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Gustavo Paradiso Jewelry school

Classé dans : Atelier/workshop,ECOLE / SCHOOLS,Espagne (ES),Gustavo PARADISO (RA),VIDEO — bijoucontemporain @ 16:36

Gustavo Paradiso Jewelry school 

Gustavo Paradiso Jewelry school dans Atelier/workshop 13502573_894964713960055_8739502721232508849_o
« Gustavo’s studio and jewelry school is located in the beautiful village of Vejer de la Frontera, in South of Spain.
It is totally equipped with material and tools for up to four students.
The ones who will take part to a class, will be able to come for a week-end or a week with provided accommodation.
For about 4h of class per day, students will learn or improve any techniques they want. They will benefit of a totally customized and Personal coaching with useful advices on research, jewelry design and creation.
The students will also enjoy the amazing landscapes of the area of Cadiz and have the possibility to go the the beach during their free time.
A class at Gustavo Paradiso Jewelry school is a great occasion to live a total immersion in a Jewelry studio and in the Spanish way of life ! » (by Salomé)

gustavo Paradiso jewelry school


gustavo Paradiso jewelry school


« Gustavo Paradiso is a professional Jeweler and contemporary artist since 1999. He also teaches various jewelry techniques through workshops all over Europe and he has now opened his own Jewelry school in a beautiful village in south of Spain. The school is open for summer classes from march to November. Every levels are welcome to take part.
It is the perfect place to discover or improve jewelry skills and enjoy the Spanish way of life by wandering in the white streets or going to the beach during free time ! »
Gustavo Paradiso :
« Originally from Patagonia, It has been 16 years that Gustavo Paradiso is improving himself as a great Jeweler and artist.
He took part in many different workshops and exhibitions in both continents south-America and Europe, which permitted him to acquire a huge range of knowledges of the contemporary jewelry techniques. From the stone setting, the Mokume Gane, the enameling, to many more such as cuttle bonefish casting, woodcarving and porcelain work.
He Enjoys playing with diverse materials, experimenting the technique through collage of metals and complex pieces.
Now living in Spain, he is contributing to the jewelry world by teaching full time and giving back to his students the passion of manual work. He is regularly invited to teach workshops in Jewelry schools and shared studio all over the country, Italy, Portugal and more. He also gives private classes at his own studio and house. »
Vejer de la FronteraVejer de la Frontera

Classes and Workshop are given from March to November.
For any further informations about the classes in Vejer de la Frontera, please go on Gustavo Paradiso Jewelry school
facebook page :
If you wish to organize a workshop with Gustavo Paradiso at your own school or studio, please contact him on :


Gustavo Paradiso / Jewelry School
critical thinking, design, making techniques, personal training, research.
Calle Rosario 24
11150 Vejer de la Frontera
phone: +34 622 22 48 57
website :
facebook  page
instagram :



EXPO ‘Silent Architectures’ – Klimt02 gallery, Barcelona (ES) – 1-23 Juin 2016

 Klimt02 Gallery Barcelona

Silent Architectures by Xavier Monclús

 Opening: Wednesday, 1st June from 19:30 hours

Silent Architectures by Xavier Monclús Exhibition  / 01Jun2016 - 23Jun2016 Klimt02 Gallery Barcelona, Spain .:


For his first solo exhibition at the gallery, Monclús will showcase a group of 17 new works. Silent Architectures confirm the evolution we’ve been sensing for the last four years: a shift towards simplicity and abstraction.

 Xavier Monclús Brooch: Welcome house, 2016 Silver and enamel painting 55 x 30 x 12 mm: Xavier Monclús Brooch: Welcome house, 2016 Silver and enamel painting 55 x 30 x 12 mm:

