LEGNICA Jewellery Festival SILVER 2015 – ‘BOUNDARIES’ competition
The competition and – being its result – exhibition is the main event of the Festival. Artists` task is to submit works on a given topic – a different one every year – characterised by an original creative idea and representing a high artistic and technical level. Preferred are concept, value and meaning of creative expression. Submitted works are qualified to the exhibition and awarded by the international jury.

We know artists qualified to the exhibition of the 24th International Jewellery Competition BOUNDARIES !
On the 9th-10th April jury session of the 24th Legnica International Jewellery Competition BOUNDARIES took place.
Jury constist of: Sławomir Fijałkowski (Poland), Suska Mackert (Germany), Ruudt Peters (The Netherlands), Zuzanna Skalska (Poland/The Netherlands), Gisbert Stach (Germany) and Christoph Zellweger (Switzerland), judged 605 works submitted by 337 artists from 42 countries and qualified to the exhibition 45 artists and chose awarded.
The list of artists qualified for the exhibition is available here -
Names of awarded will be anounced during the opening ceremony which takes place on the 16th May 2015.
More information on: http://www.silver.legnica.pl/en/
Artists qualified to 24th International Jewellery Competition BOUNDARIES:
1. Bogumiła i Andrzej Adamscy – Polska / Poland
2. Jorge Aparicio - Spain
3. ASOL – Solveiga Krivičiene & Alfredas Krivičius - Lithuania
4. Alexander Blank - Germany
5. Mireia Calaf - Spain
6. Yu-Fang Chi - Taiwan
7. Bartosz Maria Chmielewski – Polska / Poland
8. Eun Mi Chun - South Korea/Germany
9. Matthias Dyer - Germany
10. Ewa Effenberg – Polska / Poland
11. Bernhard Elsässer – Germany
12. Maria Fijałkowska – Polska / Poland
13. Sara Gackowska – Polska / Poland
14. Diana Gladkaja - Lithuania
15. Mariusz Gliwiński – Polska / Poland
16. Gabriele Hinze - Germany
17. Taehee In - South Korea/Germany
18. Paula Jimenez Yera - Spain
19. Yang Jing - Germany (winner of Talente 2015)
20. Christina Karababa - Greece/Germany
21. Minna Karhu - Finland
22. Lauryna Kiskyte - Lithuania
23. Tove Knuts - Sweden
24. Katja Köditz - Germany
25. Akiko Kurihara – Japan/Italy
26. Tithi Kutchamuch - Thailand
27. Magdalena Maślerz – Polska / Poland
28. Jan Piotr Materek – Polska / Poland
29. Esther Ortiz-Villajos González - Spain
30. Michalina Owczarek – Polska / Poland
31. Dieuwke Raats - The Netherlands
32. Hiawatha Seiffert – Germany
33. Marta Serafin-Sochańska – Polska / Poland
34. Maria Solorzano - Mexico/Argentina
35. Tomasz Stajszczak – Polska / Poland
36. Dimitar Stankov - Bulgaria/Belgium
37. Ludmila Šikolová - Czech Republic
38. Robertas Veikša - Lithuania
39. Barbara von Taeuffenbach - Germany
40. Jarosław Westermark – Polska / Poland
41. Dorota Wietrzyk – Polska / Poland
42. Anna Wojdan – Polska / Poland
43. Annamaria Zanella - Italy
44. Katarzyna Zięba – Polska / Poland
45. Zane Žukovska - Latvia/Lithuania
Mireia Calaf - « cutting obsessions » (tallant obsessions). Brooch 2014