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Découverte : Estela Saez Vilanova

Classé dans : blog ArtForward,COUP DE COEUR,Espagne (ES),Estela Saez VILANOVA (ES) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:10

Estela Saez Vilanova Girona 1977 (Spain)

Studied jewellery at Escola Massana in Barcelona, whereon received the Massana Prize Award in 2001. Studio assistant of Professor Ruudt Peters in Amsterdam from 2005 to 2007 developing at the same time her project “Terra”.
Winner of Talente Prize in 2006 Munich, Germany.
Beside her work as a jeweller, she has been invited as a guest teacher and lecturer in Copenhagen, Mexico, Stellenbosch, Buenos Aires, Hong Kong, Florence, Stockholm and Barcelona. From time to time she also organizes and promotes jewellery-related events.
Exhibits her work since 1996 in Galleries and Museums around the world; Holland, Czech Republic, Finland, Spain, Germany, Argentina, Sweden, Italy, U.S.A, England, Mexico.
She has received different Incentive Grants, from the Catalan Government to promote and develop her personal work.
Her pieces have been published in different magazines; catalogues and specialized books in jewellery.
Since 2005, lives and works in Amsterdam, Holland.

Estela Saez
« Good by(e) nest. » serie  2008- ‘SEPIA’ – silver/wool/fabrics/paint

Estela Saez
« Good by(e) nest. » serie  2008- ‘RAP’. silver/gold/wool/fabrics/paint

Estela Saez
« Good by(e) nest. » serie  2008-  ‘PEIX’. silver/wool/paint

Estela Saez
Good by(e) nest. » serie  2008- ‘NIU’. silver/gold

GROC. silver/gold/wool/fabrics
Good by(e) nest. » serie  2008-  ‘GROC’. silver/gold/wool/fabrics

« Synaesthesia in Estela’s nest
The colours of a cherished, familiar landscape, somewhere in the foothills of the Pyrenees leading to the Mediterranean Sea. A blue air one could bite; a yellow light one could touch. Blue and yellow: primary colours, homesick colours.
The velvety touch of a slightly moist wooden spoon; the smell of a small leather pouch soaked by rancid wine; metal tools sprinkled with earth after working in the fields… Unusual sensations inspire new radical objects looking at the rural utensils of yesteryear.
Silver that looks like leather, leather that looks like skin, the skin of a nest, the nest of oneself. A metaphor for fragility and the need of a shelter. From darning and stitching, seams and patches arise on the objects’ surface. Metal is treated like a soft material. When Granny’s skills are adopted by the goldsmith, senses are pleased and confused. (…)
 » – Text by Monica Gaspar

Découverte : Estela Saez Vilanova dans blog ArtForward 26_rapconvertitencactus
« recovered connections » serie – 2009 – « rap convertit en cactus »







COUP de COEUR ! Laura Prieto-Velasco

Classé dans : blog ArtForward,COUP DE COEUR,Laura PRIETO-VELASCO (US),USA — bijoucontemporain @ 0:06

 Laura Prieto-Velasco

stuctures fragiles et délicates, couleurs d’aigues-marines …. découverte grâce au blog « Art forward », voici ses dernières créations de fin 2010
Laura Prieto-Velasco is an artist and educator residing in Chicago, IL. In addition to her background in metalsmithing and jewelry design, her multi-media work extends to sculpture, installation, design, dance and video. Laura’s work is exhibited nationally and included in several private collections as well as public collections such as The Museum of Contemporary Craft as well as Mesa Contemporary Arts.
Currently, she works full time as a studio technician and teaches part time at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She is also serving as the Vice-President and Exhibitions Chair of Chicago Metal Arts Guild, a local non-profit. She is co-founder of Dirt Gallery, an experimental exhibition/project space that seeks to present works which spans across the spectrum of craft, art and design.
Laura holds an MFA from San Diego State University in San Diego, CA in Metalsmithing and Jewelry and a BFA from Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia, PA in Metals/Jewelry/CAD CAM.
Her private studio is located in the neighborhood of West Pilsen where she creates the majority of her one-of-a-kind pieces. 



« Most of my work is inspired by overlapping themes of catharsis, change, play, taboo and the erotic. Opinions about and interactions with pieces for or about the body hinge upon transformative acts. I am interested in creating objects that change over time, concealing their materials or construction methods and revealing a character so compelling that emotional cleansing is unavoidable by virtue of their impact on the human form and psyche. »




EXPO ‘Mia Maljojoki – Fireworks’ – Silke & the gallery, Anvers (BE) – 12 juin-12 aout 2010

Mia Maljojoki - Fireworks

« I freeze moments. Fireworks take many forms to produce. They primary effects come from noise, light, color, smoke and floating materials. My work is formed by motion, mood, and play between intention and result. I cast, wash, bite, scratch, throw, scrub, break, and pour. This can last a few minutes or can be done in layers taking many months. Can’t emotion be solid ?« 

Mia Maljojoki- fireworks- 2010
Mia Maljojoki - fireworks- 2010  (photos Mirei Takeuchi)


«  In my jewellery artwork, I capture moments from my daily life in the form of physical objects that can be worn by others. I record subtle spaces in plaster. They are physical expressions of feelings and experiences with that which I use everyday. I reflect on simple common objects such as my bedpost, the doorknob of my favorite café, plastic spoons from the local ice cream shop, visits with a friend, or the touch between a mother and a child. Yet each one defines the horizon of an emotional landscape that I experience daily. I cast my own body and the bodies of friends and family. Each piece has captured a moment of my life, and has a means by which I can connect and reconnect to others.«  (Mia Maljojoki)

EXPO 'Mia Maljojoki - Fireworks' - Silke & the gallery, Anvers (BE) - 12 juin-12 aout 2010 dans Belgique (BE) 20651_317214129120_618124120_3438029_4449187_n

The ICICLE Ballad



Silke & the gallery
Steenhouwersvest 49
B 2000 – Antwerp
Telephone: +32 (0)474 78 01 32


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