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EXPO ‘Sinergia ’16’ – botiga/taller de Montserrat Lacomba, Girona (ES) – 5-26 Nov. 2016

SINERGIA 2016 Contemporary Jewelry Exhibition

joyas de  LLuis CominRosa NoguésMontserrat Lacomba

a la botiga/taller de Montserrat Lacomba, Girona (ES)

SINERGIA 2016 - LLuis Comin - Rosa Nogués - Montserrat Lacomba - Montserrat Lacomba / Mar de Color Rosa - Tienda / Taller  Plaça de Sant Pere, 2 17007 Girona  +34 972 224 635 +34 669 594 184 - Sinergia '16 Exhibition · 5/11/16 - 26/11/16:
Lluís Comín: Reconstructions
The series « Reconstructions » aims to be a reflection on how we advance, superimposing layers upon our past with a certain gaze of nostalgia, reinventing ourselves with each step.
Lluis Comin - Ring: Reconstruccions 4. Silver, bronze and lapis lazuli. 44 x 25 x 24 cm. 2016: Lluis Comin - Ring: Reconstruccions 4. Silver, bronze and lapis lazuli. 44 x 25 x 24 cm. 2016
Lluis Comin - broche - photo Manel Bielsa MartinLluis Comin - broche – photo Manel Bielsa Martin
Rosa Nogués: (R)evolution
In 1859 the English naturalist Charles Darwin published the book “On the Origin of Species”. He introduced the scientific theory that “it is not the strongest of the species, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change”.
Following his theory, my work becomes an unlimited process in constant progress and adaptation as a result of a desire of change.  A “Butterfly effect” that will not stop because all in life is intrinsically related. Butterflies show that beauty cannot only be found in their morphology or colours but even in the attitude that they adopt in every transformation.
Rosa Nogués: Brooch: Indigo. Silver and enamel. 90 x 50 x 35 cm. 2016: Rosa Nogués Freixas: Brooch: Indigo. Silver and enamel. 90 x 50 x 35 cm. 2016
Montserrat Lacomba: Seaside
The “Seaside” series is the fruit of my observation of nature and a fascination with its perfection. The sea at Formentera presents wide landscapes as well as small fragments, seemingly insignificant details that spur me to work, that inspire contemplation and a need to retain them forever.Montserrat Lacomba -  one of "The Seashore" Series Brooches - Brooch: Spume, 2016 Enameled copper and silverMontserrat Lacomba -  one of « The Seashore » Series Brooches – Brooch: Spume, 2016 Enameled copper and silver
Montserrat Lacomba:   Brooches "the seaside series" 2016
Montserrat Lacomba:   Brooches « the seaside series » 2016
botiga/taller de Montserrat Lacomba / Mar de Color Rosa Shop/Workshop
Plaça de Sant Pere, 2
17007 Girona (Spain)
tel   +34 972 224 635
+34 669 594 184 





EXPO ‘The White Room’ – La Galeller, Sevilla (ES) – 7 Oct.-24 Nov. 2016

« The White Room »
Solo exhibition by SteffiGötze ContemporaryJewelry at La Galeller in Sevilla, Spain
October 7th until November 24th 2016

 7 de Octubre inauguracion exposición de la mano de Steffi Götze a las 20h.

"The White Room" Solo exhibition by SteffiGötze ContemporaryJewelry at La Galeller in Sevilla, Spain    October 7th until November 24th 2016(STEFFI GÖTZE - brooch 2015 – Inside Outside collection – silver, copper, enamel. 8 x 1.5 x 9 cm…)


 Nacida en Alemania, actualmente vive y trabaja en Berlín,pero se graduó en nuestra Escuela de Arte de Sevilla en la especialidad de Esmalte al Fuego sobre Metales. La joyería contemporánea es su manera de contar historias, hacer preguntas, comunicarse y provocar al espectador.
Los materiales que trabaja principalmente son la Plata y el Esmalte al Fuego sobre cobre, en constante búsqueda de formas, colores, líneas, superficies y texturas para expresar la contrariedad de los conceptos, el espacio entre ellos y la influencia entre sí.
Para aplicar el concepto a la realización técnica utiliza el esmalte artístico en el cobre (850ºC), jugando con la fina línea del punto de fusión del esmalte, para representar la idea del contraste.