Architectural fables
In order to define the work of Xavier Monclús, complex in its apparent simplicity, all we could come up with is an oxymoron: his work is based on what we might call a cultured ingenuity. The pieces shown here recall the delicate illustrations of the noucentista Pere Torné Esquius, immersing us in a world of sweet, domestic and welcoming serenity. Yet the schematic sense, awareness of volumes and cut of the profiles in these pieces (as if defined by an implacable light) evoke the outlook of the modern architects of the GATCPAC on rediscovering Mediterranean architecture in Ibiza, Xavier Monclús being familiar with its Menorcan variant.
 Scale is essential when it comes to understanding these pieces. Are they large jewels or small houses? Plastic objects and animals are incorporated, disorienting us still further. Tubes, conduits and handles turn them into intriguing machines, announcing a movement, an action… a story. Textures are also very important, rough surfaces serving as a counterpoint to the smooth cleanness of the quaint technique.
These latest pieces by Xavier Monclús confirm the evolution we’ve been sensing for the last four years: a shift towards simplicity and abstraction. This refinement of forms does not exclude their figurative essence, sense of irony and the characteristic poetics of Monclús. In this respect, we have the impression that he has revisited or been reunited with the pieces produced at the start of his career, during his time at the Massana School in the 1990s, a period synonymous with enthusiasm for the development of jewellery as an independent artistic language. Simplicity, joy, skill and sensitivity join forces to raise a smile. The world of Xavier Monclús is one of fables and ingenuity, drawn and embodied in modestly precious objects, taking us back to the possibility of happiness, of reconciliation with our feelings and dreams.   / Alex Mitrani, Fine Art Curator

Xavier Monclús Brooch: Arquitectura menorquina III, 2016 Silver and Enamel painting 55 x 53 x 10 mm: Xavier Monclús Brooch: Arquitectura menorquina III, 2016 Silver and Enamel painting 55 x 53 x 10 mm

Xavier Monclús Brooch: Arquitectura menorquina I, 2015 Silver and Enamel painting 55 x 60 x 10 mm: Xavier Monclús Brooch: Arquitectura menorquina I, 2015 Silver and Enamel painting 55 x 60 x 10 mm:

Xavier Monclús Brooch: Arquitectura menorquina II, 2016 Silver, Oxidated silver, Brass and Enamel painting 45 x 37 x 15 mm: Xavier Monclús Brooch: Arquitectura menorquina II, 2016 Silver, Oxidated silver, Brass and Enamel painting 45 x 37 x 15 mm


Klimt02 Gallery
Riera de Sant Miquel, 65
08006 -  Barcelona
tel 00 34 933687235




EXPO ‘Joya – la inspiracion en el pasado’ – Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos (ES) – 31 Mai-2 Oct. 2016

Today May 31 Opening at 6:30 pm 

« Jewel – The inspiration in the past »

at the Museo de la Evolución Humana (Museum of Human Evolution) in Burgos.

« Joya – la inspiracion en el pasado » (Bijou – l’ inspiration dans le passé) au Musée de l’Evolution Humaine de Burgos en Espagne (Museo de la Evolución Humana). L’exposition sera visible jusqu’en Septembre 2016 .

La podéis visitar en la zona de talleres del MEH hasta el 2 de octubre con entrada libre. Contiene diseños de 30 joyeros de todo el mundo que se han inspirado en algún aspecto de la Prehistoria. No os la perdáis!!

EXPO 'Joya - la inspiracion en el pasado' - Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos

   Artist List:        Akis Goumas – Beth LeggCarla García Durlan Carlos Pastor  — Carlos Reano –  Clara del Papa Gigi Mariani Gold & Roses –  Hege OsdalenJee Hye Kwon – Jordi Aparicio –  Jorge Manilla José Marín  – Juan José García Martín –  Judy McCaig – Katerina Glyca Laura Gómez — Laura González – Lluís Comín – Mabel Pena – Maria Diez – Montserrat Lacomba   Patricia Domingues – Niki Stylianou -- Paul AdiePilar Cotter – Rosa NoguésSara SernaSébastien Carré –  Trinidad Contreras



La muestra, que reúne diseños de 30 joyeros de once países distintos, entiende la joyería como parte de nuestra historia cultural y se podrá ver hasta octubre de forma gratuita en la Sala de Talleres del MEH El Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), ha presentado la exposición ‘Joya. La inspiración en el pasado’, que se podrá ver gratuitamente en la Sala de talleres (planta -1) del MEH hasta el próximo2 de octubre. Este proyecto, comisariado por Sara Serna, reúne trabajos de una treintena de joyeros de todo el mundo que entienden la joyería como parte de nuestra historia cultural y que, inspirados en la Prehistoria y utilizando diferentes técnicas y materiales, pretenden conmover al visitante ensalzando la joya como un elemento conceptual, superando el valor ornamental de las mismas. La exposición, puesta en marcha por la Consejería de Cultura y Turismo en el MEH, contiene piezas de 30 joyeros de once países distintos. Así, diseñadores de España, Reino Unido, Argentina, Grecia, Venezuela, Italia, Noruega, República de Corea, Bélgica, Portugal o Francia exhiben diversas técnicas innovadoras, materiales, formas y texturas en joyas artísticas con una inspiración y una investigación prehistórica, con el fin de conmover al asistente y buscar una reacción en la expresión de las piezas.

