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EXPO ‘TRANSMISSION’ – Studio411, Montpellier (FR) – 20 Oct.-12 Dec. 2015

Transmission | Studio411




  »Très heureux de vous faire découvrir le projet sur lequel j’ai travaillé avec Florine Menant du Studio411 Galerie à Montpellier
Nous avons eu pour but de mettre sur pied une exposition pour soutenir le bijou contemporain en France et plus globalement pour soutenir le projet de loi sur les métiers d’art afin d’enfin reconnaitre au travail de la matière la possibilité d’être reconnu comme une oeuvre originale et non purement comme objet utilitaire. » Sébastien Carré -

* catalogue disponible ( //

 Transmission Exhibition  /  20 Oct 2015  -  12 Dec 2015:
Avec 56 artistes de 20 pays – dont les 6 Lauréats du Prix de la Jeune Création Métiers d’Art 2015 par Ateliers d’Art de France
Merci à tous les Artistes impliqués dans ce projet / Thanks to all the artists involved


Sébastien Carré Ring: The 7th Continent, 2014 Capsule can, top of plastic bottle, nylon, silk, beads, and shark teeth 8 x 8 x 7 cm Photo by: Milo Lee Photography: Sébastien Carré Ring: The 7th Continent, 2014 Capsule can, top of plastic bottle, nylon, silk, beads, and shark teeth 8 x 8 x 7 cm Photo by: Milo Lee Photography

Du 20 octobre au 12 décembre 2015, Sébastien Carré et Florine Menant présentent Transmission, une exposition de bijou contemporain et du travail artistique de la matière, au Studio 411 à Montpellier.

« Nombre de connaissances et de savoir-faire sont parvenus jusqu’à nous par l’intermédiaire de rencontres et d’échanges. Le contact et la communication ont permis de tout temps à l’Homme de se perfectionner et d’étendre nos compétences ainsi que nos connaissances. Nous avons déjà pu constater dans certaines cultures (où les échanges ont été ralentis ou stoppés) des connaissances ancestrales disparaissent et qui demandent désormais à être réinterprétées, réinventées, transmutées.
Cette exposition vise ici à faire prendre conscience que le travail de la matière ne doit jamais être réduit à un artisanat, il est bien plus que cela : il est vecteur de savoir, de culture et de sens. Il faut au contraire, bien plus le considérer comme une forme d’expression artistique contemporaine bien plus apte à faire rentrer l’art dans nos vies de tous les jours.
Célébrons les échanges et abolissons ces codes qui visent à tout faire rentrer dans des cases pour enfin réellement apprécier et vivre l’art de façon totale afin de ne pas laisser l’individualisme vider nos sociétés de ce qui fait leur beauté.
L’art n’a pas de frontière et ne demande qu’à se transformer. » Sébastien Carré

Les Artistes

Une sélection 56 artistes, représentant 20 pays, met en avant la jeune génération d’artistes du bijou contemporain français diplômés des diverses formations (La HEAR Strasbourg / AFEDAP / ESAD Limoges / Pôle Bijou Baccarat) mise en lien avec les grand noms internationaux de ce domaine :
Aurélie Adam (Fr) — Aiko Fujita (Jp) — Akis Goumas (El) – Angela Ciobanu (Ro/Aut.) – Andrea Vaggione (Arg) – Anneleen Swillen (Be) – Annie Sibert (Fr) – Arnaud Sprimont (Be) – Aude Medori (Fr)  – Carina Shoshtary (All)  – Catalina Gibert (Es)  – Larissa Cluzet (Fr) — Daniela Malev (All)  — Dorothée Van Biesen (Be) — Eliana Negroni (It) – Elin Flognman (Se) – Eva Burton (Es) – Marion Fillancq (Fr)  – Frederique Coomans (Be)  – Gigi Mariani (It) — Heng Lee (Tw) – Isabelle Busnel (Fr/Uk) — Jessica Andersen (Usa)  — Juan Riusech (Fr)  – Katie Jayne Britchford (Aust) — Laurence Verdier (Fr) — Lluís Comín (Es) — Emilie Losch (Fr) – Marie Flambard (Fr) — Miyuki Koshimizu (Jp) – Marie-Eve G. Castonguay (Ca) – Marine Dominiczak (Fr) – Marie Masson (Fr) – Nicolas Estrada (Co) – Olga Raben (Dk) — Pallavi Gandhi (In) – Patricia Gallucci (Arg) – Patricia Domingues (PT) –  Rodrigo Acosta (Arg) – Rosa Nogués Freixas (Es) – Sari Räthel (All) – Sébastien Carré (Fr) — Steffi Götze (All) –  Tanel Veenre (Ee) – Yiumsiri Vantanapindu (Th) – Zil-E-Batool (Pk) — Clara del Papa (IT) — Alina Carp (RO) -

