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EXPO ‘Dark And Sweet’ – Galeria Articula, Lisboa, Portugal – 17 Juin-30 Juill. 2011

« Dark And Sweet »

You are warmly welcome to the opening of the contemporary jewellery exhibition  » DARK AND SWEET  » with the artists Elo Uibokand and Tiina Rajakallio, at the Gallery ARTICULA, Friday,
17 June , from 6 pm till 9 pm. The exhibition runs till 30 July.

EXPO 'Dark And Sweet' - Galeria Articula, Lisboa, Portugal - 17 Juin-30 Juill. 2011 dans Elo UIBOKAND (EE) 250188_1925331187230_1660671088_1911164_55039_n


Elo Uibokand is talented contemporary jewellery artist originally from Estonia. She studied jewellery and stone object design in Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Lappeenranta, Finland and graduated 2009. Tiina Rajakallio is a Finnish emerging jewellery artist. She got her master’s at Konstfack in Stockholm, Sweden in 2008. They both are living and working in Lappeenranta, Finland. “Dark and Sweet” is their first collaboration together.
The dark side is often related to negative aspects of life. In this exhibition the darkness is necessary; it will highlight the light and sweet characteristics of our being. There are always two sides in every thing, together they’ll form a space where both is equally important and constantly in move, equally dependant on each other, so the harmony will be created.

Elo Uibokand has been exploring the theme by emphasizing the possibility for the encounter, femininity and tenderness in the subject by the brownish natural shades of copper and the oval-like shapes, referring to a human/woman. The cat has been obviously used as a symbol for the theme. Cats may be sweet and soft and purring…and at the next moment will bite your caressing hand. So there are oval shapes, smooth and easy to touch and handle and there are cats meticulously sawn out of the metal with sharp edges, as sharp as the bite of the cat. The cat images have been scratched to the surfaces of the metal, the drawings are subtle, even intimate – one has to come closer in order to see and recognize. Here, unlike in printmaking, the plate itself is the subject together with the earrings and necklaces sometimes sawn out from the same plate.

246613_1904245700106_1660671088_1878666_2709461_n dans Exposition/Exhibition
Elo Uibokand  The Power Cat Jewellery 2011

Tiina Rajakallio’s works are about forgetting as a part of remembering. Things get frighteningly lost and changed in our minds, there are empty spaces, black holes; moments we have no image about anymore. Rajakallio has been focusing on the aspect of catching the lost memory, using forms suggesting the handles, the vessels – abstract and concrete at the same time. The materials (mostly wood) have been treated in a different manner. Rough natural surfaces of the branches, slip surfaces carved and painted… You’ll be able to reach your memory… or it will slip away from your hands. The colour palette is delicately natural; except the deep dark ultramarine blue associated with the subconsciousness, the unknown and far away. There are necklaces and brooches to be found in Rajakallio’s series, somehow familiar and strange.

 dans Gal. Articula (PT)
Tiina Rajakallio necklace – 2009



Galeria Articula
Rua dos Remédios 102
1100-450 Lisboa (Portugal)


Leonor HIPOLITO – natures mortes

from 2006 exhibition « Still-life / Natureza morta » at Velvet da Vinci Gallery
« While walking along the way I looked at the landscape that suddenly started to grow. Through my eyes the trees seemed to multiply, nature expand. Suddenly standing in a field of light and shadow I gazed at this new reflected landscape, this immaterial but real landscape, intense but brief. From its fleeting presence I tried to keep in memory a reality that never existed before and within its shadows to preserve the remembrance of that view.« 
je ne connaissais pas ces travaux de Leonor Hipolito qui sont, je dirais, d’un silence, d’une sérénité et d’une beauté qui me parlent ………

Leonor Hipolitostill life / natureza morta brooches



EXPO ‘Counterbalance – Kamilla Ruberg’ – Galeria Reverso, Lisbonne (PT) – 21 mai-17 juin 2011

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Reverso (PT),Kamilla RUBERG (DK),Portugal (PT) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:44

Counterbalance – Kamilla Ruberg (DK)
Inauguração: sábado, 21 de Maio das 17 às 20h / opening: Saturday, 21st May, 5 to 8pm
21.05.2011 /17.06.2011


EXPO 'Counterbalance - Kamilla Ruberg' - Galeria Reverso, Lisbonne (PT) - 21 mai-17 juin 2011 dans Exposition/Exhibition 230683_226529987361564_196147817066448_1052934_4071357_n

In Counterbalance Kamilla Ruberg explores the idea of movement through different geometric transformations: from the actual movement within the object (kinetic pieces) to the movement described by the subject (Moebius series) and the movement of the viewer around the object (Anamorphic pieces).
In this most recent series, the pieces are made into patterns that keep the eye moving and finding new forms. The effect of these pieces constantly changes as the perspective of the viewer moves around and transforms the pieces when seen from different angles.


