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EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Alzbeta Dvorakova – vers l’infiniment petit …….

Classé dans : Alzbeta DVORAKOVA (CZ),COUP DE COEUR,EXCHANGE-BIJOU,Rep. Tcheque (CZ) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:48

  Alžběta Dvořáková

vers l’infiniment petit ……. délicatesses pour princesses ……….

« FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS » sa dernière collection 2017 qui est une suite (logique) déjà annoncée dans sa collection de diplome, « THE SECRET OF SPACE » (2016) (Award: Marzee International Graduate Prize 2016) – silver,  gold plated silver, brass, silk thread .

« A jewel is considered as a symbol of power and guarantees to its owner a value, an importance or a mission and is conclusively a crown. The motive of a crown connects the whole collection, but in different scales. Only the wearer will know about his mini jewel as well as an attentive observer. Each mini jewel is different and imperfect, the same as humans and that makes it beautiful. Collections for women and men are trying to point out the possibility, that everybody can be a prince, a princess, a king or a queen. This collection is more about people and our own inner personalities, than about jewels »

petite « piqure de rappel » en images de la collection de 2016 ……

Alzbeta Dvorakova - A secret of space 2016Alzbeta Dvorakova – A secret of space 2016

Alzbeta Dvorakova - A secret of space 2016Alzbeta Dvorakova – A secret of space 2016

Alzbeta Dvorakova - A secret of space 2016Alzbeta Dvorakova – A secret of space 2016

ET l’actuelle collection 2017 …..

Alzbeta Dvorakova - broches pour la galerie Marzee -  sept 2017 - granulation, assemblageAlzbeta Dvorakova - broches pour la galerie Marzee -  sept 2017 – granulation, assemblage

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017 - mini brochesAlzbeta Dvorakova – FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017 – mini broches

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017 – necklace

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017 - photo Lenka GrabicováAlzbeta Dvorakova – FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017 – photo Lenka Grabicová

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017 - photo Lenka GrabicováAlzbeta Dvorakova – FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017 – photo Lenka Grabicová

Alzbeta Dvorakova - FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRICE AND A PRINCESS - 2017 - photo Lenka GrabicováAlzbeta Dvorakova – FOR A KING, A QUEEN, A PRINCE AND A PRINCESS – 2017 – photo Lenka Grabicová


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Alzbeta Dvorakova – news …

Alžběta Dvořáková

CZECH Grand DESIGN : Grande compétition cette année surtout dans la catégorie Designer bijoux de l’année, a été sélectionnée  Alžběta Dvořáková (collection Secret Space) - Les projets gagnants seront présentés dans l’exposition de vente Czech Grand Design Best of du 30 Mars au 2 Avril 2017 Villa Pellé (Prague)

Czech grand design - 30 mars-2 avril 2017 -  Alzbeta Dvorakova nominé catégorie BIJOUX

Dvořáková (collection Secret Space)Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)

Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)

Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)
« I play with illusion with empty or full space what means that a first time it looks solid and heavy but when you look closer you can see through … only wooden shell… »

Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space): Alzbeta Dvorakova (collection Secret Space)

je suis SÛRE qu’elle sera la REINE de la fête !!

Alzbeta DvorakovaAlzbeta Dvorakova Royal, petit, grand, tordu, argent, coeur … Chacun est différent. Venez choisir une petite broche



EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Alzbeta Dvorakova – a … SPACE PRINCESS ?

Classé dans : Alzbeta DVORAKOVA (CZ),COUP DE COEUR,EXCHANGE-BIJOU,Rep. Tcheque (CZ) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:11

 Alzbeta  Dvorakova

here is a quick glimpse on this happy 2016 !

At first,  the Marzee Graduate Prize, awarded to a selection of the most promising students. The quality of work this year 2016 has been exceptional and so we are delighted to announce a record number of prize winners – Among them :  Alžběta Dvořáková (MA) – AAAD (Acad. of Art, Architect. & Design), Prague, Czech Republic for her master work « the Secret space » .

