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During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPO ‘NEW WORK from a NEW WORLD’ – Galerie Jordanow, Munich (DE) – 25-28 Fevr. 2016


Galerie Biró in cooperation with Jewelers’Werk USA
At  Galerie Jordanow, Zieblandstr. 19, 80799 München
Öffnungszeiten: 25.-28.02. 2016. Täglich von 11 bis 19 Uhr

New work from the new world:

Sélection d’artistes américains :

Thea ClarkRebekah Frank + Iris EichenbergMissy GraffLisa GralnickMielle HarveyTimothy Veske-McMahonDarcy MiroEdgar MosaSeth Papac — Carolanne Patterson — Sharon PortelanceLauren Tickle-TietjeAric VerrastroJonathan Wahl –  Sayumi Yokouchi

Thea Clark 2016: Thea Clark 2016 - Ice - brooch, 2016, pigmented plaster, resin, anthracite, wood, metals.

 Rebekah Frank - Max height 3 composite - rectangle series  Rebekah Frank – Max height 3 composite – rectangle series

Missy Graff  Missy Graff  Lengthen 2013 – Fascia series

Lisa Gralnick  - Gold Zoloft necklace - The Gold Standard : Gold Standard Part I: Commodification and Sensible Economy Lisa Gralnick :   Gold Zoloft necklace – The Gold Standard : Gold Standard Part I: Commodification & Sensible Economy - works related to value of object

Mielle Harvey - golden bird finger ring 2011 Mielle Harvey – golden bird finger ring 2011

Timothy Veske-McMahon - Glyph/Borne: Timothy Veske-McMahon – Glyph/Borne

Darcy Miro - Oxidised silver cuff bracelet, six black diamonds  Darcy Miro – Oxidised silver cuff bracelet, six black diamonds 

Earropes by Edgar Mosa | photo by @josephmcs | modeled by @sarah_mccall  Earropes by Edgar Mosa | photo by @josephmcs | modeled by @sarah_mccall

Seth Papac  Brooch, 2015 -Brass, powder coated brass frame, velourSeth Papac  Brooch, 2015 -Brass, powder coated brass frame, velour

Sharon Portelance-"Wreath for Liam and Maeve" bracelet: Sharon Portelance- Memory Breathes – « Wreath for Liam and Maeve » bracelet - sterling silver, 22ktgold

Lauren Tickle  "Is it Legal?"   brooch 2015: Lauren Tickle  « Is it Legal? »   brooch 2015

Aric Verrastro - Timekeepers serie -  Here to There  Steel, driftwood, sterling silver, acrylic paint, thread  105x9x2cm  Necklace  2015: Aric Verrastro  Timekeepers serie -  Here to There  Steel, driftwood, sterling silver, acrylic paint, thread  105x9x2cm  Necklace  2015:

 Jonathan Wahl - "Faceted" / charcoal: Jonathan Wahl - « Faceted » / charcoal

Sayumi Yokouchi, Untitled, 2015, brooch, thermoplastic, silver, white gold, 45 x 55 x 10 mm, photo: artist: Sayumi Yokouchi, Untitled, 2015, brooch, thermoplastic, silver, white gold, 45 x 55 x 10 mm, photo: artist



Galerie Jordanow, Zieblandstr. 19, 80799 München

Galerie Biró
Zieblandstrasse 19
80799 München
Tel: + 49 (0) 89 27 30 686
Opening ours: Thursday to Friday 11am to 16pm, Saturday 11am to 2pm


EXPO ’4 Jewelers from Japan’ – Jewelers’Werk Galerie, Washington DC (USA) – 7-27 Juin 2014

