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EXPO ‘Marzee Graduate Show 2017′ – Marzee Gallery, Nijmegen (NL) – 20 Aout-25 Oct. 2017

Marzee International Graduate Show 2017

Please join us, and the participating graduates, for the opening of the Marzee International Graduation Show on Sunday 20 August 2017 at 4pm at Galerie Marzee.

Marzee Graduation Show - opening 20 August 2017 at 4 pm

The annual Marzee International Graduation Show, is the highlight of our exhibition calendar, and has grown from a modest affair to an event unparallelled in size and scope. This year’s show will present a selection of jewellery and objects by more than 100 graduates from 40 different art schools and academies from Europe, US, Asia and Australia.
Galerie Marzee is unique in its support for emerging young talent and since 1986 the Marzee International Graduate Show has offered the best new graduates their first opportunity to exhibit in a world-renowned gallery. During the opening we will also award the Marzee Graduate Prize to this year’s most promising students.
Bringing together student works from all over the globe, Galerie Marzee’s graduate exhibition is the only of its kind. It serves as an annual survey of thesis research in the field of jewellery, but more importantly, as a venue for these investigations, questions, and queries to come to light. Indeed, with contributions from over 40 academies and colleges across the world, design and process are as varied as there are selected works. As these students transition from the structure provided by university jewellery departments into a studio practice of their own making, the opportunity for their first body of work to continue into the contemporary conversation is significant. Perfectly housed within the gallery, the Marzee International Graduate Show 2017 marks the 31st installment, and the only jewellery degree exhibition of this size and scope.
The exhibition will be on show through October 25th.


  Lotta Koov, Earthly Pleasures, 2017, brooches; silicone, silver, steel. Graduated from EKA Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Tallinn, EstoniaLotta Koov, Earthly Pleasures, 2017, brooches; silicone, silver, steel. Graduated from EKA Eesti Kunstiakadeemia, Tallinn, Estonia
 Graduate Show preview: Ammeli Engström, Not my hands, 2017, brooch; silver. Graduated from HDK Academy of Design and Crafts, Gothenburg, Sweden
  Ammeli Engström, Not my hands, 2017, brooch; silver. Graduated from HDK – School of Design and Crafts, Gothenburg, Sweden

    Melissa Selvius, Ankh II, 2017, necklace; aluminium, gold. Graduated from SDSU San Diego State University, United StatesMelissa Selvius, Ankh II, 2017, necklace; aluminium, gold. Graduated from SDSU San Diego State University, United States

 Marzee International Graduate Show 2017 -  Lu Kuai, Peep-Communication, 2017, necklace; lacquer, horse hair, wood, silver, copper. Graduated from BIFT Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing, ChinaLu Kuai , Peep-Communication, 2017, necklace; lacquer, horse hair, wood, silver, copper. Graduated from BIFT Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing, China

MARZEE Graduate Show (2017) preview: Tamae Kamishima, Gather, 2017, brooches; acrylic paint. Graduated from Hiko Mizuno, Tokyo, Japan Tamae Kamishima, Gather, 2017, brooches; acrylic paint. Graduated from Hiko Mizuno, Tokyo, Japan
Lilian Mattuschka, untitled, 2016, necklace; wood, rubber, iron. Graduated from Alchimia, Florence, ItalyLilian Mattuschka, untitled, 2016, necklace; wood, rubber, iron. Graduated from Alchimia, Florence, Italy

 Holly O'Hanlon, Excess 2, 2016/2017, brooch; slate, treated mild steel, precious white metal, precious yellow metal, two-part epoxy, steel pin. Graduated from Central Saint Martins, London, UK. #graduateshow2017 #galeriemarzee Holly O’Hanlon, Excess 2, 2016/2017, brooch; slate, treated mild steel, precious white metal, precious yellow metal, two-part epoxy, steel pin. Graduated from Central Saint Martins, London, UK

Graduate Show preview: Dabin Lee, Down the Rabbit Hole, 2017, brooch; silver, copper wire, fabric. Graduated from Royal Academy of Antwerp, Belgium Dabin Lee, Down the Rabbit Hole, 2017, brooch; silver, copper wire, fabric. Graduated from Royal Academy of Antwerp, Belgium

Natalie Nicholson, Yellow, 2016, necklace; linen, sterling silver, rubber, wood. Graduated from SUNY, New Paltz, USNatalie Nicholson, Yellow, 2016, necklace; linen, sterling silver, rubber, wood. Graduated from SUNY, New Paltz, US

Marzee graduate show 2017 - Pia Groh, N'1, 2017, earrings agate, oxidised silver. Graduated from Idar-Oberstein, Hochschule Trier, GermanyPia Groh, N’1, 2017, earrings agate, oxidised silver. Graduated from Idar-Oberstein, Hochschule Trier, Germany

Marzee Graduation Show - opening 20 August 2017 at 4 pm

Lage Markt 3 / Waalkade 4
6511 VK Nijmegen, Netherlands
tel +31 24 322 9670




EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Julia Obermaier – coup de coeur « lapidaire »