Sébastien Carré - broche 2016 - EXPO 'Joya - la inspiracion en el pasado' - Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos (ES) - 31 Mai-2 Oct. 2016: Sébastien Carré – « Couches Archéologiques » – Broche -2016 Papier Japonais, Laque Japonaise, poussière d’aluminium, Ruby Zoisite, Turquoise d’Afrique, Aigue Marine, perles rocaille, soie, coton //  » Archaeological Layers » – Brooch – 2016 Japanese paper, Japanese Lacquer, Aluminum powder, Zoisite’s Ruby, African Turquoise, AquaMarine, beads, silk, cotton

Lluís ComínLluis Comin:
Lluís Comín - « España » collar – plata, oro, bronce, mica, patinas

- Niki Stylianou - EXPO 'Joya - la inspiracion en el pasado' - Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos  Niki Stylianou

Jorge Manilla- SCHMUCK 2015: Jorge Manilla - Sacrifices II  (presented at SCHMUCK 2015)

Gigi Mariani - Per il MEH ho fatto una collana "inclusion" soliti ingredienti   2016: Gigi Mariani – Per il MEH  collana « inclusion »   2016

Gigi Mariani -   collana "inclusion" 2016 (detail)Gigi Mariani -   collana « inclusion » 2016 (detail)

Hege Osdalen - necklace 2016Hege Osdalen – necklace (detail) Clara Del Papa - TAIMA-T prehistoric hug ringClara Del Papa – TAIMA-T prehistoric hug ring

Clara Del Papa - TAIMA-T prehistoric hug ringClara Del Papa – TAIMA-T prehistoric hug ring

 Mabel Pena - Huellas de tiempos Collar Detalle - Photo:Ruben Andon Mabel Pena – Huellas de tiempos Collar Detalle – Photo:Ruben Andon

Mabel Pena - Huellas de tiempos Collar Detalle - Photo:Ruben Andon: Mabel Pena – Huellas de tiempos Collar Detalle – Photo:Ruben Andon

 Jee Hye KwonJee Hye Kwon

Montserrat Lacomba - Brooch  “Transformed Halberd” Brooch 50 x 130 x 10 mm Silver, copper and enamel 2016Montserrat Lacomba - Brooch  “Transformed Halberd” Brooch 50 x 130 x 10 mm Silver, copper and enamel 2016

Carlos Pastor - manopla-objeto - pergamino - EXPO 'Joya - la inspiracion en el pasado' - Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos: Carlos Pastor – manopla-objeto – pergamino de cabra

Jose Marin - Collar. "La Dama de la Cova del Parpalló".Jose Marin - Collar. « La Dama de la Cova del Parpalló ». silex, hueso, crin de caballo, titanio, oro

Rosa Nogués Freixas  - EXPO 'Joya - la inspiracion en el pasado' - Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH), Burgos: Rosa Nogués Freixas

* el MEH realizará el taller ‘Pequejoyeros’ para conocer qué es una joya y cuándo nuestros antepasados comenzaron a fabricarlas. Esta actividad, en la que los participantes fabricarán sus propias joyas, se desarrollará los días 27, 28 y 29 de julio, de 11 a 12.15 horas, para niños y niñas de entre 4 y 7 años y los mismos días para menores de de 8 a 12 años de 12.30 a 13.45 horas.

* El MEH organizará la conferencia ‘La joya, más allá de la belleza’, por parte de Sara Serna, comisaria de la exposición, quien dará a conocer el objetivo y resultados de esta muestra, dando a conocer cómo todo el proceso creativo de la joyería actual lleva detrás una investigación, una innovación y un estudio que, en este caso, nos remite a nuestro pasado más remoto. La charla será el jueves, 22 de septiembre, en el Salón de Actos del MEH. La ponente invitará a reflexionar sobre las joyas en relación con materiales y utensilios prehistóricos que se asemejan en formas y texturas a obras contemporáneas.