4 Jewelers from Japan: a Tribute to Ryuichiro Nakamura

works of Kyoko Fukuchi Kimiaki KageyamaFumiki Taguchi — Ryuichiro Nakamura

Opening reception :  saturday June 7, 1-4 PM
Jewelers Werk - 4 artists from Japan
Fumiki Taguchi Brooch: Jewelry claim 1, 2013 Gold, silver 12 x 5 x 3 cm Photo by Fumiki TaguchiFumiki Taguchi Brooch: Jewelry claim 1, 2013 Gold, silver 12 x 5 x 3 cm Photo by Fumiki Taguchi
Kimiaki Kageyama : Mountain Plum Blossom, 2010, Brooch, Iron, baroque akoya pearls, gold, deep-sea coral 120 x 35 x H75mmKimiaki Kageyama : Mountain Plum Blossom, 2010, Brooch, Iron, baroque akoya pearls, gold, deep-sea coral 120 x 35 x H75mm
Kyoko Fukuchi broch 2002Kyoko Fukuchi broch 2002

Jewelers’Werk Galerie
3319 Cady’s Alley NW
20007 – Washington DC
United States
Telephone: 202 337-3319


EXPO ‘Donald Friedlich: Organic Matter’ – Jewelers’ Werk Galerie, Washington DC (USA) – 23 Nov.-13 Dec. 2013

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Jewelerswerk (US),USA,www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 0:07

Donald Friedlich: Organic Matter

« I’ll be presenting two groups of new glass jewelry in my show « Organic Matter » at Jewelerswerks Galerie in Washington, DC. The first is in line with work I’ve done in the past. They are forms carved from blown glass and then refined. I see them as geometric abstractions of flower petals.
The second group is a major departure for me. I have been casting from organic materials such as apples, oranges, celery, and asparagus as well as roughly textured pieces of wood. These are things we see everyday. We take them for granted and become blind to the reality that they are sensual, elegant and beautiful shapes. I have transformed them into glass with the hope that viewers will examine them in a new light. They combine four of my passions, food, humor, jewelry and glass. The idea of wearing a stalk of celery as a brooch makes me smile. »

Donald Friedlich: Organic Matter


Donald Friedlich, Brooch, 2013Donald Friedlich -  Brooch: Navel Orange, 2013 – Glass, 22k gold, sterling, niobium, 18k gold, 14k gold -  Photo Larry Sanders

Donald Friedlich, Brooch, 2013
Donald Friedlich – Brooch: Aqua Series, 2013 – Glass, 22k gold, 18k gold, 14k gold
Photo by Larry Sanders

Donald Friedlich, Brooch, 2013Donald FriedlichBrooch: Aqua Series, 2013Glass, 22k gold, 18k gold, 14k gold 2 7/8 x 2 x 3/8″ -
Photo by Larry Sanders


Jewelers’ Werk Galerie
3319 Cady’s Alley NW
20007 – Washington DC
United States
Telephone: 202 337-3319


EXPO ‘Karin Seufert’ – Jewelers’ Werk Galerie, Washington DC (USA) – 18 Mai-7 Juin 2013

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Jewelerswerk (US),Karin SEUFERT (DE),USA,www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 0:07

Karin SeufertJewelers’ Werk Galerie  (Washington DC, United States)  18-May-2013 – 07-Jun-2013

Karin Seufert -  Jewelers' Werk Galerie  (Washington DC, United States)  18-May-2013 - 07-Jun-2013    website:

Karin Seufert  Brooch: Sphinx  Polystrene, pvc, silver, steel  7,5x8.0x7.5 cmKarin Seufert  Brooch: Sphinx  Polystrene, pvc, silver, steel
Karin Seufert  Ring  Silver, flock  2.5x2.8.0.6 cmKarin Seufert  Ring  Silver, flock

Karin Seufert  Brooch  pvc, thread, gold 14kt  13x5 cmKarin Seufert  Brooch  pvc, thread, gold 14kt  13×5 cm
karin Seufert

Jewelers’ Werk Galerie
3319 Cady’s Alley NW
20007 – Washington DC
United States
Telephone: 202 337-3319


EXPO ‘Sally Marsland ‘ – Jewelers’ Werk Galerie, Washington DC (USA) – 16 Mars-6 Avril 2013

