Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER: 28th April – 7th June 2015
Culmination – openings of the exhibitions: 15th – 16th May 2015
Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER is the biggest and the most significant in Poland jewellery event, organized from over 30 years by the Gallery of Art in Legnica. Every year in its framework is presented over a dozen individual and group exhibitions of Polish and foreign artists and a number of accompanying events, like: theoretical seminar, authors lectures, jewellery and fashion shows, jewellery competitions and workshops, concerts and a variety of artistic actions and happenings taking place outside in the city space.
The competition and – being its result – exhibition is the main event of the Festival. Artists` task is to submit works on a given topic – a different one every year – characterised by an original creative idea and representing a high artistic and technical level. Preferred are concept, value and meaning of creative expression. Submitted works are qualified to the exhibition and awarded by the international jury.
results during opening ceremony on 16th May 2015
Inaugurated in 2001 a cycle of exhibition presents the leading European art academies and high schools specialising in contemporary jewellery and design. Over 40 schools from Germany, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Great Britain, Finland, Belgium, Slovakia, Sweden, Estonia and Poland have been presented so far. In 2015 the exhibition will be showcasing works of professors, graduates and students from
Germany (Hochschule Wismar, Faculty of Design) and
Lithuania (Vilnius Academy of Arts, Telšiai Faculty of Arts).
Schools Lithuania – bild litwa Kornelija Gerikaite
Recurring presentation of well-known Polish and foreign jewellery artists.
* Special guest: Ruudt Peters: DUSZA - distinguished Dutch artist, driving force, organizer and lecturer, i.a.: co-founder of the Ekster Gallery in Leeuwarden, professor of many academies in Europe and USA, juror of many prestigious jewellery competitions, author of tens solo exhibitions around the world.
Ruudt Peters
* Eunmi Chun: JEWELLERY – Korean artist, graduate of the Sookmyung University and Kookmin University in Seoul, as well as the Jewellery Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. Laureate of the prestigious Herbert Hoffmann Award in Munich (2008).
Eunmi Chun
* Elisabetta Dupré: JEWELLERY - Italian artist, graduate of the Jewellery School « Interno 7″ in Roma and the « Atelier Aura » in Munich. Laureate of the Gallery of Art in Legnica Award in 23rd Legnica International Jewellery Competition CLASSIC.
Elisabetta Dupré
* Andi Gut: ON AND ON AND ON – exhibition of well-known Swiss artist, currently professor at the Pforzheim University, who invited to collaboration and presentation his professor Rüdiger Lorenzen and his students: Frieda Dörfer, Katrin Feulner (Germany). The exhibition presents three generations of artists.
Andi Gut
* Anna Król: JEWELLERY - graduate of the Graphic Department of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, jewellery designer at Deco Echo company. Participant of exhibitions in Poland and abroad, recently at the JOYA BARCELONA Contemporary Jewellery Fair 2014, where she was three times awarded.
* Mia Kwon: VIVID! - Korean artist, graduate of the Kookmin University in Seoul and the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, studied also at the Burg Giebichenstein University in Halle (ceramic design). Participant of numerous exhibitions all around the world. Laureate of the Gallery of Art in Legnica Award at JOYA BARCELONA Contemporary Jewellery Fair (2014).
Mia Kwon
Recurring presentation of the most promising Polish young artists, taking their first steps in the world of design and goldsmithing.
*Antonina Maria Łęcicka: Underwater city – student of the Faculty of Textile and Fashion Design of the Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, laureate of the Award of the Gallery of Art in Legnica at Strzemiński Competition.
Maria Łęcicka
* Karolina Szymanowska: Soul paradise - graduate of the Faculty of Painting and Sculpture and assistant at the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, participant of art exhibitions.
Karolina Szymanowska
The exhibition is a symbolic summary of events and trends in the Polish goldsmithing in the last 25 years. Presents works of the 25 most accomplished Polish creators of artistic jewellery, who have contributed the most to the development of this art during that period.
Participants of the exhibition: Andrzej Bielak — Paulina Binek — Andrzej Boss — Agnieszka Bruzda — Jacek Byczewski — Bogumił Bytomski — Piotr Cieciura — Sławomir Fijałkowski — Marcin Gronkowski – Joanna i Tadeusz Jaworscy — Paweł Kaczyński — Zofia i Witold Kozubscy — Cezary Łutowicz — Lucyna i Marek Nieniewscy — Jacek Ostrowski — Kamilla Rohn — Magdalena i Tomasz Stajszczak — Jan Suchodolski — Andrzej Szadkowski — Marcin Tymiński — Jarosław Westermark — Arkadiusz Wolski — Alicja i Jakub Wyganowscy — Marcin Zaremski — Hanna i Jacek Zdanowscy.