́Alžběta Dvořákova The Secret of Space, 2016, brooch; leather, silver, gold leafAlžběta Dvořákova – The Secret of Space, 2016, brooch; leather, silver, gold leaf

Alžběta Dvořákova - The Secret of Space, 2016, brooch (back)Alžběta Dvořákova – The Secret of Space, 2016, brooch (back) – « an empty space, it is carved wooden shell. »

« I play with illusion with empty or full space, what means that at first time it looks solid and heavy but when you look closer you can see through EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Alzbeta Dvorakova – a ... SPACE PRINCESS ? dans Alzbeta DVORAKOVA (CZ) 1f642 … only wooden shell …« 

Alžběta Dvořákova - The Secret of Space, 2016, brooch (back) - "an empty space .... hidden space ..., it is carved wooden shell"Alžběta Dvořákova – The Secret of Space, 2016, brooch (back) – « an empty space …. hidden space …, it is a carved wooden shell »

Alžběta Dvořákova - The Secret of Space, 2016, brooch - "an empty space .... hidden space ..."Alžběta Dvořákova – The Secret of Space, 2016, brooch – « an empty space …. hidden space … »
fotos: Lenka Grabicova

Alžběta Dvořákova - The Secret of Space, 2016, brooch - "an empty space .... hidden space ..."Alžběta Dvořákova - The Secret of Space, 2016, brooch – « an empty space …. »


Puis, pour finir l’année en beauté, elle nous a proposé de nous transformer en PRINCESSES chez designSUPERMARKET;-)

designSUPERMARKET. Alžběta DvořákováAlžběta Dvořáková at designSUPERMARKET dec. 2016

Alžběta Dvořáková at designSUPERMARKET dec. 2016Alžběta Dvořáková at designSUPERMARKET dec. 2016
« Royal, petit, grand, tordu, en argent, coeur,  plein,  … Chacun est différent.
Venez choisir une petite broche sur designSUPERMARKET. »

je SOUHAITE à Alžběta Dvořáková
une année 2017 aussi merveilleuse qu’une
vie de PRINCESSE !!! :-)




EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Alzbeta Dvorakova – Bon appétit bien sûr !

Alzbeta  Dvorakova

Every year the Marzee Graduate Prize is awarded to a selection of the most promising students. The quality of work this year 2016 has been exceptional and so we are delighted to announce a record number of prize winners – Among them :  Alžběta Dvořáková (MA) – AAAD (Acad. of Art, Architect. & Design), Prague, Czech Republic for her master work « the Secret space« .

I LOVED her « the Secret space » serie ! but I will present here a « lighter », « easier » and humourous serie I loved too ! In preparation for Xmas too much eatings ! ;-) : THE BIB

Alžběta Dvořáková,  - Na pokecání -  od roku 2011   papírový ubrousek, netkaná textilie, papír, nerezová ocel  foto: Alžběta Dvořáková, Tomáš Polák,:

« There is no day I wouldn´t get dirty. Never endless collection of bibs for public and private use, for men and women. I have started to like the topic of bibs and I am always returning to it. The inspiration comes from my own “akwardness“ and from “dirty” t-shirts in my cupboard.« 

Alžběta Dvořáková,  - THE BIB - from 2011 - paper tissue, nonwoven textile, paper, stainless steel  Alžběta Dvořáková,  – THE BIB – from 2011 – paper tissue, nonwoven textile, paper, stainless steel – Photo: Alžběta Dvořáková, Tomáš Polák
Alžběta Dvořáková,  - Na pokecání -  od roku 2011   papírový ubrousek, netkaná textilie, papír, nerezová ocel  foto: Alžběta Dvořáková, Tomáš Polák,: Alžběta Dvořáková,  – THE BIB - 2

Alžběta Dvořáková,  - THE BIB - 3 -  od roku 2011   papírový ubrousek, netkaná textilie, papír, nerezová ocel  foto: Alžběta Dvořáková, Tomáš Polák,: Alžběta Dvořáková,  – THE BIB – 3

