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SCHMUCK 2014 – TALENTE – Munich – 12-18 Mars 2014

Classé dans : Concours / Competition,Prix/Awards,SCHMUCK / MJW (DE),TALENTE — bijoucontemporain @ 16:09

TALENTE 2014 competition – see selected Artists  HERE  (thanks to Montserrat Lacomba from MarDeColorRosaBlog) :

TALENTE is an international competition for young craftsmen and women in design and technology. This special show reflects the ideas of young people in the context of an experimental approach to materials and craft techniques. The best entries are awarded the highly sought-after TALENTE prize.

 WINNER OF TALENTE 2014 : Patricia Correia Domingues

>> Saturday 15 March 2014 :
15.30 Uhr Talente-Preis-Verleihung 2014, Messegelände München, Halle B1, Aktionsbühne

SCHMUCK :  TALENTE 2014 competition - selected artists -
Selected artist : for Jewellery :
Christine Bukkehave, DK –  Patricia Domingues, PT/DE — Samira Götz, FR/DE –
 Xiaoya Guo, CN –  Gabriela Hájková, CS –  Sophie Hall, GB –  Ann-Kathrin Hartel, DE  –  Jing He, CN/NL –  Steven Holman, USA — Yun-Chin Hsu, TW/GB — Helena Johansson Lindell, SE — Tammy Young Eun Kim, S.KR — Chen Liang, CN — Xiao Liu, CN — Charlotte Maslov, SE — Jhana Millers, AU/NZ — Marek Mrowiński, PL — Soili Rautanen, FI/SE — Maria Sais Fluvià, SP — Moniek Schrijer, NZ — Martina Singerova, CS/DE – Kristyna Spanihelova, CZ — Julian Steimer, DE — Lauren Tickle, USA — Katerina Vorlova, CS — Kate Wischusen, AU — Zhiqian Yang, CN
Talente 2014 Competition
Internationale Handwerksmesse Munich (Munich, Germany)
Internationale Handwerksmesse Munich
Max-Joseph-Str. 4
80333 – Munich
Telephone: 089 5119-293
Fax: 089 5119-245

Fur further information please contact:
Dr. Michaela Braesel, Handwerkskammer für München und Oberbayern, Abteilung Messen und Ausstellungen, Max-Joseph-Straße 4, 80333 München
T +49 89 5119-293, F +49 89 5119-245


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