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COUP de COEUR …. BLACK is BLACK with Tiina Rajakallio

Tiina Rajakallio
Finnish artist Tiina Rajakallio in Rome the 10th of may 2017, for the first time for a solo exhibition of contemporary jewelry at myday-byday space in Via Luca della Robbia 76, Testaccio. Gallery hours 10 30/19 30.
myday-byday ‎ Tiina Rajakallio in Rome on 10 may 2017
 » I am thinking about the present-day Western people and their connection with nature.
How natural the contact is? Is it romanticized, magical, run by economical efficiency or totally gone? Are we still part of the nature? And what is the relationship between spirituality and nature contact?
We have always been dependent on nature that is providing us the essentials of life. But is the aim for a never-ending growth and progress made us think everything here is only for us? «  Tiina Rajakallio
Myday-byday interview to Tiina Rajakallio:
1) Where is your inspiration coming from ?
Widely speaking I’m interested in everyday life of a contemporary Western people. I’m working with questions that intrigues or troubles me, things I would like to have a conversation about. And of course there is a lot of curiosity towards the body, communication and a piece of jewellery involved.
2) What are you trying to communicate in particular with your artwork?
It depends. At the moment I would like people to think about their own relationship with nature but also the common contact we have with it. How natural the contact is? Is it romanticized, magical, run by economical efficiency or totally gone? Are we still part of the nature? And what is the relationship between spirituality and nature contact? We have always been dependent on nature that is providing us the essentials of life. But is the aim for a never-ending growth and progress made us think everything here is only for us? I would like my work raises thoughts, I’m not to judge anyone, it would be hypocrite to do that.
3) Which material you prefer to use and why ?
It depends of the theme of the work. In an ideal situation the material tells the same story and even adds something to it. At the moment I use a lot of wood and combine it for example with recycled rubber. An old inner tube of tractor or bicycle, even it may be a bit old-fashioned as an object, it tells about our culture and our creative ability to utilize our surrounding. The material is protective, elastic and doesn’t decay really. Even there is some natural rubber in the mixture, it reminds many people about oil.
4) How much value do you give to researching material for your creations?
Of course there is some material research needed. But if it means new technical solutions and extraordinary inventions my works are rather simple in that sense.
5) Is it more important for you the process, or the final artwork itself?
Both are important. I love that hands-in investigation part of a work. But sooner or later there is a deadline waiting and you just need to start to make decisions. However every step is leading me further and to me ready pieces are also steps of the same process. The difference is many times the ready pieces are the only steps others will see.
6) Is there an artist you prefer and why ?
I admire many artists. Some because of their clever and brave ideas, some because of theis technical skills or expression, honesty and dedication.
7) Have you ever thought to collaborate with other artists , or you like to work on your own?
I love working on my own, but time to time it would be interesting to try to share the process with someone else. I have collaborated with other jewellery artists but it would be really interesting to do that with artists from another field. 8) Where do you feel you are at with this last collection?
It is a one step further from the series I called White Moments. I’m like walking around the same source inspired by the different aspects of it. I seem to go back and forth sometimes when there are so many sides to be discovered.

9) What have you discovered of yourself, are you sattisfied ?
I think I learned more about my own ability to endure stress, priorities and time managemenent and that one can’t cope totally alone.

10) Two words to describe your last artwork collection.
Still together?


Via Luca della Robbia 76, Testaccio, 00153 Rome



During SCHMUCK 2015 – EXPO ‘CONSEQUENCE – Hibernate’ – 12-15 Mars 2015

at 84 GHz : 

