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LEGNICA Jewellery Festival SILVER 2015 – ‘BOUNDARIES’ competition

The competition and – being its result – exhibition is the main event of the Festival.  Artists` task is to submit works on a given topic – a different one every year – characterised by an original creative idea and representing a high artistic and technical level. Preferred are concept, value and meaning of creative expression. Submitted works are qualified to the exhibition and awarded by the international jury.
results during opening ceremony  on 16th May 2015
BOUNDARIES - legnica 2015

We know artists qualified to the exhibition of the 24th International Jewellery Competition BOUNDARIES !

On the 9th-10th April jury session of the 24th Legnica International Jewellery Competition BOUNDARIES took place.

Jury constist of: Sławomir Fijałkowski (Poland), Suska Mackert (Germany), Ruudt Peters (The Netherlands), Zuzanna Skalska (Poland/The Netherlands), Gisbert Stach (Germany) and Christoph Zellweger (Switzerland), judged 605 works submitted by 337 artists from 42 countries and qualified to the exhibition 45 artists and chose awarded.

The list of artists qualified for the exhibition is available here -


Names of awarded will be anounced during the opening ceremony which takes place on the 16th May 2015.
More information on:


Artists qualified to 24th International Jewellery Competition BOUNDARIES:
1.     Bogumiła i Andrzej Adamscy – Polska / Poland
2.     Jorge Aparicio -  Spain
3.     ASOL – Solveiga Krivičiene & Alfredas Krivičius -  Lithuania
4.     Alexander Blank -  Germany
5.     Mireia Calaf  -  Spain
6.     Yu-Fang Chi -  Taiwan
7.     Bartosz Maria Chmielewski – Polska / Poland
8.     Eun Mi Chun -  South Korea/Germany
9.     Matthias Dyer -  Germany
10.   Ewa Effenberg – Polska / Poland
11.   Bernhard Elsässer – Germany
12.   Maria Fijałkowska – Polska / Poland
13.   Sara Gackowska – Polska / Poland
14.   Diana Gladkaja -  Lithuania
15.   Mariusz Gliwiński – Polska / Poland
16.   Gabriele Hinze -  Germany
17.   Taehee In -  South Korea/Germany
18.   Paula Jimenez Yera -  Spain
19.   Yang Jing -  Germany (winner of Talente 2015)
20.   Christina Karababa -  Greece/Germany
21.   Minna Karhu -  Finland
22.   Lauryna Kiskyte -  Lithuania
23.   Tove Knuts -  Sweden
24.   Katja Köditz -  Germany
25.   Akiko Kurihara – Japan/Italy
26.   Tithi Kutchamuch -  Thailand
27.   Magdalena Maślerz – Polska / Poland
28.   Jan Piotr Materek – Polska / Poland
29.   Esther Ortiz-Villajos González -  Spain
30.   Michalina Owczarek – Polska / Poland
31.   Dieuwke Raats -  The Netherlands
32.   Hiawatha Seiffert – Germany
33.   Marta Serafin-Sochańska – Polska / Poland
34.   Maria Solorzano -  Mexico/Argentina
35.   Tomasz Stajszczak – Polska / Poland
36.   Dimitar Stankov -  Bulgaria/Belgium
37.   Ludmila Šikolová -  Czech Republic
38.   Robertas Veikša -  Lithuania
39.   Barbara von Taeuffenbach -  Germany
40.   Jarosław Westermark – Polska / Poland
41.   Dorota Wietrzyk – Polska / Poland
42.   Anna Wojdan – Polska / Poland
43.   Annamaria Zanella -  Italy
44.   Katarzyna Zięba – Polska / Poland
45.   Zane Žukovska -  Latvia/Lithuania

Mireia Calaf - "cutting obsessions" (tallant obsessions). Brooch 2014Mireia Calaf - « cutting obsessions » (tallant obsessions). Brooch 2014


CONCOURS ‘Minimum’ – deadline : 6 avril 2010 – EXPO Legnica 8mai-13 juin 2010


CONCOURS 'Minimum' - deadline : 6 avril 2010  - EXPO Legnica 8mai-13 juin 2010 dans AGC Italia Logo%20Minimum

« Secondo molti studi e statistiche, circa 1/3 delle persone ha problemi con una comprensione funzionale dei testi semplici. E’ stato scoperto che questa percentuale è molto più elevata nel caso dei testi introduttivi della problematica dei concorsi di gioielli artistici. Pertanto, il prossimo tema e la sua motivazione sono stati limitati al: MINIMO« 
L’obiettivo dell’esposizione è quello di mostrare le più recenti realizzazioni d’arte contemporanea di gioielli. Le opere
devono essere gioielli nel senso ampio del termine, devono esprimere un concetto originale e creativo nonche’ rappresentare
un elevato livello artistico ed esecutivo.
Gli organizzatori non pongono nessun limite per quanto riguarda i materiali utilizzati e le tecniche adottate, tuttavia, volendo
rispettare la quasi trentennale tradizione del concorso, agli artisti viene richiesto l’uso dell’argento nelle proprie opere.
We invite you sincerely to take part in 19th Legnica International Jewellery Competition  minimum
In the framework  of Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER 2010 under the patronage of Minister of Culture and National Heritage
Create an artistic answer on the topic of our competition. Stand up to idea, rules and take part in MINIMUM.

(we enclose rules of the Competition  in six language versions: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Russian and entry form in English)

 Deadline for sending pieces:  6th  APRIL  2010 / Termine ultimo 6 aprile 2010

then exhibition during The Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER 2010  - 8 May-13 June 2010

public/userfiles/Italian version of rules.pdf
Download entry form and the rules: here.