Les 6 lauréats du Prix de la Jeune Création Métiers d’Art 2015, d’Ateliers d’Art de France, participent également à l’exposition :
Julie Auzillon — Morgane Baroghel-Crucq  — Sébastien Carré  — Anne-Laure Coullomb  — Kaori Kurihara – Xavier Noël
Chacun des artistes présente une pièce conceptuelle illustrant la thématique de la transmission.

Avec la participation de Marianne Gassier, blogueuse française spécialisée dans le bijou contemporain.

broche Rodrigo ACOSTA - expo TRANSMISSION: Rodrigo ACOSTA broche 2015

Frederique Coomans - Chrysalis brooch - expo TRANSMISSION: Frederique Coomans – Chrysalis brooch

Corrado de Meo Brooch: Tulipa Nocturnus, 2015 Polystyrene, acrylic paint, dual epoxy resin, silver, wood 12.5 x 4.5 x 4 cm -- Transmission Exhibition / 20 Oct 2015 - 12 Dec 2015: Corrado de Meo Brooch: Tulipa Nocturnus, 2015 Polystyrene, acrylic paint, dual epoxy resin, silver, wood 12.5 x 4.5 x 4 cm

Nicolas Estrada Brooch: Idol, 2015 Amber, amethyst, silver, steel 5.5 x 3.0 x 2.0 cm Back view: Nicolas Estrada Brooch (BACK) : Idol, 2015 Amber, amethyst, silver, steel 5.5 x 3.0 x 2.0 cm Back view

Akis Goumas Necklace: Transmission of a form Copper, PVC, threads, pigments, mixed techniques 35 x 17 x 7 cm: Akis Goumas Necklace: Transmission of a form Copper, PVC, threads, pigments, mixed techniques 35 x 17 x 7 cm

 collier Aiko Fujita  collier Aiko Fujita

Carina Shoshtary  The-Green-EscapeCarina Shoshtary  The-Green-Escape

 dorothee-van-biesen - collier Dorothee van Biesen - collier (détail)

Gigi Mariani Brooch: Massive Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patina: Gigi Mariani Brooch: « Massive » Silver, 18kt yellow gold, niello, patina

Yiumsiri VANTANAPINDU -  Whenever-one-wishes - expo TRANSMISSION: Yiumsiri VANTANAPINDU -  « Whenever-one-wishes »

Patrícia Domingues Brooch: Serie Duality, 2015 Reconstructed coral, steel: Patrícia Domingues Brooch: Serie Duality, 2015 Reconstructed coral, steel

Eva Burton - bouquet brooch  à TRANSMISSION: Eva BURTON  bouquet brooch

Arnaud Sprimont - brooch at TRANSMISSION expo Arnaud Sprimont - brooch

Jessica AndersonJessica Anderson

 Patricia-Gallucci - Necklace  Patricia-Gallucci – Necklace

Emilie-Losch _ Resistances 30m de collier .... - expo TRANSMISSION: Emilie Losch - « Resistances » – 30m de collier ….

