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EXPO ’3′ – Ingallerybcn, Barcelona (ES) – 28 Sept.-29 Oct. 2016

the OFF of the OFF !! so …. THE place to be !!!!  ;-)

(During the period of   JOYA Barcelona 2016 Art Jewellery Fair )

3 / TRES   Jewelry group exhibition
Opening September, 28 at 7.30pm @ Ingallerybcn« 

3 driving forces that unite us: Expression, Creativity, Friendship
3 single projects with a common link: Contemporary jewelery
3 artists with the same objective: The need for interaction »

3 - barcelona 2016  

Catalina Gibert, Carlos Silva and Isabel Tristan

you will see this …… or not ! ;-)   …. suspens !

Carlos Silva - mai 2016-   'Frozen Fragments' Necklace - cork, plaster and cottonCarlos Silva – mai 2016-   ‘Frozen Fragments’ Necklace – cork, plaster and cotton

Carlos Silva -   Soon @ exhibition "3" Opening september, 28th @ Ingallerybcn: Carlos Silva -   Soon @ exhibition « 3″ – work in progress ….

Catalina Gibert - Crack neckpieceCatalina Gibert - neckpiece – Crack series 2015 – linen canvas · paint

catalina Gibert - sept 2016 - work in progress ......Catalina Gibert – sept 2016 – #workinprogress #illa #owncanvas ……

Isabel Tristan - necklaceIsabel Tristan – necklace



C/ Penedès, 3
08012 Barcelona
tel  +34 932 37 96 94




JOYA 2016 – EXPO ‘CHAINED INTERPRETATIONS’ – Fortune Privée boutique, Barcelona (ES) – 27 Sept.-2 Oct. 2016

During  JOYA Barcelona 2016 Art Jewellery Fair 
at Fortune Privée , Barcelona. Opening: 27 September, 18.00h


En un mundo que gira en torno a las redes sociales, es difícil imaginar un día sin nuestra dosis diaria de interacción virtual y del intercambio de imágenes con nuestros « amigos » en línea que ofrecen una visión de las inspiraciones e intereses mutuos.
  La última colección de la artista Liana Pattihis se inspira en las imágenes encontradas en redes sociales que representan la flora y la fauna. Las imágenes fueron elegidas por su composición visual y elementos estéticos específicos con el fin de dar una tridimensionalidad a las imágenes y convertirlas en piezas de joyería usable.
Con esta colección la artista da un paso mas, desarrollando una nueva técnica de esmaltado, cada color de esmalte se funde y dispersa sobre la cadena por separado, la pieza se construye después de la cadena previamente esmaltada. Esto permite que la pieza se adapte a los diversos movimientos de las cadenas de plata, mezclando los colores y entrelazándolos poéticamente como si fueran ‘naturalezas muertas’, traduciéndolos en un relieve de capas de textura impactante.

 Liana Pattihis. Emilia, 2016 Silver Ball Chain, Silver Trace Chain, Enamel, Stainless Steel: Liana PattihisBrooch: Emilia, 2016 – Silver Ball Chain, Silver Trace Chain, Enamel, Stainless Steel
10 x 7 cm – Awarded at: Gioielli In …Fermento 2016 – From series: Chained Interpretations – Inspired by the Vineyards of the Emilia Romagna region in Italy

Liana Pattihis Necklace: Emilia Silver trace chain, enamel Part of: Gioielli in Fermento 2016 - Premio Torre Fornello VI edition  Liana Pattihis Necklace: Emilia Silver trace chain, enamel Part of: Gioielli in Fermento 2016 – Premio Torre Fornello VI edition

 Liana Pattihis  - "Emilia" necklace detail closeup silver trace chain enamel. Liana Pattihis  – « Emilia » necklace detail closeup silver trace chain enamel.

Liana Pattihis  Necklace: Splendour in the grass, Panel, 2013  Silver Cable Chain, Enamel  23cm x 52cm, L150cm: Liana Pattihis  Necklace: Splendour in the grass, Panel, 2013  Silver Cable Chain, Enamel  23cm x 52cm, L150cm

Liana Pattihis - Splendour in the Grass necklace 01, 2013. Silver cable chain, Silver Trace chain and Enamel.Liana Pattihis - Splendour in the Grass necklace 01, 2013. Silver cable chain, Silver Trace chain and Enamel.

 » The processes Liana uses in making her jewellery are ones of building and burying…The natural quality of the surface gives a feel of a much earlier age, yet buried under the enamel are anonymous, potentially unattractive, silver chains of this age of mass production. The point of delight is not only that unique, colourful and exciting pieces of jewellery are created, but that the rules of enamelling have been broken and rewritten so successfully. » Caroline Broadhead August 2010


Fortune Privée
Carrer de Sant Sever 6,
Wednesday to Sunday, 11.00h to 15.00h
and 16.00h to 20.00h.





