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COUP de COEUR – JULIA MARIA KÜNNAP – ça coule …. de source ……… – EXPO « Overgrown » at Sienna Patti gallery – 15 Juin-9 Juill. 2018

JULIA MARIA KÜNNAP « Overgrown »  at Sienna Patti gallery -   JULIA MARIA KÜNNAP -  June 15 – July 9, 2018 « For someone inspired by imperfectionJulia Maria Künnap creates objects that perfectly capture a moment in time. With flawless skill and control Künnap transforms some of the earth’s hardest materials into melting pools of liquid, sweeping brushstrokes, and about-to-burst bubbles. Overgrown, shows Künnap striving for ever more precision and pushing her materials to greater physical and conceptual limits. These efforts have resulted in impossibly thin fragments and delicate drips that suspend disbelief. Working natural stones, Künnap’s current show is filled with striking blues and greens, inky black, chalky white and translucent crystal, a bold palette that complements the juxtaposition of hand carved facets and highly polished curves. Künnap’s work has always spoken to the magical reality of the natural world—the way water changes from liquid to solid and back to liquid again—and the human desire to understand and tame it. It is no coincidence therefore that finely cut gemstones and the tradition of lapidary work has been a main point of reference throughout Künnap’s work. In recent piece however, she playfully looks at other objects and materials altered by humans. Künnap carefully reshapes cacholong into a ball of crumpled paper. Though the stone is relatively unknown to even most gemstone connoisseurs, Künnap chose it for its matte texture and likeness to paper. With the labor of carving she highlights an unglamorous yet prized stone and makes permanent an ephemeral form that rarely exists beyond the trash bin. Similarly, her series of brushstroke brooches and earrings freeze a human act. By isolating the expressive curve and movement of a stroke, Künnap memorializes both the gesture and the resulting outcome. Künnap marries her mastery of lapidary with subtlety. It is this union that makes Künnap’s work so seductive and timeless »

 Julia Maria Künnap - Bubble Gum Ring, 2018. carved amethyst & 18k white goldJulia Maria Künnap  - Bubble Gum Ring, 2018. carved amethyst & 18k white gold

JULIA MARIA KÜNNAP - "Or Better a Fine One" , 2017. (brooch), carved lapis lazuli & 18k yellow gold

Julia Maria Künnap  - « Or Better a Fine One » , 2017. (brooch), carved lapis lazuli & 18k yellow gold

Julia Maria Künnap- Why Is It Still Overgrowing?, 2018. (earrings).  nephrite & 18k yellow gold

Julia Maria Künnap- Why Is It Still Overgrowing?, 2018. (earrings).  nephrite & 18k yellow gold

JULIA MARIA KüNNAP | Overgrown - Sienna Patti - Contemporary Art Gallery June 15 - July 9 |

Julia Maria KünnapSupervolcano ring -  carved obsidian with rhodium plated silver band

  Julia Maria Künnap graduated in 2004 from the Estonian Academy of Arts, Jewellery Art Department under Professor Kadri Mälk. A 2018 recipient of the prestigious Herbert Hofmann Prize, Künnap is known for her mysteriously and meticulously carved lapidary work. Her work has been included in group and solo exhibitions around the world. Julia Maria Künnap currently lives and works in Tallinn, Estonia. This is her second solo exhibition at Sienna Patti.     Sienna Patti Gallery 80 Main Street Lenox Massachusetts 01240 USA (001) 413 637 8386


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Isabelle Molénat – Spring knots at « Galerie Sophie etc » « COLOR » from 2 to 30 june EXPO

Isabelle Molénat

Work in progress for the exhibition « Color«  at the « Galerie Sophie etc » in Paris  from  2 to 30 june… spring Knots ! Pure beauty of colors, of textures !

COLOR expo avec Isabelle Molénat

cliquez sur ce lien pour visionner la vidéo



Isabelle Molénat  - Work in progress for an exhibition at the "Galerie Sophie" in Paris...spring Knots ! mai 2018 - Indigo and eco printingIsabelle Molénat -  spring Knots ! mai 2018 – Indigo and eco printing

Isabelle Molénat - spring knots - indigo &  eco printingIsabelle Molénat -  spring Knots ! mai 2018 – Indigo and eco printing

Isabelle Molénat - spring knots -   eco printing

Isabelle Molénat - spring knots -   eco printing & dying

Isabelle Molénat - spring knots -   eco printing - mai 2018

Isabelle Molénat - spring knots -   eco printing


Galerie Sophie etc Bijoux contemporains
2 rue Gambey, 75011 Paris
01 48 05 80 38



EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Jonathan HENS – EXPO ‘‎Transformation’ during the MJW 2018 – Lothar Goetter Atelier, Munich (DE) – 8-11 Mars 2018


with Jonathan HENS

Contemporary jewelry exhibition inside   Munich Jewellery Week  (7–10 March 2018)
at Lothar Goetter Atelier (Munich)
# 93 on the Schmuck Map
opening 8 March from 3pm to 8pm
Five individuals come together  in a one transformation: Alchemy of colors/Rituals/ Instantaneus/ Metamorphosis/ Identity.