Museo de la Evolución Humana (MEH)

Paseo de la Sierra de Atapuerca, 2.
tel 34 902 024 246





EXPO/Vente aux ENCHERES ‘Jewellery Experience « Greece-Spain for Humanity »‘ – Centro Artesanía Comunitat Valenciana, Valencia (SP) – 16-26 Mai 2016

Exposición y subasta benéfica

Jewellery Experience « Greece-Spain for Humanity »

Inauguración lunes 16 mayo a las 19,30h

SUBASTA / Vente aux ENCHERES / AUCTION :  26 de mayo,  a las 20h

El dinero recaudado en esta subasta irá íntegro a los refugiados sirios a través de la ONG Intermón OXFAM.
next May 26th at 20:00h will be the auction. All the money that we collect will go completely to the Syrian refugees through the ONG Intermón OXFAM.
If you want to send money to the Syrian refugees without buying a jewel you can do it through this link:


Foto de la Actividad

El proyecto Jewellery Experience, realizado en el seno del Melting Point 2016, 3º encuentro de Joyería Contemporánea Valencia, nació de la mano del orfebre y arqueólogo griego, Akis Goumas, y el orfebre valenciano José Marín con una filosofía clara: reutilizar materiales sostenibles para la elaboración de distintas piezas de joyería con un fin puramente solidario.

workshop at  Solar Coronaworkshop at  Solar Corona

Las obras realizadas durante este workshop celebrado en el Solar Corona, y que han sido generosamente donadas por l’Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de Valencia y los orfebres José Marín y Akis Goumas para apoyar la acción humanitaria a favor de los refugiados sirios, serán expuestas desde el 16 de mayo en la sala « Una Mirada Singular » del Centro de Artesania de la Comunitat Valenciana.

La exposición de estas piezas de joyería contemporánea concluirá el próximo 26 de mayo, con la celebración a las 20h de de una subasta benéfica en el salón de actos del Centro de Artesanía, y cuya recaudación irá destinada a los proyectos realizados por Intermon Oxfam en esas zonas de conflicto.

some of the pieces done and that will be sold at the auction : expo/vente enchères

expo/vente enchères

 expo/vente enchères

expo/vente enchères

 expo/vente enchères


Image de prévisualisation YouTube


 Solidaridad joyera en Valencia con los refugiados de Siria | GoldAndTime: Solidaridad joyera en Valencia con los refugiados de Siria (Akis Goumas en el centro, José Marin à la izquierda)


Centro de Artesanía de la Comunitat Valenciana

Hospital, 7 (acceso plaza peatonal MuVIM)
46001, Valencia
Cómo llegarTeléfono: +34 96-351-30-90 / +34 96-352-05-20
Fax: +34 96-394-44-91




EXPO ‘Petites Topografies’ – Gal. CONTEXT, Barcelona (ES) – 12 Mai-13 Juin 2016


 new exhibition at Context Galeria

Ramon Puig Cuyàs i Silvia Walz, joies /Antoni Roselló, escultures

Opening: Thursday 12th May at 19:30 h.

Petites Topografies - gal Context

Three artists. Three topographical views.
The topography (Greek τόπος topos, « place » and γράφω graph, « write ») is a field of planetary science that includes the study of the shape and surface characteristics of the Earth and other astronomical objects including planets, moons and asteroids. It is also the description of these forms and surface characteristics (especially their representation in maps). The topography of an area might also mean the shape of the surface and its own characteristics.
By extension, also called topography or relief available to a site, or even a description of the physical and moral person.

Silvia Walz, fermall"Llebeig", acer, esmalt transparent i opac.Silvia Walz, broche « Llebeig », steel, transparent and opaque enamel 2016

 Silvia Walz Brooch "Finestra 1" - steel, transparent and opaque enamel - 70x70x15 mm   Silvia Walz Brooch « Finestra 1″ – steel, transparent and opaque enamel – 70x70x15 mm

Silvia Walz, fermall "Costa del Mar 1", acer, esmalt transparent i opac. 2016Silvia Walz, broche « Costa del Mar 1″, Sèrie Porta-Cels -  steel, transparent and opaque enamel 2016

Geometry of light  Silvia Walz
 Geometry means = to measure the earth
  »Measuring somehow implies that an unknown and undefined object becomes tangible, known and safe. The act of measuring the earth, turning it into numbers, lines or geometrical figures gives us a feeling of control. The geometry of light seems to me almost pure magic, since for me light means feelings; it enters the eye and turns into emotions. The quality, the colour of light influences my mood; it makes me feel sad or euphoric. Light may change an object, somebody’s face or simply a moment. Through this brooch series, which for me has been almost a small series of experiments, I have tried to approach the phenomenon of light. »
  »The sky changes throughout the day. Clouds move along, sometimes quicker than others, the sun hides away, a storm comes, the rain, a rainbow, water floats in the air, a strong wind dries everything up and leaves a blue sky. My porta-skies want to capture these different moments of light to turn them into wearable objects, useful amulets to cope with dark spaces, spaces with no windows through which see the sky. They are architectures of light; they are my micro-utopias. »