Alžběta Dvořáková,  - THE BIB -4 -  od roku 2011   papírový ubrousek, netkaná textilie, papír, nerezová ocel  foto: Alžběta Dvořáková, Tomáš Polák,: Alžběta Dvořáková,  – THE BIB -4

 ET VOILà ! ;-)

Bon appétit bien sûr ! :-)




2013 – 2016   Academy of Art Architecture and Design in Prague (ADDD), Studio K.O.V. Concept – Object – Meaning, head of dept.: i.e. Eva Eisler
 2009 – 2013   Technical University in Liberec Jewelry and Glass Design, head of dept.: i.e. Ludmila Šikolová
 2005 – 2009   Higher School of Applied Arts and the Secondary School of Aplied Arts, Prague, Design of toys and game items

 2016 Marzee International Graduate Prize 2016, Gallery Marzee, Nijmegen, Holand
2016 Talent Design 2016, Zlín, 2 Price in fashion design, Czech Republic
2012 Master of Crystal competition, Preciosa a.s., Jablonec nad Nisou, Award of Czech Glass Society
2011 Master of Crystal competition, Preciosa a.s., Jablonec nad Nisou, 2 Price in Figures – jewellery, figures a decorations, Czech Republic



Decouverte / COUP de COEUR : Mirka Janeckova – WHITE is WHITE

Mirka Janeckova

« I see my jewellery as a container for wearer’s emotions, memories and hopes. For creating my recent work I was inspired by surrealism and indigenous cultures.
My pieces refer to the body in an abstract way, exploring the relationship between people and their subconscious mind.
I am concentrating on using only ‘white’ materials as porcelain, silver, aluminium and textile to create playful, poetic pieces. White light contains all the others colour of the spectrum so for me it is a symbol of the unity.
I am experimenting with hybrid metal-porcelain jewellery and developing an innovative ways of applying traditional metalsmith techniques onto porcelain such as casting porcelain in place and cloisonné enamel on porcelain » (to shop at Neuner schmuck)

2014 – 2016   Royal College of Art, London  MA Jewellery and Metals
2009 – 2013  Glasgow School of Art, School of Design  BA Hons (First Class) Silversmithing and Jewellery
2015 The Most Innovative New Collection – Editor’s Choice Award at IJL
2014 BKV Price Finalist
2014 Creativity Contest, Torino, Italy – 2nd prize winner

 Mirka Janeckova Mirka Janeckova  -White Collection bangle aluminium, white porcelaine, silk, silver – (at NEUNER Schmuck)

Mirka Janeckova  -White Collection bangle aluminium, white porcelaine, silk, silverMirka Janeckova  -White Collection bangle aluminium, white porcelaine, silk, silver

« La White Collection si mostra in apparenza fragile, con le sue linee evanescenti, ma in realtà -come spiega Mirka, i suoi gioielli sono tutt’altro che delicati, perché la porcellana è un materiale molto resistente che sulla scala della durezza corrisponde a 7, maggiore delle pietre dure (come i quarzi), una caratteristica che assume dopo una cottura in forno a 1200-1400 gradi. La tecnica di “cottura bianca” utilizzata dalla designer permette poi di mantenere inalterata la brillantezza dell’argento di contro al bianco opaco della porcellana, presentando così il gioiello come oggetti dal valore anche tattile, oltre che bello ed originale da indossare. » (PreziosaMagazine)

Mirka Janeckova  - Work in progress for AiR16 show at Lighthouse - mai 2014Mirka Janeckova  – Work in progress for AiR16 show at Lighthouse – mai 2014

Mirka Janeckova necklace aluminium and porcelain White Collection €434 -aluminium, porcelain white, silk: Mirka Janeckova necklace aluminium and porcelain White Collection  – aluminium, porcelain white, silk - (at NEUNER Schmuck) Mirka Janeckova at creativityoggetti

Mirka Janeckova White Collection brooch silver, white porcelaine €199 - NEUNER Schmuck: Mirka Janeckova White Collection brooch silver, white porcelaine – (at NEUNER Schmuck)

