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During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPO ‘MATICES’ – Wigel Space, Munich (DE) – 25-27 Fevr. 2016

Matices by Jordi Aparicio and Jorge Manilla Exhibition

25 Feb 2016 – 27 Feb 2016 – at Wigel Space

 Matices by Jordi Aparicio and Jorge Manilla Exhibition  /  Schmuck - MJW 2016  /  25 Feb 2016  -  27 Feb 2016 - Wigel Space:

The starting point for this exhibition is to show to the public constant research and meaning of refinements in materials, shapes and colors. Artists duet  Jorge Manilla and Jordi Aparicio bring the equal importance to the pieces of their work.
MATICES   is a way to depict vividly the small differences in the full process and result of the work. Going from precious  to the most primitivism both of artist emphasize metaphorical meaning of shade, tinge,tint and bland.
The result of this exhibition will be full of layers in a definition based in their personal perspective.

Jorge Manilla - MATICES: Jorge Manilla

“There is nothing to be afraid of”
« “You have to die a few times before you can really live” Charles Bukowsky
Thinking and reflecting about different life situations, I have been asking myself about what is the beginning and what is the end. We are dealing all the time with this two concepts in  our feelings, emotions, relationships, situations and even the life. When something ends what  are the memories we keep? And when something start are we talking about a real start or it is just the contination of other end. I started working in this project shameless and giving myself to you as the most fragile person. I have been afraid but getting into my creative process I was  trying to come as close I can to my psychological recognition. Using  the act of burning in a methaphorical way as symbol of purification. I made my own compositions of textures representing emotions, feelings, situations and frame it to keep the moment, just a moment, never pretending to define anything and giving to you this moment to find and recognize your own memories,as ghosts of the past and burn it.  In this project am as a Phoenix rising again and again from the death  from the ashes of my own emotions without being afraid because I know  and each end I always reborn and start  my new beginning. »  Jorge Manilla 2016

Jorge Manilla - MATICES: Jorge Manilla

Jorge Manilla - MATICES: Jorge Manilla brooch « Reborn » 2016

Jorge Manilla - "Now is my moment..."  Brooch  2016Jorge Manilla – « Now is my moment… »  Brooch  2016

Jorge Manilla -"Some moments to remember"  Broche 2016Jorge Manilla - »Some moments to remember »  Broche 2016

Jorge Manilla - "Never ending dream"   Broche  2016Jorge Manilla – « Never ending dream »   Broche  2016

 -MATICES - by  Jordi Aparicio .    - photo Alliages: Jordi Aparicio   – (photo Alliages)

 MATICES -  Jorge Manilla - photo Erato Kouloubi.: MATICES -  Jorge Manilla necklace -- photo Erato Kouloubi.:

Jorge Manilla neckpiece- (photos Erato Kouloubi)

MATICES -   Jordi Aparicio Manchado. -  photo Erato Kouloubi.: Jordi Aparicio   -  (photo Erato Kouloubi)



Wigel Space
Adlbertstrasse 11
80799 München
25.02.2016 – 27.02.2016
Thu – Fri 12:00 – 19:00
Sat. 10:00 – 15:00

During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPO ‘SPECIALS, HandShake Alumni exhibition’ – Einsäulensaal, Munich (DE) – 25-27 Fevr. 2016

SPECIALS, a HandShake Alumni exhibition
21 jewellery artists from New Zealand


Celebration day (artists present) 25.02 14.00 – 16.00

SPECIALS, a HandShake Alumni exhibition #42

SPECIALS, a HandShake Alumni exhibition features twenty one jewellery artists from New Zealand showing at the Einsäulensaal in the Munich Residenz Palace from 25 – 27 February 2016.
Peter Deckers has curated a special selection of works and projects from the HANDSHAKE programme. This one-off exhibition showcases the best work from the 12 national and international exhibitions over the last 5 years.