Ramon Puig Cuyàs, fermall "Antàrtica 3", alpaca, corall blanc reconstituït, basalt. 2016Ramon Puig Cuyàs,  broche « Antàrtica 3″, alpaca, corall blanc reconstituït, basalt. 2016

Suite Antarctica  Ramon Puig Cuyàs
 Antarctica is the frozen continent where silence, the sound of silence is heard. White and eternal silence. Isolation.
 « For me, it is a metaphor for the fact of finding oneself, as it also happens in the vastness of deserts, at sea or on the heights of great mountains.The process of artistic creation is also the process of finding oneself. It demands a willingness to make, concentration, a risk assuming attitude and also a lot of silence. Creating requires an inner silence that may allow us to hear clearly both our inner voice and the dialogue that takes place between our hands, our materials and shapes and our line of thought.
It is necessary to regain the value of silence as a form of communication. Listening to silence means listening to others, walking in their shoes to be able to understand them. Silence is like quiet and deep breathing. A kind of breathing essential to create and experience. »
Suite of Dresden
  »The Works that make up “Suite of Dresden: Variations on an Invisible Landscape’ series are driven by an experience lived in the city of Dresden. An archaeological excavation in the centre of the city reminded me of Italo Calvino’s book “invisible Cities”, cities that have invested a reflection in the sky or on underground, cities that run parallel lives without knowing each from other. Facing the Dresden falsely reconstructed for tourist, below are the old streets, the foundations and basements of the authentic, the city destroyed in a few hours of horror and fire. The city of pain. In the world there are many cities like Dresden, that of life, usually on the surface, and the horror and destruction in the underground, invisible to the looks, and forgotten. »

Ramon Puig Cuyàs- Brooch "Antàrtica 4"  Suite Antàrtica  - alpaca, white coral reconstituted, basalt - 75x65x15 mm: Ramon Puig Cuyàs- Brooch « Antàrtica 4″  Suite Antàrtica  – alpaca, white coral reconstituted, basalt – 75x65x15 mm

Ramon Puig Cuyàs - Brooch "Dresden 1"  Suite of Dresden - variations on a invisible landscape -  alpaca, enamel on steel, alabaster, reconstituted stone - 80x80x12 mm Ramon Puig Cuyàs – Brooch « Dresden 1″  Suite of Dresden – variations on a invisible landscape -  alpaca, enamel on steel, alabaster, reconstituted stone – 80x80x12 mm

Ramon Puig Cuyàs - Brooch "Dresden 2"  Suite de Dresden - variations on a invisible landscape - alpaca, enamel on steel, alabaster, reconstituted stone - 85x70x12 mm  Ramon Puig Cuyàs - Brooch « Dresden 2″  Suite de Dresden – variations on a invisible landscape – alpaca, enamel on steel, alabaster, reconstituted stone – 85x70x12 mm

Antoni Roselló, objecte "AQ (B) X" fundició de bronze a la cera perdudaAntoni Roselló, objecte « AQ (B) X » fundició de bronze a la cera perdida



CONTEXT Galeria 
c. Viñolas, 8-10
Sant Cugat del Vallès (BCN)
Tel  935 893 806


Melting Point 2016 VALENCIA (Spain) – EXPO ‘There is nothing to be afraid of’ – Centre del Carme, Valencia (SP) – 21 Avril-8 mai 2016

There is nothing to be afraid of  by Jorge Manilla
Inauguración: jueves 21 a las 12.30h

« You have to die a few times before you can really live. » / Charles Bukowsky

   Melting Point Valencia 2016

There is nothing to be afraid of by Jorge Manilla Exhibition  /  21 Apr 2016  -  08 May 2016 - Centre del Carme - Carrer del Museu 2 46003 -  Valencia SPAIN:


« Thinking and reflecting about different life situations, i have been asking myself about what is the beginning and what is the end. We are dealing all the time with this two concepts in  our feelings, emotions, relationships, situations and even the life. When something ends what  are the memories we keep? And when something start are we talking about a real start or it is just the contination of other end. I started working in this project shameless and giving myself to you as the most fragile person. I have been afraid but getting into my creative process I was trying to come as close i can to my psychological recognition.
Using  the act of burning in a methaphorical way as symbol of purification. I made my own compositions of textures representing emotions, feelings, situations and frame it to keep the moment, just a moment, never pretending to define anything and giving to you this moment to find and recognize your own memories,as ghosts of the past and burn it.
In this project I am as a Phoenix rising again and again from the death  from the ashes of my own emotions without being afraid because I know  and each end I always reborn and start my new beginning. «  
Jorge Manilla 2016