OFF JOYA 2016 – EXPO ‘THE BEAUTY OF CLAY’ – Dterra galeria, Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona – ES) – 9 Sept.-5 Nov. 2016

OFF JOYA 2016 – « THE BEAUTY OF CLAY » Ceramic jewelry.

DTerra Gallery   will be hosting the exhibition: “The Beauty of Clay” in Sant Cugat del Vallès as its contribution to the 47th Congress of the International Academy of Ceramics: Barcelona 2016.

Opening: 9 September, 20.30h

Durante los días 29 y 30 de septiembre y 1 de octubre se celebra JOYA, Art Jewellery Fair, la semana de la joyería contemporánea en Barcelona. Nosotras participamos con la exposición de joyas con cerámica THE BEAUTY OF CLAY.
Por este motivo os invitamos a una  visita- vermut el próximo domingo 2 de octubre a las 12:30h. Podréis conocer a los artistas participantes mientras tomamos un pica-pica y unas cervezas Moritz.
Os esperamos!!!

OFF JOYA 2016 - "THE BEAUTY OF CLAY." Ceramic jewelry. DTerra Gallery

avec:  Alicia GiraldezJudy McCaigLaura Jener Roca –  Pilar Cotter –  Gabriela Cohn –  Trinidad Contreras — Blanca Torà-Micheli — Roberta Ferreira LópezLola GratacosEva GirbesImma BatallaAline Berdichevsky — Nuria Soley — Tanja Fontane

« The Beauty of Clay » is a project that combines ceramics with modern jewellery. It invites 14 artists to create a piece of jewellery with clay as its defining element.
Our aim is to show the plastic and creative possibilities of clay as a medium for modern jewellery. Photographer Pep Àvila has been invited to create a series of portraits which show the relationship between these creations and the body.

« Estos retratos son el encuentro de 14 personas con 14 piezas de joyería cerámica, realizadas por 14 autores. Personas de distintas edades y de distintos ámbitos miran a la cámara como si se se vieran en el espejo por primera vez, con una mirada desnuda e íntima. Sobre un fondo azuláceo que a veces parece un cielo nublado en plena noche, la única luz que los recorta revela en ellos la naturalidad de lucir un adorno que los hace distintos, únicos. La belleza intransferible de cada uno se proyecta junto a la de cada pieza para enriquecer un instante de brevísima eternidad. »

 "In the wind", pieza cerámica de Aline Berdichevsky - Pep Avila Photo -    »In the wind », pieza cerámica de Aline Berdichevsky – Pep Avila Photo -

 Mar, pieza cerámica de Lola Gratacós - Pep Avila Photo« Mar », pieza cerámica de Lola Gratacós – Pep Avila Photo

"Intro", pieza cerámica de Trinidad Contreras - Pep Avila Photo « Intro », pieza cerámica de Trinidad Contreras – Pep Avila Photo

 "Cabassets de vent", pieza cerámica de Núria Soley - Pep Avila Photo.  »Cabassets de vent », pieza cerámica de Núria Soley – Pep Avila Photo

Burbujas, pieza cerámica de Alicia Giraldez - Pep Avila Photo Burbujas, pieza cerámica de Alicia Giraldez – Pep Avila Photo

 "I llavors es féu la forma" pieza cerámica de Blanca Torà - Pep Avila Photo  »I llavors es féu la forma » pieza cerámica de Blanca Torà – Pep Avila Photo

 Tatzia, pieza cerámica de Gabriela Cohn - Pep Avila Photo « Tatzia », pieza cerámica de Gabriela Cohn – Pep Avila Photo

 Tierras preciosas, pieza cerámica de Imma Batalla - Pep Avila PhotoTierras preciosas, pieza cerámica de Imma Batalla – Pep Avila Photo

  Conexiones, pieza cerámica de Eva Girbes - Pep Avila Photo.Conexiones, pieza cerámica de Eva Girbes – Pep Avila Photo






Avinguda Josep Anselm Clavé 9
Sant Cugat del Vallés
T +34 936 74 78 07
http://www.dterrablog.blogspot.comTuesday to Friday, 10.00h to 14.00h and 17.00h to 20.00h
Saturday 10.00h to 14.00h




OFF JOYA 2016 – EXPO ‘CONFLUENCIAS’ – Museo del Modernismo, Barcelona (ES) – 22 Sept.-16 Oct. 2016


Ramón Casas and Contemporary Jewellery Museo del Modernismo de Barcelona
Opening: 22 September, 19.00h
Press Conference: 21 September, 11.00h
curated by Nichka Emme /The Morning Bark