 Mirka Janeckova - White Collection    Porcelain Necklace  (porcelain, steel) Mirka Janeckova – White Collection    Porcelain Necklace  (porcelain, steel)

Mirka Janeckova - New Designers 2013Mirka Janeckova – New Designers 2013 – brooch presented at JOYA 2014

Mirka Janeckova  - one of my graduating pieces from GSA called Drawing Neckpiece (2013) made from slipcasted porcelain.: Mirka Janeckova  – one of my graduating pieces from GSA called Drawing Neckpiece (2013) made from slipcasted porcelain


EXPO ‘TRUE LIES. A COLLECTION OF OXYMORONS’ – Září Gallery, Prague (CZ) – 16-20 Nov. 2015


A solo show by Federica SALA

Září Gallery, Prague – From November 16 to 20, 2015



Alchimia is pleased to present True Lies. A Collection of Oxymorons, a solo-show by Italian jewellery artist Federica Sala. This marks the second in a series of solo exhibitions realized by the graduating students of Alchimia’s MFA program 2014/2015, each taking place in a different European city.

Federica Sala, Sweet Pain, 2015, Neckpiece, Glass, Rutilo, Shibuichi, photo by Federico CavicchioliFederica Sala, Sweet Pain, 2015, Neckpiece, Glass, Rutilo, Shibuichi, photo by Federico Cavicchioli

True Lies. A Collection of Oxymorons wants to question our perception of reality, inspired by Plato’s thoughts on how “reality is just a defective projection of our limited way of perceiving”*. Strong in look but extremely fragile in essence, the jewellery pieces encourage us to reflect about the inextricable co-dependency of opposites, and of how our existence might be determined by the limits we set for ourselves. Glass and stone become one entity growing from each other via a new and experimental technique developed by the artist in years of research on the island of Murano, world-famous for its artisanal glass production.
True Lies are impossible structures that point us towards the fragility of the reality we know, by sharing with us just one of the possible variations of it.
Federica Sala is one of the significant figures of a rising generation of Italian jewellery artists. Her practice is based on a continuous experimentation on the properties and qualities of materials, with a particular interest in glass and organic forms, grounded in a strong theoretical research. With this new collection Federica Sala introduced a unique approach in combining different materials such as metal, glass and gemstones. One of its pieces was nominated for the prestigious Stanislav Libenský Award.
On the occasion of the exhibition the artist will present an artist book, featuring drawings, images and a conversation with artist Luca Pozzi.

Federica Sala, Negative Growth, 2015, Neckpiece, Glass, Rutile, Silk, photo by Federico CavicchioliFederica Sala, Negative Growth, 2015, Neckpiece, Glass, Rutile, Silk, photo by Federico Cavicchioli

Federica Sala, Visible Absence, 2015, Neckpiece, Glass, White Gold, photo by Federico CavicchioliFederica Sala, Visible Absence, 2015, Neckpiece, Glass, White Gold, photo by Federico Cavicchioli

 Federica Sala, Unbearable Lightness, Neckpiece, 2015, Glass, Cianite, SilverFederica Sala, Unbearable Lightness, Neckpiece, 2015, Glass, Cianite, Silver



Federica Sala (b. 1986 Italy, lives and works in Milan) holds an MFA in Contemporary Jewellery and Body Ornament from Alchimia in Florence (2015) tutored by the Mexican jewellery maker Jorge Manilla, and a BFA in Fashion Design from the Politecnico in Milan (2011) tutored by the Italian anthropologist Eleonora Fiorani and the Italian artist Giorgio Vigna. From 2010 to 2012 she has been the assistant of Giorgio Vigna and her work has been exhibited at the Mad Museum in New York, at the American Glass Weekend, at the Society of Arts and Crafts in Boston and SOFA in Chicago, among the others.