Jorge Manilla- Oscures Sacrifices II - SCHMUCK 2015: Jorge Manilla- Oscures Sacrifices II

Jorge Manilla -"Some moments to remember"  Broche 2016: Jorge Manilla - »Some moments to remember »  Broche 2016 - Acrylgipsum, Bioresin, brass, steel.
Photo by: Alexandra Colmenares Cossio – From series: There is nothing to be afraid of

MATICES -  Jorge Manilla -- photo Erato Kouloubi.: MATICES -  Jorge Manillaphoto Erato Kouloubi

Jorge Manilla - "Solo te di lo mejor de mi" Ring  Leather, steel,wood, silver 2015: Jorge Manilla – « Solo te di lo mejor de mi » Ring  Leather, steel,wood, silver 2015

Jorge Manilla Brooch: Nobody is important for you, 2016 Leather,wood,silver, steel. Photo by: Alexandra Colmenares Cossio From series: Impossible to imagine: Jorge Manilla Brooch: Nobody is important for you, 2016 Leather,wood,silver, steel. Photo by: Alexandra Colmenares Cossio From series: Impossible to imagine


Centre del Carme
Sala Temporal 1er piso.
Carrer del Museu 2
46003 -  Valencia SPAIN


Melting Point 2016 VALENCIA (Spain) – EXPO ‘Cathexis’ – Fabrika12, Valencia (SP) – 21-24 Avril 2016

Fabrika12 will be showcasing several exhibitions :

 Cathexis . Students from the Eesti Kunstiakadeemia / Estonian Academy of Arts

INAUGURATION 22/4 at 21h !!!!!


   Melting Point Valencia 2016

Fabrika12 - Cathexis

Students from the Eesti Kunstiakadeemia / Estonian Academy of Arts (artun) :
Federica Cogliandro — Miikael Danieljants – Viktorija Domarkaite –  Sofia Hallik — Elis Ilves — Rainer Kaasik-Aaslav –  María Kahnwailer — Moonika Kase — Annika Kedelauk — Kairin Koovit — Katrin Kosenkranius — Helen Kristi Loo — Triin Kukk — Liina Lõõbas — Eilve Manglus — Merlin Meremaa — Indrek Mesi — Erle Nemvalts –  Anneli Oppar – Darja Popolitova — Helina Risti — Hannes Tõnuri — Hanna-Maria Vanaküla — Edgar Volkov

CATHEXIS - Maria Kahnwailer Object: RARA ABYSS, 2016 Silver, Acrylic: Maria Kahnwailer Object: RARA ABYSS, 2016 Silver, Acrylic

CATHEXIS - Darja Popolitova Pendant: Fazis IV, 2015 Rubber, lace obsidian, color, gold-plated silver 22 x 3 x 3 cm Photo by: Vladimir Ljadov: Darja Popolitova Pendant: Fazis IV, 2015 Rubber, lace obsidian, color, gold-plated silver 22 x 3 x 3 cm Photo by: Vladimir Ljadov

Cathexis is:
a thread, the energy that moves along it becomes a memory, which is like a reflection of you
a thread, when braided develops your deepest desires
a thread, when cut stays to remind you of your loss
a thread, the pattern of its weave reveals your individuality
the thread of life
’Cathexis’ is a small selection of the jewellery and blacksmithing department students’ latest works.The department of metal art includes two specialities: jewellery and blacksmithing. In the curricula, the main emphasis is laid on creative projects and critical contextualisation, enabling students to orientate in a rapidly changing cultural space while maintaining a perceptual subjectivity. Inquiring mindset and good craftmanship skills are essential for students in Department of Jewellery and Blacksmithing.



Sala Vestíbulo
Calle Marqués de Caro, 12


Melting Point 2016 VALENCIA (Spain) – EXPO ‘Stop Over’ – Fabrika12, Valencia (SP) – 21-24 Avril 2016

Classé dans : ALCHIMIA (IT),Espagne (ES),Exposition/Exhibition,MELTING POINT Valencia — bijoucontemporain @ 10:56

Fabrika12 will be showcasing several exhibitions :

Stop Over. Alchimia in Valencia.

Alchimia School of Contemporary Jewellery presents Stopover, a display of ongoing work and experiments of 11 students tutored by Peter Bauhuis, currently in the 3rd year BFA and 1st year MFA programmes ‪

INAUGURATION 22/4 at 21h !!!!!