The exhibition prepared on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of activity of the Polish Goldsmithing Artists Association (STFZ). The exhibition presents both recent as well as older works from the exhibitions organised by the STFZ over the years.
Collective exhibition of the Polish art groups working in the field of jewellery in the period 1945-2015. There will be presented: UFO, Muzeum, RE, G7, Au +, Dziewiątka, Punkt G, LIS2, 4 Women.
Polish groups – UFO - J. A. Rochacki
Exhibition presenting works of the Argentinian jewellers: Ana Weisz, Cecilia Hecker, Eva Burton, Elisa Gulminelli, Gabriela Cohn, Gastón Rois, Iacov Azubel, Jorge Castañón, Lucía Mishquila Brichta, María Carelli, Mercedes Castro Corbat, Patricia Rodriguez, Sabina Tiemroth, Rodrigo Acosta Arias.
Maria Carelli
International project organized by Le Arti Orafe Jewellery School in Florence. Its aim is to present and popularise achievements of the young generation of goldsmiths and designers. Laureates of PY 2015 are: Deok Sang Han, Jie Sun, Soyeon Lee, Tithi Kutchamuch, Daniela Hedman.
International jewellery exhibition, curated by Heidemarie Herb, a German artist living in Italy. Exhibition showcases different approaches to amber in works by the well-known European artists, including ones who have been working in amber for many years and the ones who used this material for the first time for the purpose of this exhibition. The participating artists are: Elisabeth Defner, Christiane Förster, Heidemarie Herb, Herman Hermsen, Beate Klockmann, Helfried Kodré, Philip Sajet, Peter Skubic, Gisbert Stach, Petra Zimmermann.

The exhibition curated by Piotr Rybaczek from La Basílica Galería in Barcelona. Presenting works by 25 Polish artists inspired by the Anna Bikont`s book under the same title.

Exhibition concentrates on examples of avant-garde use of Baltic amber created by 24 well-known jewellery designers from 12 European countries, invited by curators: Wim Vandekerckhove, owner of the Villa De Bondt in Ghent and Sławomir Fijałkowski, a professor of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk.
International Competition for the Design of Jewellery with Amber, organized by the International Fair of Amber, Jewellery and Gemstones Amberif in Gdańsk, aiming to promote the creative thought and innovation solutions in the field of amber jewellery design.
(The winners of the 19th edition of the Amberif Design Award (2015) are already known: Marta Rżanek, Adriana Lisowska and Andrzej Cofta. This year the competition subject was « Mimesis » and the Jury assessed 135 works submitted by 112 artists from 18 countries.)
Amberif MAIN PRIZE 2015 Marta Rżanek
Exhibition of a few hundred of works all over the world submitted to the 24th Legnica International Jewellery Competition BOUNDARIES, but not selected for the main exhibition. Its name is taken from the place, where it is held – a foyer (Polish « hol ») of the Old City Hall.
Exhibition of works of Polish artist graduate of the Wł. Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Łódź, currently an associate professor at the Goldsmithing Forms Atelier led by Prof. Andrzej Boss in her alma mater. Laureate of awards and participant of more than 70 exhibitions in Poland and abroad.
Exhibition of artist, graduate of the Interdepartmental Environmental Doctoral Studies at the Department of Interior Architecture and Design of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk. Participant of group exhibitions and laureate of awards and mentions (Legnica, Gdańsk, Florence).
Group exhibition of the conceptual works by young Polish artists (Marcin Bogusław, Bartosz Chmielewski, Filip Jackowski and Michał Wysocki), graduates of the Wł. Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Łódź.
Recurring science session, for 15 years accompanied the Festival, commenting the current status of art, contemporary jewellery and design. It`s an opportunity to reflect on the latest trends, methods and phenomenon in contemporary art in general, especially in the context of the competition topic (in 2015 – BOUNDARIES). The session involved artists and designers, historians and art critics, philosophers, culture experts, cultural anthropologists, sociologists and the wide audience.
Exhibition presenting works qualified in national, photographic competition on the topic BOUNDARIES – a leitmotif of the Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER.
Festival will be accompanied by the workshops, art actions and happenings promoting the event. Participating these actions will be creating in the public space works referring to the Legnica Festival in their subject or form. The outcomes will visualize the Festival’s motto: « In Legnica we breathe with silver. »
Traditionally the concert closes the first day of the culmination of the Festival. This year Cracow Jazz Trio: Tolek Lisiecki, Wojciech Groborz and Jacek Mazur will perform.
Throughout the Festival, a cinema is open showing documentaries about personalities from the art and design field and the video films created by both professionals and amateurs especially for the festival’s use and inspired by its title – will run the cycle of screening of artistic and documentaries movies dedicated to personalities of the design art, created by professionals and amateurs and inspired by the topic: BOUNDARIES.