Sally Marsland

Sally Marsland - Jewelers' Werk Galerie  (Washington DC, United States)  16-Mar-2013 - 06-Apr-2013    website:  mail: ellen@jewelerswerk.comTweaking a minimalist mode with great insight, Sally Marsland’s collection of objects are made to physically adorn and imaginatively enhance. Never seeking large gestures, her work is like a poem by e.e.cummings: everything is in lower case. This is evident in the sometimes abject nature of the materials she employs, plus the canny use of found objects. A pair of hollow bones , or a discarded wooden object, sit alongside the more familiar materials of the contemporary jeweller. « If one has enough milk in the house, one doesn’t go to the grocery store », observed the composer Stefan Wolpe about his own working habits. Likewise what is immediately at hand can be transformed by Marsland’s exacting vision to arrive at an object with the right contour, density of colour, surface texture…
- Michael Graf

 Sally Marsland, Untitled, 2011–12, pendant, wood, 70 x 50 x 30 mm, photo: Jeremy DillonSally Marsland, Untitled, 2011–12, pendant, wood, 70 x 50 x 30 mm, photo: Jeremy Dillon

Sally Marsland, Untitled, 2012, necklace (detail), polyurethane resin, 450 mm long, photo: Jeremy DillonSally Marsland, Untitled, 2012, necklace (detail), polyurethane resin, 450 mm long, photo: Jeremy Dillon

Sally Marsland, Untitled, 2011–12, brooch, wood, 45 x 45 x 12 mm, photo: Jeremy DillonSally Marsland, Untitled, 2011–12, brooch, wood, 45 x 45 x 12 mm, photo: Jeremy Dillon


Jewelers’ Werk Galerie
3319 Cady’s Alley
NW 20007 – Washington DC
United States
Telephone: 202 337-3319


EXPO ‘Edgar Mosa – INDENTATIONS’ – Jewelers’werk galerie, Washington DC (USA) – 16 fevr.-8 mars 2013

Classé dans : Edgar MOSA (PT),Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Jewelerswerk (US),USA — bijoucontemporain @ 0:05


« Trees are like people – it’s not like you can just walk up to them and expect to get along. »

Edgar Mosa, 2010

Edgar Mosa is born 1986, Lisbon, Portugal. Master in Fine Arts at Cranbrook Academy of Arts, USA 2011. Bachelor in Design at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2009. Lives and works in New York.
tel 202.337.3319


EXPO ‘NEW PLACES – Abstractions of a City’ – Jewelers’ Werk Galerie, Washington DC (USA) – 13 Oct.-3 Nov. 2012

Karin Johansson: NEW PLACES – Abstractions of a City

EXPO Karin Johansson(Karin Johansson Necklace: Overview 2012 Gold, oxidized silver, enamel, reconstructed turquoise, reconstructed jade, reconstructed onyx, acrylic)

« In the beginning, a variety of many-coloured images of a city: meeting points, streets, people, blue skies, night and day. Staying in a playful mood, capturing the pulse, the movement, or the silence.
Sketching, cutting paper, creating a map of sorts in my studio, micro and macro at once as my perspective. Picking out colours, choosing materials, thinking about my purpose, reflecting on meanings and limitations. Giving each element its shape, assigning it a size and its place, connecting it further to circumscribe in to space.
Having it all transform into a necklace seemed only most obvious to me: no up, no down, playing around the neck, constantly finding new directions. Wearing the object, you become the inhabitant of the new place. «  Karin Johansson

  Karin Johansson  Necklace: Shortcut 2012  Gold, enamel, reconstructed white coral, reconstructed pink coral, reconstructed jade, acrylic  88 cm  photo by Johan HörnestamKarin Johansson Necklace: Shortcut 2012  Gold, enamel, reconstructed white coral, reconstructed pink coral, reconstructed jade, acrylic  88 cm  photo by Johan Hörnestam