Transformation EXHIBITION  /  MJW-SchmuckTalente2018  /  08- 11 MAR 2018 - Lothar Goetter Atelier - Westendstr. 76A 80339 -  Munich  GERMANY - Nevin Arig, Sara Gackowska, Celina Gram, Jonathan Hen, Dimitar Stankov

Artist list  :   Nevin Arig – Sara Gackowska –  Celina Gram — Jonathan Hens – Dimitar Stankov

  from Jonathan Hens :    LONG LIVE THE KINK  part 2 collection

« The new work from the serie LONG LIVE THE KINK of   Jonathan Hens  reflects with stunning ability the diversity and unity of our realities. The individual designs, consisting of distinct structures and leather materials, refers to the structures that make human beings versatile. The notion that each individual is an individual in his or her own right that differs from others through superficial and hypodermic characteristics becomes apparent. However, subtly Hens’ work forces us to look beyond. Touching upon the underlying notions in his previous collection where he made us question the differences between sexes, this collection makes us question the importance of dissimilarities. Hens’ most recent collection compells to focus on the unity rather than the diversity of individuals. In designing LONG LIVE THE KINK he started out with one geometrical shape and slightly tweaked and bended the particular form. The sublime interpretation of reality cunningly brings perspective into the dualistic worlds of the other and the self. Leaning towards the tabula rasa concept, he shows the oneness of human beings together in one nation.Becoming typical of Hens’ work is the insights he leaves us with regarding our world and how we choose to perceive it. «   – by Agnes Sabitova

Jonathan HENS -  LONG LIVE THE KINK   collection

Jonathan HENS -  LONG LIVE THE KINK   collection

Jonathan HENS -  LONG LIVE THE KINK   collectionJonathan HENS -  LONG LIVE THE KINK   collection

Jonathan HENS -  LONG LIVE THE KINK   collectionJonathan HENS -  LONG LIVE THE KINK   collection

Jonathan HENS -  LONG LIVE THE KINK   collectionJonathan HENS -  LONG LIVE THE KINK   collection

Jonathan HENS -  LONG LIVE THE KINK   collectionJonathan HENS -  LONG LIVE THE KINK   collection



Dimitar Stankov -   #93onthemap#dimitarstankov#TRANSFORMATION #contemporaryjewelry #schmuck #electroforming #munichjewelleryweek2018 #neckpiece #ritualsDimitar STANKOV  

Nevin Arig - ‎TransformationNevin Arig 









Lothar Goetter Atelier
Westendstr. 76A
80339 -  Munich
Opening 08/03/2018 Thursday – 3 pm – 8 pm
Friday 09/03/2018 – 10 am – 6 pm
Saturday 10/03/2018 – 10 am – 2 pm
Sunday 11/03/2018 – 10 am – 2 pm


EXPO ‘‎Hidden curriculum’ – during the MJW 2018 – Atelier Cepissakova, Munich (DE) – 8-11 Mars 2018


« ‎Hidden curriculum »

Contemporary jewelry exhibition inside   Munich Jewellery Week  (7–10 March 2018)

Popeye loves Olive  Art Space hosts an exhibition platform during Munich Jewellery Week by inviting a group of 14 Greek artists to meet the Mexican artist Jorge Manilla and to develop a joint project on Hidden Curriculum, Identity and Proxemics. 

Opening: Thursday 08/03/18 @19.00 – 22.00

Popeye loves Olive‎ - Hidden curriculum*

Participating Artists:    Jorge Manilla – Aggelika Diplari – Aggelos Konstantakatos – Anna Vlahos – Antria Prasinou – Artemis Valsamaki – Erato Kouloubi – Ioli Livada –  Joanna Grigoriou – Liana Pattihis – Marina Zachou – Niki Stylianou – Xenia Deimezi – Yakinthi Oikonomou – Yiota Vogli