Born in Germany, currently living and working in Berlin, I have graduated from the School of Applied Art and Design in Seville (Spain) in enamel art, silversmithing and jewelry. Contemporary jewelry is my way to tell stories, ask questions, communicate and provoce communication.
« My work is an experimental and personal dialogue with the contrariety of two concepts and their relation to each other. The conscious and the unconscious, the past and the future, the truth and the lie, the go and the stop, the remembrance and the forgetfulness, the inside and the outside, the maker and the observer, you and me.
I am interested in the connection of two concepts and the undefined space in between them. »

Steffi Götze. Brooch: Untitled, 2016. Silver, copper,enamel. 4 x 1 x 6 cm. Photo by: Carlos Rodriguez Garcia. From series: RAUM. Series of brooches.: Steffi Götze. Brooch: Untitled, 2016. Silver, copper,enamel. 4 x 1 x 6 cm. Photo by: Carlos Rodriguez Garcia. From series: RAUM. Series of brooches

Steffi Götze. Brooch: Untitled, 2016. Silver, copper,enamel. 4 x 1 x 6 cm. Photo by: Carlos Rodriguez Garcia. From series: RAUM. Side view.: Steffi Götze. Brooch: Untitled, 2016. Silver, copper,enamel. 4 x 1 x 6 cm. Photo by: Carlos Rodriguez Garcia. From series: RAUM. Side view

Steffi Götze. Brooch: Untitled, 2016. Silver, copper,enamel. 4 x 1 x 6 cm. Photo by: Carlos Rodriguez Garcia. Part of: Gioiello in Fermento 2016. From series: RAUM. back view.: Steffi Götze. Brooch: Untitled, 2016. Silver, copper,enamel. 4 x 1 x 6 cm. Photo by: Carlos Rodriguez Garcia. Part of: Gioiello in Fermento 2016. From series: RAUM. back view

Steffi Götze Brooch: Untitled, 2015 Silver, copper,enamel 6 x 2 x 6.5 cm Photo by: Karlos Rodriguez Garcia From series: Inside Outside: Steffi Götze Brooch: Untitled, 2015 Silver, copper,enamel 6 x 2 x 6.5 cm Photo by: Karlos Rodriguez Garcia From series: Inside Outside

Steffi Götze,  "Inside outside" collection 2015  - copper, enamel: Steffi Götze,  « Inside outside » collection 2015  – copper, enamel

Steffi Götze, brooch "Inside outside" collection 2015: Steffi Götze, brooch « Inside outside » collection 2015

 Kette von Steffi Götze aus Kupfer und Silber mit Emaille  Steffi Götze necklace – Silver &t Enamel

La Galeller
C/ Siete Revueltas 20
41004 Sevilla
tel : 854520602
De Lunes a Viernes
Mañana: 10:30 – 13:30
Tarde: 17:30- 20:30
Sabados de 10:00 a 14:00




during JOYA Barcelona 2016 : AUTOR Award – & the winner is …..

Classé dans : AUTOR (RO),Espagne (ES),Ignasi CAVALLER (ES),JOYA (ES),Prix/Awards,Salon — bijoucontemporain @ 1:07



during JOYA Barcelona 2016 : Competition/Awards ENJOIA’T 2016 – Museu Marítim de Barcelona (ES) - 30 Sept. 2016 dans A-FAD (ES) logo_joya

…… and the WINNER is ……………..

AUTOR award - JOYA 2016 Ignasi CavallerIgnasi Cavaller !!

Ignasi Cavalier - Necklace - Wood, plastic wall, plexiglass, silver, elastic stripe. - award AUTOR at JOYA 2016:  Ignasi Cavalier – Necklace – Wood, plastic wall, plexiglass, silver, elastic stripe.

 Ignasi Cavaller - AUTOR award - JOYA 2016Ignasi Cavaller – necklace Silver, plexiglass and wall plastic 60′s

Ignasi Cavaller (MFA 2015 at Idar Oberstein)

« I am obsessed with memories. I am scared of forgetting who I am and where I come from, my roots. I do not want to deny the evolution of my self, but I also want to keep my origins as close as possible. I try to trigger my memories through the materials I use, looking for connections with my past and my ancestors. Asking my self if what I remember is true or just another random creation of my subconscious. I based my collection on a simple but meaningful jewellery object–the locket–creating physically useless containers to give my self the feeling that I am keeping my intangible memories inside it. » Ignasi Cavaller



COUP de COEUR : CRACK !! (non, pas « crac boum hue » ….)

Classé dans : Catalina GIBERT NADAL (ES),COUP DE COEUR,Espagne (ES),JOYA (ES) — bijoucontemporain @ 17:15

Catalina Gibert « last » collection « CRACK »

« last » because it is from 2015, and even if it’s name is ‘CRACK » and I (now) « CRAQUE » (fall in sudden love) for it, it took me time to « craque » : was so used (and addicted) to her primary & violent colors … this sudden black & white  leaved me speechless ….