OFF JOYA 2016 - "LES CONFLUENCES" Ramón Casas and Contemporary Jewellery Museo del Modernismo de Barcelona

(Ramon Casas,  « Dama con peineta i mantón », c.1915,   carbon sobre papel, 58×44 cm – Gothsland Galeria D’Art -  …for Jorge Manilla ……)


List of paints by R. Casas and Jewellery Artists:
“El petó de bona nit”, 1890, Gigi Mariani (Italy) and Flóra Vági (Hungary).
Recogiendo la ginesta”, 1899, Judy McCaig (Scotland/Spain).
“Dama amb foulard vermell”, 1901, Karin Johansson (Sweden).
Dama con sombrero”, Maria Rosa Franzin (Italy).
“Dama vestida amb gavardina i tocat”, 1899-1903, Flóra Vági (Hungary).
Manola con mantilla”, 1915, Sungho Cho (South Korea).
“Chula con manto y pañuelo rojo”, 1898, Lucia Massei (Italy).
Júlia”, 1915, Kazumi Nagano (Japan).
Figura femenina”, 1898, Lydia Hirte (Germany).
Dama con peineta i mantón”, 1915, Jorge Manilla (Mexico).

Les confluences. Ramon Casas y la joyería contemporánea

« En el marco de la 8ª edición de JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair, la comisaria y experta en historia del arte Nichka Marobin, comisaria de la muestra, nos presenta el proyecto de “Les Confluences | Las Confluencias”. Nuestro particular homenaje a Ramon Casas continúa: un paso más allá que abasta un territorio híbrido, un diálogo entre la pintura modernista y la joyería artística.

La exposición tendrá lugar del 22 de septiembre al 16 de octubre, donde podremos apreciar un diálogo artístico, confluencia de ideas, patrones, colores y texturas entre las pinturas del artista catalán Ramon Casas y piezas de joyería artística de nivel mundial. El proyecto es el testimonio de la repetición de motivos ornamentales, adornos decorativos y texturas similares mediante la yuxtaposición de piezas de joyería contemporánea y pinturas extraídas directamente del período modernista.
En la muestra se podrá disfrutar de un Ramon Casas, en su Año oficial, enfrentado a diez artistas de diferentes nacionalidades, con su particular visión del universo de la joya contemporánea. Una sinfonía artística de colores, texturas y emociones, que danzan alrededor de las obras de Casas. Las sensaciones que transmiten sus óleos y dibujos atrapan a estos artistas, inspiradas en un Casas más actual que nunca.
Mundos aparentemente diferentes como son la pintura y la joyería artística, el Modernismo y el arte contemporáneo: sutiles broches, brazaletes o pendientes de originales contrastes, encuentran en esta exposición su espacio, su conversación, poética y sugerente. Una muestra que acerca fuentes artísticas de raíz diversa –técnica y culturalmente- para compartir la inagotable capacidad creativa de los artistas y del ser humano. »

cuadros que son joyasen in « Descubrir el Arte« 

The project is the testimony of repeating ornamental motives, decorative ornaments and similar textures by juxtaposing pieces of artistic jewellery and paintings taken directly from the modernist period, is comparing two forms of artistic expression different time and space come together harmoniously together.
An artistic dialogue, confluence of ideas, patterns, colors and textures among the paintings of the Catalan Modernist painter Ramón Casas and art jewelry pieces of 10 renowned artists worldwide.

RECOGIENDO LA GINESTA, c.1899, carbó i cera sobre paper/ carbón y cera sobre papel - Museu del Modernisme de Barcelona  matched with JUDY McCAIGRamon Casas, « Recogiendo la ginesta », c.1899,   carbón y cera sobre papel -Museu del Modernisme de Barcelona
-  matched with jewelry by  JUDY McCAIG

Judy McCaig  Brooch: Across Time and Space I, 2016  Steel, 18ct gold, silver, herkimer diamond crystals, aluminium, paint, perspex.  9.9 x 6.7 x 1 cm: Judy McCaig –   Brooch: Across Time and Space I, 2016  Steel, 18ct gold, silver, herkimer diamond crystals, aluminium, paint, perspex.  9.9 x 6.7 x 1 cm:

RAMON CASAS, Dama amb peineta i mantó/ Dama con pineita y mantón, c.1915, carbó sobre paper/ carbon sobre papel, 58x44 cm – Gothsland Galeria D’Art. JORGE MANILLA (Mexico/Belgium), Who of us has lost the most, 2016 - Mixed media, leather, nylon thread, wood - 45 x 11 x 8 cmRAMON CASAS,  « Dama con pineita y mantón », c.1915,  carbon sobre papel, 58×44 cm – Gothsland Galeria D’Art.
, « Who of us has lost the most », 2016 – Mixed media, leather, nylon thread, wood – 45 x 11 x 8 cm