Julia Obermaier

C’est drôle comme « le hasard fait bien les choses » …. Ou, il n’y a pas de hasard ….Un de mes problèmes majeurs dans ma vie actuelle est ma « distance aux gens » … trop près, trop loin, je ne sais jamais où, comment me situer …. trop au bord, spectateur, voyeur, ou trop « dedans », trop impliqué … J’avais coutume de dire à mes enfants « la liberté de chacun, c’est comme une bulle : tu as ta bulle, qui te protège et t’entoure, mais elle est fragile et se « brise » facilement. Et chacun a la sienne. Il faut réussir à t’approcher des gens de manière à ce que ni ta bulle ni la leur n’éclate. C’est ça la liberté de chacun, c’est ça « ta liberté commence là où fini la mienne ». C’est un délicat jeu d’équilibre » …. Je me rappelle, ils m’écoutaient bouche bée ….. Eh bien c’est exactement de ça que parlent les bijoux de Julia Obermaier ! « The distance between people« , the « Private space » ….. Cette découverte m’apporte une immense émotion, et ce d’autant plus que …. comment dire ? ses bijoux me touchaient, je ne savais pas pourquoi, parce qu’à priori ce n’était pas « mon genre » de bijoux mais plus un « genre », un style de bijoux, très prisé actuellement parmi ce qui vient d’Idar-Oberstein ……

Julia Obermaier – (Sur)face the space.
« Private space. Working area. The distance between people. The distance between the world and me. Space is a really important subject for me. If someone is crossing the borders of my spaces without permission, it causes a bad feeling within me. That is why I try to protect them as much as possible. But in daily life, one cannot always keep direct surroundings and personal space in their preferred way. This is because our outside world is always in relation with other people and circumstances.
To build my own spaces I cut slices out of agate or rock crystal.  They represent rooms, spaces, containers, boxes or little caves. Some of my works have empty spaces with corners or nooks, while others have an inner life through engravings I cut within the pieces. I am generating space which can be filled with ones own personal feelings, perceptions and sensations. I see my work as containers protecting the innermost emotions of the viewer or wearer.
In contrast to the large space around us filled with other people, I see these pieces as a part of ourselves. They are little copies of the viewer or the wearer. The space inside is reserved for what people find within themselves. The outside surrounding, which is not always controllable for us, becomes the protector of what lies within the piece.  The wearer can then decide if and who is allowed to approach the work, take a look or even touch it. The pieces embody ideas of a second skin and soul protector from the outside world.  They are meant to induce a comforting feeling of inner silence for the wearer, that they can use to confront a busy world. »

  Julia Obermaier Brooch: Untouchable, 2016 Agate, resin, pigment, stainless steel 10 x 5.5 x 5.5 cm Photo by: Julia Obermaier Julia Obermaier Brooch: Untouchable, 2016 Agate, resin, pigment, stainless steel 10 x 5.5 x 5.5 cm Photo by: Julia Obermaier

Julia Obermaier  Brooch: Round the corner, 2016  Agate, resin, pigment, stainless steel  7.5 x 7 x 3 cm  Photo by: Julia Obermaier: at Marzee Graduate Show 2016: Julia Obermaier (BFA 2016 Idar-Oberstein)  -  Brooch « Round the Corner » • Agate, resin, pigment and stainless steel • ©photo by artist  

« With her bachelor thesis Julia Obermaier delivers a statement of monumental grandeur. To do so, working mainly in agate and rock crystal, is a matter of concentration and patience as well as of spatial transition. Acquiring an extended awareness of space and volume, in the sense of an architectonic perspective,  paired with an empathical sensibility for the wearers and observers body and mind, and at the same time bordering the restrictions of jewellery is a remarkable feature of Obermaiers process of work. The result is a collection of wearables in gemstone with a high quality of sensitivity. As an object, Obermaiers pieces are intriguing and inviting, as soon as they are worn and in unity with the body, they show an until than almost hidden sensuality. » / Theo Smeets

Julia Obermaier Necklace: Come Around, 2016 Agate, resin, pigment 27 x 20 x 3.5 cm Photo by: Julia Obermaier (selected for Marzee Graduate Show 2016:): Julia Obermaier – Necklace: Come Around, 2016 – Agate, resin, pigment – 27 x 20 x 3.5 cm – Photo by: Julia Obermaier (selected for Marzee Graduate Show 2016)

« Agate is one of my most favorite materials. The huge secrecy and variety of agate as a stone and its use over centuries is attracting me in my work. Studying the layers and druses of agate amazes me and makes me curious. What is happening? What is in there? I want to arise these feelings as well in the wearers and viewers of my pieces. You can find sensitivity, strength and multifaceted sides not just in agates, as well in every other living creature. »

She is member of  « Astonish », a group of young jewellery artists which are current students or recent alumni’s form University of Applied Sciences Trier, Campus Idar-Oberstein.
They were present at SCHMUCK 2016, at  Inhorgenta Munich, 12–15 February 2016, at Internationale Handwerksmesse München,  24 February – 1 March 2016 -