«  »There is a crack, a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in » #LeonardCohen » (oui ! et PAS le « crac boum hue » de Jacques Dutronc !)

During the period of JOYA 2016 Barcelona, you will find her last work at the exhibition 3 / TRES at Ingallerybcn   28 sept-29 oct. 2016

Catalina Gibert -  Crack_2015 Necklace linen canvas · paintCatalina Gibert -  Crack_2015 Necklace linen canvas · paint

Catalina Gibert -  2015 ·   #crack #broochCatalina Gibert -  2015 ·   #crack #brooch – linen canvas, acrylic paint, water colours, steel

Catalina Gibert -  2015 ·   #crack #broochCatalina Gibert -  2015 ·   #crack #brooch – linen canvas, acrylic paint, water colours, steel

Catalina Gibert -  2015 · #crack #light #b_n #b_w #workinprogressCatalina Gibert -  2015 · #crack #light #b_n #b_w #workinprogressCatalina Gibert -  2015 · #crack #light #b_n #b_w #workinprogress

Catalina Gibert -  2015 · #crack #light #b_n #b_w #workinprogress

 Catalina Gibert -  2015 · #crack #light #b_n #b_w #workinprogress crack in blueCatalina Gibert -  2015 ·   #crack #brooch detail

Catalina Gibert -  2015 · #crack #light #b_n #b_w #workinprogress crack in blue

Catalina Gibert Crack  2015  brooch - toile de lin, peinture acryl., acier: Catalina Gibert -  2015-  #crack #brooch – has been exhibited in Montpellier France at Studio411 Galerie « Transmission » exhibition







OFF JOYA 2016 – EXPO ‘THE BEAUTY OF CLAY’ – Dterra galeria, Sant Cugat del Vallès (Barcelona – ES) – 9 Sept.-5 Nov. 2016

OFF JOYA 2016 – « THE BEAUTY OF CLAY » Ceramic jewelry.

DTerra Gallery   will be hosting the exhibition: “The Beauty of Clay” in Sant Cugat del Vallès as its contribution to the 47th Congress of the International Academy of Ceramics: Barcelona 2016.

Opening: 9 September, 20.30h

Durante los días 29 y 30 de septiembre y 1 de octubre se celebra JOYA, Art Jewellery Fair, la semana de la joyería contemporánea en Barcelona. Nosotras participamos con la exposición de joyas con cerámica THE BEAUTY OF CLAY.
Por este motivo os invitamos a una  visita- vermut el próximo domingo 2 de octubre a las 12:30h. Podréis conocer a los artistas participantes mientras tomamos un pica-pica y unas cervezas Moritz.
Os esperamos!!!

OFF JOYA 2016 - "THE BEAUTY OF CLAY." Ceramic jewelry. DTerra Gallery

avec:  Alicia GiraldezJudy McCaigLaura Jener Roca –  Pilar Cotter –  Gabriela Cohn –  Trinidad Contreras — Blanca Torà-Micheli — Roberta Ferreira LópezLola GratacosEva GirbesImma BatallaAline Berdichevsky — Nuria Soley — Tanja Fontane

« The Beauty of Clay » is a project that combines ceramics with modern jewellery. It invites 14 artists to create a piece of jewellery with clay as its defining element.
Our aim is to show the plastic and creative possibilities of clay as a medium for modern jewellery. Photographer Pep Àvila has been invited to create a series of portraits which show the relationship between these creations and the body.

« Estos retratos son el encuentro de 14 personas con 14 piezas de joyería cerámica, realizadas por 14 autores. Personas de distintas edades y de distintos ámbitos miran a la cámara como si se se vieran en el espejo por primera vez, con una mirada desnuda e íntima. Sobre un fondo azuláceo que a veces parece un cielo nublado en plena noche, la única luz que los recorta revela en ellos la naturalidad de lucir un adorno que los hace distintos, únicos. La belleza intransferible de cada uno se proyecta junto a la de cada pieza para enriquecer un instante de brevísima eternidad. »

 "In the wind", pieza cerámica de Aline Berdichevsky - Pep Avila Photo -    »In the wind », pieza cerámica de Aline Berdichevsky – Pep Avila Photo -

 Mar, pieza cerámica de Lola Gratacós - Pep Avila Photo« Mar », pieza cerámica de Lola Gratacós – Pep Avila Photo

"Intro", pieza cerámica de Trinidad Contreras - Pep Avila Photo « Intro », pieza cerámica de Trinidad Contreras – Pep Avila Photo

 "Cabassets de vent", pieza cerámica de Núria Soley - Pep Avila Photo.  »Cabassets de vent », pieza cerámica de Núria Soley – Pep Avila Photo