Individually creating while responding to each other is an intriguing concept of teamwork shown by the Finnish triad.
opening of CONSEQUENCE, 12th of March, at 19:00
Hibernate group is founded in 1999 and it is formed by three Finnish jewelry artists; Helena Lehtinen, Eija Mustonen and Tarja Tuupanen. The group members mostly work individually, separately; but they get together to give feedback and criticism.Recent years Hibernate has been silent, hibernating.
In order to wake up from hibernation, it started a project with the title « Craft and tradition ».
The project has gone as following;
Each artist made two pieces about the topic « Craft and tradition ».
Then the group met and discussed, each artist gave her two pieces to two other members of the group. Everyone had now two new pieces made by others.
Then one reacted to both of these two pieces with individual works.
This was repeated 6 times.
In the end there is 36 studies about the topic. Plus consequences.
Tarja Tuupanen From the serie Crafts & Tradition ready-made marble tableware photo: Lassi RinnoTarja Tuupanen From the serie Crafts & Tradition ready-made marble tableware photo: Lassi Rinn
Tarja Tuupanen Necklace from 2014 - marble table ware, steelwire, veloursticker, brass.Tarja Tuupanen Necklace from 2014 – marble table ware, steelwire, veloursticker, brass.
HIBERNATE - Eija Mustonen - Apron and mittens, 2014, nickel silver. Photo Jesse PylsyEija Mustonen – Apron and mittens, 2014, nickel silver. Photo Jesse Pylsy
HIBERNATE - Eija Mustonen -  mittens, 2014, copper, nickel silver. Photo Jesse PylsyEija Mustonen -  mittens, 2014, copper, nickel silver. Photo Jesse Pylsy
HIBERNATE - Helena Lehtinen - pendants 2014  Photo Lassi RinnoHelena Lehtinen – pendants 2014  Photo Lassi Rinno
Georgenstr. 84
80799 -  Munich
tel +49 89 30637911



EXPO ‘From the Coolest Corner’ – Designmuseum, Helsinki (FI) – 11 Oct. 2013-12 Janv. 2014

Touring exhibition that presents the best work in contemporary Nordic jewellery design

The joint Nordic exhibition will continue on its tour from Finland to Estonia, and from there to Sweden.

(Anna Talbot  work)

This joint exhibition presents the best work in contemporary Nordic jewellery design. The exhibits consist of 159 pieces of jewellery by 61 Nordic designers, also featured a group of Estonian jewellery designers. The exhibition aims to present a broad overview of contemporary Nordic jewellery, generate dialogue and to provide more information on the national and international status of contemporary jewellery.

Nordic jewellery thrives and interests audiences. This is the shared view of the producers of this touring exhibition. Its message is that Nordic jewellery is experimental, bold, expressive – and cool.

Designers from the Nordic countries and Estonia were asked to send samples of their work to the touring exhibition’s five-member jury. The members of the jury were Liesbet den Besten of the Netherlands, Widar Halén of Norway, Love Jönsson of Sweden, Päivi Ruutiainen of Finland and Jorunn Veiteberg of Denmark.


The exhibition at Design Museum contains work by the following jewellery designers, among others: Kim Buck (DK) –  Julie Bach (DK) –  Kaori Juzu (DK) –  Marie-Louise Kristensen (DK) –  Maarja Niinemägi (EE) –  Kristi Paap (EE) –  Janna Syväoja (FI) –  Anna Rikkinen (FI) –  Janne Hirvonen (FI) –  Helena Lehtinen (FI) –  Aino Favén (FI) –  Clarice Finell (FI) –  Mirja March (FI) –  Hulda B. Ágústsdóttir (IS) –  Konrad Mehus (NO) –  Sigurd Bronger (NO) –  Lillan Eliassen (NO) –  Anna Talbot (NO) –  Tobias Alm (SE) –  Beatrice Brovia (SE) –  Åsa Elmstam (SE) –  Daniela Hedman (SE) –  Paula Lindblom (SE) –  Märta Mattson (SE) –  Lena Olson (SE).