 » Hidden Curriculum*
The Hidden curriculum consists of teaching items which are not officially intended and developed by school and educational system. The educational authorities use the concepts of “hidden curriculum” and “invisible curriculum” to explain teachings and attitudes influenced by these implicit factors (Alavi, Abdollahi and Ahmadi, 2008).
With the intention to explore behaviors, perspectives and attitudes, that the participants adopt during their learning process, in an independent way outside of an institution.
For this exhibition we have decided to take the idea of a Hidden Curriculum and explore in a free but very careful way, issues like gender roles, morals, social class, stereotypes, cultural expectations and personal language.
According to the Austrian artist and architect Hundertwasser, we have five layers of skin. From the innermost to the furthest from the centre: Epidermis, Clothes, Houses, Identity and Earth. Each layer (skin) defines and interacts with the whole human entity.
According to Proxemics, we arrange objects and ourselves in relation to space as it makes us feel more or less comfortable. Individuals naturally maintain a separation that relates to environmental and cultural factors but also to social and interpersonal situations. One could say that proxemics is separated in Intimate, Personal, Social and Public Space/Skins. Moreover, all layers of Space/Skins interact, affect and define each other.
Most importantly, it should be underlined; the above studies claim that Identity is created by social interplay.
According to history, Jewelry serves as a primary means of conveying cultural values. Traditionally, jewels were seen as sacred and precious; however, from the beginning of the 20th century, jewelry has started to be objectified. Jewelry as a result of all human social interactions becomes a product of non-verbal communication.
The process, through which a piece of jewelry is created, is totally connected with the cultural and social background of each jewelry artist. From the selection of materials to the final product, it is needed that all different possibilities and perspectives of this act to be explored.
On the other hand, the viewer interacts both with the maker and the wearer of a piece of jewelry; as jewelry narrates stories and communicates feelings and Identities. 
By comparing fourteen Greek jewelry artists’ work in opposition to that of a Mexican artist and educator; this exhibition seeks to collect information on how hidden curriculum, proxemics and identity are expressed through jewelry.
What kind of space occupies the work of each artist? What kind of skin it represents? « 


HIDDEN CURRICULUM - Yiota Vogli Dialogue I Νecklace / Ruthenium plated bronze, alpaca, paper pulp, grains, oxidationsYiota Vogli Dialogue I Νecklace / Ruthenium plated bronze, alpaca, paper pulp, grains, oxidations

Yiota Vogli. Brooch: Dialogue, 2017. silver, alpaca, hand painted silver, paper pulp, acrylics, cotton.Yiota Vogli. Brooch: Dialogue, 2017. silver, alpaca, hand painted silver, paper pulp, acrylics, cotton.

Yakinthi Oikonomou Brooch: Veresé, 2017 Argentium silver, bronze, stainless steel. Photo by: Orestis RovakisYakinthi Oikonomou. Brooch: Veresé, 2017. Argentium silver, bronze, stainless steel.. Photo by: Orestis Rovakis.

HIDDEN CURRICULUM - Yakinthi Oikonomou Home sweet home Brooch / Argentium silver, stainless steelYakinthi Oikonomou Home sweet home Brooch / Argentium silver, stainless steel

Xenia Deimezi. Necklace: FEED ME, 2018. Latex, cotton and polyester thread, brilliant cut white diamond.. 70 x 10 cm. Photo by: Aimilia Balaska. From series: into existence.
Xenia Deimezi. Feed-me  Necklace / Latex, cotton & polyester thread, brilliant cut diamond  - Photo by: Aimilia Balaska. From series: into existence

HIDDEN CURRICULUM - Niki Stylianou. - Landscape #3 Necklace / Hand cut and hand stitched leather, thread, copper, pigments, patina
Niki Stylianou.   Landscape #3  - Necklace / Hand cut and hand stitched leather, thread, copper, pigments, patina  

Niki Stylianou Necklace: Mapping: traces made solid, 2017 Copper, bronze, pigments, patina, cord. Photo by: Niki StylianouNiki Stylianou - Necklace: Mapping: traces made solid, 2017 - Copper, bronze, pigments, patina, cord. - Photo by: Niki Stylianou

HIDDEN CURRICULUM - Antria Prasinou Ephemeral Body Neckpiece / Copper, rice paper, ink, silver, pigments, silk thread – avec Antria Prasinou.
Antria Prasinou. - Ephemeral Body - Neckpiece / Copper, rice paper, ink, silver, pigments, silk thread  

Antria Prasinou Brooch: Liberate the Senses, 2017 Copper, rice paper, ink, silver, pigments, silk thread. Photo by: Konstantinos KostopoulosAntria Prasinou - Brooch: Liberate the Senses, 2017 - Copper, rice paper, ink, silver, pigments, silk thread. - Photo by: Konstantinos Kostopoulos

Liana Pattihis Necklace: Shades of Black, 2017 Copper wire, silver chain, enamel. 89 cm Photo by: Liana PattihisLiana Pattihis - Necklace: Shades of Black, 2017 - Copper wire, silver chain, enamel. 89 cm  Photo by: Liana Pattihis

Erato Kouloubi. Brooch: Food Victim 1, 2018. Pasta, acrylics, epoxy, bronze.. 12 x 16 x 5 cm. Photo by: George Economopoulos. From series: Food Victim  Collection.
Erato Kouloubi Food Victim 1 Brooch / Pasta, acrylics, pigments, silver

Erato Kouloubi Brooch: Food Victim, 2018 Pasta, acrylics, pigments, silver. Photo by: Erato KouloubiErato Kouloubi - Brooch: Food Victim, 2018 - Pasta, acrylics, pigments, silver. Photo by: Erato Kouloubi

HIDDEN CURRICULUM - Aggelika Diplari Garden Brooches Wood, argentium silver, pigments, patina – avec Aggelika Diplari.
 Aggelika Diplari. - Garden  Brooches - Wood, argentium silver, pigments, patina 

Ioli Livada Brooch: Untitled, 2017-2018 Bronze, corn leaves, pigments, threads, sterling silver. Photo by: Fanis Logothetis

Ioli Livada  -  Brooch: Untitled, 2017-2018 - Bronze, corn leaves, pigments, threads, sterling silver. Photo by: Fanis Logothetis

Ioli Livada Brooch: Imaginary Flowers 5, 2018 Bronze, corn leaves, pigments, threads, sterling silver.Ioli Livada - Brooch: Imaginary Flowers 5, 2018 - Bronze, corn leaves, pigments, threads, sterling silver.