Burbujas, pieza cerámica de Alicia Giraldez - Pep Avila Photo Burbujas, pieza cerámica de Alicia Giraldez – Pep Avila Photo

 "I llavors es féu la forma" pieza cerámica de Blanca Torà - Pep Avila Photo  »I llavors es féu la forma » pieza cerámica de Blanca Torà – Pep Avila Photo

 Tatzia, pieza cerámica de Gabriela Cohn - Pep Avila Photo « Tatzia », pieza cerámica de Gabriela Cohn – Pep Avila Photo

 Tierras preciosas, pieza cerámica de Imma Batalla - Pep Avila PhotoTierras preciosas, pieza cerámica de Imma Batalla – Pep Avila Photo

  Conexiones, pieza cerámica de Eva Girbes - Pep Avila Photo.Conexiones, pieza cerámica de Eva Girbes – Pep Avila Photo






Avinguda Josep Anselm Clavé 9
Sant Cugat del Vallés
T +34 936 74 78 07
http://www.dterrablog.blogspot.comTuesday to Friday, 10.00h to 14.00h and 17.00h to 20.00h
Saturday 10.00h to 14.00h




OFF JOYA 2016 – EXPO ‘JUNTOS’ – RING RING Arts&crafts BCN, Barcelona (ES) – 28 Sept.-29 Oct. 2016

Juntos - Sébastien Carré solo show
at RING RING Arts&crafts BCN
in the Off JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair 2016 28/09/2016 – 29/10/2016
Opening: 27/09/2016 21h

This exhibition is one part of the prize i won last year for the Legacy Awards 2015 by Alliages Gallery Sébastien Carré :  

Juntos - Sébastien Carré solo show at RING RING Arts&crafts BCN in the Off JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair 28/09/2016 - 29/10/2016 Opening: 27/09/2016 21H  This exhibition is one part of the prize i won last year for the Legacy Awards 2015 by Alliages Gallery  event: Sébastien Carré :

« Vegetation, Animal, and Mineral are all combined in objects reminiscent of organic forms and landscapes. Mixing materials in order to create a symbolic life in an object by using interactive mediums allows me to wake up a body which tends to be more insensitive due to an over-communicativity of society. Time is an essential aspect of the work being made. Through the moments spent making, wearing and connecting with people, I find deeper connections. It is an immaterial patrimony that I am trying to spread in order to make us realize how much we are all bound together. When conceiving and making work I put meaning in every shape, every color, every texture. Each part is meaningful in my own mythology that I decided to express through visual language, not with words. One particular collection is made of the filmstrip that, was likely, played in the theater I frequented as a child. Through this work, I decided to use the filmstrip as a universal symbol of connection within each culture and focus on the importance of that in our society. Celebrating diversity will make us grow. In the story of the living, if no cells decided to mix and cooperate instead of trying to destroy each other, life would have never grown to produce human and our own self. Let’s Cherish the diversity in our small world, being together is already a treasure. » photos: Milo Lee Photography

   Sebastien Carré *One of my last brooch for Juntos - Sébastien Carré at RING RING Arts&crafts…: Sébastien Carré -   « Cultural Meeting » – Brooch – 2016 – Filmstrip, Dalmatian Jaspis, white Howlite, beads, cotton, nylon – One of my last brooch for Juntos – Sébastien Carré at RING RING Arts&crafts BCN gallery

Sébastien Carré - Bracelet Inflammation # 6, 2013 11 x 11 x 4 cm  (back & front) - European Prize for Applied Arts-  -:Sébastien Carré -Bracelet: Earth Inflammation / Inflammation Bracelet #6 (back & front), 2013 - Steel Chainmail, japanese paper, cotton, silk, nylon, copper thread, beads  - 11 x 11 x 3 cm – Photo by: Milo Lee Photograpy

Sébastien Carré Brooch: Cultural Biology, 2016 Japanese Paper, Filmstrip, Hematite, Dalmatian Jaspis, white Howlite, beads, silk, cotton, nylon 13 x 10 x 4 cm Photo by: Milo Lee PhotograpySébastien Carré Brooch: Cultural Biology, 2016 Japanese Paper, Filmstrip, Hematite, Dalmatian Jaspis, white Howlite, beads, silk, cotton, nylon 13 x 10 x 4 cm Photo by: Milo Lee Photograpy

Sebastien Carré -  pour Ring & Ring: Sebastien Carré – collier « the big reminder » – pellicule de film, coton, fil élastique – 2016 – (avec le film Amelie Poulain !)