Julia Maria Künnap (EE), brooch From the Middle of a Dream, 2010, obsidian, gold
Julia Maria Künnap (EE), brooch From the Middle of a Dream, 2010, obsidian, gold

 Helena Lehtinen (FIN), necklace Gardens, 2012, wood, leaf, leaf gold, silver, beadsHelena Lehtinen (FIN), necklace Gardens, 2012, wood, leaf, leaf gold, silver, beads

Janna Syvänoja (FIN), necklace Untitled I, 2012, paper, steelwire
Janna Syvänoja (FIN), necklace Untitled I, 2012, paper, steelwire
Josephine Winther (DK), necklaces Ding , 2011, 45 bells, five different bronze alloys, silver, gold/copper alloy, porcelain, amber, agat
Josephine Winther (DK), necklaces Ding , 2011, 45 bells, five different bronze alloys, silver, gold/copper alloy, porcelain, amber, agat
Daniela Hedman (SE), necklace Feet from the Ground Series, 2010, copper, thread
Daniela Hedman (SE), necklace Feet from the Ground Series, 2010, copper, thread


For more information on the touring exhibition, see

Design Museum
Korkeavuorenkatu 23
00130 Helsinki
Tel. +358 (09) 622 0540
Fax. +358 (09) 622 05455


Schmuck 2013 – EXPO ‘Lahti Schmuck’ – 84 GHz, Munich (DE) – 8-10 Mars 2013

Lahti Schmuck
Lahti has over 100 000 residents making it the eighth largest city in Finland. Lahtis location in the heart of Southern Finland, along a busy railway line and at the junction of several highways is superb.
Lahti with its surroundings forms an interesting unity. The surrounding nature and the city’s architecture create contrasts that work as a source of inspiration for artistic work. Lahti is traditionally considered a meeting point for different cultures. What jewellery did the artists create? How a jewellery artist views Lahti city ? Significant European and American artists participated in the project. The results will be seen at 84GHz during Schmuck 2013.

during SCHMUCK : Lahti Schmuck   website:  mail: (Hanna Hedmann -  Brooch: Lahti/Husquvarna 2012 – Paper, paint, steel, silver)

 Artists: Sara Borgegård Älgå — Kim Buck — Gemma Draper — Iris Eichenberg — Jantje Fleischhut — Javier Moreno Frias — Gésine Hackenberg — Hanneke van Hage — Hanna Hedman — Jeannette Jansen — Agnes Larsson — Mia Maljojoki — Amandine Meunier — Eija Mustonen — Gitte Nygaard — Seth Papac — Ruudt Peters — Tiina Rajakallio — Constanze SchreiberNelli Tanner — Ketli Tiitsar — Terhi TolvanenTarja TuupanenTanel Veenre — Francis Willemstijn — Annika Åkerfelt

  Tarja Tuupanen  Objects: Wilhelmina, Mathilda and Karolina 2012  Reconstructed Coral Tarja Tuupanen  Objects: Wilhelmina, Mathilda and Karolina 2012  Reconstructed Coral

Amandine Meunier  Necklaces: Forests and Nests 2012  Inner tube Amandine Meunier  Necklaces: Forests and Nests 2012  Inner tube

84 GHz
Georgenstrasse 84
80799 – Munich
Telephone: +49(0)89 30 63 79 11



EXPO ‘FROM THE COOLEST CORNER’ – National Museum of Art, Architecture & Design, Oslo (Norway) – 19 janv.-21 Avril 2013


from the coolest corner

From the Coolest Corner – Nordic Jewellery presents groundbreaking and fresh jewellery from Northern Europe, a comprehensive selection of current works by artists from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the Baltic States. The best and most innovative Scandinavian art jewellery is presented, assessing its possibilities and potential at the beginning of the twenty-first century.
The project presented in this publication, culminating in a symposium and a travelling exhibition, challenges stereotypical notions of northern European art jewellery. Do the typical Nordic trends of the nineteen-nineties still apply today? Indeed are there currently any general trends at all in Scandinavian design? Or has the orientation towards international design become so dominant that there are no longer any regional characteristics?
Renowned experts have made a selection of representative works, as a basis for researching the role of northern European jewellery in the context of international art.

With 160 works by artists from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and the Baltic States, this publication considers the significance, strategies and trends of Nordic jewellery art in the early twenty-first century. Expert authors present the backgrounds, developments and characteristics of the contemporary jewellery.