Joanna Grigoriou Fragments 3 Brooch / Wood, resin, pigments, stainless steel

Joanna Grigoriou Fragments 3 Brooch / Wood, resin, pigments, stainless steel  

Anna Vlahos Meander 1 Brooch / Sterling silver, stainless steel
Anna Vlahos Meander 1 Brooch / Sterling silver, stainless steel

Artemis Valsamaki Brooch: Keep the Faith, 2017 Copper, silver, acrylic paint. Photo by: Alexis KamitsosArtemis Valsamaki - Brooch: Keep the Faith, 2017 - Copper, silver, acrylic paint. - Photo by: Alexis Kamitsos


HIDDEN CURRICULUM - Jorge Manilla Insides  Brooch / Wood, cochayuyo, copper steelJorge Manilla - Insides  Brooch / Wood, cochayuyo, copper steel

Jorge Manilla Object: Untitled, 2018 Cochayuyo, rubber. Photo by: Christian TvibergJorge Manilla  Object: Untitled, 2018 - Cochayuyo, rubber. - Photo by: Christian Tviberg



Atelier Cepissakova 
Ligsalzstrasse 29
80339 Munich / München, Deutschland
- Thursday 08.03.18 [10.00 – 17.00]
OPENING: 19.00 – 22.00
- Friday 09.03.18: [10.00 – 18.00]
- Saturday 10.03.18 [10.00 – 13.00]
- Sunday 11.03.18 [11.00 – 16.00]Contact:
Erato Kouloubi
+30 6944871569


EXPO ‘INFLUENCES’ – during the Munich Jewellery Week – B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) – 7-10 Mars 2018


Contemporary jewelry exhibition inside   Munich Jewellery Week    7 – 10 March
opening: 7 March - 3pm  at  B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck


INFLUENCES - Contemporary jewelry exhibition inside  Munich Jewellery Week  7 - 10 March  opening: 7 March - 3pm     B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck  Zieblandstraße 19, 80799 München, Deutschland - Artists: Claudia Steiner, Corrado De Meo, Elin Flognman, Gabi Veit, Gigi Mariani, Judy McCaig, Lluís Comín, Maria Rosa Franzin, Nicola Heidemann, Patrizia Bonati, Stefano Rossi, Yoko Takirai/Pietro Pellitteri.

The City, the environment and the surrounding landscape in which one lives, inevitably affects our doing and being. Architecture, urbanity, green space, colors, sounds, smells, neighborhood, open spaces, quality of life, mentality, politics, social and societal developments, old and new, climate, tradition, modify and characterize the city and the lifestyle.

Consciously or unconsciously – this is also reflected in the work and expressions from the artist living and working there. Born or moved to this place, it affects the vision and inspiration, existing is taken up and re-interpreted and refleocted. This expresses itself in the form, color, material and technics.

The current works of the participating artists from geographically, structurally and scenic different – large or small cities – reflect all this conditions.


Artists:     Claudia Steiner – Corrado De Meo –  Elin Flognman – Gabi Veit –  Gigi Mariani – Judy McCaig – Lluís Comín – Maria Rosa Franzin –  Nicola Heidemann –  Patrizia Bonati –  Stefano Rossi – Yoko Takirai/Pietro Pellitteri.

Aucun texte alternatif disponible.

 Patrizia Bonati / Cremona

Patrizia Bonati / Cremona

Patrizia Bonati  -  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Patrizia Bonati 

Lluis Comin -  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Lluís Comín / Barcelona

Lluis Comin -  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Lluis Comin 

Elin Flognman /Trollhättan

Elin Flognman /Trollhättan

Elin Flognman  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Elin Flognman

Maria Rosa Franzin / Padova

Maria Rosa Franzin / Padova – brooch

Maria Rosa Franzin -  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Maria Rosa Franzin 

Nicola Heidemann / Passau

Nicola Heidemann / Passau

Nicola Heidemann - - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Nicola Heidemann

Judy McCaig -Barcelona/ Edinburgh

Judy McCaig -Barcelona/ Edinburgh

Judy McCaig  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Judy McCaig 

Gigi Mariani /Modena

Gigi Mariani /Modena

Gigi Mariani -  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Gigi Mariani 