Elin Flognman - Potato Power necklace: Elin Flognman  – Potato Power necklace & circuit diagram for a potatoes neckpiece

Laurence Verdier - collier "emportement" - expo TRANSMISSION: Laurence Verdier - collier « emportement »

"People 2008-2015" by Aude Medori - expo TRANSMISSION: Aude Medori « People 2008-2015″ neckpiece

Eliana Negroni -aluminium necklace - TRANSMISSION: Eliana Negroni – aluminium necklace

Pallavi Gandhi Piece: Pushing the Boundaries, 2014 Sterling silver 4 x 4.2 cm Photo by: Pankaj Mishra Image edited by: Bridgette Shepherd, Klimt02 Pendant and Brooch Front View  Pallavi Gandhi Piece: Pushing the Boundaries, 2014 Sterling silver 4 x 4.2 cm Photo by: Pankaj Mishra

Tanel Veenre Brooch: Airplanes making love, 2013 Wood, tiger eye, silver, cosmic dust, photo TV Tanel Veenre Brooch: Airplanes making love, 2013 Wood, tiger eye, silver, cosmic dust, photo TV

Angela Ciobanu Brooch: Forget-Me-Not, 2014 14k gold, steel, vitreous enamel, recycled silk paper, saw blades 7 x 7 x 5 cm Photo by: Angela Ciobanu From series: Forget-Me-Not -- Transmission Exhibition / 20 Oct 2015 - 12 Dec 2015: Angela Ciobanu Brooch: Forget-Me-Not, 2014 14k gold, steel, vitreous enamel, recycled silk paper, saw blades 7 x 7 x 5 cm Photo by: Angela Ciobanu From series: Forget-Me-Not

Marie Flambard - collier Mold Spores, pièce réalisée en collaboration avec Sébastien Millot (CERFAV)Marie Flambard – collier Mold Spores, pièce réalisée en collaboration avec Sébastien Millot (CERFAV)

Aurélie Adam présentera notamment son bijou Physalis conçu et réalisé pendant sa formation au Cerfav Aurélie Adam  bijou Physalis, conçu et réalisé pendant sa formation au CERFAV

Marie MASSON collier "l'Homme faisan"Marie MASSON collier « l’Homme faisan »

Daniela-Malev - necklace   - dryed potatos: Daniela Malev – necklace   – dryed potatoes

Isabelle BusnelIsabelle Busnel – « Transmettre aux générations futures la magie du bijou contemporain, transmettre l’envie d’oser les matériaux non précieux, les formes, les couleurs et les tailles non conventionnelles, transmettre le courage de sortir des sentiers battus et des bijoux que tout le monde porte… »

Expo TRANSMISSION - Xavier Noël - transmission orale, du verbe comme du virus .....: Xavier Noël – transmission orale, du verbe comme du virus …..



Studio 411
19, avenue Georges Clemenceau, 34 000 Montpellier
Tél. : 09 82 35 05 26



Commandez votre Catalogue / Order Your Catalog : Transmission 20 Oct – 12 Dec Studio411 Galerie

Commandez le catalogue de l’exposition « Transmission » – Studio 411 Montpellier – France (20 Oct – 12 dec) / Order the catalog of the exhibition « Transmission » – Studio 411 Montpellier – France (20 Oct – 12 dec) – Studio411: http://www.studio411.fr A6 : 105 x 148 mm – 64 pages (Français et Anglais)
Book A6 : 105 X 148 mm – 64 pages (French & English)
Price / Prix :15€
+ Shipping / Frais de port : en fonction de la destination / depend on the location
inclu: les photos des oeuvres de chaque artistes ainsi que le texte écrit par la bloggeuse Française Marianne Gassier / With the pictures of all artist and the text wrote by Marianne Gassier French Blog editor : http://bijoucontemporain.unblog.frGraphisme : (Un grand Merci à Silvia, Diane et Christelle)

Choisissez votre mode de règlement / Choose how to proceed
(Paypal* or Bank Transfer) – Catalogue = 15€ + Frais de port / Shipping fees

 Catalogue : Transmission - exhibition of Art Jewellery and fine Art (20 Oct - 12 Dec 2015) Montpellier France





selected for SCHMUCK 2015 : Arnaud Sprimont

Classé dans : Arnaud SPRIMONT (BE),Belgique (BE),blog Apparat,SCHMUCK / MJW (DE) — bijoucontemporain @ 22:39

Arnaud Sprimont, « my colleague » from blog APPARAT ! HAPPY for him ! :-)