Sébastien Carré - bracelet Le Réveil de Dunn © Milo Lee Photography: Sébastien Carré -  »Le Reveil de DUNN », 2015 Bracelet pellicule de film et Nylon / »The Awakening of DUNN », 2015 Bracelet, filmstrip and nylon thread © Milo Lee Photography

cliquez sur ce lien pour visionner la vidéo



Ring Ring Arts&Crafts Barcelona

Lluís el Piadós nº3. 08003


Telf: +34 649 46 29 74







during JOYA Barcelona 2016 : Competition/Awards ENJOIA’T 2016 – Museu Marítim de Barcelona (ES) – 30 Sept. 2016

A-FAD  – ENJOIA’T 2016

during JOYA Barcelona 2016 : Competition/Awards ENJOIA’T 2016 – Museu Marítim de Barcelona (ES) - 30 Sept. 2016 dans A-FAD (ES) logo_joya

vendredi 30 septembre  20:00 – 23:00 
Museu Marítim de Barcelona

Avda. de les Drassanes, s/n, 08001 Barcelone
Totes les peces dels candidats s’exposaran en un stand col·lectiu a la Feria Joya els dies 29 i 30 de setembre i el dia 1 d’octubre !! //
You can see all the pieces at JOYA (Arts Santa Monica, Rambla 7) from 29 september to October 1st !!!!
A-FAD  - ENJOIA'T 2016:

AWARDS during JOYA 2016

ENJOIA’T is not just a prize, and you will not find just jewellery. ENJOIA’T is much more than all this, since it is also a celebration of creativity, an indispensable meeting point for professionals in the sector, and a platform from which to show the public your creative project. In fact, ENJOIA’T rewards originality, technical quality, conceptual richness and transgression in the field of jewellery making so much as to question its own limits.


- Xiodai Huang   (CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), China
Xionan Zhang   (CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), China
- Jelizaveta Suskaya (Latvia) (Jewellery at Hiko-Mizuno College of Jewelry , JP)
- Rosa Gomis (Spain)
- Yili CaoNatxa Gonzalez  (Spain)
- Camilla Mileto (Italy/Spain)
- Inou Beru  (Japan/Germany)
- Wei Zhou (CAFA (Central Academy of Fine Arts), China
- Bàrbara Arnau (Spain)
- Lourdes Freixa  (Spain)
- Gabriela Cohn (Argentina)
- Zixuan Feng

"Variants" by Xiodai Huang - ENJOIAT 2016 student category: Xiodai Huang « Variants »  –   student category ENJOIA’T 2016

 Bonsai by Xionan Zhang - Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016 Xionan Zhang « Bonsai » – Candidate selected student category

" Frozen moment- The Night "by Jelizaveta Suskaja - ENJOIAT 2016 student category: Jelizaveta Suskaya « Frozen moment: The Night » -  student category ENJOIA’T 2016

Jelizaveta Suskaya  - ENJOIA’T 2016  Jelizaveta Suskaya 

semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016-  - Rosa Gomis, categoría estudiantes: Rosa GOMIS - El murmuri de les entranyes… Candidate selected student category  

 See through Skin by Yili Cao -Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016  Yili Cao - « See through Skin »  -Candidate selected student category 

Natxa Gonzalez Flores Fantasma  - Enjoia't student category 2016Natxa Gonzalez   Flores Fantasma  – Candidate selected student category

 La naturaleza del yeso by Camilla Mileto-  Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016 semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016- - Camilla Mileto, categoría estudiantes:

Camilla Mileto -  « La naturaleza del yeso »   -  Candidate selected student category

Between □(square) and ○(circle) by Inou Beru:  - Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016Inou Beru - « Between □(square) and ○(circle) »    – Candidate selected student category

The Cages by Wei Zhou - Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016 The Cages by Wei Zhou – Candidate selected student category

 Yes, Why Not? by Bàrbara Arnau  - Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016Bàrbara Arnau – « Yes, Why Not? »   – Candidate selected student category

Singularitat by Lourdes Freixa - Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016 Singularitat by Lourdes Freixa – Candidate selected student category

 Heart'n by Gabriela Cohn- Candidate selected student category ENJOIA'T 2016 Heart’n by Gabriela Cohn- Candidate selected student category

semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016-  Hannibal Feng, categoría estudiantes: Holy Object by Zixuan Feng – Candidate selected student category