 Julia Obermaier- Untitled (No.3) – Necklace – Agate, Steel, 18kt Gold – 450 x 120 x 70 mm – 2014 – Photo by Julia Obermaier: Julia Obermaier (BFA stud. Idar-OberSTEIN 2016) • Necklace  Untitled (No.3) • Agate, steel, 18k gold • 2014 • 450 x 120 x 70 mm ©photo by Julia Obermaier – #MJW16/ « Astonish »

Julia Obermaier Necklace: Breathe, 2016 Rockcrystal, silver, iron, paint, resin 33 x 18 x 2 cm Photo by: Qi Wang  Julia Obermaier Necklace: Breathe, 2016 Rockcrystal, silver, iron, paint, resin 33 x 18 x 2 cm Photo by: Qi Wang

 Julia Obermaier Necklace: Have a look outside, 2016 Agate, iron, fabric, resin, pigment 26 x 11 x 3.5 cm Photo by: Julia Obermaier: Julia Obermaier Necklace: Have a look outside, 2016 Agate, iron, fabric, resin, pigment 26 x 11 x 3.5 cm Photo by: Julia Obermaier




Staatliche Berufsfachschule für Glas und Schmuck Kaufbeuren-Neugablonz
Hochschule Trier, Idar-Oberstein, Germany. BFA stud.   2016
Selected Graduate 2016 at Klimt02
Born in Landau a.d. Isar, Germany. 2009 to 2012 apprenticeship to a goldsmith at staatliche Berufsfachschule für Glas und Schmuck in Kaufbeuren-Neugablonz, Germany. Since 2012 studies Bachelor of Fine Arts in Gemstone and Jewellery at University of Applied Sciences Trier, Department Idar-Oberstein. Made during her studies an exchange semester at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology in Melbourne, Australia. Lives and works in Idar-Oberstein, Germany.



EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Jonathan Hens – the HIGHWAY of success !

Jonathan Hens

I discovered his works at fall 2013 during PARIS – CIRCUITS BIJOUX , at the exhibition ‘Precieux Passages’ at Bibliothèque Forney. A first « face to face » with a (very) STRONG creation !

Strong creation that encountered SUCCESS : in 2012 the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp presents his works, together with some other students, at SIERAAD 2012 Amsterdam, we saw his works at Marzee Graduate show 2012 AND 2013, an exhibition during SCHMUCK 2014 (« Lights ON/Lights OFF » 3 stations Galerie, Munich), an exhibition during SCHMUCK 2015 (« Oscure sacrifices« , together with Jorge Manilla, at 3STATIONS,  Munich), an exhibition during SCHMUCK 2016 (« Trans-it » – 3STATIONS,  Munich), has been selected  for TALENTE 2016, Munich, he is presented at AUTOR 2016 (the International Contemporary Jewelry Fair in Bucarest, Romania) ……
This is not the « Route of Success », it’s an HIGHWAY !!!

 Jonathan Hens Page aimée · 1 mars · Modifié ·   X10IONS OF THE TRIBE #7 necklace 2015 pewter/ sutures/ leather/ rubber/ diamond dust ® Hanne Nieberding Jonathan Hens   ·   X10IONS OF THE TRIBE #7 necklace 2015 pewter/ sutures/ leather/ rubber/ diamond dust ® Hanne Nieberding

« After having researched different kinds of sub-and material-cultures, Jonathan Hens constructs with his own culture of tin while exploring the different qualities of the metal, making himself a master of his practice. By engraving, pouncing and printing, he develops a new dimension to the material. This results in graphic surfaces combined with archaic shapes and volumes. Hen’s pieces, beautiful as they are, are not indented as mere objects, but as points of recognition in a world of Tribal Ravers. They cross time and cultures. They are an ode to the pleasures of the now. »
– Jonas Belde, Fashion Designer, at Marzee graduation show 2012 Jonathan Hens (MA) - Belgium, Antwerp, Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten - #8, 2012, necklace, pewter, sutures - 430 x 260 x 99 mm - After having researched different kinds of sub-and material-cultures, Jonathan Hens constructs with his own culture of tin while exploring the different qualities of the metal, making himself a master of his practice. By engraving, pouncing and printing, he develops a new dimension to the material. This results in graphic surfaces combined with archaic shapes and volumes. Hen's pieces, beautiful as they are, are not indented as mere objects, but as points of recognition in a world of Tribal Ravers. They cross time and cultures. They are an ode to the pleasures of the now. - Jonas Belde, Fashion DesignerJonathan Hens (MA) – at Marzee graduation show 2012 - Belgium, Antwerp, Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten – #8, 2012, necklace, pewter, sutures – 430 x 260 x 99 mm –

Autor 2016.  Jonathan Hens. Alliages Choice.: Jonathan Hens works presented at Autor 2016  