OFF JOYA 2016 -  -  confluences - Ramon Casas chica con manto rojo - Lucia Massei bracelet  Ramon Casas « chula con manto y pañuelo rojo » – Lucia Massei Bracelet: Rosso Cionsapevole, 2013
Copper, pigments, mixed media, fine gold  (picture from « Descubrir el Arte« )

RAMON CASAS,   FLÓRA VÁGI  RAMON CASAS,  Dama vestida con gabardina y tocado, 1899-1903,  carbón y pastel sobre papel
FLÓRA VÁGI  , Sun lost in waves, brooch – cedar wood, pigment, acrylic paint, silver, steel – 9 x 5.5 x 2 cm

 Ramon Casas - Manola con mantilla - broche Sungho Cho (en "Descubrir el Arte"):  Ramon Casas – Manola con mantilla – broche Sungho Cho (from « Descubrir el Arte« )

OFF JOYA 2016 - "confluences" - Ramon Casas    / Kazumi nagano:  Ramon Casas « Julia »   / Kazumi Nagano brooch Wowen Linen paper, gold 18kt, nylon thread, 950 slver.  ( picture from « Descubrir el Arte« )

RAMON CASAS, Dama amb foulard vermell/ Dama con Foulard Rojo, c. 1901, Tècnica mixta sobre paper/Técnica mixta sobre papel – 60x45 cm - Museu del Modernisme de Barcelona  KARIN JOHANSSON (Sweden), Sweep, earrings, 2016 - sawing, bending and soldering - 11 cm, gold and acrylicRAMON CASAS,  Dama con Foulard Rojo, c. 1901,  Técnica mixta sobre papel – 60×45 cm – Museu del Modernisme de Barcelona
KARIN JOHANSSON  , Sweep, earrings, 2016 – sawing, bending and soldering – 11 cm, gold and acrylic



Museo del Modernismo CatalánMMBCN
Carrer de Balmes 48,
08007 Barcelona
Tel. +34 932722896
Fax +34 932724276

Horario : Lunes cerrado / Martes a sábado de 10:30h a 19h / Domingos de 10:30h a 14h
Tuesday to Saturday, 10.30h to 19.00h Sunday, 10.30h to 14.00h Monday closed

The Morning Bark – blo(g)azette on arts and humanities | founded by Nichka Marobin




OFF JOYA 2016 – EXPO ‘R-EVOLUCIONS’ – 66 Mistral Gallery, Barcelona (ES) – 28 Sept.-31 Oct. 2016

Os presentamos la exposición R-EVOLUCIONS, incluida en OFFJOYA 2016 (Feria de la Joyería Contemporánea de Barcelona). Queremos mostrar, aunque sea con una pincelada, la evolución personal y colectiva de 13 joyeros contemporáneos. Podrás ver una joya actual y una pieza anterior al año 2000 de cada autor. Pensamos que es una buena manera de profundizar en la idea de la joya como objeto de arte.

« R-EVOLUTIONS » Contemporary jewellery exhibition. 66 Mistral Gallery  Barcelona -
Opening: 28 September, 17.30h   OFF JOYA 2016 - "R-EVOLUTIONS" Contemporary jewellery exhibition. 66 Mistral Gallery

Akis GoumasClara del PapaCorrado de Meo Gigi Mariani Jorge ManillaJose MarínJudy McCaigLluís ComínMaria Rosa FranzinRamon Puig CuyasSilvia WalzStefano RossiXavier Monclús

son los autores que quieren compartir con vosotros los frutos de su trabajo, no te lo pierdas!

We want to show individual and collective evolution of 13 contemporary jewelers. From each author we will show a current jewel and a piece created before 2000, we think it is a good way to delve into the idea of jewelery as art.

 OFF JOYA 2016 - R-evolucion -- Corrado de Meo: Corrado de Meo

Clara del Papa - R-evolucionClara del Papa

OFF JOYA 2016 -   - R-evolucion - Gigi Mariani: Gigi Mariani

OFF JOYA 2016 - - R-evolucion -  Akis Goumas: Akis Goumas

R-evolucion - - Jorge Manilla: Jorge Manilla

R-evolucion -  José Marin: José Marin

R-evolucion -  Silvia Walz: Silvia Walz

R-evolucion --  Ramon Puig Cuyas: Ramon Puig Cuyas

Lluis Comin - R-evolucion: Lluis Comin

 R-evolucion -Stefano Rossi: Stefano Rossi

R-evolucion -- Judy McCaig: Judy McCaig

R-evolucion --Maria Rosa Franzin: Maria Rosa Franzin

R-evolucion -  Xavier Monclus: Xavier Monclus



66 Mistral Gallery
Avinguda Mistral 66,
08015 Barcelona
tel +34 933 25 53 40
Monday to Friday, 9.00h to 13.30h and 16.30h to 20.00h.
Saturday 10.00h to 13.30h and 16.30h to 20.00h