- Dai Xiang
- Karin Roy Andersson  (Suède)
- Elisabeth Habig  (Austria)
- Marina Preixens
SYL (Spain)
- Daniela Meli  (Mexico)
- Marie Flambard (France)
- Pilar de la Villa
- Roser Martínez (Spain)
'Winter' by Dai Xiang  - ENJOIA'T professional 2016 - ‘Winter’ by Dai Xiang  - Candidate selected professional category
semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016- - Karin Roy, categoría profesional: Backupfront by Karin Roy Andresson – Candidate selected professional category
 Canal de la emoción by Liliana Ojeda - cerámica y tela, la parte central mide unos 25 x 7 cm - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016 Liliana Ojeda – « Canal de la emoción » – cerámica y tela, la parte central mide unos 25 x 7 cm – Candidate selected professional category
"Der Lauf der Zeit" by Elisabeth Habig - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016Elisabeth Habig – « Der Lauf der Zeit »   – Candidate selected professional category
"COL-ARR" by SYL - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016 « COL-ARR » by SYL – Candidate selected professional category
semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016-  Montserrat Duran, categoría profesional: « Cordon Umbilical » by Montserrat Duran – Candidate selected professional category
Angela Estenson. Pulsera  Metamorfosis , 2016 - ENJOIA’T 2016 semifinalistas CATEGORIA PROFESSIONAL: Angela Estenson. Pulsera  Metamorfosis , 2016 – Candidate selected professional category
semifinalistas-premios-enjoia-t-2016-  - Sébastien Carré, categoría profesional:   »Visceral » by Sébastien Carré – Candidate selected professional category
Las alas del tulipanero by Daniela Meli - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016 « Las alas del tulipanero » by Daniela Meli – Candidate selected professional category
Excroissances/Outgrowth by Marie Flambard - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016Excroissances/Outgrowth by Marie Flambard – Candidate selected professional category
Bracelet #1 upsk8 by Cédric Chevalley  - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016Bracelet #1 upsk8 by Cédric Chevalley  – Candidate selected professional category
"Java" by Pilar de la Villa - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016« Java » by Pilar de la Villa – Candidate selected professional category
Roser Martínez - 'Naturaleza emergente'   - Candidate selected professional category ENJOIA'T 2016Roser Martínez – ‘Naturaleza emergente’   – Candidate selected professional category


and now, LET’S the PARTY GO ON !


Categories and prizes
The prizes will be announced and handed out the 30th of September.
Professional Award :  There is one prize only for creators, designers or companies, with a
maximum of two finalists. The winner will be crowned with a piece made by Laurent Kalman, winner of the ENJOIA’T Professional Award of 2015, and will be given the responsibility of making the crown for the following year. The prize consists of an exposition in the context of the event JOYA, Barcelona Contemporary Jewellery Fair, in its edition of 2017, valued at 780 €.***
Both the professional and student award-winners of ENJOIA’T will be part of a report in the specialised magazine «On Diseño».
Student Award : There is one prize only for students with a maximum of two finalists.
The winner will be crowned with a piece made by Akiko Shinzato, winner of the ENJOIA’T Student Award of 2015, and will be given the responsibility of making the crown for the following year.
The prize consists of an exposition in the context of the event JOYA, Barcelona Contemporary Jewellery Fair, in its edition of 2016, valued at 780 €.***
Both the professional and student award-winners of ENJOIA’T will be part of a report in the specialised magazine « On Diseño » -.
Public Opinion Award : There is one prize chosen by the attendees of the celebration.
The prizes and the finalists of each category, as with those of the public opinion award, will receive an official diploma. The crowns will become part of the permanent collection of the A-FAD, Artists and Artisans of the FAD
The selecting jury of ENJOIA’T 2016 will be composed of: Enric Majoral, Jeweler and member of A-FAD Martín Azúa, Industrial designer Núria Ruiz, Jewelry designer María Lluïsa Samaranch, Editor and collector Maria Díez, Jeweler and professor in la Massana



A FAD //



EXPO ‘Amarrats a la mar’ – Ajuntament vell, Sant Francesc, Formentera (Balearic Islands, ES) – 29 Aout-10 Sept. 2016

Classé dans : Espagne (ES),Exposition/Exhibition,GALERIES,Montserrat LACOMBA (ES) — bijoucontemporain @ 20:23

« I am very happy to announce my next exhibition : « Amarrats a la mar »
Enric Riera – Paintings
Montserrat Lacomba - Contemporary Jewelry
At « Ajuntament vell » in Sant Francesc, Formentera (Balearic Islands, Spain).
Opening August 29th at 8:00 PM.