« Jonathan Hens’ striking work speaks of recent developments in today’s world, which has seen a fusion between the banal and the subcultures and becomes a place where men and women have merged into androgynous beings.
His designs are the result of an intense search for an alternative identity. Rather than a classic example of beauty, the viewer gets to see Hens’ interpretation of it. He chose the material pewter to launch his fetishism line.
His dark look mirrors (or reflects) ‘the now’, a place where there is scope for experiment and self expression. His atypical aesthetic has no truck with traditional techniques. Jonathan Hens creates a visual game between austere forms and a rough edge finish. He heightens the geometry and black textures by using suture thread to bind the various elements.
His work raises many questions, such as what beauty means today and whether or not there is still a difference betweens the sexes.
Jonathan Hens’ work gives us greater insight into the diversity of our world. » / Jorge ManillaJonathan Hens -   THE CITY IS MY CHURCH - 2014 - #1 Necklace  -Pewter/ Sutures/ LatexTHE CITY IS MY CHURCH – 2014 – #1 Necklace  -Pewter/ Sutures/ Latex



HUMAN 2.0 by Jonathan Hens 2016HUMAN 2.0 by Jonathan Hens
Oct 13- Nov 10, 2016
24/24 window display
beyondfashion 3m2 project room
Pourbusstraat 7
2000 Antwerpen
+32 472 420 683
Jonathan Hens - HUMAN 2.0 #6  necklace 2016 pewter/ sutures/ latexJonathan Hens - HUMAN 2.0 #6  necklace 2016 pewter/ sutures/ latex

Jonathan Hens – Human 2.0 #1, #4 and #5, necklaces made of pewter, suture and latex: Jonathan Hens – Human 2.0 #1, #4 and #5, necklaces made of pewter, suture and latex

Jonathan Hens – Human 2.0  Performance By Vincent van Reusel on the nocturnal opening night of our new project with work of Jonathan Hens!: Jonathan Hens – Human 2.0  Performance By Vincent van Reusel on the nocturnal opening night of our new project with work of Jonathan Hens

Jonathan Hens work is also featrured by the gallery’s permanend collection in there new gallery space: Galerie beyond, Sint Jorispoort 27, 2000 Antwerp




2011-2012 Master Jewellery design & Silversmithing – Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp (Belgium)
2008-2011 Bachelor Jewellery design and Silversmithing -Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp (Belgium)
2007-2008 Bachelor Fashion design – Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp (Belgium)






Un petit CAILLOU, deux petits CAILLOUX, moult moult CAILLOUX ……

….. bref, HISTOIRE de CAILLOUX !

Et NON, ce n’est pas du Petit Poucet dont je veux vous parler !

Mais de Katharina Dettar (MA 2016 at RCA, London, UK) qui vient de recevoir, avec quelques autres, le MARZEE GRADUATE PRIZE  2016

Et de son Installation « 2,1 grams »« Awakening Awareness« 

Katharina Dettar explains : « 2,1 grams- Gold has been man’s most sought-after quest for hundreds of years & the price of gold continues to rise. But gold deposits are ever thinner, & this precious metal is being extracted from the earth at enormous environmental & human cost, often in some of the poorest corners of the world. This gold ring weighs 2,1 grams.
Based on the data & information provided by the Dolaucothi Gold Mines in Wales the average quantity of ore to get 2,1 grams of 24ct gold is of a is of about 140 kg of quartzite. This quartzite has an high amount of iron in it where the gold dust finds itself located. In order to get the ore you need to extract 1400 kg of shale rock, therefore being the final numbers 1540 kg of spoil for a 2,1 grams ring of gold.
To obtain a small amount of gold tons of rock are dug up & sprinkled with diluted cyanide, which separates the gold from the rock. Some of the largest mines move up to half million tons of earth a day, leaching the poison into rivers & lakes.
2,1 grams is a visual metaphor that illustrates the huge disparity between a gold ring & the amount of material needed to create it.

Merci à elle d’avoir pris le temps d’éclairer ma lanterne !

Katharina Dettar à Royal College of Art. -avril 2016-  #sketch of my next #installation part of #awakeningawareness for the show of @rcajewelleryandmetal  Made of 1380kg of #shale, 138kg of #quartzite and a 5gr #ring of #24ctgold  #rca #weonlyhaveoneearth #consciousness for the #waste behind #materials: Katharina Dettar – Royal College of Art. -avril 2016-  #sketch of my next #installation part of #awakeningawareness for the show of @rcajewelleryandmetal  – Made of 1380kg of #shale, 138kg of #quartzite and a 5gr #ring of #24ctgold  #rca #weonlyhaveoneearth #consciousness for the #waste behind #materials

Katharina Dettar 17 mai 2016- Right now in a #quartzitequarry picking up the #stones for my #installation #piece! Part of my graduation project #awakeningawareness at @rcajewelleryandmetal  In collaboration with @guillemtrius Katharina Dettar 17 mai 2016- Right now in a #quartzitequarry picking up the #stones for my #installation #piece! Part of my graduation project #awakeningawareness at @rcajewelleryandmetal  In collaboration with @guillemtrius

at Gal. Marzee - installation - Katharina Dettar: 24 aout 2016 : A couple of days ago building up at @galeriemarzee  for Marzee graduation show 2016 – installation – Katharina Dettar