The HANDSHAKE Project is an art development programme for progressive ideas, making, presentations, feedback and networking for contemporary New Zealand jewellers.
The project began in February 2011, with emerging jewellers matched in mentoring roles with their chosen idols from all across the globe. Each mentee’s development was not only supported by their mentor but also through a series of workshops, masterclasses and most importantly, exhibitions in prestigious galleries in NZ and beyond.
The HandShake project will begin its third iteration (HandShake3) following the SPECIALS Alumni exhibition. Selected jewellers have been chosen from the first two projects to develop new bodies of work for a fresh series of international exhibitions, with a focus on collaboration in its broadest sense. The purpose of this HS3 programme is to allow the former mentee to become an independent artist, steering their own developments. The mentor now becomes a colleague and in most cases also a fellow art collaborator.

Handshake 3 participants:  Amelia PascoeBecky Bliss — Debbie Adamson — Kelly McDonald — Nadene CarrSarah Walker-HoltRaewyn Walsh — Neke Moa — Renee Bevan — Sarah Read — Kathryn YeatsSharon Fitness

SPECIALS, HANDSHAKE PROJECT -  Alumni exhibition -  Kathryn Yeats, necklace 2015: Kathryn Yeats, necklace 2015

  Jhana Millers with mentor Suska Mackert, HandShake 1, Objectspace, Auckland (2013): Jhana Millers with mentor Suska Mackert, HandShake 1, Objectspace, Auckland (2013)

 Sarah Walker-Holt , necklace (2015):  Sarah Walker-Holt , necklace (2015)

HANDSHAKE alumni .... - - by Renee Bevan Premonition #1 2014Renee Bevan Premonition #1 2014

HANDSHAKE alumni - Sharon Fitness 2015: Sharon Fitness 2015


Munich Residenz Palace
Residenzstraße 1, 80333 München



During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPO ‘AFFÄREN – An Overview of GERD ROTHMANN’ – Galerie Handwerk, Munich (DE) – 25 Fevr.-2 Avril 2016

Affären – eine Werkübersicht von Gerd Rothmann /


Vue d’ensemble de l’oeuvre de Gerd Rothmann

Galerie Handwerk
Opening Glenn Adamson, Nanette L. Laitman Director of the Museum of Arts and Design, New York
inauguration : 24. Februar 2016, um 19 Uhr



