SCHMUCK 2011- ‘HELENA LEHTINEN: GARDENS’ – Munich (DE) – 17-20 mars 2011
during SCHMUCK 2011
Contemporary Jewellery Exhibition by HELENA LEHTINEN: GARDENS
Helena Lehtinen lives and works in Lahti, Finland. She did her studies in Lahti Polytechnics. Since 2008 Helena is enjoying a 5 year working grant from State Applied Art Commission in Finland. She has been exhibiting internationally since 1990.
In this solo exhibition Helena is looking into function of the memory. How defective and flimsy is the information the memory produces.
In Finland, during the winter snow is abound. The landscape is nearly black and white, or more like white mixed with grey shadows. Everything is blanketed in many layers of snow. One can only wonder what is under all those white hillocks?
It could be considered a bit contradictory to think of how a garden in bloom might look in winter. What was again the real narcissus yellow or the darling blue shade? How does a mind produce these visions? How does our memory hold on to those colors. What feelings remain? Can’t we almost smell the perfumes of the gardens that elude us?
The imaginary winter garden has a certain beauty that is different than a blooming garden in summer.
Gardens Collection, Blue brooch, 2011 -Silver, beads, textile, antique box, reconstructed
84 GHz Kultur im Keller, 84
Georgenstr. 84,
80799 München