« What is my place in the infinite, what is my place in nature? The work of Arnaud Sprimont is like an open exercise, constantly questioning, evolving and morphing, never at rest. »

Arnaud Sprimont Brooch: My Body is a Chaotic Forest, Nr 134, 2013 Jesmonite, pigment, neodymium, magnet 6 x 4.5 x 3 cmArnaud Sprimont Brooch: My Body is a Chaotic Forest, Nr 134, 2013 Jesmonite, pigment, neodymium, magnet 6 x 4.5 x 3 cm

Arnaud Sprimont Brooch: My Body is a Chaotic Forest, Nr 154, 2013 Jesmonite, pigment, neodymium, magnet 6 x 5 x 2.5 cmArnaud Sprimont Brooch: My Body is a Chaotic Forest, Nr 154, 2013 Jesmonite, pigment, neodymium, magnet 6 x 5 x 2.5 cm

« My Body is a chaotic forest »
« As the point of departure to understanding these jewellery pieces of Arnaud Sprimont, I would like to use an idea from French philosopher Blaise Pascal (1) as a reference: what is my place in the infinite, what is my place in nature?
 Adopting the interrogative form as an approach to A.S.’s work is key and an integral part of what he does. His work is much like an open exercise, constantly questioning, evolving and morphing, never at rest.
A.S.’s work is rooted is his view of man. As the title of the “My body is a chaotic forest” exhibition makes unambiguously clear, he opens up his private life; the intimacy of his body, the privacy of his relationship with nature, and beyond nature, his vision of human nature.
At the outset, there is observation. Observation which is not confined to what the human eye can see. Using modern techniques, ranging from nano-scale imagery to satellite views, A. S. challenges the boundaries of his body and his perception of the world around him. The study of pseudomorphosisms is echoed in the perception of his own experiences. Reflecting and blending scales back and forth, the infinitely large finds meaning in the infinitely small, where an abyss of possibilities opens itself up to him.
Setting out from these studies, he then embarks on constructing a narrative. It is not about lending meaning to this infinite, but to talk about the tensions and romances felt, to highlight relations thought unlikely. In confronting the scales, A. S. composes his own history, seeks his path, gladly losing himself in the illusions there to behold. For, as he states himself, it is not about arriving at a set destination but rather about roaming along a vast path: “the work that goes into these pieces and forms is much like a very long walk in nature, where I am ultimately swallowed whole by the earth and I am at one with the rock. My lungs are like the moss around the trees and my arms can embrace the mountains, like the branches of a giant tree, while my spirit flies off like an owl into the night above the hills”.
By choosing to position oneself – both physically and mentally – on the edge of this infinite chasm, and as suggested by the title of the exhibition, in the face of chaos, one might think that the artists puts himself into an uncomfortable and harrowing situation. This is not the case. The road A. S. is walking is a serene path; the compositions he creates – much as they have a crude and elementary aspect – in the same way as seen in the sights of nature – are solid and compact. The use of two unique and opposite colours in the creation of the various pieces of this work, act to illustrate the artist’s acceptance to simultaneously skirt the depths of the dark night – synonymous with secrecy – and those of white light – which refers to knowledge.
Even when finding himself faced with difficult to fathom secrets, he remains undaunted by this immensity. A. S. is pursuing his path in nature, in his nature, and through his creations narrates the geology of his own body, finding its place in a matter in constant transformation. « -  Marie-Luce Martin, January 2014  (Apparat) (Arnaud Sprimont Solo Exhibition AT Beyond Fashion 2014 (Antwerp, BE)
(1) Blaise Pascal, “Les Pensées: les deux infinis”

Arnaud Sprimont Brooch: My Body is a Chaotic Forest, Nr 016, 2013 Jesmonite, pigment, neodymium, magnet 9 x 3 x 2.5 cmArnaud Sprimont Brooch: My Body is a Chaotic Forest, Nr 016, 2013 Jesmonite, pigment, neodymium, magnet 9 x 3 x 2.5 cm