Der Goldschmied Gerd Rothmann lebt und arbeitet seit fast 50 Jahren in München. Hier wurde er nicht nur Zeitzeuge eines veränderten Schmuckbewusstseins, sondern er gestaltet über Jahrzehnte diesen Prozess bis zum heutigen Tag aktiv mit. Geboren in Frankfurt am Main im Jahr 1941 führte sein Weg nicht unmittelbar zum Schmuckmachen. Eine Lehre als Werkzeugmacher, später eine Ausbildung zum Gold- und Silberschmied an der Staatlichen Zeichenakademie in Hanau konnten nicht das Feuer entfachen, das ihn heute noch voller Leidenschaft antreibt Schmuck zu gestalten.
Die Begegnung mit Hermann Jünger in den späten 1960er Jahren in München war es, die Rothmanns Begeisterung für das Thema Schmuck provozierte und für ihn zur lebenslangen Berufung werden ließ. Wer Gerd Rothmann heute in seiner Münchner Goldschmiedewerkstatt und seiner Wohnung erlebt, hat eventuell das Glück, mit ihm auf die Reise vom Ende der 60er Jahre mit seinen frühen, farbenfrohen Broschen aus Kunststoffen und Acrylglas, bis hin zur silbernen Krone aus dem Jahr 2008 und den allerneuesten Silberarmreifen mit reliefartigen Fingern mitgenommen zu werden.
Rothmanns Wohnung in der Fraunhoferstrasse bezeugt seine Nähe und seine Vorliebe für die Kunst, sei es Musik, Malerei oder Design. Seine Werkstatt in der Jahnstraße ist ein Eldorado an Maschinen, Werkzeugen, Skizzen und Aufzeichnungen, Fundstücken und vorbereiteten Details für Ketten, Armbänder oder Broschen. Hier regiert auch das Handwerk einen gewaltigen Teil an dem mit, was Rothmanns Schmuck charakterisiert und auszeichnet. Das Spannungsfeld zwischen Kunst, Handwerk und individueller vom Menschen geprägter und mit Menschen in starke Beziehungen gebrachte Gestaltungskraft. Seine Körperabformungen in Gold und Silber, sein Schmuck mit den Fingerabdrücken der Auftraggeber oder naher Bezugspersonen sind zum Symbol für Rothmanns Goldschmiedekunst geworden.
Der Weg dorthin und die begleitenden Prozesse sind Gegenstand und Inhalt der Ausstellung in der Galerie Handwerk, die Gerd Rothmann zu Ehren zur Zeit der Internationalen Handwerksmesse in München gezeigt wird. Das Ausstellungskonzept und die Gestaltung der Präsentation stammen von ihm selbst, sie haben eine gezielt temporäre Auffassung und zeigen viele Dinge, die ihm beim Schmuckmachen wichtig sind. In dieser umfangreichsten Werkübersicht, die es jemals über ihn gab, sind sicher auch für Rothmann -Kenner und -Liebhaber Dinge zu entdecken, die man so noch nicht gesehen hat. Die Exponate stammen aus den Jahren von 1968 bis heute und zeigen alle wichtigen Werkbereiche seines Schmucks. In der Ausstellung sind auch Zweitanfertigungen von Aufträgen zu sehen. Sie dienen Rothmanns Archiv.
„Affären“ ist der Titel der Ausstellung. Gerd Rothmann suchte dabei nach einem Begriff für das Sinnliche, nervös vibrierende Hin und Her von Schmuck und Person. Schmuckstücke für bestimmte Personen finden und gestalten, ist seine Arbeit. Verborgene Wünsche und versteckte Sehnsüchte erspüren, oder das Bedürfnis, sich in einer anderen Ebene zu erleben, ist sein Material. Seine besten Arbeiten sind in diesem Zusammenhang entstanden. Die ästhetischen Ansprüche Rothmanns kommen aus der Auseinandersetzung mit der Kunst und den Menschen. Sie beflügeln sich gegenseitig und sind nicht voneinander zu trennen. Beide Aspekte sind für ihn in der Ideenfindung existenziell.
Gerd Rothmanns Arbeiten finden sich in über 20 öffentlichen und zahlreichen privaten Sammlungen weltweit. Er gehört zu den bekanntesten und international renommiertesten Goldschmieden, die den besonderen Ruf Münchens als Metropole des Schmucks heute verkörpern.

  Affären - eine Werkübersicht von Gerd Rothmann -,0,7724.html: Gerd Rothmann

Affären - eine Werkübersicht von Gerd Rothmann: Gerd RothmannAffären - eine Werkübersicht von Gerd Rothmann: Gerd Rothmann

Affären - eine Werkübersicht von Gerd Rothmann: Gerd Rothmann

Affären - eine Werkübersicht von Gerd Rothmann - Foto: Philipp Schönborn Philipp Schönborn: Gerd Rothmann - Foto: Philipp Schönborn Philipp Schönborn



Galerie Handwerk

Max-Joseph-Straße 4
80333 München
Tel. 089  5119-296
25.02.2016-02.04.2016, 10:00-18:00, 27-29.2.2016, 10:00-15:00




During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPOs in several VANS ! don’t miss them !

Classé dans : Allemagne (DE),COUP DE COEUR,Exposition/Exhibition,SCHMUCK / MJW (DE) — bijoucontemporain @ 17:52


Several VANs/TRUCKs during SCHMUCK week !

any « truck’s meeting » ??????