2011_counterbalance03 dans Gal. Reverso (PT)
Kamilla Ruberg - Anamorphic Brooch – 2009 – 18ct gold

2011_counterbalance04 dans Kamilla RUBERG (DK)
Kamilla RubergAnamorphic necklace

18ct yellow gold brooch 85 x 60 x 15 mm18ct yellow gold brooch 60 x 60 x 20 mm
18ct yellow gold brooch 80 x 50 x 20 mm18ct yellow gold brooch 105 x 50 x 25 mm
Kamilla Rubergmoebius brooches
Kamilla RubergKinetic ring


EXPO ‘Sara Bran – L’Or du Temps’ – Espace Groupama Arte, Lisbonne (PT) – 4-30 Avril 2011

 Sara Bran – L’Or du Temps
une collection de bijoux contemporains inspirés du patrimoine dentellier

EXPO ‘Sara Bran - L’Or du Temps’ - Espace Groupama Arte, Lisbonne (PT) - 4-30 Avril 2011 dans Exposition/Exhibition 190510_1904927944615_1284247328_32300711_2540961_n

« Sara Bran : dentellière sur or
Sara Bran dans le cadre d´un partenariat entre l´Institut Franco-Portugais et le Musée des Arts décoratifs portugais a développé au long de ces 2 dernières années un projet de recherche et de création d´œuvres en or et en argent sur le patrimoine des dentelles portugaises. En décembre dernier nous l´avions rencontré lors de la présentation de son travail au Musée des Arts Décoratifs Portugais de la Fondation Ricardo Espirito Santo (FRESS) – Interview publiée le 10 décembre 2010
Bien que sa résidence soit terminée au Portugal Sara Bran poursuit depuis la France, son projet de « dentellière sur or » dont l´objectif est de créer 101 pièces. En ce mois d´avril elle présente à l´espace Groupama-Arte ses nouvelles créations qui ne cessent de surprendre par l´ampleur et la finesse du travail. Quel rêve pour une femme de porter sur un décolleté un de ces cols de dentelle en or ! 
 » (

205258_1973650622639_1284247328_32391401_2692415_n dans GALERIES

197890_1973652302681_1284247328_32391402_2074196_n dans metal

247469_2097528879518_1284247328_32566239_4496744_n dans Portugal (PT)


Espace Groupama.ARTE 
Av. de Berna, 24-D,
1069-170 Lisboa (PT)


EXPO ‘Cair para dentro do corpo, cair para fora do corpo’ – galeria Articula, Lisboa (Portugal) – 9 Avril-14 Mai 2011

« Cair para dentro do corpo, cair para fora do corpo »

« The meaning of the exhibition is « falling inside of the body, falling outside from the body » it was a theme that the gallery gave to those group of artists to develop … So each one made her own interpretation from the theme , it is very interesting. »

Artistas: Alexandra Rodrigues, Beatriz Mousinho, Christie Bassil, Dani Soter, Manuela Domingues, Miriam Castro e Sónia Brumm
Beatriz MousinhoSilver ring with balloons

EXPO 'Cair para dentro do corpo, cair para fora do corpo' - galeria Articula, Lisboa (Portugal) - 9 Avril-14 Mai 2011 dans Beatriz MOUSINHO (PT) 7
Dani Soter« First aid kit » necklace mixed media


Rua dos Remédios 102
1100-450 Lisboa, Portugal


EXPO ‘BACKYARD – Mirjam Hiller’ – Galeria Reverso, Lisboa (PT) – 26 Mars-22 Avril 2011

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Gal. Reverso (PT),Mirjam HILLER (DE),Portugal (PT) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:04

« What remains unseen behind the house?
Is there a shelter to escape the chaos of the outer world?
Is there a beautiful garden with old and buckled trees overgrown with ivy that are surrounded by colourful flowers, smelling so sweet and intense that they mesmerize you withtheir scent?
Is there a run-down hut filled with discarded, rusty machines guarded by a playful dog ruuning around barking at the bees?
These hiden places pique my interest and inspire me to let my imagined discoveries take form in my hands » Mirjam Hiller

EXPO 'BACKYARD - Mirjam Hiller' - Galeria Reverso, Lisboa (PT) - 26 Mars-22 Avril 2011 dans Exposition/Exhibition 187891_206690146024176_965232_n

2011_backyard01 dans Gal. Reverso (PT)
Mirjam Hiller - brooch

2011_backyard09 dans Mirjam HILLER (DE)
Mirjam Hiller - brooch

2011_backyard02 dans Portugal (PT)2011_backyard06
Mirjam Hiller - pins

Mirjam Hiller - brooch

Mirjam Hiller - brooch



Galeria Reverso
Rua da Esperança, nº 59 / 61
1200 – 655 Lisboa
phone / fax: +351 213 951 407
Paula Crespo
Ana Isabel


« Eccentric collection » with Be De Lite

Be De Lite (Carlos Silva ) : « Eccentric collection » ou la légéreté, la transparence, la joyeuse « exentricité »  du plastique

« The materials assume aesthetic of organic “glamour”, using various references that go from the “pop” universe of the 50’s and 60’s, to the spontaneous experimentalism of the adherent pieces that function almost as a second skin »

Gargantilha | eccentric collection

7732_1136214488316_1315957632_340182_3408656_n dans BE DE LITE/Carlos Silva (PT)
Eccentric Collection – gargantilha | chockers

7732_1136214528317_1315957632_340183_4522431_n dans Carlos SILVA (PT)

7732_1136215568343_1315957632_340184_6917456_n dans COUP DE COEUR

merveilles à voir sur Flickr !!