Arnaud Sprimont Brooch: My Body is a Chaotic Forest, Nr 020, 2013 Jesmonite, pigment, neodymium, magnet 6.5 x 3.5 x 2.5 cmArnaud Sprimont Brooch: My Body is a Chaotic Forest, Nr 020, 2013 Jesmonite, pigment, neodymium, magnet 6.5 x 3.5 x 2.5 cm

Arnaud SprimontArnaud Sprimont necklace


EXPO ‘My Body is a chaotic Forest’ – Beyond Fashion gallery, Antwerp (Belgium) – 31 janv.-8 Mars 2014

ARNAUD SPRIMONT  ‘My Body is a chaotic Forest’


My Body is a chaotic forest
« As the point of departure to understanding these jewellery pieces of Arnaud Sprimont, I would like to use an idea from French philosopher Blaise Pascal (1) as a reference: what is my place in the infinite, what is my place in nature?
 Adopting the interrogative form as an approach to A.S.’s work is key and an integral part of what he does. His work is much like an open exercise, constantly questioning, evolving and morphing, never at rest.
A.S.’s work is rooted is his view of man. As the title of the “My body is a chaotic forest” exhibition makes unambiguously clear, he opens up his private life ; the intimacy of his body, the privacy of his relationship with nature, and beyond nature, his vision of human nature.
At the outset, there is observation. Observation which is not confined to what the human eye can see. Using modern techniques, ranging from nano-scale imagery to satellite views, A. S. challenges the boundaries of his body and his perception of the world around him. The study of pseudomorphosisms is echoed in the perception of his own experiences. Reflecting and blending scales back and forth, the infinitely large finds meaning in the infinitely small, where an abyss of possibilities opens itself up to him.
Setting out from these studies, he then embarks on constructing a narrative. It is not about lending meaning to this infinite, but to talk about the tensions and romances felt, to highlight relations thought unlikely. In confronting the scales, A. S. composes his own history, seeks his path, gladly losing himself in the illusions there to behold. For, as he states himself, it is not about arriving at a set destination but rather about roaming along a vast path:  “the work that goes into these pieces and forms is much like a very long walk in nature, where I am ultimately swallowed whole by the earth and I am at one with the rock. My lungs are like the moss around the trees and my arms can embrace the mountains, like the branches of a giant tree, while my spirit flies off like an owl into the night above the hills”.
By choosing to position oneself – both physically and mentally – on the edge of this infinite chasm, and as suggested by the title of the exhibition, in the face of chaos, one might think that the artists puts himself into an uncomfortable and harrowing situation. This is not the case. The road A. S. is walking is a serene path; the compositions he creates – much as they have a crude and elementary aspect – in the same way as seen in the sights of nature – are solid and compact. The use of two unique and opposite colours in the creation of the various pieces of this work, act to illustrate the artist’s acceptance to simultaneously skirt the depths of the dark night – synonymous with secrecy – and those of white light – which refers to knowledge.
Even when finding himself faced with difficult to fathom secrets, he remains undaunted by this immensity. A. S. is pursuing his path in nature, in his nature, and through his creations narrates the geology of his own body, finding its place in a matter in constant transformation. »  Marie-Luce Martin, January 2014
(1) Blaise Pascal, “Les Pensées: les deux infinis”

Arnaud Sprimont, Brooch, 2013 - Brooch: My Body is a Chaotic Forest, Nr 016, 2013 Jesmonite, pigment, neodymium, magnetArnaud Sprimont, Brooch, 2013 – Brooch: My Body is a Chaotic Forest, Nr 016, 2013 Jesmonite, pigment, neodymium, magnet
Arnaud Sprimont, Brooch, 2013Arnaud Sprimont - Brooch: My Body is a Chaotic Forest, Nr 020, 2013Jesmonite, pigment, neodymium, magnet- 6.5 x 3.5 x 2.5 cm
Arnaud Sprimont, Brooch, 2013Arnaud Sprimont - Brooch: My Body is a Chaotic Forest, Nr 154, 2013- Jesmonite, pigment, neodymium, magnet – 6 x 5 x 2.5 cm 