Joanne Haywood, Judith Schwendener, Lital Mendel, Dita Antonopoulou, Yolande Duchateau, Anne Dinan, T-Squared, Eugenia Feroussi, Linda Savineau, EDELPLAST – Billie Van Nieuwenhuyzen, Kalliopi Andrikopoulou Syn Apeiro, Marion Delarue, Juan Harnie, Thikwa Werkstatt für Theater und Kunst, Eleftheria Spantidaki, Martijntje Cornelia, Nolia Shakti, Christoph Ziegler, Loukia Richards
Parked in front of Gallery Weltraum
Rumfordstraße 26, Munich
24.02.2016 – 01.03.2016

Opening: 24 February, 6.oo – 9.oo p.m. at Platform München, Kistlerhofstrasse 70, Haus 60 / 3rd Floor
Exhibition: 25 February to 1 March, 2.oo – 8.oo p.m.
TEST DRiVE makes various stops in down town Munich. Please follow the daily location plan on




**BIG FISH** -  Rietveld Jewellery Department presents: **Big Fish**

Niki Ulfstedt, Gongon Chang, Inge van Genuchten, Koen Jacobs, Martina Turini, Mika Yamakoshi, Lindsey Fontijn, Lisa Plaut, Madelief Geus, Sara Leme, Yunting Zhang
25.02.2016 – 27.02.2016
Visit the website for location and time.

Big Fish pops up on several locations – three announced by now, others to be discovered by walking through the jewellery scene of Munich.
*25.02 19-20 h Galerie Biró
*26.02 17-19 h Pinakothek der Moderne
*27.02 10-12 h Haus der Kunst
Follow Big Fish at Facebook: Big Fish jewellery department
and on the website:




Fire Truck
Helen Clara Hemsley, Chequita Nahar, Carla Nuis
Thu 12:00 – 18:00 venue to be announced
Fri 10:00 – 18:00 parking Pinakothek der Moderne
Sat 10:00 – 16:00 Messegelaende Munich
Sun 10:00 – 13:00 venue to be announced

Common Ground

the fire truck - COMMONCOMMON : the fire truck !


During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPO ‘**BIG FISH**’ – 25-27 Fevr. 2016

**BIG FISH**   Rietveld Jewellery Department 

Visit the website for location and time. #34

**Big Fish** seeks for encounters in Munich. With our van we will drive around and strike various places. Anytime possible the trunk opens for a jewellery intervention, when shortly after we will hit the road again.

Big Fish

**Big Fish** is a group exhibition of 11 students of the Jewellery Department of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam.
Individual projects of the students will be shown – a combination of jewellery, objects, performance and interactive work.
Big Fish pops up on several locations – three announced by now, others to be discovered by walking through the jewellery scene of Munich.
* 25.02 19-20 h
Galerie Biró
* 26.02 17-19 h
Pinakothek der Moderne
* 27.02 10-12 h
Haus der Kunst

Follow Big Fish at Facebook:
Big Fish jewellery department
and on the website:

Rietveld Jewellery Department presents:  Niki Ulfstedt — Gongon Chang — Inge van Genuchten — Koen Jacobs — Martina Turini — Mika Yamakoshi — Lindsey Fontijn — Lisa Plaut — Madelief Geus — Sara Leme — Yunting Zhang

Every student made one teaser picture which is representing their project :

BIG FISH 2016 - Gongon Chang: BIG FISH 2016 - Lisa Plaut:

Gongon Chang                       -                      Lisa Plaut

BIG FISH 2016 - Lindsey Fontijn   (Rietveld Jewellery Department ): Lindsey Fontijn

BIG FISH 2016 - Niki Ulfstedt   (Rietveld Jewellery Department ):  Koen Jacobs - growing crystals - making my own jewels:

                  Niki Ulfstedt                              -            Koen Jacobs – growing crystals – making my own jewels

BIG FISH 2016 - Madelief Geus: BIG FISH 2016 - Mika Yamakoshi:

       Madelief Geus                            -                                                Mika Yamakoshi



Big Fish pops up on several locations - three announced by now, others to be discovered by walking through the jewellery scene of Munich :
* 25.02 19-20 h
Galerie Biró
* 26.02 17-19 h
Pinakothek der Moderne
* 27.02 10-12 h
Haus der Kunst

Follow Big Fish at Facebook:
Big Fish jewellery department
and on the website:


During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPO ‘A TRIBUTE TO MANFRED BISCHOFF’ – 3stations, Munich (DE) – 24-28 Fevr. 2016

A TRIBUTE TO MANFRED BISCHOFF   – 43 Students Pay Homage
43 of his former students from 22 countries who will each show a piece at the exhibition, dedicated to Manfred’s golden “Fingerpuppets” by creating their own little version of Manfred, the real golden boy.