Karin Johansson  Necklace: Between 2012  Gold, oxidized silver, enamel, reconstructed onyx, reconstructed pink coral, acrylic  75 cm  photo by Johan HörnestamKarin Johansson  Necklace: Between 2012  Gold, oxidized silver, enamel, reconstructed onyx, reconstructed pink coral, acrylic  75 cm  photo by Johan Hörnestam

  Karin Johansson  Necklace: The Hidden Garden 2012  Gold, oxidized silver, enamel, reconstructed onyx, reconstructed white coral  90 cm  photo by Johan HörnestamKarin Johansson  Necklace: The Hidden Garden 2012  Gold, oxidized silver, enamel, reconstructed onyx, reconstructed white coral  90 cm  photo by Johan Hörnestam


 Jewelers’ Werk Galerie
3319 Cady’s Alley
NW 20007 – Washington DC
United States
Telephone: 202 337-3319


EXPO ‘Iris Bodemer’ – Jewelers’ Werk Galerie, Washington DC (USA) – 21 Avril-11 Mai 2012

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Jewelerswerk (US),Iris BODEMER (DE),USA — bijoucontemporain @ 0:04

In these new pieces by Iris Bodemer, Iris has gone back to her roots in metals and has deleted, at least for the time being, her signature wool, and other non-precious materials. These neckpieces and rings show brute force, both in style and construction, with an impact that is bold, resolute and non-conciliatory.

EXPO 'Iris Bodemer' - Jewelers' Werk Galerie, Washington DC (USA) - 21 Avril-11 Mai 2012 dans Exposition/Exhibition 12-001Iris Bodemer Neckpiece 2012 – Silver

12-004 dans Gal. Jewelerswerk (US)Iris Bodemer Neckpiece 2012 – Silver, tourmaline, rutilated quartz, mounting adhesive

12-005 dans Iris BODEMER (DE)Iris Bodemer Neckpiece 2012 – Silver




Jewelers’ Werk Galerie
3319 Cady’s Alley
NW 20007 – Washington DC
United States
Telephone: 202 337-3319


SOFA New-York 2011 – 14-17 Avril 2011

opens at the city’s Park Avenue Armory – Fifty-five international galleries and dealers will represent 12 nations

Main jewelry galleries : Aaron Faber Gallery, Charon Kransen Arts, Gallery S O London, Jewelers’ Werk Galerie, Ornamentum, Sienna Gallery

SOFA New-York 2011 - 14-17 Avril 2011 dans Bernhard SCHOBINGER (CH) 2
Peter Schmid/Atelier Zobel - Ring, 2010 – sterling silver, black granite, black diamonds  - Aaron Faber Gallery

1 dans blog ArtJewelryForum
Efharis Alepedis - Necklace, 2010 - red patent leather, silk cocoons, epoxy resin, silver  - Charon Kransen Arts

2 dans Efharis ALEPEDIS (US)
Mirjam Hiller Brooch Ovalias, 2010 - stainless steel, powder coated  -Charon Kransen Arts
Sergey Jivetin – Cloud Brooch, Drip Brooch, Splash Brooch – 2009 – eggs, carbon-fiber, steel, resin - Ornamentum

1 dans Gal. Aaron Faber (US)
Vera Siemund Necklace, 2010 – enameled copper, silver  - Jewelers’ Werk Galerie

2 dans Gal. Charon Kransen (US)
Jiro Kamata - Arboresque Brooch, 2010 - oxidized silver, camera lenses, acrylic paint  Ornamentum

1 dans Gal. Jewelerswerk (US)
Hanna Hedman - Human Tree, 2010 - copper, oxidized silver, paint  Ornamentum

solo dans Gal. Ornamentum (US)
Jennifer Trask- Acanthus, 2010 – antler, 17th century gilded frame, gold leaf, goldOrnamentum