"Amarrats a la mar" Montserrat Lacomba 2016


« My work is closely linked to nature, especially to the Mediterranean. The sea at Formentera gives me wide landscapes as well as small fragments, seemingly insignificant details that spur me to work, that cause me concern and a need to retain them forever. In this context I take home pleasant memories and photographic images that transform into jewelry, evoking fleeting moments or long periods of observation. Enamel is a technique I like to use because it is close to painting, though stones and other natural elements also help me express my admiration for the universe. The movement in the fishes, the lines of the posidonia, the curves of waves and drawings in the sand, along with the sea surface, the rocks, the colors of the sky and sea, and the shapes of branches are but some of the starting points. My wish is for the jewels to be used, keeping the mysterious moments alive and generating new memories, new feelings. » Montserrat Lacomba

 Montserrat Lacomba - "G. in a Deep Blue" Pendant. Silver and lapis lazuli. 55 x 60 x 14 mmMontserrat Lacomba - « G. in a Deep Blue » Pendant. Silver and lapis lazuli. 55 x 60 x 14 mm

Montserrat Lacomba -  "The Seashore" Series Brooches Enameled copper and silver 55 x 55 x 8 mm aprox each oneMontserrat Lacomba -  « The Seashore » Series Brooches Enameled copper and silver 55 x 55 x 8 mm aprox each one

Montserrat Lacomba - enameling detail - from "The Seashore" Series Brooches Enameled copper and silver 55 x 55 x 8 mm aprox each oneMontserrat Lacomba - enameling detail – from « The Seashore » Series Brooches Enameled copper and silver 55 x 55 x 8 mm aprox each one

Montserrat Lacomba - the sea at Formentera summer 2016Montserrat Lacomba – the sea at Formentera summer 2016

Montserrat Lacomba -  one of "The Seashore" Series Brooches Enameled copper and silver 55 x 55 x 8 mm aprox each oneMontserrat Lacomba -  one of « The Seashore » Series Brooches Enameled copper and silver 55 x 55 x 8 mm aprox eachone

Montserrat Lacomba - enameling detail - from "The Seashore" Series Brooches Enameled copper and silver 55 x 55 x 8 mm aprox each oneMontserrat Lacomba – enameling detail – from « The Seashore » Series Brooches Enameled copper and silver 55 x 55 x 8 mm aprox each one

Montserrat Lacomba - foto Formentera summer 2016 - Sea Lines  Montserrat Lacomba – foto Formentera summer 2016 – Sea Lines 

Montserrat Lacomba - enameling detail - from "The Seashore" Series Brooches Enameled copper and silver 55 x 55 x 8 mm aprox each oneMontserrat Lacomba - enameling detail – from « The Seashore » Series Brooches Enameled copper and silver 55 x 55 x 8 mm aprox each one

Montserrat Lacomba -  one of "The Seashore" Series Brooches Enameled copper and silver 55 x 55 x 8 mm aprox each oneMontserrat Lacomba -  one of « The Seashore » Series Brooches Enameled copper and silver 55 x 55 x 8 mm aprox each one

Montserrat Lacomba - "Lichens of Formentera" Brooch Silver and stone with lichens. 68 x 71 x 20 mmMontserrat Lacomba – « Lichens of Formentera » Brooch Silver and stone with lichens. 68 x 71 x 20 mm

Montserrat Lacomba ·  -   Blue Horizon. From "Concerning the Landscape" Series. Necklace. 45 x 3,5 x 8,5 cm. Oxidized silver, enameled copper and kyanite. 2015  Montserrat Lacomba ·  -   Blue Horizon. From « Concerning the Landscape » Series. Necklace. 45 x 3,5 x 8,5 cm. Oxidized silver, enameled copper and kyanite. 2015

Montserrat Lacomba ·  juin 2015 Arrangement with Giuliettas. #sparklingfishesMontserrat Lacomba ·  juin 2015 Arrangement with Giuliettas. #sparklingfishes

and ALL GIULIETTAS together to tell you « see you soon at Formentera !  » :-)


Sala d’Exposicions « Ajuntament Vell »
07860 Sant Francesc Xavier
Formentera (Baleares, Spain)
Àrea de Cultura i Patrimoni del Consell Insular de Formentera
tel. 971 32 12 75 · fax 971 32 12 76 ·





EXPO ‘TRESORS’ – PAOLA PÉREZ Galería de Arte Portable (Bogota) + RING RING Arts&crafts (Barcelona) – 6-27 Aout 2016


Exposició de Joieria Contemporània Catalana a Bogotà PAOLA PÉREZ Galería de Arte Portable + RING RING Arts&crafts BCN – 6-27 agost de 2016

Inauguración: Sábado 6 de Agosto de 11:00 a.m., a 5:00 p.m. 