Opening 24.02.2016 18:00

« About the exhibition :  A former student, Isabel Dammermann, took it upon herself to make a special event for the teacher Manfred Bischoff who inspired so many. At the same time, she has managed to create a very interesting exhibition that is on display during the Munich Jewellery week 2016. »

tribute to manfred Bischoff

43 Students Pay Homage :  Dina Abargil — Noriko Akao — Silvie AltschulerRinaldo AlvarezKatharina AsamEunjae BaekSuzanne Beautyman — Silje Bergsvik — Catalina BrenesDaniela BoieriShannon CarneyMarianne Casmose DenningMonica Cecchi – Yu- Chun Chen — Sungho Cho — Claudia Costa — Isabel DammermannElisa DevalCoco DunmireKatie GruberJoanne HuangSayaka ItoAnastasia KandarakiKarin KatoRallou KatsariMichelle KraemerAra KuoSiri O. KvalfossMaru LopezMartina MühlfellnerMalaika Najem — Naoka Nakamura — Angela O’KeefeSelen ÖzusNaama Reich Jimena RiosMarzia RossiAlessia SemeraroYoko ShimizuYuki Sumiya Rudee TancharoenFlora VagiAnne Wiedau

Jewellery artists from 22 countries all over the world come together in a memorial exhibition for Manfred Bischoff who passed away a year ago. At some point or other, they have all been taught by Manfred at Alchimia, contemporary jewellery school in Florence, and have each submitted one piece to the exhibition that honours a great teacher.
German born Manfred Bischoff lived in Tuscany in a house that was in itself a piece of exquisite art. Its magical interior made a natural and perfect framework for his work that has been called by many names: sensual, poetic, lyrical, great, intimate, strong, beautiful, satirical and always surprising. He worked in 22K gold, as pure as he could manage and still maintain a rigidity in the metal that allowed him to execute his ideas in delicate and well crafted pieces, often accompanied with subtle pink coral and drawings.
His dedication to the language of jewellery and his visions were most likely one of the reasons that the Alchimia school managed to become known and respected internationally in a relatively short time span.

  Manfred BischoffManfred Bischoff by Manfred Bischoff

Daniela Boieri, "Wind beneath my wings" - "A tribute to Manfred Bischoff" –  photo OHMYBLUE: Daniela Boieri, « Wind beneath my wings » – « A tribute to Manfred Bischoff » –  photo OHMYBLUE

 Catalina Brenes Orfebre, "My sheep and I say hi" - "A tribute to Manfred Bischoff" – photo OHMYBLUE: Catalina Brenes , « My sheep and I say hi » – « A tribute to Manfred Bischoff » – photo OHMYBLUE

Katie Gruber - "A tribute to Manfred Bischoff" –  - photo OHMYBLUE: Katie Gruber - « A tribute to Manfred Bischoff » – photo OHMYBLUE

Rudee Tancharoen, "In the memory of Manfred Bischoff"/ A tribute to Manfred Bischoff (photo OHMYBLUE): Rudee Tancharoen, « In the memory of Manfred Bischoff »/ A tribute to Manfred Bischoff (photo OHMYBLUE)

Noriko Akao, "M..." - "A tribute to Manfred Bischoff" –  photo OHMYBLUE: Noriko Akao, « M… » – « A tribute to Manfred Bischoff » –  photo OHMYBLUE

 collier Ara Kuo !!!!!!!!!! 'A tribute to Manfred Bischoff'  (photo Alliages):  collier Ara Kuo !!!!!!!!!! ‘A tribute to Manfred Bischoff’  (photo Alliages)