Authors| jury: Liesbeth den Besten (NL) – Widar Halén (NO) – Love Jönsson (SE) – Päivi Ruutiainen (FI) – Jorunn Veiteberg (DK/NO)

Helga Ragnhildur MogensenHelga Ragnhildur Mogensen, Island, neck piece The Red Thread, 2010, driftwood, thread, sterling silver

Exhibition(s)  at
* The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway 19.1. to 21. 4. 2013,
afterwards at the
* Designmuseum Danmark, Copenhagen // The Danish Design Museum, Copenhagen, DK
* the Design Museum, Helsinki // The Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland (nov. 2013-Jan 2014)
* The Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design, Tallinn, Estonia
* the Röhsska Museum of fashion, design & decorative arts, Gothenburg , Sweden
* at Galerie Handwerk, Munich, March 2015 // Galerie Handwerk , München, Germany during ‘Schmuck’ 2015

Further information:

Touring plan


Includes a parallel program with 15 exhibitions and events all over Oslo in the winter of 2013
Oslo (NO)
Copenhagen (DK)
Helsinki (FI)
Tallinn (EE)
19 January – 21 April 2013
28 June – 15 September 2013
29 November 2013 – 12 January 2014
7 March – 11 May 2014
31 May – 21 September 2014
March 2015

19th January -  21st April 2013:
Nasjonalmuseet for kunst, arkitektur og design, Oslo, Norway – Kunstindustrimuseet
www.nasjonalmuseet.no13.06. – 15.09.13:
Designmuseum Danmark, København in Danmark
designmuseum.dk10th October – November 2013:
Design Museum in Helsinki, Helsinki in Finland
www.designmuseum.fiJanuary to April 2014:
Röhsska museet, Göteborg in Sweden
www.designmuseum.seMarch 2015
Galerie Handwerk, München in Germany during „Schmuck“



The following 61 artists have been invited to participate in the exhibition:
Denmark: Annette DamMarie-Louise KristensenKaori Juzu - Josephine Winther – Julie Bach – Thorkild Thøgersen
Finland: Ami Avellán – Aino Favén – Clarice Finell – Janne Hirvonen – Sirja Knaapi – Mervi Kurvinen – Mirja Marsch – Anna RikkinenJanna Syvänoja – Monica Wickström
Iceland: Hulda B. Ágústsdóttir – Ástþór & Kjartan for Orr – Hildur Ýr Jónsdóttir – Helga Ragnhildur Mogensen
Norway: Liv BlåvarpSigurd Bronger – Linnea Calder – Lillan Eliassen – Elise Hatlø – Anne Léger – Anna Talbot – Gunnhild Tjåland
Sweden: Tobias AlmBeatrice BroviaNicolas Cheng – Åsa Elmstam – Daniela Hedman – Hanna Hedman – Karin Johansson – Jenny Klemming – Agnieszka KnapAgnes Larsson – Kajsa Lindberg – Paula LindblomÅsa LocknerMärta Mattsson – Lena Olson – Lina PetersonAnnika Pettersson – Margareth Sandström – Sanna SvedestedtAnna Unsgaard – Peter de Wit - Sara Borgegård Älgå – Annika Åkerfelt
Estonia: Julia Maria KünnapMaarja Niimagi – Kristi Paap – Anna-Marie Saar – Tanel Veenre

Guests of Honour :
The jury decided to invite jewellers who had and are still having a great impact on the artistic development of the jewellery scene in their country :
Denmark: Kim Buck  //  Finland: Helena Lehtinen  //  Norway: Konrad Mehus   //  Sweden: Tore Svendson // Estonia: Kadri Mälk

Anna Talbot (NO), necklace Oh My Deer, 2011 (expo "from the coolest corner" Anna Talbot (NO), necklace Oh My Deer, 2011

Kim Buck (DK)_Bonsai I-V_2012 ringer Kim Buck (DK) – « Bonsai I-V » 2012 ringer

Designmuseum Danmark - FROM THE COOLEST CORNER - "Pumpous" 2011 by Kim Buck « Pumpous » 2011 by Kim Buck

Konrad Mehus (NO)_Birds nest_2003 Konrad Mehus (NO) – Birds nest – 2003

"untitled" Janna Syvänoja, Finland.  Shown at the exhibition at the National Museum. Janna Syvänoja, Finland – « untitled »