21/4 a 24/4.

   Melting Point Valencia 2016

Melting Point 2016 VALENCIA (Spain) – EXPO ‘Stop Over’ – Fabrika12, Valencia (SP) – 21-24 Avril 2016 dans ALCHIMIA (IT)


Alchimia contemporary Jewellery school in Firenze.

The class of Peter Bauhuis:  Aniya Dunkley — Deema Murad — Xihan Zhai — Lee Kwintner — Jelena Kostjuchenko — Anna GaytonDiana PanteaBillur Altinordu — Dana Al Nafisi — Yip Hiu Tung — Sehnaz Erdal.




Calle Marqués de Caro, 12

Jueves a sábado: 11 a 14h y 17 a 20h. Domingo: 17 a 19.30h


Melting Point 2016 VALENCIA (Spain) – EXPO ‘PASSION BIJOU(x)’ – Galería del Tossal, Valencia (SP) – 21 Avril-22 Mai 2016

Passion Bijou(x). Colección Marianne Gassier de Joyería Contemporánea.

Galería del Tossal.   (Con la colaboración del Ajuntament de València):


 Melting Point Valencia 2016

Passion Bijou(x). Colección Marianne Gassier de Joyería Contemporánea. Galería del Tossal. Plaça del Tossal, Barri de Carme, València. (Con la colaboración del Ajuntament de València):

 My contemporary jewelry collection in an exhibition !!!

Thanks to Antonio Sánchez García and to all the EASD Valencia team, what was dreamed two years ago after drinking some « Valencia’s water » (not water at all ….. ;-) …) will become reality very soon …..
About 80 jewels from my collection (brooches, neckpieces, bracelets) in 4 themes (« Black envy« , « All Whites« , « Get the Blues » and « Red (thread) » will be displayed, separated by a stream of  about 60 rings …… Was VERY hard to do a choice (galeria Tossal is not big …) !!!

Of course jewels by the « better » actual jewellers (Christophe Burger, Sébastien Carré, Edu Tarin (Talente Prize 2016), François Pereña, Patricia Lemaire, Marianne Anselin, Teresa Faris, Maria Rosa Franzin, Philip Sajet, Noon Passama, Jorge Manilla, Gaetano Pesce, Gigi Mariani, Liana Pattihis, Marta Mattsson, Ramon Puig Cuyas , etc etc ……..) but also by all the youngs newly graduates  (my favourite field of investigations !  ….) from the better jewelry schools (Alchimia in Italy, Idar Oberstein in Germany, Massana in Spain, Afedap or HEAR in France, Suny New Palz in USA …..).

I’m VERY proud &  filled with emotion to share my choices and to give back to these jewellers, I hope, the pleasure they gave me.

The exhibition, titled « PASSION BIJOU(x) », will be held in Galeria Tossal, Valencia (Spain) from April 21 to May 22 2016, during the MELTING POINT jewelry event that occurs every two years in the city of Valencia.
More informations here

And SO SO SO MANY THANKS to all who helped for this project !! A SPECIAL THANK to Antonio Sánchez García who worked (hard) at EASD Valencia !

Alina Carp - ma broche 'Ana' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!: Alina Carp – ma broche ‘Ana’ (from the legend Of Manole) – means SO much for me !

Michelle Kraemer Necklace: CumulusNimbus II, 2014 Balsawood, paint, artificial sand, silver powder, silver 50 x 12 x 7 cm Photo by: Michelle Kraemer From series: Cumulus: Michelle Kraemer Necklace: CumulusNimbus II, 2014 Balsawood, paint, artificial sand, silver powder, silver 50 x 12 x 7 cm Photo by: Michelle Kraemer From series: Cumulus (when times become DARK … even darkness has its beauties …)

Jorge Manilla necklace - : from serie "IN MEMORIAM". •	Mexico,  2014 •	porcelain & thread / porcelana y hilo de algodon Jorge Manilla necklace – : from serie « IN MEMORIAM ». •    Mexico,  2014 •    porcelain & thread / porcelana y hilo de algodon

Mireia Calaf - broche"cortando obsesiones": Mireia Calaf - broche »cortando obsesiones« 

Sebastien Carré 'Inflammation noire', 2014 - pellicule de film, coton, laine & perles: Sebastien Carré ‘Inflammation noire’, 2014 – pellicule de film, coton, laine & perles