The teacher
« As a student at Alchimia, you never really met Manfred until the third year. He was a giant figure who arrived to the narrow street in Florence on Tuesdays. He spent time with the older students, watched the world from behind his sunglasses when he leaned onto the wall at coffee breaks, and then he vanished again.
It was not until you were there yourself – in your final year – that you met the myth and began to appreciate his capacity to engage in your work and to show you how you might develop it. He was a surprisingly selfless teacher, and during critiques in the small classroom he managed to create a space for you and him to engage in a dialogue about your work that was stripped of second agendas and based solely on how he could help you to become a better artist.
It is only later, you come to understand how exceptionally truthful and helpful he tried to be in order to make you grow as a person and as an artist. »



Welserstrasse 15,
81373 Munich
Thu, Fri, Sat 10:00 – 18:00, Sun 10:00 – 14:00


During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPO ‘Untitled. Thomas Gentille’ – Die Neue Sammlung, Munich (DE) – 27 Fevr.-5 Juin 2016

Untitled. Thomas Gentille. American Jeweler

Friday, 26. February 2016 opening 7pm

The exhibition is being produced in close collaboration with Gentille himself and will be located on the second floor of the Rotunda in Pinakothek der Moderne.
Pieces by Thomas Gentille can be found, among others, in New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston, in Melbourne’s National Gallery of Victoria, in the Victoria & Albert Museum in London – and in Neue Sammlung in Munich.

Exhibition | Munich | February 27, 2016 – June 5, 2016

 Thomas Gentille Armlet: Untitled Acrylic, bone, nylon, bronze bolts 19.8 x 14.2 x 1.3 cm Photo by: Eva Jünger: Thomas Gentille Armlet: Untitled Acrylic, bone, nylon, bronze bolts 19.8 x 14.2 x 1.3 cm Photo by: Eva Jünger

Thomas Gentille Brooch: Untitled Eggshell inlay (Emu) Back: Industrial pins 14.9 x 5.2 x 0.8 cm Photo by: Eva Jünger: Thomas Gentille Brooch: Untitled Eggshell inlay (Emu) Back: Industrial pins 14.9 x 5.2 x 0.8 cm Photo by: Eva Jünger

 Thomas Gentille Brooch: Untitled Colorcone (plastic), steel Back: Industrial pins 6.5 - 8 x 4 - 7.5 x 1 - 2.5 cm Photo by: A Laurenzo Die Neue Sammlung Thomas Gentille Brooch: Untitled Colorcone (plastic), steel Back: Industrial pins 6.5 – 8 x 4 – 7.5 x 1 – 2.5 cm Photo by: A Laurenzo Die Neue Sammlung

Thomas Gentille Armlet: Untitled Acrylic, anodized aluminum, bronze bolts ø 15.5 x 0.7 cm Photo by: Eva Jünger: Thomas Gentille Armlet: Untitled Acrylic, anodized aluminum, bronze bolts ø 15.5 x 0.7 cm Photo by: Eva Jünger

Born 1936 in Mansfield, Ohio, and a resident of New York since 1960, American Thomas Gentille is a leading studio jewelry artist not just in the United States but in the world as a whole. To mark his 80th birthday in 2016, Die Neue Sammlung decided to invite the co-founder of studio jewelry in America to stage the first comprehensive exhibition on his oeuvre. On display will be 180 items of jewelry, drawings and a film conceived and realized by the artist about the two most important cities in his life, namely New York and Munich.
He favors innovative plastics, solid aluminum and a wide variety of woods, not to mention papier-mâché, sawdust, silk threads, old glass spheres hand blown in Bohemia and air – over gold, silver and precious stones.
 Gentille is one of the first American studio jewelry artists to employ such non-precious materials so consistently – and he did so from 1960 onwards, calling into question the value of precious metals in how jewelry is designed and estimated. He only uses high-quality gold for the rear of the brooch. For Thomas Gentille the emphasis is always irrevocably on the piece itself, its artistic statement and its quality. Every item is a one-off, be it a brooch, necklace or bracelet, and a masterpiece of craftsmanship, unique in its affiliation with sculpture and architecture. For this reason, Gentille refuses to date his works, as this might make his older items possibly appear more valuable than younger ones.
His works with an eggshell overlay are famous. Using this mysterious method and even without employing the old Asian lacquer technique he produces a krakelée surface on his works. Gentille explains that it takes years of experimentation and practice with the technique until you finally grasp the “soul of the material”.