OFF JOYA 2016 – EXPO ‘JUNTOS’ – RING RING Arts&crafts BCN, Barcelona (ES) – 28 Sept.-29 Oct. 2016

Juntos - Sébastien Carré solo show
at RING RING Arts&crafts BCN
in the Off JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair 2016 28/09/2016 – 29/10/2016
Opening: 27/09/2016 21h

This exhibition is one part of the prize i won last year for the Legacy Awards 2015 by Alliages Gallery Sébastien Carré :  

Juntos - Sébastien Carré solo show at RING RING Arts&crafts BCN in the Off JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair 28/09/2016 - 29/10/2016 Opening: 27/09/2016 21H  This exhibition is one part of the prize i won last year for the Legacy Awards 2015 by Alliages Gallery  event: Sébastien Carré :

« Vegetation, Animal, and Mineral are all combined in objects reminiscent of organic forms and landscapes. Mixing materials in order to create a symbolic life in an object by using interactive mediums allows me to wake up a body which tends to be more insensitive due to an over-communicativity of society. Time is an essential aspect of the work being made. Through the moments spent making, wearing and connecting with people, I find deeper connections. It is an immaterial patrimony that I am trying to spread in order to make us realize how much we are all bound together. When conceiving and making work I put meaning in every shape, every color, every texture. Each part is meaningful in my own mythology that I decided to express through visual language, not with words. One particular collection is made of the filmstrip that, was likely, played in the theater I frequented as a child. Through this work, I decided to use the filmstrip as a universal symbol of connection within each culture and focus on the importance of that in our society. Celebrating diversity will make us grow. In the story of the living, if no cells decided to mix and cooperate instead of trying to destroy each other, life would have never grown to produce human and our own self. Let’s Cherish the diversity in our small world, being together is already a treasure. » photos: Milo Lee Photography

   Sebastien Carré *One of my last brooch for Juntos - Sébastien Carré at RING RING Arts&crafts…: Sébastien Carré -   « Cultural Meeting » – Brooch – 2016 – Filmstrip, Dalmatian Jaspis, white Howlite, beads, cotton, nylon – One of my last brooch for Juntos – Sébastien Carré at RING RING Arts&crafts BCN gallery

Sébastien Carré - Bracelet Inflammation # 6, 2013 11 x 11 x 4 cm  (back & front) - European Prize for Applied Arts-  -:Sébastien Carré -Bracelet: Earth Inflammation / Inflammation Bracelet #6 (back & front), 2013 - Steel Chainmail, japanese paper, cotton, silk, nylon, copper thread, beads  - 11 x 11 x 3 cm – Photo by: Milo Lee Photograpy

Sébastien Carré Brooch: Cultural Biology, 2016 Japanese Paper, Filmstrip, Hematite, Dalmatian Jaspis, white Howlite, beads, silk, cotton, nylon 13 x 10 x 4 cm Photo by: Milo Lee PhotograpySébastien Carré Brooch: Cultural Biology, 2016 Japanese Paper, Filmstrip, Hematite, Dalmatian Jaspis, white Howlite, beads, silk, cotton, nylon 13 x 10 x 4 cm Photo by: Milo Lee Photograpy

Sebastien Carré -  pour Ring & Ring: Sebastien Carré – collier « the big reminder » – pellicule de film, coton, fil élastique – 2016 – (avec le film Amelie Poulain !)

Sébastien Carré - bracelet Le Réveil de Dunn © Milo Lee Photography: Sébastien Carré -  »Le Reveil de DUNN », 2015 Bracelet pellicule de film et Nylon / »The Awakening of DUNN », 2015 Bracelet, filmstrip and nylon thread © Milo Lee Photography

cliquez sur ce lien pour visionner la vidéo



Ring Ring Arts&Crafts Barcelona

Lluís el Piadós nº3. 08003


Telf: +34 649 46 29 74







during JOYA Barcelona 2016 : Competition/Awards ENJOIA’T 2016 – Museu Marítim de Barcelona (ES) – 30 Sept. 2016