Katharina Dettar    (BA 2013Idar-Oberstein, fresh MA graduate of the Royal College of Art) • Installation "2,1 grams" • 24ct Gold (2,1 g) and shale (1.400 kg) & quartzit (140 kg) • 2016 • ©photo by Guillem Trius "Awakening Awareness To magnify a problem, to create dialogues and awake awareness about what lays behind some of the objects that surround us. 3D diagrams that communicate about the material waste of our nowadays goods. Jewellery, tableware, furniture and silk clothes are present in our Katharina Dettar    (BA 2013Idar-Oberstein, fresh MA graduate of the Royal College of Art) • Installation « 2,1 grams » • 24ct Gold (2,1 g) and shale (1.400 kg) & quartzit (140 kg) • 2016 • ©photo by Guillem Trius
« Awakening Awareness - To magnify a problem, to create dialogues and awake awareness about what lays behind some of the objects that surround us. 3D diagrams that communicate about the material waste of our nowadays goods.
Jewellery, tableware, furniture and silk clothes are present in our daily life, contrary to the unseen raw material we need in order to produce them. »

Katharina Dettar -june 2016 -   #rcashow16 is open until the 3rd of July  1400kg of #shale & 140kg of #quartzite for 0,0021kg of #24carat #gold  Photo by @guillemtrius – à Royal College of Art Battersea.: Katharina Dettar -june 2016 -   #rcashow16 is open until the 3rd of July  1400kg of #shale & 140kg of #quartzite for 0,0021kg of #24carat #gold  Photo by @guillemtrius – à Royal College of Art Battersea

Katharina Dettar - Awakening Awareness  To magnify a problem, to create dialogues and awake awareness about what lays behind some of the objects that surround us.: Katharina Dettar – Awakening Awareness 
To magnify a problem, to create dialogues and awake awareness about what lays behind some of the objects that surround us

Katharina Dettar - Awakening awareness - 1.540=0,0021kg, - 2016 Shale, Quartzite and 24ct Gold 1.540,0021kg | Photographer: Guillem Trius: Katharina Dettar – Awakening awareness – 1.540 = 0,0021kg, – 2016 Shale, Quartzite and 24ct Gold 1.540,0021kg | Photographer: Guillem Trius 






Discovered thanks to MARZEE graduation show 2015 where her jewels are presented ….

Annie Huang.Annie Huang  – « Sense of Belonging » 2015 – stacked neckpieces.

Annie Huang - collection 2015 "sense of belonging"Annie Huang – collection 2015 « sense of belonging »

« Annie Huang is a South African-Taiwanese jewellery designer. Having lived in multiple countries, she is intrigued by cultures especially in arts and languages. Gaining her education in contemporary jewellery at the School of Jewellery in Birmingham, UK, has allowed her to step into the niche world of art jewellery. 

15/06/2015- 18/06/2015: Graduate Show at The School of Jewellery, Birmingham, B1 3PA. (Annie Huang)

 For her current collection, she uses jewellery as a creative medium to explore the personal sense of belonging of individuals. She invites both jewellery and non-jewellery wearers to share their stories over a hot drink. As she listens and writes, the words written are then transformed onto metal to be formed into multiple layers representing the designer’s aesthetics. The burnished edges and lines of the layered metal, exploits the depth of human emotions and aims to provoke thought on where one truly belongs.

 Annie Huang - Sense of Belonging 2015 -   neckpieces detailAnnie Huang - Sense of Belonging 2015 -   neckpieces detail & textures

The jewellery is organic and imperfect to resemble a branch on a tree. There are certain bark like textures that seem to almost peel off, to resemble a partial unveiling of the self. The colours range from autumn leaves, to subtle grey tones, intended to allow viewers to contemplate their thoughts without distraction. On closer inspection, some pieces have visible words that the audience can choose to interpret or they can ask the designer to share the full story. The aim is to communicate, share and relate through art jewellery »

 Annie Huang -Sense of Belonging 2015 - metal, silver plated, oxidised, small broochAnnie Huang – « Sense of Belonging » 2015 – metal, silver plated, oxidised, small brooch

« Jewellery holds the sentiments of our attitudes towards life. The raw emotions of the maker, the expressions of the purchaser and the touch of the wearer, this is what has caught me into the contemporary jewellery world. It’s not just the creating but also the stories. »

« The inspiration for the ‘Sense of Belonging’ collection, came from looking at bird nests to the branches that they hang off of. Whilst playing around with the metal, the intricate layers formed caught my eye. The metal although malleable, has a will of its own. With limited control, the organic nature is allowed to form, this is evident in the burnished lines, colour and space between the layers. »

Annie Huang - Sense of Belonging 2015 -  metal, silver-plated oxidised bangleAnnie Huang - Sense of Belonging 2015 -  metal, silver-plated oxidised bangle

Annie Huang - Sense of Belonging 2015 -  metal, oxidised bangleAnnie Huang – Sense of Belonging 2015 -  metal, oxidised bangle …. like burnt wood ….