List of participants :
Andrzej Adamski – Poland  — Jacek Baron – Poland  — BASTARD Collection (Veronika  Schmidt, Ingrid Römmich) – Germany — Karolina Bik – Poland — Marta Bogusz – Poland — Sigurd Bronger – Norway — Sungho Cho – South Korea  –  Reip Chopin – Israel — Cooperation // STANDARD  (Tobias Schäfer, Laura Pregger, Moritz Walther, Ingrid Römmich) – Germany, Switzerland  – Diana Dudek – Germany — Raimon Esquerra – Spain — Marcella Ferretti – Germany –  Alina Filimoniuk  Pilecka – Poland  — Katarzyna Gemborys – Poland — Lisa Grassivaro – Italy  — Tuija Hietanen – Finland  –  Mirjam Hiller – Germany  — Taehee In – South Korea –  Yu Iwaki – Japan — Denis Kachelmus – Germany –  Magdalena Kieruzel – Poland  –  Anda Klančič – Slovenia  — Tove Knuts – Sweden  — Judy McCaig – Great Britain — Sham Patwardhan – Germany  — Kirsten Plank Germany  — Silke Rehermann – Germany — Tabea Reulecke – Germany — Julia Reymann – Germany — Christina Roehlen – Germany — Barbara Schrobenhauser – Germany — Danni Schwaag – Germany — Peter Skubic – Austria –  Nora Patricia Solarte G. – Columbia — Krzysztofa Staniszewska – Poland — Ludmila Šikolová – Czech Republic –  Mirei Takeuchi – Japan — Fabrizio Tridenti – Italy  — Eglė Vengalytė – Lithuania — Jarosław Westermark – Poland  — Monica Wickström – Finland –  Patricia Wieckowski – Germany  — Susanne Wolbers – Germany — Katarzyna R. Wójcik – Poland

jury sat on following members: Maria Rosa Franzin (Italy), Ramón Puig Cuyàs (Spain), Theo Smeets (Netherlands), Andi Gut (Switzerland), Sławomir Fijałkowski and Arkadiusz Wolski (Poland).

the most exited event of that evening was  announcement of laureates of Minimum Competition. The jury decided to award two first places ex aequo, their went to Judy McCaig from Great Britain and  german-swiss group Cooperation Standard. Winners got monney price to division and on kilogram of silver.  III award of President of City of Legnica went to Silke Rehermann. Katarzyna Wójcik and Tabea Reulecke personally  picked up honorable mention of Gallery of Art in Legnica.  Diplomas of honorable mention of Jury collected Jarosław Westermark and  Taehee In from Korea who got also two others awards – STFZ and Inhorgenta Europe prix.

 dans Concours / Competition dans Fabrizio TRIDENTI (IT)


 Laureates of LIJC MINIMUM
* Judy McCaig – Great Britain
Grand Prix – 5.000 PLN + 1 kg srebra
2nd Award of the Marshall of the Lower Silesia Province – 2.800 PLN + 1 kg of silver

JUDY%20McCAIG%202_mini dans Gal. Legnica (PL)STANDARD%20COOPERATION%205%20_mini dans Gal. Sztuki (PL)
Judy McCaig  — Cooperation//STANDARD-  1ers prix ex-aequo

* Cooperation//STANDARD - Germany, Switzerland  
Grand Prix – 5.000 PLN + 1 kg srebra
2nd Award of the Marshall of the Lower Silesia Province – 2.800 PLN + 1 kg of silver
* Silke Rehermann - Germany
3nd Award OF THE Mayor of the City of Legnica – 2.500 pln + 1 kg of silver
* Katarzyna R. Wójcik - Poland
Award of the Gallery of Art in Legnica – statuette „Marek”+ 1 kg of silver
* Tabea Reulecke - Germany
The Organizers’ Special Award for creative courage and uncompromising
attitude, innovation, sense of humour “Silver Spur” + 1 kg of silver
* Mirjam Hiller - Germany

MIRJAM%20HILLER%202%20_mini dans Mirjam HILLER (DE)
Mirjam Hiller

* Sham Patwardhan - Germany

SHAM%20PATWRDHAN%2002%20_mini dans Pologne (PL)
Sham Patwardhan

* Fabrizio Tridenti - Italy

Fabrizio Tridenti

* Patricia Wieckowski - Germany
* Jarosław Westermark - Poland
* Taehee In - Korea
Inhorgenta europe award – stand at Inhorgenta Europe 2011
* Krzysztofa Staniszewska - Poland 
The Joachim Sokólski Award established by the Polish Modern Art Foundation – 1 kg of silver

Krzysztofa Staniszewska

* Tuija Hietanen - Finland
The Three Windows Gallery Award – 0,5 kg of silver
* Katarzyna Gemborys - Poland
honourable mention of International Amber Association

Katarzyna Gemborys 

* Peter Skubic – Austria
honourable mention of the Director of the Gallery of Art in Legnica
* Monica Wickström - Finland
Honourable Mention of Polish Jewellery

Monica Wickström

* Sigurd Bronger - Norway
honourable mention of the artistic magazine FORMAT



Galleria SZTUKI
The Gallery of Art in Legnica
Pl. Katedralny 1
59-220 Legnica, Poland
tel. +48 76 86 20 910,
fax. +48 76 85 65 126


Persons for contact: Monika Szpatowicz, Magda Bańska – curators of Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER 2010, Zbigniew Kraska – Director of the Gallery of Art in Legnica, Justyna Teodorczyk –


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