A-FAD  – ENJOIA’T 2016

during JOYA Barcelona 2016 : Competition/Awards ENJOIA’T 2016 – Museu Marítim de Barcelona (ES) - 30 Sept. 2016 dans A-FAD (ES) logo_joya

vendredi 30 septembre  20:00 – 23:00 
Museu Marítim de Barcelona

Avda. de les Drassanes, s/n, 08001 Barcelone
Totes les peces dels candidats s’exposaran en un stand col·lectiu a la Feria Joya els dies 29 i 30 de setembre i el dia 1 d’octubre !! //
You can see all the pieces at JOYA (Arts Santa Monica, Rambla 7) from 29 september to October 1st !!!!
A-FAD  - ENJOIA'T 2016:

AWARDS during JOYA 2016

ENJOIA’T is not just a prize, and you will not find just jewellery. ENJOIA’T is much more than all this, since it is also a celebration of creativity, an indispensable meeting point for professionals in the sector, and a platform from which to show the public your creative project. In fact, ENJOIA’T rewards originality, technical quality, conceptual richness and transgression in the field of jewellery making so much as to question its own limits.


- Xiodai Huang   (CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), China
Xionan Zhang   (CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), China
- Jelizaveta Suskaya (Latvia) (Jewellery at Hiko-Mizuno College of Jewelry , JP)
- Rosa Gomis (Spain)
- Yili CaoNatxa Gonzalez  (Spain)
- Camilla Mileto (Italy/Spain)
- Inou Beru  (Japan/Germany)
- Wei Zhou (CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), China
- Bàrbara Arnau (Spain)
- Lourdes Freixa  (Spain)
- Gabriela Cohn (Argentina)
- Zixuan Feng

"Variants" by Xiodai Huang - ENJOIAT 2016 student category: Xiodai Huang « Variants »  –   student category ENJOIA’T 2016

 Bonsai by Xionan Zhang - Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016 Xionan Zhang « Bonsai » – Candidate selected student category

" Frozen moment- The Night "by Jelizaveta Suskaja - ENJOIAT 2016 student category: Jelizaveta Suskaya « Frozen moment: The Night » -  student category ENJOIA’T 2016

Jelizaveta Suskaya  - ENJOIA’T 2016  Jelizaveta Suskaya 

semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016-  - Rosa Gomis, categoría estudiantes: Rosa GOMIS - El murmuri de les entranyes… Candidate selected student category  

 See through Skin by Yili Cao -Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016  Yili Cao - « See through Skin »  -Candidate selected student category 

Natxa Gonzalez Flores Fantasma  - Enjoia't student category 2016Natxa Gonzalez   Flores Fantasma  – Candidate selected student category

 La naturaleza del yeso by Camilla Mileto-  Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016 semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016- - Camilla Mileto, categoría estudiantes:

Camilla Mileto -  « La naturaleza del yeso »   -  Candidate selected student category

Between □(square) and ○(circle) by Inou Beru:  - Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016Inou Beru - « Between □(square) and ○(circle) »    – Candidate selected student category

The Cages by Wei Zhou - Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016 The Cages by Wei Zhou – Candidate selected student category

 Yes, Why Not? by Bàrbara Arnau  - Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016Bàrbara Arnau – « Yes, Why Not? »   – Candidate selected student category

Singularitat by Lourdes Freixa - Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016 Singularitat by Lourdes Freixa – Candidate selected student category

 Heart'n by Gabriela Cohn- Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016 Heart’n by Gabriela Cohn- Candidate selected student category

semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016-  Hannibal Feng, categoría estudiantes: Holy Object by Zixuan Feng – Candidate selected student category


- Dai Xiang
- Karin Roy Andersson  (Suède)
- Elisabeth Habig  (Austria)
- Marina Preixens
SYL (Spain)
- Daniela Meli  (Mexico)
- Marie Flambard (France)
- Pilar de la Villa
- Roser Martínez (Spain)
'Winter' by Dai Xiang  - ENJOIA'T professional 2016 - ‘Winter’ by Dai Xiang  - Candidate selected professional category
semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016- - Karin Roy, categoría profesional: Backupfront by Karin Roy Andresson – Candidate selected professional category
 Canal de la emoción by Liliana Ojeda - cerámica y tela, la parte central mide unos 25 x 7 cm - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016 Liliana Ojeda – « Canal de la emoción » – cerámica y tela, la parte central mide unos 25 x 7 cm – Candidate selected professional category
"Der Lauf der Zeit" by Elisabeth Habig - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016Elisabeth Habig – « Der Lauf der Zeit »   – Candidate selected professional category
"COL-ARR" by SYL - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016 « COL-ARR » by SYL – Candidate selected professional category
semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016-  Montserrat Duran, categoría profesional: « Cordon Umbilical » by Montserrat Duran – Candidate selected professional category
Angela Estenson. Pulsera  Metamorfosis , 2016 - ENJOIA’T 2016 semifinalistas CATEGORIA PROFESSIONAL: Angela Estenson. Pulsera  Metamorfosis , 2016 – Candidate selected professional category
semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016-  - Sébastien Carré, categoría profesional:   »Visceral » by Sébastien Carré – Candidate selected professional category
Las alas del tulipanero by Daniela Meli - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016 « Las alas del tulipanero » by Daniela Meli – Candidate selected professional category
Excroissances/Outgrowth by Marie Flambard - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016Excroissances/Outgrowth by Marie Flambard – Candidate selected professional category
Bracelet #1 upsk8 by Cédric Chevalley  - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016Bracelet #1 upsk8 by Cédric Chevalley  – Candidate selected professional category
"Java" by Pilar de la Villa - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016« Java » by Pilar de la Villa – Candidate selected professional category
Roser Martínez - 'Naturaleza emergente'   - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016Roser Martínez – ‘Naturaleza emergente’   – Candidate selected professional category