Die Neue Sammlung – The Design Museum,
Pinakothek der Moderne,
Barerstraße 40,
80333 Munich

Arnoldsche Verlagsanstalt will be publishing a 210-page catalog on the life and work of the artist with a preface by Angelika Nollert, an essay by Andrea DiNoto and an interview with Thomas Gentille conducted by Bettina Dittelmann and Petra Hölscher.


During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPO ‘UNDER THE SAME SKY’ – Schlegelschmuck, Munich (DE) -26-28 Fevr. 2016


schlegelschmuck is participating in IHM/Schmuck 2016 and is pleased to present  Prof. Daniel Kruger class at Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle

 opening  thu 25.2.2016, 17–19 uhr


This group of jewellery artists, in spite of divergent origins, is closely bound by where they graduated, live & work but especially by a shared approach to sourcing their creativity through observations & thoughts on the environment & phenomena outside themselves.
As suggested in the title of the exhibition, this group of jewellery artists, in spite of divergent origins, is closely associated by where they graduated, live and work but especially by a shared approach to sourcing their creativity through observations and thoughts on the environment and phenomena outside themselves.




Sawa AsoSawa Aso

Sawa Aso (Japan)
replicates objects that are worn on the body but are not jewellery, negating the function these objects had: binoculars, a camera, a bowtie etc. and giving them a new and unexpected function. They are constructed is thin steel sheet with every detail observed and transposed into a new medium with both integrity and humour. These identifiable yet estranged objects have a sculptural quality but never the less take on a natural place on the body as jewellery.

 Sophie Baumgärtner -: Sophie Baumgärtner (germany)
uses structures and support systems as in skeletons or in architecture. In her brooches metal wire constructions are covered with a transparent or translucent skin revealing an inner life and structure that can be organic or mechanical, reminiscent of primeval or extra terrestrial forms of insect life. Necklaces are constructed out of forged interconnected metal elements describing complex skeletons of real or imaginary creatures and create a quiet tinkling music when worn.

 Makiko Mitsunari  Makiko Mitsunari (japan)
 develops jewellery based on the study of minerals, using angular crystalline forms or sections of crystals or stones. Contrasting colours and materials, sensual categories of warm and cold, moist and dry, transparent and opaque are brought into play with angular geometric interventions taking these pieces out of the natural and placing them in the artificial realm of the artefact.

Esther Suáres RuisEsther Suáres Ruis (colombia)
creates pendants based of 15th century Venetian trade beads, intrinsically inexpensive objects that were used by early European explorers in exchange for considerable wealth on foreign continents. Layered textile treads soaked in resin are carved to reveal an inner structure of colours, textures and patterns. These bead or baton pendants refer, in their subtle complexity, to the early trade beads and exude the fascination they had on their recipients who chose to elevate them to mythical objects.


Nordendstr. 7a
ecke adalbertstraße
80799 münchen schwabing
di-fr 11 – 19 uhr
sa 11 – 14 uhr
montags geschlossen
  opening times
fr + sa 11–19 uhr, so 11–14 uhr



During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPO ‘INVISIBLE WALL’ – 3stations, Munich (DE) – 24-28 Fevr. 2016

INVISIBLE WALL  at  3stations


Opening: Wednesday 24th February 6 pm

on Facebook

The project Invisible Wall is created by a group of artists from different countries. Each artist tells their own Invisible-story, sharing the invisible-space of their own experiences and pushing the boundaries of the limitation of thought; creating a remarkable free territory, with no border, no division and no rules.