Every Road Is Just Another Way Home by Lillan Eliassen, Norway. Lillan Eliassen, Norway – « Every Road Is Just Another Way Home »

Tore Svensson - not classic typology of portrait –medaillons Tore Svensson – not classic typology of portrait –medaillon/brooch

Elise Hatlø -   Grandma sings the bluesElise Hatlø -   Grandma sings the blues Agnieszka Knap (SWE) "anatomy_of_fear" 2011_enameloncopper_Agnieszka Knap (SWE) « anatomy of fear » 2011 enamel on copper Feet from the Ground Series by Daniela Hedman. Daniela HedmanFeet from the Ground Series

Helena Lehtinen (FIN)_Gardens_2012 halskjede

Helena Lehtinen (FIN)  – Gardens – 2012 halskjede

Hedmann Hanna (SWE) "While_they_await_extinction"  (Spheniscus magellanicus) halskjede 2011

Hanna Hedmann (SWE) – « While_they_await_extinction »  (Spheniscus magellanicus) halskjede 2011

Julia Maeia Kunnap (Est.) "from the middle of a dream" brooch 2010 Julia Maria Kunnap (Est.) « from the middle of a dream » brooch 2010

Sigurd Bronger -Norway, Fan Brooch, 2009, gold-plated brass, steel, enamel paint, 80 x 25 mm Sigurd Bronger -Norway, Fan Brooch, 2009, gold-plated brass, steel, enamel paint

‘Breaking the Ice’ symposium with theorists, artists and representatives of galleries, museums and other establishments, on the subject of the present and future of jewellery art, to be held in January 2013 in Oslo/Norway.


There will be a wide range of jewellery events taking place in various locations in Oslo in January 2013. We are working with the following galleries:

  • Galleri Expo Arte – young graduate jewellery students from abroad
  • Galleri Format Oslo – Jewellery from The Netherlands and New Zealand
  • RAM galleri – Camilla Luihn ‘The cloud, the wave and the koi remix’
  • Kunsthåndverkerne i Kongensgate – ‘Lightspot’
  • Kunstnerforbundet – Ingjerd Hanevold
  • Vigeland Museet – ‘Aftermath’
  • BRUDD – ‘Yours Sincerely’
  • Galleri Seilduken – KL!NK presents ‘The Black of Night’
  • Window Exhibition at Fritjof Nansens Plass

There will also be arranged several exhibitions at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts.

More information about the program (pdf)

Lillan EliassenLillan Eliassen, Norway, neck piece « Courage », 2012, casting clay, copper

"very guilty" brooch Kadri Malk Kadri Mälk, (Guest of Honour Estonia), brooch « Very Guilty », 2010, Siberian jet, black rhodium plated with white gold, spinel, tourmalines

The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo, Norway
The Museum of Decorative Arts and Design
St. Olavs gate 1

Martina Kaufmann (Project Leader)  :


EXPO ‘New Masters’ – South Karelia Art Museum, Lappeenranta (Finland) – 26 Oct.-9 Dec. 2012

New Masters

Saimaa University of Applied Sciences presents nine new Masters of Culture and Art from fine art studies in the South Carelian Art Museum in Lappeenranta, Finland. The viewers of this MA-degree exhibition will experience new images, questions and encounters. What happens if jewellery is the human body? How are the chaos theory and order linked in shape of a stone chain? What are those old men doing in the art work of a young artist?
In the exhibition the discount percentages of shops are visible in the faceted stones and super shiny surfaces. Personal memories are shown as rough stone pendants. The starting point for an art work can begin from a tradition of herbarium or the identity of the artist in between two countries and cultures. Beside materialistic approaches, the exhibition shows contemporary jewellery with a twist of moving images and also a collection of hundred fairies with butterfly wings.
NEW MASTERS exhibition shows proposals and views to the nowadays fine art. The nine artists of this exhibition have in common not only the new degree, but they have been working as international artists and have previous education in fine art and design. 