and now, LET’S the PARTY GO ON !


Categories and prizes
The prizes will be announced and handed out the 30th of September.
Professional Award :  There is one prize only for creators, designers or companies, with a
maximum of two finalists. The winner will be crowned with a piece made by Laurent Kalman, winner of the ENJOIA’T Professional Award of 2015, and will be given the responsibility of making the crown for the following year. The prize consists of an exposition in the context of the event JOYA, Barcelona Contemporary Jewellery Fair, in its edition of 2017, valued at 780 €.***
Both the professional and student award-winners of ENJOIA’T will be part of a report in the specialised magazine «On Diseño».
Student Award : There is one prize only for students with a maximum of two finalists.
The winner will be crowned with a piece made by Akiko Shinzato, winner of the ENJOIA’T Student Award of 2015, and will be given the responsibility of making the crown for the following year.
The prize consists of an exposition in the context of the event JOYA, Barcelona Contemporary Jewellery Fair, in its edition of 2016, valued at 780 €.***
Both the professional and student award-winners of ENJOIA’T will be part of a report in the specialised magazine « On Diseño » -.
Public Opinion Award : There is one prize chosen by the attendees of the celebration.
The prizes and the finalists of each category, as with those of the public opinion award, will receive an official diploma. The crowns will become part of the permanent collection of the A-FAD, Artists and Artisans of the FAD
The selecting jury of ENJOIA’T 2016 will be composed of: Enric Majoral, Jeweler and member of A-FAD Martín Azúa, Industrial designer Núria Ruiz, Jewelry designer María Lluïsa Samaranch, Editor and collector Maria Díez, Jeweler and professor in la Massana



A FAD //



Cécile BERTRAND : c’est pas d’la balle, c’est d’la BOMBE !!!

Classé dans : Belgique (BE),Cecile BERTRAND (BE),Gal. Ickx (BE),JOYA (ES),textile — bijoucontemporain @ 18:31

Cécile Bertrand, à JOYA 2016, avec la galerie Ickx « et mon arsenal textile … »

Déjà, Cécile Bertrand m’avait tiré un coup au coeur avec ses broches « pistolets » ….. mais là, ses grenades font BAM BAM !!!

Selected Galleries JOYA 2016 - gal. ICKX (Belgium)

Cécile Bertrand - revolver  pin  10 cm x 6 cm: Cécile Bertrand – revolver  pin « darling »  10 cm x 6 cm

 Robert M. Rose @ Melting Point 2016, Expo PASSION BIJOU(x) Galeria del Tossal, Valenciabroche « Robert M. Rose » @ Melting Point 2016, Expo « PASSION BIJOU(x) collection de Marianne Gassier » Galeria del Tossal, Valencia –
Broches revolver 2012 Etiquettes de cravates, longueur 10cm, hauteur 6cm. Exposés au WCC, Mons

Selected Galleries JOYA 2016 - ICKX (Belgium) presents Cecile Bertrand: Selected Galleries JOYA 2016 – ICKX (Belgium) presents Cecile Bertrand…. et celle-ci (de broche) me va droit au coeur !! TRES blessée mais « grande Lusso » ! ;-)

Tellement d’humour, d’ironie, de sens caché, de « tendresse guerrière », de « féminité en jupons » (type « pistoleras », vous voyez ?) …. on ne peut que rire, sourire, craquer, exploser ! ou, comme le dit une des grenades, nous laisser K.O. !


Cécile Bertrand - broche "drapeau blanc" aout 2016  Cécile Bertrand – broche « drapeau blanc » aout 2016  (avec la galerie ICKX  à JOYA 2016)

Cécile Bertrand - aout 2016 -broche: Cécile Bertrand - aout 2016 -broche de la série K.O.