 Federica Sala, Clear Releckness, 2015, Neckpiece, Glass, Rutilo, Silver, Leather, photo by Federico Cavicchioli: Federica Sala, Clear Releckness, 2015, Neckpiece, Glass, Rutilo, Silver, Leather, photo by Federico Cavicchioli



Září Gallery
Heřmanova 33, Prague 7
Opening times and days: Tue-Fri from 1 to 7pm





EXPO ‘PRAGUE SCHMUCK 2015′ – Glass-museum ZIBA, Prague (CZ) – 4 Sept.-4 Oct. 2015

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,MUSEE,Rep. Tcheque (CZ),SCHMUCK / MJW (DE) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:18

Prague, Czech Republic – The organizers of the Mercedes-Benz Prague Fashion Week have announced two exciting jewelry exhibitions, which will take place during their next edition. They are curated by the renowned designer, architect and author Eva Eisler. The exhibition will be held at the Ziba Prague Glass Experience Museum and will run from September 4 to October 4, 2015.

open on Friday, September 4, 2015 at 6:00pm

Schmuck 2015 Prague 2016

The two exhibitions will be centered around contemporary artistic jewelry.  The first and larger of the two is titled, “PRAGUE SCHMUCK 2015“. It is a curatorial version of the jewelry show held in Munich and highlights the season’s artistic and artisanal creations.
My goal was to select the best and most original examples that represent contemporary jewelry styles which are proof of the incredible freedom of creativity in the times in which we live and simultaneously confront Czech creating the world’s best”, says curator Eva Eisler. “When choosing I followed mainly my own intuition. Wearability was the condition for participating”
The Prague Schmuck 2015 will welcome 63 authors from 23 countries.
There will also be showing of contemporary Czech artistic jewelry. Here students and graduated from Prague’s KOV Decorative Arts Studio will also display their own creations.

Lukáš  Loskot, Director at MBPFW commented: The combination of jewelry and clothing collections in line with current trends and our understanding of fashion week. We want to pay attention to fashion in a broader context – fashion as a way of expressing your own personality. That is why we introduced in March of this year the first Czech conference on wearable technologies. And in September, we have a program to showcase jewelry. 

Both exhibitions will open on Friday, September 4, 2015 at 6:00pm. Entry is free to the public.

 Ramon Puig Cuyas  - Schmuck 2015 Prague Ramon Puig Cuyas

 Maria DiezMaria Diez

Mikiko Minewaki    - Schmuck 2015 Prague Mikiko Minewaki

Kimiaki Kageyama |   Schmuck 2015 Prague Kimiaki Kageyama

Carla Movia    - Schmuck 2015 Prague Carla Movia 

Eunmi Chun    - Schmuck 2015 Prague: Eunmi Chun


Elvira Mellado, EASD València  Elvira Mellado 


Diego Alves, Escola Massana  Diogo Alves « Observatório utópico » – Brass, copper, silver

Rosa Borredá, EASD València Rosa Borredá



 Glass-museum ZIBA

.m Na Prikope 20, 110 00 Prague 1 – Czech Republic (CZ)



DECOUVERTE pour SCHMUCK 2015 : Stanislava Grebenickova

Stanislava Grebenickova from Czeck Republic,  has been selected for SCHMUCK 2015

Stanislava Grebenickova  -Light & Shadow Brooches - Cut & Polished flat Glass  with Marble and GraniteStanislava Grebenickova  -  Light & Shadow Brooches – Cut & Polished flat Glass  with Marble and Granite