Corrado De Meo /Livorno

Corrado De Meo /Livorno

Corrado de Meo  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Corrado de Meo 

Stefano  Rossi  -  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Stefano  Rossi 

Stefano  Rossi  -  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Stefano  Rossi  

Claudia Steiner - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Claudia Steiner /wien

Claudia Steiner - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Claudia Steiner

Gabi Veit

Gabi Veit

Gabi Veit /Bolzano

Gabi Veit /Bolzano

Gabi Veit  - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Gabi Veit  

Yoko Takirai/Pietro  Pellitteri- EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Yoko Takirai/Pietro  Pellitteri

Yoko Takirai/Pietro Pellitteri - EXPO 'INFLUENCES' - during the Munich Jewellery Week - B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (DE) - 7-10 Mars 2018

Yoko Takirai/Pietro Pellitteri 


B/E Galerie Benjamin Eck
Zieblandstraße 19,
80799 München, Deutschland

Opening: Wednesday – 3pm

Wednesday: 3pm – 7pm
Thursday: 11:00am – 7:00pm
Friday & Saturday: 11:00am – 6:00pm

Special: Saturday – 11am
“meet the artists & breakfast”


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Carlos SILVA new exhibitions for a new year

 Carlos Silva Jewelry

New exhibition @ Galeria Autoria : Miguel Bombarda quarter simultaneous inaugurations
Saturday, 13 January Porto

Carlos Silva Instagram

L’image contient peut-être : texte

 Carlos SilvaCarla GasparCarolina Apolonia,Cristina Roque Dos SantosInes SobreiraMarilia Maria Mira, Marina Costa, Rodrigo Acosta and Valentim Quaresma.

new exhib. Carlos Silva janv 2018


Carlos Silva - Necklace | wood and paintCarlos Silva Jewelry  ·  Necklace | wood and paint

Carlos Silva Jewelry -   Rings
Carlos Silva Jewelry  ·  Rings – copper, wood and paint
Carlos Silva - Rings    -   copper  black and white
Carlos Silva – Rings    -   copper  black and white  
carlos.silva Earrings   copper  black and white
Carlos Silva Earrings   copper  black and white
carlos.silva_pt Necklace [available @galeria.autoria] •carlos.silva_pt Necklace [available @galeria.autoria] •
Carlos Silva -necklaces



 Galeria Autoria  
Rua Miguel Bombarda, 285,
Loja 10,
Porto (Portugal)
+351 915 423 030


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Isabel TRISTAN exhibitions for FALL at Gal. AUTORIA (PT) & Gal. CONTEXT (ES)

  @ Galeria Autoria  (Porto, Portugal)  till 12th January 2018 :)

Simultaneous openings in the Arts Quarter Miguel Bombarda on Saturday, November 11 @ Galeria Autoria

Participants:  Áurea Praga — Carla Gaspar — Carlos Silva –  Catalina Gibert — Cristina Roque –  Filipe Fonseca — Inês Sobreira — Isabel Tristan — Liliana Guerreiro — Marta Costa Reis — Telma Oliveira — Telma Simões — Teresa Dantas — Valentim Quaresma.

  Saturday, November 11 @ Galeria Autoria  Participants:  Áurea Praga, Carla Gaspar, Carlos Silva, Catalina Gibert, Cristina Roque, Filipe Fonseca, Inês Sobreira, Isabel Tristan, Liliana Guerreiro, Marta Costa Reis, Telma Oliveira, Telma Simões, Teresa Dantas and Valentim Quaresma.


Isabel Tristan - Brooch - woodIsabel Tristan - Brooch – wood

Isabel Tristan - Brooch - woodIsabel Tristan - Brooch – wood

Isabel Tristan - wood jewelry at AUTORIAIsabel Tristan – wood jewelry at AUTORIA

Isabel Tristan - wood necklaceIsabel Tristan – wood necklace

Isabel Tristan - wood broochIsabel Tristan – wood brooch -  fusta, alpaca i acrilics 



Galeria Autoria
Rua Miguel Bombarda, 285, Loja 10, Porto
tel +351 915 423 030
AUTORIA is represented by two jewellery artists Inês Sobreira and Cristina Roque dos Santos.



« Restoration Vs Reconstruction »

work in progress ……

Next collective exhibition in Context Galeria this month : « A la de tres »

Inauguración 25 de novembre a las 12,30.

25 NOV. – 30 DEC. 2017

  exhibition  @context__gallery. Opening the next 25  November at 12,30h.