Cécile Bertrand -  juill. 2016-  broche K.O.: Cecile Bertrand – Textile grenade K.O. – broche – 2016

& the last one !!

Cécile Bertrand - brooch - at galerie ICKX: Cécile Bertrand - brooch






Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,DECOUVERTE,JOYA (ES),Snem YILDIRIM (TR),Turquie (TR) — bijoucontemporain @ 20:29

Snem Yildirim have been selected for Joya Barcelona 2016 ….. and it’s a refreshing BLUE « coup de coeur » :-)

Joya 2016 - Snem Yildirim

« Snem Yildirim & Didem Yildirim sont deux soeurs, originaires de Turquie et créatrices du Studio Zigzag, installé à Istanbul et à Ankara depuis 2013.
Leur particularité ? Tester les matériaux et créer des ponts entre art contemporain et bijouterie, entre tradition et modernité. » (Studio Zigzag interview on lenvers-du-decor)

Studio Zigzag is an Istanbul based contemporary jewelry studio, founded by Snem Yıldırım & Didem Yıldırım in 2013.
« For us, it was a step to go out of the frame of modern times’ enforced life, to flee to the dream world … Once we started to discover the materials, materials recreated us with the designs formed by our dreams. »
« We essentially take inspiration from cultural texture and the geography we live in. We experience the materials and production techniques by blending the contrasts such as the east and the west, the local and the global, the traditional and the modern, the geometric and the organic. »

Born in Ankara, Turkey, in 1984.
She graduated from Gazi University, Department of Architecture, and in 2011 she started to study Architectural Design Master Program at Istanbul Bilgi University.
By Inout Project she produced several projects within the scope of city and public space.
She continued Leather Footwear and Accessories Design Program at Istanbul Moda Academy in partnership with the University of the Arts London.
In 2013 she set up her contemporary jewelry studio “Studio Zigzag” with her sister.
Currently, she works at her studio and is a member of Yaygara Contemporary Art Initiative.

Snem Yildirim | Contemporary Art JewelrySnem Yildirim - Charm Series / Polaris Brooch, 2016 – one frame – several patterned and colored circles – many combinations!

Snem Yıldırım - Kanavice 2: Snem Yildirim - eni işler yolda!!! Kanavice 2 Series / necklace oxidized silver, nylon, wood, paint, cotton

Snem Yildirim - eni işler yolda!!! Kanavice 2 Series / necklace oxidized silver, nylon, wood, paint, cotton Snem Yildirim –   Kanavice 2 Series / necklace oxidized silver, nylon, wood, paint, cotton

Snem Yildirim -   Kanavice 2 Series / Three in One , Brooch: Snem Yildirim -   Kanavice 2 Series / Three in One , Brooch

Snem Yildirim - Kanavice 2 Series / Three of You , ring - Photo   Snem Yildirim.: Snem Yildirim -     Kanavice 2 Series / Three of You , ring – Photo Snem Yildirim

Snem Yildirim  -  Kanavice 2 - Brooch oxidized silver, nylon, gold plated bras: Snem Yildirim  -  Kanavice 2 / Brooch oxidized silver, nylon, gold plated bras

SNEM YILDIRIM - (c) Studio Zigzag: Snem Yildirim  -  (c) Studio Zigzag

Snem Yildirim Snem YildirimCharm Series / Polaris Interactive Brooch

(c) Studio Zigzag - SNEM YILDIRIM: Snem Yildirim  -  (c) Studio Zigzag

and because a little of yellow doesn’t hurt …. ;-)

Snem Yildirim | Contemporary Art Jewelry: Snem YildirimKanavice series -  silver, nylon 

Snem Yildirim -  Kanavice Brooch #snemyildirim  Snem Yildirim -  Kanavice Brooch






JOYA 2016 – Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair – 29 Sept.-1st Oct. 2016

Classé dans : BARCELONA,Espagne (ES),JOYA (ES),Salon,VIDEO,www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 0:16

 JOYA Barcelona 2016

It arrives faster than ever ! …..

JOYA : Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair 2016 Fair  /  29 Sep 2016  -  01 Oct 2016

JOYA 2016 (8th Edition)
Arts Santa Monica
29th September – 1st October, 2016

JOYA: Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair 2016 Fair  /  29 Sep 2016  -  01 Oct 2016: (JEEMIN JAMIE CHUNG  jewel – artist invited)


This 8th edition, JOYA will be held from September 29th, 30th and October 1st and will relate art jewellery with other fields of CONTEMPORARY ART, combining both artistic expressions.
This year is an honor to have as jury members, some of the most influential personalities of current contemporary art world


 Image de prévisualisation YouTube


Santa Monica Arts Centre
La Rambla 7
08001 -  Barcelona
Phone: + 34 931 42 26 17