Arnaud Sprimont, Brooch, 2013Brooch: My Body is a Chaotic Forest, Nr 134, 2013 Jesmonite, pigment, neodymium, magnetArnaud Sprimont – Brooch: My Body is a Chaotic Forest, Nr 134, 2013Jesmonite, pigment, neodymium, magnet – 6 x 4.5 x 3 cm


Beyond Fashion
Pourbusstraat 7
2000 – Antwerp
Telephone: +3232378541website:


COUP de BLANC avec Silke FLEISCHER – recent work

Classé dans : Belgique (BE),blog Apparat,COUP DE COEUR,Silke FLEISCHER (BE),www Klimt02 — bijoucontemporain @ 0:04

About the works « pickups & fittings » :

« A lot of it would be called nothing – a thing or an object or any word you want to give it. » (Eva Hesse)
The most recent series of jewellery artist Silke Fleischer embraces the everyday object as a precious thing. In ‘Pickups’ and ‘Fittings’ she focuses and zooms in on our relation with mass-produced objects, usually lacking our attention, but intrinsically sharing a hidden and purposeful design. A lot of these ‘things’ do not even have a name, exemplary for their daily ‘invisibility’. By picking them up and de-contextualizing them, Fleischer is redefining these ‘objects’ to ‘things’ (referring to Martin Heidegger on ‘things’: a thing is an object we appropriate and link closely to our personal life). What she creates is above all a ‘rendez-vous’, a fortuitous encounter with a thing that was plucked from its habitual context and promoted to another status. (Evelien Bracke)
Silke FleischerNeckpiece ‘Pickup white #1′ 2011 – Painted aluminium, cotton, flax, nylon - photo: © Niko Caignie
Silke FleischerNeckpiece ‘Pickup white #1′  – detail
Silke Fleischer – neckpiece ‘Pickup white #2′  2011 – Painted aluminium, cotton, nylonphoto: © Niko Caignie
Silke Fleischer – neckpiece ‘Pickup white #3′  2011 – Painted aluminium, cotton, nylonphoto: © Niko Caignie
Silke Fleischer – neckpiece ‘Pickup white #3′  – detail
Silke Fleischer -piece ‘Pickup white #XL’  2011 – Non-woven - photo: © De Veerman
Silke Fleischer – bracelet: Setting #1 2011 – Polyamide  - photo: © Niko Caignie
Silke Fleischer – neckpiece ‘Milk #1′ 2011 – Porcelain, nylon- photo: © Niko Caignie

upcoming exhibitions…

* Changing Jewellery by 10
Ghyczy – new values
knaackstrasse 96, Berlin, Germany
Opens September 9th, 2011

* Conceptual Jewellery
Art Gallery « Putti »

Marstalu Street 16, Riga, Latvia
September 28th to October 22th, 2011
Opens September 22th, 18h.

* PIN Anonimum
Largo da Boa Hora, Lisbon, Portugal
September 28th to November 27th, 2011
Opens September 28th, 23h.


* European Triennial for Contemporary Jewellery
WCC-BF Rue de la Trouille, 17/02, 7000 Mons, Belgium
October 29th to January 15th, 2012
Opens October 28th, 19h.



Classé dans : blog Apparat,COUP DE COEUR,Jasmin WINTER (DE) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:05

« The pieces that I design are developed under the aspect of perceiving jewellery as an experimental object. In this, I have employed materials that are not always commonly used for jewellery (e.g. paper) and combined these with classical jewellery principles and wearing comfort. The focus of my work is upon surface design. Inspiration for the form is drawn from the interaction between man and his environment. Organic shapes, arranged like small cells,  fragile, brittle, multi-layered, suspenseful » (Jasmin WINTER, DE)

Necklace ’2 in 1′ – Silver, enamel, resin, and thread – 2009

COUP de COEUR !  Jasmin WINTER dans blog Apparat J_Winter_Necklace_2a%20homeJ_Winter_Necklace_2b%20home dans COUP DE COEUR

lucie_web dans Jasmin WINTER (DE)lucie_03%20home



Jasmin Winter – brooch Untitled 2008 – Silver, enamel

Ses bijoux me font penser à des tranches d’os à moelle, découpées, teintes, assemblées …. elle parle bien d’ « organic shapes » …. mais hé non, dans les descriptifs de matérieux, pas d’os en vue …..