«  Isabel Tristán : Mirar, observar, desmuntar mentalment, entendre i descobrir el procés de creació dels objectes, els materials que els componen i la passió per aprendre m’ha permès créixer. »

Isabel Tristan - Restoration Vs Reconstruction - Work in progress.  #broochIsabel Tristan – Restoration Vs Reconstruction – Work in progress.  #brooch

Isabel Tristan - Restoration Vs Reconstruction - Work in progress.  #broochIsabel Tristan - « Restoration Vs Reconstruction » Work in progress -  BROCHE « CAMINS PERDUTS » - maderas, arena, pintura acrílica, acero - Serie Reconstrucción

« Reconstrucción Vs Restauración
Después del todo, de lo que ya no está, de lo que no va a volver, miles de restos se amontonan a nuestro alrededor almacenados a modo de orden caótico. Ponerse en acción es pertinente, una acción devastadora, contundente o quizás una acción más suave, planificada y ordenada.
Nacer o renacer, nuevo o seminuevo, fénix o crisálida, reconstrucción versus restauración.
Todo es posible, bien mirado, todo acto de creación siempre sobreviene como algo nuevo, a pesar que el punto de partida sea el caos
Las piezas de Reconstrucción están creadas a partir de maderas recicladas, restos de maderas descartadas o recortes de anteriores trabajos, con el mínimo de manipulación formal solo incidiendo en el acabado para dar una nueva textura y color.
Para la serie Restauración el proceso es similar, pero incluye toda una serie de partes creadas para reforzar la idea de estructura o cimientos, por ello su acabado no incluye texturas o rebozados adicionales, la idea es eliminar o limpiar todo aquello que el paso el tiempo añade o deteriora y por lo tanto solo se muestra la esencia de los elementos.

Isabel Tristan - "Restoration Vs Reconstruction" Work in progress -  BROCHE - maderas, arena, pintura acrílica, acero - Serie ReconstrucciónIsabel Tristan – « Restoration Vs Reconstruction » Work in progress -  BROCHE – maderas, arena, pintura acrílica, acero – Serie Reconstrucción

Isabel Tristan - "Restoration Vs Reconstruction" Work in progress -  BROCHE - maderas, arena, pintura acrílica, acero - Serie ReconstrucciónIsabel Tristan - « Restoration Vs Reconstruction » Work in progress -  BROCHE – maderas, arena, pintura acrílica, acero – Serie Reconstrucción

Isabel Tristan - "Restoration Vs Reconstruction" Work in progress - collar  - maderas, arena, pintura acrílica, acero -  Isabel Tristan – « Restoration Vs Reconstruction » Work in progress – collar  – maderas, arena, pintura acrílica   

Isabel Tristan - "Restoration Vs Reconstruction" Work in progress -  maderas, arena, pintura acrílica   Isabel Tristan – « Restoration Vs Reconstruction » Work in progress -   maderas, arena, pintura acrílica



Context Galeria 
Calle de Viñolas 8-10
08173 Sant Cugat del Vallès (BARCELONA – ES)
+34 935 89 38 06


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Jelizaveta Suskaya at Galerie Beyond (BE) – EXPO « Frozen Moment-The Night » – 22 Oct.- 26 Nov. 2017 – EXTENDED until DEC. 9

 J. Suska Jewellery

Galerie beyond ! – TO BE EVENT  !

 FROZEN MOMENT – THE NIGHT  Oct 22 – Nov 26, 2017  -

EXPO extended for TWO WEEKS, until DEC. 9 2017

Triple expo Mielle Harvey - Jelizaveta Suskaya - Alejandra Solar at Galerie beyond - Sint Jorispoort 27, 2000 Antwerpen, Belgium, until November 26.

Triple expo Mielle Harvey – Jelizaveta Suskaya – Alejandra Solar at Galerie beyond -   Antwerpen, Belgium, until November 26.

Frozen Moment – The Night
« I’ve always been fascinated by the ambiance that you can sense in any space that is entered. Similarly to shinto – the indigenous religion of Japan, where many objects have their own spiritual essence. I would call it a ghost. Frozen Moment – The Night pieces are a lot about concept of what memory is leaving us with or of a moment in time. While making Night edition I was also thinking about feeling that night gives to me: it’s cold, dark and full of mystery and fears. I was looking for materialization of these abstract matters. I based it on associations and feelings. After a period of research, I came up with my own material, that the pieces are made of.
This material has two main compounds: polymer, that is lightweight and gives color, just like ‘a moment’ leavesimpression and magma sand, that creates an illusion of a solid stone – material that I strongly associate with concept of memory. In my work, I use a lot of colour that is expression of another spectrum, spectrum of emotions. The Night edition is characterized by black mixed with dark shades of blue, red and yellow. I am using same techniques and approach as I designed earlier at the same time expanding and exploring more. In the beginning of crafting each piece, material is hot and dynamic but in a while it turns still. Like another metaphor of a moment becoming a memory. When looking at my works, people often are saying that they look
like ice, unknown minerals or minuscule surreal landscapes. I question traditional approaches and instead of valuable jewels I celebrate the idea behind the material. That’s why for the rear of the brooches and other supporting details I use valuable metals like gold and titanium. »
​All brooches are unique - Jelizaveta Suska. -

  Jelizaveta Suska  Frozen Moment Night edition. Brooch.2016 Jelizaveta Suska  Frozen Moment Night edition. Brooch.2016

Jelizaveta Suskaya / Collections / Frozen Moment: The Night (2016)Jelizaveta Suskaya / Collections / Frozen Moment: The Night (2016)

Jelizaveta Suska Jewellery -  new broochJelizaveta Suska Jewellery -  new brooch




Galerie beyond
Sint Jorispoort 27
Anvers (Antwerp)(BELGIQUE)
Tel +32 472 42 06 83

EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Carlos SILVA – EXPOs at galeria AUTORIA & galeria REVERSO, PORTUGAL – busy FALL !