Deborah Rudolph |
Jing He |
Jo Pond |
Lisa Kröber |
Patrícia Domingues |
Panjapol Kulpapangkorn |

« The ‘Wall of Thought’ protects each of us from our fears: Fears which may come from influences, stories, events in our lives.
These fears are the building blocks of the invisible wall in our minds.« 

Invisible Wall.  ©  Lisa Kröber Necklace: Broken walls, 2015 Silver, corian: Lisa Kröber Necklace: Broken walls, 2015 Silver, corian
Lisa´s Diploma « Der Worte letzte Orte »: –  Lisa Kroeber Jewellery  Lisa Kroeber

Invisible Wall - -  Lisa Kroeber: Lisa Kroeber

Deborah Rudolph • Necklace • Rose granite, silver and string • 2015Deborah Rudolph (Diploma 2010) • Necklace • Rose granite, silver and string • 2015
 Deborah´s Diploma: – avec Deborah Rudolph Gemstone- and Jewelrydesign et Deborah Rudolph

 Panjapol Kulpapangkorn Brooch: WP 03, 2016 Whipha`s object, wood,  plastic:  Panjapol Kulpapangkorn Brooch: WP 03, 2016 Whipha`s object, wood,  plastic

 Jo Pond - stories-are-where-memories-go-when:  Jo Pond-  stories are where memories go when – « temptation »  & « captured moment » brooches – repurposed steel, silver, 201& 2016

 Jo Pond Brooch: Temptation, 2015 Reparposed steel, silver, cotton, bead  .:  Jo Pond Brooch: Temptation, 2015 Reparposed steel, silver, cotton, bead

 Patrícia Domingues Brooch: Geographic& Imagination, 2015 Necuron, steel: Patrícia Domingues Brooch: Geographic& Imagination, 2015 Necuron, steel
 Patrícia´s MA: – avec Patricia Correia Domingues Jewellery et Patricia Domingues,

 Deborah Rudolph Necklace: Granit, 2015 Granit, string, silver:  Deborah Rudolph Necklace: Granit, 2015 Granit, string, silver


Welserstraße 29,
81373 München Deutschland
Contact Information: Deborah Rudolph
tel +49 172 7555035
Wed 15:00 – 19:00, Thu 10:00 – 20:00, Fri, Sat 10:00 – 18:00, Sun 10:00 – 14:00




During SCHMUCK 2016 : EXPO ‘RÉSIDENCES PARIS-MÜNCHEN’ – Institut français Munich (DE) – 24-27 Fevr. 2016


Institut français Munich
Opening 24.02 18:30
The purpose of the show is to literally move Résidences and its living environment from the center of Paris to the « salon bleu » of the French Institut in München. Résidences is a workshop-gallery in Paris, France and the brainchild of the jewellery artist Aude Medori.
So far, twelve jewellery artists have been involved. This exhibition gathers these jewellers and their pieces, their furniture, and their French accents all here together in Munich.



 Les artistes de Résidences exposent à l’Institut Français de Munich en février 2016 :  Stella BierrenbachBrune Boyer – Larissa Cluzet — Julie DecubberAmbroise DegenèveAnne LopezAude MedoriCamille MoncombleNathalie PerretGalatée Pestre Céline SylvestreLaurence Verdier

#27 Residences Paris München - Brune Boyer: Brune Boyer#27 Residences Paris München - Aude Medori:Aude Medori – collier empreintes

#27 Residences Paris München - Camille Moncomble: Camille Moncomble

#27 Residences Paris München - Céline Sylvestre: Céline Sylvestre  broches Hasard ou destinée, argent, ébène, fil de soie

#27 Residences Paris München - Ambroise Degenève: Ambroise Degenève


Institut Français Munich
Kaulbachstraße 13, 
80539 -  Munich

Thu, Fri, Sat 11:00-19:00