Annie Huang - Sense of Belonging 2015 - brooch - metal, silver and gold plated with engraved words Annie Huang – Sense of Belonging 2015 – brooch – metal, silver and gold plated with engraved words

Annie Huang -Sense of Belonging 2015 - metal, gold plated,  brooch with engraved wordsAnnie Huang -Sense of Belonging 2015 – metal, gold plated,  brooch with engraved words

Annie Huang - Marzee graduation show 2015 -  - necklace - material is copper that has been treated, oxidised, some parts silver and gold-plated. On closer look it's actually layer upon layerAnnie Huang - Marzee graduation show 2015 -  – necklace – material is copper that has been treated, oxidised, some parts silver and gold-plated. On closer look it’s actually layer upon layer

Annie Huang - Sense of Belonging 2015 - metal, silver-plated , oxidised, oxidised with engraved words neckpiece Annie Huang - Sense of Belonging 2015 – metal, silver-plated , oxidised, oxidised with engraved words neckpiece

I GO CRAZY with these neckpieces !!!!!


Marzee Graduate show 2015 – the AWARDS go to …..

EXPO ‘Marzee Graduate Show 2015′ – Marzee Gallery, Nijmegen (NL) – 23 Aout-28 Oct. 2015

Marzee Graduate show 2015

Please join us on Sunday 23 August at 4pm for the opening of the 2015 Annual International Marzee Graduate Show at Galerie Marzee.

The Marzee Graduate Prize 2015 will be awarded at the opening.

We are pleased to announce that this year’s Marzee Graduate Prize has been awarded to –
Aaron Decker (MFA) – Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, USA
Genevieve Howard (BA) – National College of Art & Design, Dublin, Ireland
Yojae Lee (MA) – Kookmin University, Seoul, South Korea
YiPing Li (BA) – CAFA, Beijing, China
Eiman Rezaei (MFA) – RISD, Providence, USA
Dana Seachuga (MA) – Hochschule Trier, Idar-Oberstein, Germany
Esna Su (BA) – Central St Martins, London, UK

  Aaron Decker - Bloomfield Hills : MARZEE GRADUATION PRIZE 2015 (Koen Jacobs picture)   Aaron Decker (MFA – Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, USA) (Koen Jacobs picture)

MARZEE -  graduation show 2015 -  Genevieve Howard    black 'Ravel' statement bangleGenevieve Howard (BA – National College of Art & Design, Dublin, Ireland) - black ‘Ravel’  bangle
Genevieve Howard - the black 'Ravel' statement bangle. This bangle was inspired by a piece called 'Mouvement De Menuet' which I love to play on the piano.Genevieve Howard - the black ‘Ravel’ statement bangle (detail). « This bangle was inspired by a piece called ‘Mouvement De Menuet’ which I love to play on the piano. »
Yojae Lee-Kookmin-Graduateprize2015-aYojae Lee (MA – Kookmin University, Seoul, South Korea)
Yiping Li- CAFA -  MARZEE graduateprize2015 MARZEE graduation prize 2015YiPing Li (BA – CAFA, Beijing, China)
Eiman Razai-RISD-Graduateprize2015Eiman Rezaei (MFA – RISD, Providence, USA) – pencil box neckpiece
Dana Seachuga (M.F.A. 2015) • Bracelet "ArmLink 9" • Iron, silver, bronze and Arkansas stone • 2015 • ©phot. by Edu TarínDana Seachuga (MA – Hochschule Trier, Idar-Oberstein, Germany) Bracelet « ArmLink 9″ • Iron, silver, bronze and Arkansas stone • 2015 • ©phot. by Edu Tarín
Marzee Graduate Show 2015 - CURRENT OBSESSION - Dana Seachuga, Hochschule Trier Idar Oberstein, Germany Dana Seachuga, Hochschule Trier Idar Oberstein, Germany (photo  Current Obsession)
Esna Su- CSM - Graduateprize2015Esna Su (BA – Central St Martins, London, UK)
Lage Markt 3 / Waalkade 4
6511 VK Nijmegen, Netherlands
tel +31 24 322 9670


COUP de COEUR – BLACK CHOC with Francesca Urciuoli

Francesca Urciuoli

Discovered thanks to MARZEE graduation show 2015 where her jewels are presented ….

Studies at SUNY New Palz USA since 2013 – before was at Alchimia ….