Carlos Silva Jewelry

3 expos en breve : próximo dia 11 de NOViembre en Porto @ AUTORIA,

25 de NOViembre en galeria REVERSO,

y en diciembre en el taller de Teresa milheiro


Carlos Silva Jewelry -    Simultaneous openings in the Arts Quarter Miguel Bombarda!  Saturday, November 11 Galeria Autoria
Participants:  Áurea Praga — Carla Gaspar — Carlos Silva –  Catalina Gibert — Cristina Roque –  Filipe Fonseca — Inês Sobreira — Isabel Tristan — Liliana Guerreiro — Marta Costa Reis — Telma Oliveira — Telma Simões — Teresa Dantas — Valentim Quaresma.

Carlos Silva Jewelry -    Simultaneous openings in the Arts Quarter Miguel Bombarda!  Saturday, November 11 @ Galeria Autoria  Participants:  Áurea Praga, Carla Gaspar, Carlos Silva, Catalina Gibert, Cristina Roque, Filipe Fonseca, Inês Sobreira, Isabel Tristan, Liliana Guerreiro, Marta Costa Reis, Telma Oliveira, Telma Simões, Teresa Dantas and Valentim Quaresma.


Carlos Silva -  Necklace • [copper, alpaca, foam and charcoal] - soon @galeria.autoria Carlos Silva Jewelry -  Necklace • [copper, alpaca, foam and charcoal] – soon @Galeria Autoria

Carlos Silva  -  Brooch [two in one] foam, plaster and copperCarlos Silva Jewelry   ·  Brooch [two in one]  foam, plaster and copper

Carlos Silva Jewelry   ·  Brooch [two in one]  foam, plaster and copperCarlos Silva Jewelry   ·  Brooch [two in one]  foam, plaster and copper - dividido en 2, lo puedes usar individual ò juntos

Carlos Silva Jewelry- Rings | oxidized copperCarlos Silva Jewelry  ·  Rings | oxidized copper


Galeria Autoria
Rua Miguel Bombarda, 285, Loja 10, Porto
tel +351 915 423 030
Located in the arts quarter – Rua Miguel bombarda – AUTORIA is represented by two jewellery artists Inês Sobreira and Cristina Roque dos Santos.



at  Galeria REVERSO :
EXPO «PEARLS UPSIDE DOWN» (« De Pérolas para o Ar« ) at Galeria Reverso, Lisbonne (PT) – 25 Nov. 2017- 10 Janv. 2018

Opening: Saturday, 25 November, 17:00 — 20:00.


PEARLS UPSIDE DOWN_expo Reverso -  EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Carlos SILVA – EXPO « PEARLS UPSIDE DOWN » at REVERSO galeria, Lisbonne (PT) – 28 Nov. 2017- 10 Janv. 2018

with Ana Margarida Carvalho — Aurea Praga — Beatriz Horta Correia — Birgit Laken — Carlos Silva — Castello Hansen — Claude Schmitz — Claudia Hoppe — Daniel Kruger — Danni Schwaag — Dulce Ferraz — Ela Bauer — Etsuko Sonobe — Grego Garcia — Helena Johansson Lindell — Heejoo Kim — Herman Hermsen — Young-I Kim — Joanne.T — Kaori Juzu –  Laura Frazão Matos — Lauren Kalman — Leonor Hipólito — Marta Costa Reis — Masako Hamaguchi — Melanie Isverding — Nikolay Sardamov — Paula Crespo — Philip Sajet — Réka Lörincz — Sofia Bjorkman — Sophie Hanagarth — Stephanie Jendis — Tanel Veenre — Terhi Tolvanen — Vera Pinto — Young-I Kim — Zwetelina Alexieva.