School (AR.CO Lisboa) project for a brooch



EXPO ‘Sara Bran – L’Or du Temps’ – Musée des Arts Décoratifs de Lisbonne – 18 Nov. 2010-18 janv. 2011

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,MUSEE,Portugal (PT),Sara BRAN (FR) — bijoucontemporain @ 20:15

Sara BRAN  à l’Exposition « LOr  du  Temps »   (O Ouro do Tempo/ Gold Back in Time)
du 18 Novembre 2010 au 18 Janvier 2011 - Musée National des Arts Décoratifs de Lisbonne
(Fundação Ricardo do Espírito Santo Silva – FRESS)

Comment le métal devient dentelle …. ou vice-versa !

EXPO 'Sara Bran - L'Or du Temps' - Musée des Arts Décoratifs de Lisbonne - 18 Nov. 2010-18 janv. 2011 dans Exposition/Exhibition nouveaute15
‘SANCTUARY‘ – OpenworksPendentif – or

broche16 dans MUSEE
« SEED » – pendentif caisson en argent et or ajouré

caisson15 dans Portugal (PT)
‘LIFE TREE‘ – CaissonsPendentif -Argent

nouveaute8 dans Sara BRAN (FR)nouveaute1
« A ROSARY » Collier Perles Grenats or améthystes


« Esta exposição é o resultado de um vasto e completo trabalho de Sara Bran que ao longo dos últimos anos desenvolveu uma intensa pesquisa sobre o rico mundo da renda portuguesa. O resultado desse trabalho é agora apresentado no Museu de Artes Decorativas da Fundação Ricardo Espírito Santo Silva, com a exposição «O Ouro do Tempo», com peças em ouro e prata onde se nota o cruzamento de novas técnicas e tendências com a tradição do trabalho artesanal. »


Musée National des Arts Décoratifs de Lisbonne
(Fundação Ricardo do Espírito Santo Silva – FRESS)
Largo das Portas do Sol 2
1100 Lisboa, Portugal



COUP de ROUGE ! Ligia ROCHA – travail au crochet

« I made this using wire from old television sets resistors wich is very thin and has this amazing colours. » (Ligia Rocha)

COUP de ROUGE ! Ligia ROCHA - travail au crochet dans COUP DE COEUR 57936_1555998576335_1126336871_1658793_3348683_n

46796_1556012016671_1126336871_1658820_794651_n dans fibres / thread


« Ligia Rocha: born and currently living in Porto, Portugal.
After attending the Fine Arts School at Lisbon, I studied goldsmithery, becoming a professional in this field.
My work is a result of an evolving dialogue between materials and ideas, using handmade metals, found objects, resin, copper wire from resistances and Japanese lacquer. Inspired and intuitive patterns are cut into the surface of the metal, transforming those seemingly ordinary materials into something precious.


EXPO ‘I Care A Lot’ – Galeria Articula, Lisbon (Portugal) – 6 Nov.-6 Dec. 2010

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,GALERIES,Malaika NAJEM (Liban),Portugal (PT) — bijoucontemporain @ 23:10

 I Care a Lot at Galerie Articula, Lisbon – from November 6 2010

EXPO 'I Care A Lot' - Galeria Articula, Lisbon (Portugal) - 6 Nov.-6 Dec. 2010 dans Exposition/Exhibition 37158_286313674969_68603404969_1067315_5503567_n 39514_1658913833814_1266188402_31854196_7660678_n dans GALERIES

69329_1658915553857_1266188402_31854204_1306579_n dans Malaika NAJEM (Liban)


sur cette exposition voir articles :

* COUP de … ROUGE at “I Care a Lot” EXPO online

*EXPO ‘I Care A Lot – Opening’ – Gallery Platina, Stockholm (Sweden) – 2 Sept.-2 Oct. 2010

ita-flo-mnaj dans Portugal (PT)
Malaïka Najem – necklace, Camouflage, 2009, shibuichi, 18ct gold, yellow sapphire

Malaika Najem- ‘Forgotten’ pendant – Shibuichi, silver, gold

« This piece is about child soldiers and is called “Forgotten”. A subject that sadly still exists in 3rd world countries that are in war whether in Africa, the Middle East or Asia. The average child soldier is under the age of 18 and is forced and manipulated in doing and committing horrors that they are not aware off due to the use of drugs or brainwashing. The child is just an instrument, just a number; just a slave to the gun…the gun is the symbol of power. » (Malaika Najem)



Galeria Articula
Rua dos Remédios 102
1100-450 – Lisbon
Telephone: 00351 93 4113225



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