TRESORS Exposició de Joieria Contemporània Catalana a Bogotà

40 peces de 13 artistes catalans:  Jordi AparicioImma BatallaLluís Comín – Mònica Fugarolas – Cristina Giménez – Gemma López – Clara NiubòRosa NoguésMartina PontEva PonsMarta RocaSilvia Serra – Lídia Sevilla.

TRESORS - broche de Lluís Comín. broche de Lluís Comín

Jordi Aparicio  - TRESORSJordi Aparicio


TRESORS -  fermall "Lo salvaje" de Clara Niubò  Clara Niubò – fermall « Lo salvaje »  

Mònica Fugarolas - TRESORSMònica Fugarolas

TRESORS -  fermall d' Eva Pons Eva Pons -  fermall 

 TRESORS 2016. Bogotá, COLOMBIA.  Lídia Sevilla.:   Lídia Sevilla

Sílvia Serra. TRESORSSílvia Serra

Martina Pont - TRESORSMartina Pont

Crisjoies - TRESORSCrisjoies  (Cristina Gimènez Llobet)

Rosa Nogués - TRESORSRosa Nogués

Marta Roca Solé - TRESORSMarta Roca Solé

Imma Batalla - TRESORSImma Batalla

Martina Pontena - TRESORSMartina Pontena

  ROSA NOGUES, Fractales, 2016 TRESORS: Rosa Nogues, Fractales, 2016



Ring Ring Arts&Crafts Barcelona

Lluís el Piadós nº3. 08003 Barcelona
Telf: +34 649 46 29 74




Galería PAOLA PÉREZ de Arte Portable
Carrera 5 # 26 A 50. Local 302. Edificio torre del Bosque Izquierdo.  – Bogotá
Contacto: (+57) 3115935711



COUP de COEUR : Montserrat LACOMBA en verve estivale ….

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Espagne (ES),Montserrat LACOMBA (ES) — bijoucontemporain @ 22:35

Como todos los veranos, Montserrat Lacomba se marcha para Formentera, a …. trabajar !Y este año le queda ESTUPENDA la inspiración !

El mar, la naturaleza, sus detalles que su « OJO » descubre, alimentan su inspiración …..

Montserrat Lacomba -foto Formentera summer 2016Montserrat Lacomba -foto Formentera summer 2016

Montserrat Lacomba -fotos Formentera summer 2016 – inspiración

Montserrat Lacomba - "Lichens of Formentera" Brooch Silver and stone with lichens. 68 x 71 x 20 mmMontserrat Lacomba – « Lichens of Formentera » – 16 juill. 2016 – Brooch Silver and stone with lichens. 68 x 71 x 20mm

Montserrat Lacomba - Doubts in progress... – at Formentera Montserrat Lacomba - Doubts in progress… – at Formentera 3 juill. 2016

Montserrat Lacomba - brooch« Sea and Curves » Brooch – 8 juill. 2016 – Silver, rosemary branch and enameled copper.  90 x 60 x 25 mm
« A few hours ago I finished this brooch that has taken shape over the course of the last few days. I found this branch of rosemary when I went with a good friend down the cliff to Fondo Stream in Formentera and we were both captivated with its form. Instantly, I sensed that I had to join it with an enamel which has to reflect the colors of the sea. »

Montserrat Lacomba - foto Formentera 9 juin 2016Montserrat Lacomba – foto Formentera 9 juin 2016

Montserrat Lacomba -  juin 2016  "Looking for food" Brooch Silver and coral. 75 x 75 x 15 mmMontserrat Lacomba - 18 juin 2016  « Looking for food » Brooch Silver and coral. 75 x 75 x 15 mm

Montserrat Lacomba -foto Formentera summer 2016 - Sand Surface –  Formentera.Montserrat Lacomba -foto Formentera summer 2016

Montserrat Lacomba -fotos Formentera summer 2016 – Sand & Sea Surfaces – for the love of BLUE(s)...

Montserrat Lacomba -11 juin 2016 - "G. in a Deep Blue" Pendant. Silver and lapis lazuli. 55 x 60 x 14 mm – à Sant Ferran, Formentera.Montserrat Lacomba -11 juin 2016  « G. in a Deep Blue » Pendant. Silver and lapis lazuli.
55 x 60 x 14 mm – at Sant Ferran, Formentera.

Montserrat Lacomba  y su amor por la naturaleza mars 2016Montserrat Lacomba  y su amor por la naturaleza  :-) – mars 2016

long life & happiness to you, my dear friend !!


botiga/taller de Montserrat Lacomba / Mar de Color Rosa Shop/Workshop
Plaça de Sant Pere, 2
17007 Girona (Spain)
tel   +34 972 224 635
+34 669 594 184