2013-2014 MFA SUNY New Paltz
2010-2013 BFA Alchimia School of Contempory Jewelry Florence, Italy

Marzee graduation show 2015 - - Francesca Uriciuoli - State University of New York, New Palz - collana fatta  di silicone e polvere di ferro Francesca Urciuoli - State University of New York, New Palz - collana fatta  di silicone e polvere di ferro – Marzee graduation show 2015 -(photo Koen Jacobs Jewellery)

Here is her BLACK work, done for her MFA Thesis Show: « The Lapse »

Francesca Urciuoli, from the collection "The Lapse", The Scarf, 2015, necklace, silicone, iron, 11x13x6 inches, photo: Dana SchmerzlerFrancesca Urciuoli, from the collection « The Lapse » The Scarf, 2015, necklace, silicone, iron, 11x13x6 inches, photo: Dana Schmerzler

 Francesca Urciuoli, from the collection "The Lapse" The Scarf, 2015, necklace, silicone, iron, 11x13x6 inches, photo: Dana SchmerzlerFrancesca Urciuoli, from the collection « The Lapse » The Scarf, 2015, necklace, silicone, iron, 11x13x6 inches, photo: Dana Schmerzler

Francesca Urciuoli,from the collection "The Lapse", The Collar, 2015, necklace, silicone, iron, 10x11x1 inches, photo: Dana SchmerzlerFrancesca Urciuoli, from the collection « The Lapse », The Collar, 2015, necklace, silicone, iron, 10x11x1 inches, photo: Dana Schmerzler

Francesca Urciuoli, from the collection'The Lapse', The Necklace, 2015, necklace, silicone, iron, photo Dana SchmerzlerFrancesca Urciuoli, from the collection’The Lapse’, The Necklace, 2015, necklace, silicone, iron, photo Dana Schmerzler

Francesca Urciuoli, from the collection'The Lapse', The Necklace, 2015, necklace, silicone, iron, photo Dana SchmerzlerFrancesca Urciuoli, from the collection’The Lapse’, The Necklace, 2015, necklace, silicone, iron, photo Dana Schmerzler

Francesca Urciuoli, from the collection'The Lapse', The Necklace, 2015, necklace, silicone, iron, photo Dana Schmerzler - DETAILFrancesca Urciuoli, from the collection’The Lapse’, The Necklace, 2015, necklace, silicone, iron, photo Dana Schmerzler – DETAIL

Francesca Urciuoli, from the collection'The Lapse', The Necklace, 2015, necklace, silicone, iron, photo Dana Schmerzler  (photo cleared)Francesca Urciuoli, from the collection’The Lapse’, The Necklace, 2015, necklace, silicone, iron, photo Dana Schmerzler  (photo cleared to allow to see the neckpiece)

Francesca Urciuoli, from the collection "The Lapse", The Brooch, 2015 brooches, silicone, iron, magnets, 4x3x3 inches, photo: Dana SchmerzlerFrancesca Urciuoli, from the collection « The Lapse », The Brooch, 2015 brooches, silicone, iron, magnets, 4x3x3 inches, photo: Dana Schmerzler

Francesca Urciuoli, from the collection "The Lapse", The Brooch, 2015 brooches, silicone, iron, magnets, 4x3x3 inches, photo: Dana SchmerzlerFrancesca Urciuoli, from the collection « The Lapse », The Brooch, 2015 brooches, silicone, iron, magnets, 4x3x3 inches, photo: Dana Schmerzler

Francesca Urciuoli, from the collection "The Lapse", The Armor, 2015, silicone, steel, photo: Dana SchmerzlerFrancesca Urciuoli, from the collection « The Lapse », The Armor, 2015, silicone, steel, photo: Dana Schmerzler

Francesca Urciuoli, from the collection "The Lapse", The Armor, 2015, silicone, steel, photo: Dana SchmerzlerFrancesca Urciuoli, from the collection « The Lapse », The Armor, 2015, silicone, steel, photo: Dana Schmerzler



COUP de COEUR … Carrie Dickens

Carrie Dickens

Discovered thanks to MARZEE graduation show 2015 where her jewels are presented ….

And on her page on RCA (Royal College of Art) work 2015, it begins PERFECTLY for me : « It all begins with touch. »
and on her website, the same : « jewellery that touches back »

« I believe the physical ‘touch’ of jewellery has powerful potential to change the way we feel about ourselves and the world around us. My work investigates tactile potential, especially for soothing comfort: I aim for sense-full surfaces, nuzzling and strokeable textures, enveloping experience. I aim for jewellery that touches back. »

OOOOH YES !!! sooo important notion for me !

« This exploration follows directly from the research I undertook for my MA dissertation and my experimental installation which invited people to ‘wear’ pebbles suspended from the ceiling.  With this series I’m aiming for a nurturing, nestling, comforting nuzzle. »

Marzee graduation show 2015 - Carrie Dickens - Royal College of Art, Londonat Marzee graduation show 2015Carrie Dickens – Royal College of Art, London (photo Koen Jacobs Jewellery)


 Carrie Dickens Carrie Dickens

Carrie Dickens - untitled necklace,  - nylon, sterling silver, magnets 300 x 300 x 100mmCarrie Dickens - untitled necklace,  – nylon, sterling silver, magnets 300 x 300 x 100mm

 chip II (on my shoulder), Carrie Dickens nylon, sterling silver, magnets 100 x 70 x 70mmCarrie Dickens- chip II (on my shoulder), nylon, sterling silver, magnets 100 x 70 x 70mm

 Carrie Dickens - long brooch, nylon, sterling silver 400 x 60 x 40 mm Carrie Dickens – long brooch, nylon, sterling silver 400 x 60 x 40 mm



EXPO ‘Marzee Graduate Show 2015′ – Marzee Gallery, Nijmegen (NL) – 23 Aout-28 Oct. 2015

Marzee Graduate show 2015

Please join us on Sunday 23 August at 4pm for the opening of the 2015 Annual International Marzee Graduate Show at Galerie Marzee.