« What about the pearls and their necklaces? From symbol of wealth and opulence to symbol of sobriety, from fantastic jewelery, sensual and transgressive to model of bourgeois modesty, the pearls surround us in multiple scenarios and multiple senses.
Beside the quiet collar of the grandmothers, we have Louise Brooks’s or Emmanuelle’s, alongside the puritanical collar of the typical North American executive (the only permissible jewel in the almost masculine uniform), we have the excessive adornments of the rajas of India, not to mention the earring of the girl from Vermeer, or from a corsair turned into a virginal little girl’s earring.
The pearl is born, like Venus, from a shell, but we do not recognize in it the same erotic and libertarian appeal. The pearl was domesticated. It is today a symbol of purity, chastity and restraint and, let’s face it, boring!
Can contemporary jewelery claim as its own the “stone” wich seems so classic and conservative today? «  Marta Costa Reis, 2017  for Galeria Reverso


CARLOS SILVA - Colar   (at PEARLS UPSIDE DOWN» at Galeria Reverso, Lisbonne (PT) – 25 Nov. 2017- 10 Janv. 2018  Opening: Saturday, 25 November, 17:00 — 20:00.)CARLOS SILVA – Colar   (at PEARLS UPSIDE DOWN» at Galeria Reverso)

collier Carlos SILVA - Parcours Bijoux: PINAPARIS,  CARLOS SILVA - Untitled Necklace 2015 – Painted copper 385 x 200 mm


Galeria Reverso
R. da Esperança, 59-61
1200-655 Lisbonne – PORTUGAL
tel +351 21 395 1407



EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Isabelle Molénat – at EXPO «Corps Limite» – OFF Parcours bijoux 2017 Paris – galerie Goutte de Terre – 9-26 Nov. 2017

Isabelle Molénat – Jewellery & Object

 L’exposition collective «Corps Limite» invite à découvrir le travail de 6 créatrices de bijoux et plasticiennes. Leur différente sensibilité à la matière s’expriment à travers cette surface sensible qu’est notre peau … comment déstructurer les limites pour mieux les (re)construire… :
avec : Sibyl Breton sous la marque «L’œ dans l’œ» — Marie Flambard — Marie Grimaud sous la marque Métylis – Ophélia Leclercq sous la marque PÿR –  Isabelle Molénat — Suzanne Otwell Nègre  
(Corps Limite EXPOSITION durant le prochain «PARCOURS BIJOUX» à PARIS, en « OFF », à la galerie Goutte de Terre qui nous accueille du 9 novembre au 30 novembre 2017 – vernissage et conférence le 10 novembre)Vernissage le 10 novembre
…tout en mots à 17h30 avec Dominique Géradts psychanalyste et sa conférence sur le thème de l’exposition « Corps Limite »
…tout en gourmandises à 18h30 avec la pièce de design culinaire de Céline Pelcée et Lukas Gamard
…tout en images à 19h avec la performance vidéo de Stéphane Privat et sa vision du Corps Limite

Corps Limite**

Isabelle Molénat : « Ma toute nouvelle collection « Lines of skin » « 

Isabelle Molénat : "Ma toute nouvelle collection "Lines of skin"Isabelle Molénat :   nouvelle collection  »Lines of skin »

Isabelle Molénat  . juillet 2017· Lines of in progress.  brooch silk, eco-dyeing.Isabelle Molénat  . juillet 2017· Lines of skin…work in progress.  brooch silk, eco-dyeing

Isabelle Molénat : "Ma toute nouvelle collection "Lines of skinIsabelle Molénat :   »Lines of skin » - brooch – silk, eco-dyeing

Isabelle Molénat :  "Lines of skin" - necklaceIsabelle Molénat :  « Lines of skin » – necklace -  silk, eco-dyeing

Isabelle Molénat :  "Lines of skin"   soie, teinture végétaleIsabelle Molénat :  « Lines of skin »   - soie, teinture végétale

Corps LimiteCorps Limite

« Quelle est ta matière de prédilection?
Le textile s’est imposé à moi dès le départ, c’était une évidence. J’ai essayé de comprendre d’où provenait ce choix implicite. Le textile me renvoie d’abord au vêtement, à ce qui couvre, protège et met en valeur notre corps, le textile comme objet vital et ornemental. Le textile parle aussi à travers ses textures et ses couleurs, c’est le textile comme médiateur de sensations et d’émotions.
Je travaille certaines collections avec des textiles de récupérations, d’autres en préparant directement des teintures végétales pour colorer des soies dans des harmonies que seule la nature développe. Le processus suit une lente maturation des pigments, une inépuisable interaction entre la technique et le hasard. 
Le textile m’offre ainsi un champs artistique que je ne soupçonnais pas.
Qu’est ce que tu aimerais exprimer au travers de tes bijoux autour du thème « Corps Limite »?
Le titre de cet ensemble de bijoux que j’expose est « Ce que la peau dit de nous ».
Il y a une phrase de Didi Huberman qui décrit très bien ce que la peau représente pour moi : « On peut penser que la surface est ce qui tombe des choses: ce qui en procède donc». 
La peau est la surface de notre corps. Cette limite laisse s’exprimer nos années de vie et nos émotions:  les rides ( ce que j’appelle plus poétiquement « les plis de la peau»), les cicatrices… les frissons, la chair de poule…les joues roses, le teint blême….La peau  exprime ce que l’on ne peut cacher,  elle est une fenêtre sur notre vie.
A travers mes bijoux je souhaite exprimer les liens au corps, l’écorce de notre vie.

Galerie Goutte de Terre
4 rue Basfroi
75011 Paris
tel  09 83 76 16 68