2 dans Gal. S O (UK)
Helen Britton Grey Brooch, 2009 - silver, paint, plastics, shells, glass  - Sienna Gallery
Bernhard Schobinger – Ring mit Halbkugeln – gold, rose quarz, pearl, diamond-split in bronze, malachite enamel – 2005 -Gallery S O London



Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 14-16
in the Armory’s Tiffany Room

*THURSDAY, April 14 – 11:30 am – 12:30 pm :
For People Who are Slightly Mad : American Modernist Jewelry
A review of the iconoclastic artists who translated the excitement of surrealism and modernism into wearable jewelry. Their work will be seen in Crafting Modernism: Mid-century American Art and Design at the Museum of Arts and Design, NY in October 2011. Jeannine Falino, Curator, Museum of Arts and Design, NY
Cosponsored by Society of North American Goldsmiths (SNAG) and Art Jewelry Forum (AJF)

Museum of Arts & Design
Jay De Feo


 *FRIDAY, April 15 – 1:30 – 2:30 pm : Sometimes
New Zealand artist Lisa Walker makes jewellery out of a vast collection of materials – plastic, wood, paper, gold, fabric, clay, dirt, dust, aluminum, paint – the list goes on. Her talk will be a retrospective look at pieces and projects of the last 20 years, looking at what extremes are possible, questioning and researching what jewellery means, what it can be.
Represented by Jewelers’ Werk Galerie

Lisa Walker
Lisa Walker

* SATURDAY, April 16 – 1:30 – 2:30 pm :
Sergey Jivetin and Jennifer Trask: Two Visions
Jewelry artists Jennifer Trask and Sergey Jivetin discuss their individual ideologies and shared studio practices.  Trask will talk about the evolution of her most recent series, “Embodiment”, which encompasses both sculptural and wearable works. Jivetin will elaborate on the role of experimental techniques and materials.
Represented by Ornamentum,
Presented by the Society of North American Goldsmiths (SNAG)

Jennifer Trask - Ornamentum Sergey Jivetin - Ornamentum
Jennifer Trask  —   Sergey Jivetin



Park Avenue Armory
Park Avenue at 67th Street
New York, NY, 10021


EXPO ‘Beppe KESSLER’, JewelersWerk Gallery, Washington (US) – 21 mai-4 juin 2010

Classé dans : Beppe KESSLER (NL),Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Jewelerswerk (US),USA,www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 0:10

Un vent de chaleur souffle sur les nouveaux bijoux de Bepper Kessler ….. les titres des bijoux sont parlants, et les bijoux … ensoleillés !

Beppe Kessler, Necklace, 2010EXPO 'Beppe KESSLER', JewelersWerk Gallery, Washington (US) - 21 mai-4 juin 2010 dans Beppe KESSLER (NL)
Bepper Kessler – necklace ‘Luminious circle‘ – Gold, acrylic fibre, resin, colour – 2010
Brooch ‘Bright side‘ -  Acrylic fibre, colour  - 2010

 dans Exposition/ExhibitionBeppe Kessler, Necklace, 2010
Bepper KesslerBrooch ‘Warm wind‘ 2010 – Limewood, alabaster, messing, colour
Necklace ‘Warmth‘ 2010 gold, amber, wood, resin, red cedar wood

Bepper KesslerBrooches ‘Yellows’ 2007 -Balsa wood, acrylic, plastic, soapstone


Mais je ne peux résister à l’envie de vous montrer cette « série rouge » (datant de 2005-2007) que j’adore !

Beppe Kessler, Brooch, 2007Beppe Kessler, Pendant, 2005Beppe Kessler, Brooch, 2007
Bepper Kesslerbrooch ‘Red’ 2007 -Balsa wood, pvc, acrylic
Pendant  ‘In storm and shine’ 2005 – Bramble wood, balsawood, acrylic, silver
Brooch ‘Up and down’ 2007 – Balsa wood, copper, acrylic



Jewelers’ Werk Galerie
3319 Cady’s Alley,
NW Washington, DC 20007 (USA)
Tel 202 337 3319


Valérie Salvo |
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