« She is one of those women, who managed to balance their job and family, who are admired for their beauty and pleasant behaviour, she is a wonderful and an attentive hostess, a lady in the best sense of the word. But first and foremost she is an excellent glass-making artist.
Stanislava Grebeníčková graduated from The high school of applied arts for glassmaking in Železný Brod and then passed the atelier of Stanislav Libenský on Academy of Arts, Architecture and Desing in Prague. The very important life experience was a scholarship at Amsterdam Academy at the famous professor`s Sybren Valkema. During her studies and immediately after graduation she highly devoted herself to a formed glass. Already at that time her objects were characterised by a humour and pop art playfulness. The first big success and at the same time very characteristic illustration of her creation of the 80s was a series of objects for the exhibition in Roztoky u Prahy (1984). As a fresh graduate at that time, she created Fishing tackle, enlarged severalfold and supplemented with metal components. It was a perfect illusion of existing realias. A precise workmanship, a bright variety of colors and a perfect reproduction of the logo of the famous firm producing fishing tackle helped her to attain an unusually strong effect. The installation overwhelmed professionals and lay public as well. Real objects in unreal size were deployed on plinths in gallery and with fishing-lines a visitor was under the impression he became Gulliver in the empire of giants.
After the creative pause, devoted above all to upbringing of children and building of family background, she started to give a thought to comeback as an active artist. She knew how much time had passed since her pop art objects and realized that she couldn`t return to this era anymore…she has already been in a different stage of life and started to look for new ways of her creative expression. She has found a clear conception of her new style very soon. She created a series of objects made from combination of stone and glass. Symptomatically called plastics The bearable weight of being or On my own two feet put visually and physically massive cube of polished granite on fragile crystal spirals from formed and shaped glass. A courage and humour these plastics are presented with, take rank with her early objects.
In the second half of 90s this glass artist became more a sculptor. This is related to a desire to make a one-piece work. Whereas her husband (M. Handl) became a pioneer of the gluing technology in glass freestyle, Stanislava was not comfortable with this. Although this technology has dominated in her jewellery creation, it doesn`t seem suitable for her big objects. More likely than a distrust of mechanical qualities of glues, it is an idea, that the sculpture in itself, both sculptural and plastic, works with an integral mass and capacity. Stanislava perceives glass as a sculptural material and desires her plastics would have an influence as a sculptural masterpieces. As a graduate from Libensky school she handles „through glass painting tools“ optics and valair as well. In this time came up for example Asylum, Secret place and Mysterious Asuka.
At the same time with freestyle creation Stanislava has been profiling as a jewellery maker since 90s. At the beginning there was as she says „women`s vanity“. A desire to decorate herself, however, turned into more deeper interest, which became an integral and interesting part of her artwork. Her brooches soon became popular, well-known and sought-after in the world of modern jewellery. Her first jewellery, created in 1993, was surprisingly made of stone – local slate. A supple and accessible material facilitated working on a lapidary machine. Later Stanislava started to splice different types of glass, carefully detrited, she spliced it and glued it. Soon, however, an available color scale stopped being satisfying and she started to combine glass with interesting stones and also to experiment with melting of her own glass plates. The color in itself was not the matter, it was rather a structure and colorful combination. Looking at these brooches we often don`t know, if it is a polished natural stone or skillfully and unrepeatably melted glass. Some glass plates, used in these unique jewellery, are so much remarkable that deny the rules of glass cohesion. They are feasible only in such tiny size and are absolutely inimitable. Jewellery of this creative artist, in spite of their size, appear very monumentally. They remind of pictures. Partly by unprecedented colorful surfaces, which themselves look like a brush texture, but also by their unconditional two-dimensionality. They are based on space illusion. Almost each of them is a small expample of optical illusion: reversible cubes, vanes, prisms, portikas and columned halls are just sofisticated colorfully-geometrical segmentation of area. And therein is a jewellery work of this author so exceptional. A smooth, glazy, accurate, very precise and compact jewellery appears optically as a fragile, plastic, vulnerable and membered. Thus, it implicilty connects the most important characteristics of modern jewellery. Potential of wearing, originality and perfect manufacturing.
At present Stanislava Grebeníčková has been teaching on Higher, Secondary and Apprentice Glass School in Nový Bor. She lives and works with her family in nearby Polevsko. » (Eliška Vavříčková – 8. 12. 20:07)

Stanislava Grebenickova   - glass brooch 2000 Stanislava Grebenickova   – glass brooch 2000

Stanislava Grebenickova  - glass jewelry - brooch 2000Stanislava Grebenickova  – glass jewelry – brooch 2000