Artists:  Ulla Ahola — Ami Avellán — Mari KetoSirja Knaapi — Marek Mrowinski — Outi Peippo — Nelli TannerElo Uibokand — Ivary Vimm

Marek Mrowinski  Necklace: Going to pieces without falling apart 2012  Diabase (carved from one piece of stone)Marek Mrowinski  Necklace: Going to pieces without falling apart 2012  Diabase (carved from one piece of stone)

Ami Avellán  Neckpiece: Roots #16 2012  Aluminium, hand made reindeer leather, jute, paper, silk, sewing thread, acrylic paint, pvc tubeAmi Avellán  Neckpiece: Roots #16 2012  Aluminium, hand made reindeer leather, jute, paper, silk, sewing thread, acrylic paint, pvc tube

Ulla Ahola 2012  Diabase, 23 kt gold, markerUlla Ahola 2012  Diabase, 23 kt gold, marker

nelli tanner brooch
Nelli Tanner -  Brooch: Light to Carry 2012 – Silver, cibatool
EXPO 'New Masters' - South Karelia Art Museum, Lappeenranta (Finland) - 26 Oct.-9 Dec. 2012 dans Ami AVELLAN (FI) Pappa_1jpg

 Sirja Knaapi - « I’m not that old that I couldn’t bend » -   Wood, fabric 

South Karelia Art Museum
Kristiinankatu 8-10
- Lappeenranta
Telephone: +358 5 616 2256


EXPO ‘Ashes and Diamonds’ – Galleria Pihatto, Lappeenranta (Finland) – 31 Oct.-25 Nov. 2012

Ashes and Diamonds
Contemporary jewellery from Finland

EXPO 'Ashes and Diamonds' - Galleria Pihatto, Lappeenranta (Finland) - 31 Oct.-25 Nov. 2012 dans Anna RIKKINEN (FI) Ashes_Diamonds

Ashes and Diamonds is a curated contemporary jewellery exhibition, that’s part of the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012- program. Contemporary jewellery, which is rarely showcased in Finland, is a marginal and groundbreaking form of art. 18 artists and 36 works in total were chosen for the exhibition, which is curated by Päivi Ruutiainen (who’s currently preparing her doctorate on contemporary jewellery)  in cooperation with HUMAK and The Jewellery Art Association in Finland.
The mission of the exhibition is to break both the preconceptions about jewellery as an art form as well as the limits of the art world. The project will also give an opportunity for finnish jewellery artists to showcase their art and increase public knowledge of contemporary jewellery.

After Platina, the exhibition can be seen at :
Lahti, Finland: Muotohuoltamo, 3.10.2012 – 24.10.2012
Lappeenranta, Finland: Pappilan Pihatto, 31.10.2012 – 25.11.2012

Ashes & diamonds

More information :


Artists :
Ulla AholaEija MustonenEero Lintusaari — Helena LehtinenVeera MetsoTerhi TolvanenMia MaljojokiTarja TuupanenKaisa Logren — Tiina RajakallioElo UibokandJanna SyvänojaAnna RikkinenElli Hukka — Clarice Finell — Kati NulpponenMaria NuutinenAri Pyörälä

Ashes and Diamonds: Helena Lehtinen, from series GardensHelena Lehtinen, from series Gardens

 Anna Rikkinen Anna RikkinenTiina Rajakallio, necklaceTiina Rajakallio, necklace

Ashes and Diamonds: Anna Rikkinen, pendant from series Varjojen huone (Shadow's room)Anna Rikkinen, pendant from series Varjojen huone (Shadow’s room)



Valtakatu 80
53130 Lappeenranta

puh. 040 680 4071


KORU4 Symposium – Saimaa University of Applies Sciences, Imatra (Finland) – 29 Oct.-8 Dec. 2012

Classé dans : Atelier/workshop,Exposition/Exhibition,Finlande (FI),Symposium,www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 0:03

KORU4 International Jewellery Event
Welcome to KORU4 International Jewellery Event 2012
Like previous years, KORU4 includes exhibition, workshops and symposium. The theme of KORU4 is Kindred Spirits. A kindred spirit is someone who feels and thinks the way you do or a person is similar with thoughts.
THe KORU4 team welcomes you to Imatra, Finland