This year’s exhibition will be our largest ever, showing jewellery by the most promising students from schools and academies from 20 countries around the world.

The prestigious Marzee Graduate Prize 2015 will be awarded at the opening.

We will also exhibit work made by last year’s Marzee Graduate Prize winners during their seven-day residency at Atelier Ravary in Belgium.

Marzee Graduate Prize 2015   (Heeang Kim (MA), Proliferation XI, 2014, necklace; polymer clay, silver, L 555 mm, Kookmin University (Korea))Heeang Kim (MA), Proliferation XI, 2014, necklace; polymer clay, silver, L 555 mm, Kookmin University (Korea)

Franziska Seilern-Aspang (B.F.A. 2015 Idar-Oberstein) • Necklace "no title" • silver, rock crystal, wool • 2015 • © phot. by Carolin DenterFranziska Seilern-Aspang (B.F.A. 2015 Idar-Oberstein) • Necklace « no title » • silver, rock crystal, wool • 2015 • © phot. by Carolin Denter
 Elvira Golombosi (M.F.A. 2015 Idar-Oberstein) • Ring "no title" • Lapis Lazuli • 2015 • © phot. by artist Elvira Golombosi (M.F.A. 2015 Idar-Oberstein) • Ring « no title » • Lapis Lazuli • 2015 • © phot. by artist  
Christina Erlacher (B.F.A. 2015) • Necklace "Klaus versenkt Schiffe" • silver, plastic, agate, pearls • 2015 • © phot. by artist  Christina Erlacher (B.F.A. 2015 Idar-Oberstein) • Necklace « Klaus versenkt Schiffe » • silver, plastic, agate, pearls • 2015 • © phot. by artist
Edu Tarín (M.F.A. 2015) • Necklace "Mold D1" • silver, Granit • 2015 • © phot. by artist Edu Tarín (M.F.A. 2015) • Necklace « Mold D1″ • silver, Granit • 2015 • © phot. by artist
 Ignasi Cavaller Triay (M.F.A. 2015) • Necklace "Is deaf as a pepple" • Wood, lacquer, synthetic rope and iron • 2015 • © phot. by Manuel Ocaña MascaroIgnasi Cavaller   (M.F.A. 2015) • Necklace « Is deaf as a pepple » • Wood, lacquer, synthetic rope and iron • 2015 • © phot. by Manuel Ocaña Mascaro
Aiza Mahmood (M.F.A. 2015) • Ring "Ring 3" • Iron and slate • 2015 • © phot. by artist  Aiza Mahmood (M.F.A. 2015 Idar-Oberstein) • Ring « Ring 3″ • Iron and slate • 2015 • © phot. by artist
Marzee Graduate Prize winners 2014   :
Katie Collins RMIT Australia,
Vera Aldiejohann Fachhochschule Germany,
Sophie Baumgärtner Halle Germany,
Ayano Takahashi Hiko Mizuno Japan,
Li Liang Gotheburg Sweden,
Eun Ji Choi Cranbrook USA
Lage Markt 3 / Waalkade 4
6511 VK Nijmegen, Netherlands
tel +31 24 322 9670


EXPO ‘Marzee Graduate Show 2014′ – Marzee Gallery, Nijmegen (NL) – 17 Aout-24 Oct. 2014

Marzee Graduate show 2014

The exhibition will open at 4pm on Sunday 17 August 2014

Annual Marzee Selection of Graduate Work Jewelry 2014 from International Academies and Colleges 

over 70 freshly graduated students from 30 countries ……

Marzee graduation show winners :

Katie Collins RMIT Australia,

Vera Aldiejohann Fachhochschule Germany,

Sophie Baumgärtner Halle Germany,

Ayano Takahashi Hiko Mizuno Japan,

Li Liang Gotheburg Sweden,

Eun Ji Choi Cranbrook USA  -

congrats to all !!!

Carla Movia (Alchimia) 2014Carla Movia (Alchimia) 2014
« The commemoration of a secret that only through a rite can be revealed. Lighting up a candle in order to discover the unknown, celebrating the wait more than the final result. Then, it’s only through the act of wearing that the jewel gains its complete freedom.  »
 Nicolas Estrada, [Idar-Obserstein, Germany] (photo Current Obsession)Nicolas Estrada, [Idar-Obserstein, Germany] (photo Current Obsession)

Ayano TakahashiAyano Takahashi

Li Liang Necklace: Line, 2014 Copper, paintLi Liang – Necklace: Line, 2014 Copper, paint

Lage Markt 3 / Waalkade 4
6511 VK Nijmegen, Netherlands
tel +31 24 322 9670