Edu Tarín. "Antípoda 5" black. 2014. Brooch. Copper, gold. Electroforming. 115x90x55mm. Photo by Manu Ocaña: Edu Tarín. « Antípoda 5″ black. 2014. Brooch. Copper, gold. Electroforming. 115x90x55mm. Photo by Manu Ocaña

Liana Pattihis broches 01-blue fine trace chain (small) 5,5cm diam L17cm -oct 2012-: Liana Pattihis broche 01-blue fine trace chain (small) 5,5cm diam L17cm -oct 2012

 Noon Passama black  portrait brooch - "Portrait # 16" , 2013 Leather, fur, oxidized silver mouth, oxidized silver backing, remanium pin 10.6 x 10.6 x 5.5 cm: Noon Passama black  portrait brooch – « Portrait # 16″ , 2013 Leather, fur, oxidized silver mouth, oxidized silver backing, remanium pin 10.6 x 10.6 x 5.5 cm (this one choosed me !)

Catalina Gibert - aMARE  necklace - 2013- linen canvas, acrylic paint, lapis lazuli, silver-   detail: Catalina GibertaMARE  necklace – 2013- linen canvas, acrylic paint, lapis lazuli, silver-   detail

Selen Ozus - "error 107" necklace - porcelain | glaze | cotton | silk - 2011: Selen Ozus – « error 107 » necklace – porcelain | glaze | cotton | silk – 2011

Valentina Caprini (Alchimia 2012) - necklace "Rinascita" -  1300 Meters of Red Thread -Valentina Caprini (Alchimia 2012) – necklace « Rinascita » -  1300 Meters of Red Thread

with "Strong" necklace, by Yiota Vogli  France 2015: with « Strong » necklace, by Yiota Vogli   - ’Arteries & Veins’ collection 2015, cotton, wool

Fermall " Tenebres" Plata, or, ópal etiopia. 2016  Brooch "Darkness" Silver, gold, opal Ethiopia. 2016  Lluís Comín.: Lluís Comín – brooch  » Tenebres » Plata, or, ópal etiopia. 2016  Brooch « Darkness » Silver, gold, opal Ethiopia. 2016 

I then will give a conference on April 22, at 10:00, at EASD de València: Salón de Actos
Calle Pintor Domingo, 20. – this day, conferences/lectures talk about the COLLECTORS and PROMOTERS view

22nd APRIL / lectures :
10:00  Marianne Gassier (France). Collector, blogger and contemporary jewellery expert. Passion Bijou(x)
11:15   Juan Riusech (France/Spain) Jeweller, galerist and colector in Lille (France). Proyecto Alliage
12:30   Eliana Negroni (Italy) Curator and organizer of “Jewels in Ferment / Gioielli in fermento”. Considerations on a Themed Award


Galería del Tossal.
Plaça del Tossal,
Barri de Carme, València



Melting Point 2016 VALENCIA (Spain) – EXPO ‘THE NAME OF THE ROSE’ – Museo Nacional de Cerámica, Valencia (SP) – 21 Avril-21 Mai 2016

At Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias « González Martí »

Tanel Veenre will be exhibiting in one of the most beautiful buildings here in Valencia, a Rococo Palace built in the 1740s. This enchanting space is perfect to showcase his exhibition « THE NAME OF THE ROSE » where we will find carved books, silver seahorses and poetic flutes.


Inauguración: 21/4 a las 19h.

 Melting Point Valencia 2016

Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias "González Martí". Valence, Espagne ·  Tanel Veenre will be exhibiting

 As a quick reminder, He will be giving a LECTURE titled « Dealing with Unknown » on Saturday 23rd @10:00 am in EASD’s conference room

Tanel Veenre -  Brooch: Paradox II, 2016 Silver, sapphire beetle, enamel, powdered stonesTanel Veenre -  Brooch: Paradox II, 2016 Silver, sapphire beetle, enamel, powdered stones

Tanel Veenre - Necklace: Paradox I, 2015 Wood, reconstructed onyx, silverTanel Veenre - Necklace: Paradox I, 2015 Wood, reconstructed onyx, silver

Tanel Veenre: Tanel Veenre – brooch   United Hearts, 2012 – Wood, silver, cosmic dust -
Hele-Mai from the series « United Hearts »

   2013 Tanel Veenre - in-the-beginning-was-the-word -neckpiece: Tanel Veenre – in-the-beginning-was-the-word - 2013 neckpiece


Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias « González Martí »

Salas planta noble
Carrer del Poeta Querol, 2,
46002 València, Valencia, Espagne
Téléphone :+34 963 08 54 29