KORU4 International Jewellery Event Imatra Finland art jewellery and crafts events(Anna Rikkinen, from series A Dutch Encounter, 2011 - photo: Markus Henttonen)



KORU 4 Symposium

Friday, 2 November 2012, Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Linnala Campus- Auditorium
9:30-10:15 Registration
10:15-10.30 Welcome to KORU4 symposium Eija Mustonen and Antonio Altarriba
10:30-11:30 Ruudt Peters and Evert Nijland (The Netherlands)
11:30-12:30 negotiations
12:30-13.30 Lunch (provided)
13:30-14:00 Mia Maljojoki(Finland/Germany) and Pau Faus (Spain)
14:00-14:30 negotiations
14.30-15:00 negotiations
15:00-15:30 Tea/Coffee (provided)
15:30-16.00 negotiations
16:00-17:00 “Kindred Spirits”, lecture
17:00 Closing the symposium
18:00 Opening KORU4/Kindred Spirits -exhibition Imatra Art Museum
20.00- Evening party

Deadline for registration is 25th of October 2012.
ONLINE registration form



KORU Workshops 2012
Three KORU4-workshops are lead by: Ruudt Peters & Evert Nijland, Mia Maljojoki & Pau Faus, Nelli Tanner & Tarja Tuupanen.

To apply to a workshop you have to fill an on-line application. To each workshop will be selected 12-16 participants.

Deadline for application is 11th of August 2012.
Find out more about the workshops and apply here


KORU4 exhibition 2012 – Nov 3 – Dec 8
15 artist / artist groups have been invited to the KORU4 exhibition have been invited, and they have suggested their personal Kindred Spirit. A kindred spirit is someone who feels and thinks the way you do or a person is similar with thoughts of making art. A kindred spirit might also be an art work the maker feels close to. These invited jewellery artists and his/her kindred spirit pairs are shown together.

Participating artists
and their Kindred Spirit
A5 group (Romina Fuentes, Adam Grinovich, Annika Pettersson) -> dancer
Hilde de Decker -> Roy McMakin
Gemma Draper -> Seth Papac
Iris Eichenberg -> Ronald Noorman
Gesine Hackenberg -> Natalie Luder
Helena Lehtinen -> negotiations
Suska Mackert -> negotiations
Mia Maljojoki -> Pau Faus
Ruudt Peters -> Evert Nijland
Dorothea Prühl -> old tool
Tiina Rajakallio -> negotiations
Anna Rikkinen -> Susanne Gottberg
Janna Syvänoja -> Juhani Harri
Terhi Tolvanen -> Evert Nijland
Lisa Walker -> Erica Overmeer









Saimaa University of Applies Sciences
Kanavakatu 6
55100 – Imatra

For questions please contact:
Eija Mustonen

mobile +358 40 763 3690

Nelli Tanner
mobile +358 40 134 1859


Decouverte : Nelli Tanner

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,Finlande (FI),Nelli TANNER (FI),www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 0:06

Une ombre, une trace, un souvenir, évanescent, en pointillé … dans le métal ….. c’est l’impression laissée (dans le métal) par les titres des bijoux de Nelli Tanner : « Traces », « Shades », « Light to Carry », « Staying in the shadows », « Covered by snow  » ….. une attente blanche depuis la Finlande, forte de sa délicatesse …. comme des traces d’oiseau laissées dans la première neige, comme l’écriture d’un souvenir, en creux, en braille ….

« Starting point for my working is in everyday life. I make long detours by listening stories on my way home on the bus, finding beauty in broken objects, walking in my surroundings where there is wood and forgotten man made marks on the landscape.
I carry camera and sketchbook with me all the time. I stop my walk on the street to take a snapshot of a moment which otherwise will be forgotten or unseen. I try to catch something I don’t understand or makes me troubled.
I collect other people’s photos, characters of people, make small stories of these with materials to my working table. This transfers into jewellery through a process-based working.
Sometimes jewellery is only about a small hole on a white paper. What remains is the memory of the act.

