kubach ‘goldband’

hiller03 dans Katerina IOANNIDIS (GR)
Mirjam Hiller « arcane cities and landscapes »

3 dans La MOLLLA (IT)
Nora Rochel ‘egg puzzle’ necklace – 925 silver, blackened and whitened

Petr Dvorak

38492_135579423139830_135572639807175_228645_3368587_n dans Lisa KROBER (DE)
Ruth Tomlinson- Flora collection

see_mblau_auf dans Marcella FERRETTI (DE)
Uta Knoop - Seerosen’ Kette‘ – Aluminium

particles_web_6_640 dans Mirjam HILLER (DE)

Vivi Touloumidi – ‘Particles’ fine silver , email , steel



Messe München GmbH
81823 München
Téléphone: +49 (0)89 949 – 01
Fax: +49 (0)89 949 – 09


Valérie Salvo |
dochinoiu | | Annuaire | Signaler un abus | Françoise Fourteau-Labarthe
| Aidez les jeunes artistes
| Tableaux de Christian Maillot