(découverte sur les blog Apparat & Wearable Art)


will exhibit at « Grassimesse » (Leipzig, DE) Fair for applied art and design, from 29-31 Oct. 2010, in Leipzig 


Lore Van Keer – blanc, blancs, blancs ………

Classé dans : Belgique (BE),blog Apparat,ceramique,COUP DE COEUR,Lore Van KEER (BE) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:03

« My project is about being mentally and physically locked up.
The creations stem from the idea that every human being consists of one physical person and a multitude of emotional personalities.
In both cases you can create a space in which your thoughts and inner life are put in place.
In my work, I equate emotions and the diversity of emotional personalities with spaces. There are moments when we allow people to enter those spaces; and there are others when we close off the spaces and anxiously keep them shut.
In the same way, emotions can create both a feeling of openness and of isolation.
Bearing in mind that every feeling you experience is pure, you can create a private space to harbor each feeling. This private space is subject to your feelings at any given time and can therefore be either fragile or solid, either transparent or opaque.
Either way, every feeling, every emotion is pure at all times, just like porcelain.
Porcelain is a material that combines the elements of both solidity and fragility.  Porcelain has a memory of its own, which is, just like emotion, indelible and impossible to ignore. » (Lore Van Keer)

Lore Van Keer - blanc, blancs, blancs ......... dans Belgique (BE) Lore_van_Keer_1-478x720

Lore_van_Keer_4-880x585 dans blog Apparat

Lore_van_Keer_3-479x720 dans ceramique

en fait, sous l’apparente candeur du blanc, sous cette douceur lactée, elle nous met en boite, littéralement …..  notre mental, notre physique, tout dans des petites boites …. le bijou m’attire, l’idée m’effraye …. Cela m’évoque ces pièces entièrement capitonnées de l’intérieur, où l’on enferme les « fous » ……. vous pouvez y hurler en silence ….. c’est censé vous protéger, tout doux et blanc et ouatiné, mais vous y êtes bel et bien enfermé …. aaah, l’innocence et la candeur du blanc ….. Dans la nature, tout ce qui est blanc est une « anomalie », l’animal ou la fleur « albinos » sont les plus faibles ….



Decouverte d’un blog bijoux contemporains TRES agréable  !!

Géré par un créateur de bijoux Belge (Arnaud Sprimont), belle mise en page et … belle mise en bouche !! :-) ))

Allez visiter APPARAT !  (mais ne m’abandonnez pas pour autant ! ;-) )

quelques coups de coeur :

Katharina_MochDenise Julia Reytan - collier
Katharina Moch
Denise Julia Reytan – plastic fantasy «  rather unconventional technique ofsilicone casting« 
Hanna_Hedman_1.jpgCharlotte Daffern
Hanna Hedman necklaces
Charlotte Daffern (que j’ai découverte il y a peu chez Kabiri, Londres)
Mirjam_HillerSeth Papac_Recycle - Collected Parure 1 - brass, silver, gold, found objects -
Mirjam Hiller - brooch
Seth Papac – Collected Parure 1 – brass, silver, gold, found objects (EXPO ‘recycle – recreate, redefine, re-imagine’)
Hanna Af EkströmConstanze Schreiber - necklace 'Elisabeth' 2005 - fur, silver, leadJennifer Moss
Hanna Af Ekström (SE) – necklace
Constanze Schreiber – necklace ‘Elisabeth’ – fur, silver, lead -  « With my work I hope to make people realize the value and the origins of nature materials »
Jennifer Moss- necklace


etc etc etc …..  :-)   un vrai BONHEUR je vous dis !! :-)

PS : un petit bémol toutefois emoticone… parfois (de plus en plus souvent…) zéro commentaire, même le plus minime et, surtout, ce qui me frustre le plus, aucune notice sur les bjoux présentés : nom ? type de bijou ? date ? matériaux utilisés ? dans ce cas-là, il y a le lien vers le site du créateur ? j’y vais direct !
dommage ….


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