Nelli Tanner - Brooch: Translations II 2012 - SilverNelli Tanner – Brooch: Translations II 2012 – Silver

Nelli Tanner  Brooch: Traces of I 2012  Birch, silverNelli Tanner  Brooch: Traces of I 2012  Birch, silver

Nelli Tanner  Brooch: Shades of II 2012  SilverNelli Tanner  Brooch: Shades of II 2012  Silver

Nelli Tanner  Brooch: Translations III 2012  SilverNelli Tanner  Brooch: Translations III 2012  Silver

Nelli Tanner  Brooch: Tuomas 2012  SilverNelli Tanner  Brooch: Tuomas 2012  Silver

Nelli Tanner  Brooch: Huurre | White frost 2009  Silver, aluminiumNelli Tanner  Brooch: Huurre | White frost 2009  Silver, aluminium
Nelli Tanner  Brooch: Traces of II 2012  Birch, silver  10 x 16,5 x 0,6 cm  Photo: Kimmo HeikkiläNelli Tanner  Brooch: Traces of II 2012  Birch, silver    (all photos: Kimmo Heikkilä)


EXPO ‘ASHES AND DIAMONDS’ – Platina Gallery, Stockholm (Sweden) – 31 Aout-22 Sept. 2012


Contemporary jewellery from Finland

contemporary jewellery exhibition created as part of the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 program. The exhibition will tour in Finland and other Nordic countries in the fall of 2012 :

*Stockholm, Sweden: Galleria Platina 31.8.2012 – 22.9.2012
*Lahti, Finland: Muotohuoltamo, 3.10.2012 – 24.10.2012
*Lappeenranta, Finland: Pappilan Pihatto, 31.10.2012 – 25.11.2012

This project is done in cooperation with HUMAK University of Applied Sciences, Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, and The Jewellery Art Association, and is curated by Päivi Ruutiainen (AM)


Ashes and Diamonds is an exhibition that displays the works of 18 Finnish artists representing different areas of contemporary jewellery art and design.

The exhibition gives a comprehensive overview of the different techniques and materials used in contemporary jewellery design today, as well as offering insight into the meanings a piece of jewellery can carry. Besides the traditional materials of precious stones and metals, modern jewellery design also makes use of gypsum, coal, organic raw materials, recycled materials, and other materials traditionally considered to be plain.

The Ashes and Diamonds exhibition will be accompanied by workshops, pop-up shops and HomeShopping events, where invited guests get to hear the artists themselves talk about their works.

Ashes and Diamonds will run until 16 June at the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 Studio gallery.

Mia Maljojoki: Explosive Frozen FireworksMia Maljojoki: Explosive Frozen Fireworks
Kaisa Logren: Flaneur / Et le Temps m’engloutit minute par minute, Comme la neige immense un corps pris de roideur (Baudelaire)Kaisa Logren: Flaneur / Et le Temps m’engloutit minute par minute, Comme la neige immense un corps pris de roideur (Baudelaire)
Kati Nulpponen: Petomaista rakkautta Kati Nulpponen: Petomaista rakkautta
Helena Lehtinen: Gardens, 2011Helena Lehtinen: Gardens, 2011
Ashes and Diamonds: Helena Lehtinen, from series Gardens Helena Lehtinen, from series Gardens
Ashes and Diamonds: Tiina Rajakallio, necklace from series UNHOTiina Rajakallio, necklace from series UNHO
Tiina Rajakallio 2010Tiina Rajakallio 2010
Tarja Tuupanen 2010Tarja Tuupanen 2010
Helena Lehtinen 2009Helena Lehtinen 2009
Ashes and Diamonds: Tiina Rajakallio, necklace Tiina Rajakallio, necklace
Ashes and Diamonds: Anna Rikkinen, pendant from series Varjojen huone (Shadow's room) Anna Rikkinen, pendant from series Varjojen huone (Shadow’s room)
Elo Uibokand: Loss, 2011Elo Uibokand: Loss, 2011