 Stanislava Grebenickova  -  brooch glass, granite 2002Stanislava Grebenickova  -  brooch glass, granite 2002

Stanislava Grebenickova  - glass jewelry - brooch 1999Stanislava Grebenickova  - glass jewelry – brooch 1999

  CENTRUM BAVARIA BOHEMIA - Stanislava Grebenickova (CZcech) - glass jewelry Stanislava Grebenickova   – glass brooch - CENTRUM BAVARIA BOHEMIA



EXPO ‘Yong Joo Kim @ Simple Matter(s)’ – Simple Matter(s), Prague (Czech Republic) – 1-7 Oct. 2012 –

Yong Joo Kim at Simple Matter(s)

The labo Matério at Design Block  (Prague, Czech Republic)  01-Oct-2012 – 07-Oct-2012

After the recent success at Maison et Objet in Paris, the exhibition “SIMPLE MATTER(S)”, The labo Matério will be once again showcasing a selection from Yong Joo Kim’s 2012 body of work, « In light of Space » at an exhibition under the theme « Simple matter(s) », which will be presented at the 14th edition of DESIGNBLOK in Prague, Czech Republic during Prague Design and Fashion week (Oct 1-7, 2012).
SIMPLE MATTER(S) is curated by Elodie Ternaux from matériO Laboratory and dedicated to the pureness of simple materials and to the importance of simplicity in contemporary design. Regrouping a selection of materials, technologies, and designs that question our ability to come back to fundamental values. How to, in a complex world, combine sophistication and disarming simplicity?

 Yong Joo Kim at Simple Matter(s)    Artists: Yong Joo Kim  Place: The labo Matério at Design Block  (Prague, Czech Republic)  01-Oct-2012 - 07-Oct-2012    website:  website:  mail:


Yong Joo Kim Bracelets: In Light of Space: Overlapped and Raised by Four (Left)/ In Light of Space: Overlapped and Raised by Six (Right) 2012 Black Hook-and-loop fastener, ThreadYong Joo Kim  Bracelets: In Light of Space – 2012  Black Hook-and-loop fastener, Thread -  Overlapped and Raised by Four (Left)/ Overlapped and Raised by Six (Right)



Ethics of Wearable Art (예술장신구의 윤리) 


Designblok :  Prague Design and Fashion Week – 1.—7. 10. 2012


EXPO ‘Parallel Worlds’ – Museum Cekého, Turnov (Rép.Tchèque) – 20 Juin-31 Juill. 2012

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,Mari ISHIKAWA (JP),MUSEE,Rep. Tcheque (CZ) — bijoucontemporain @ 12:12

Mari Ishikawa  : I cordially invited you to the opening of the exhibition « Parallel Worlds » in Museum Cekého ráje Turnov on June 20. at 16:30 Exhhibition will ran until July 31.2012

Ishikawa Mari  :  I cordially invited you to the opening of the exhibition "Parallel Worlds" in Museum Cekého ráje Turnov on June 20. at 16:30  Exhhibition will ran until July 31.2012

Where does a “Parallel World” exist?
In a different universe?
Can one discover this world through time travel?
Is it perhaps possible to see this world in a dream?
Or does it only exist in one’s heart?
The world we see is only a part of the entire reality
which is composed of many worlds existing simultaneously, side by side.

We can find “Parallel Worlds”
whenever we open our eyes and hearts.
They are always with us.

Mari Ishikawa parallel worldsMari Ishikawa parallel worlds

Mari Ishikawa


Museum Cekého
Museum of The Bohemian Paradise (!!)
Skálova 71
511 01 Turnov
GPS:  50°35’20.108″N, 15°9’28.738″E
Tel: +420 481 322 106,  481 321 148,  484 845 151
Fax: +420 481 325 577
E-mail: mail(at)


Valérie Salvo |
dochinoiu | | Annuaire | Signaler un abus | Françoise Fourteau-Labarthe
| Aidez les jeunes artistes
| Tableaux de Christian Maillot