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COUP de …. COULEUR, encore une fois, avec Denise Julia Reytan

Berlin based Jewelry designer Denise Julia Reytan creates eco-friendly pieces using unusual materials including silicone and rubber, recycled objects as well as other day to day bits and pieces

voir ses photos sur Flickr

« Exciting materials, bright colours, sensual materiality and extraordinary forms deeply fascinates me.
This fascination is the basis, the essential mix, upon which my jewellery is growing.
For me, my works are like poems on the body, a poetry in objects. Colours and shapes forming sentences and signs, playing and communicating together and merging into new formations.
Through the effect of colours, materials and shapes, an independent, artificial and self-explanatory image
should develop and turn the wearer into a breathtaking painting.
Furthermore, my necklaces are about the unconditional beauty of colours, shapes, materials and about decorative equality. My necklaces are made of materials which fascinate me, of objects from everyday life, consumption and the environment, which represents me, my culture and the time I am living in.
I am working in different directions and searching for ways to combine diverse disciplines like painting, installation, fashion, graphic and jewellery into something new. That helps me to reflect « authentic me » and the culture I´m living in.
The restrictions of conventional jewellery form the background against which I develop my own, individual language of form, trying to find a new definition of jewellery as well as a new place for it in today’s society.
Moreover, I am questioning the boundaries between precious and non-precious. I am interested in the transformation of precious into non-precious and of non-precious into preciousness. But the question also is one about the ideal and intrinsic value of objects and their importance. For me jewellery is an inner expression, individual statement and an identification of the own personality.  » (Denise Julia Reytan)

I gioielli di Denise Julia Reytan

denise julia reytan jewelrydenise julia reytan jewelry

JOYllery - « This jewellery has no fixed form, but is expandable with own jewellery, like chains, stone or pearl necklaces, pendants, rings or any other kind of beloved objects. This makes it very playful and open for everybodies own ideas. »

I gioielli di Denise Julia Reytan

« EINTR8″ necklaces

« EINTR8 Jewellery is about confrontation with value terms, about the unconditional beauty of colours, shapes, materials and about decorative equality.
My jewellery is made of materials which fascinates me, of objects from everyday life, consumption and the environment, which represents me, my culture and the time I am living in. EINTR8 Jewellery is combining and new interpretating modern and traditional characteristics, shape languages, materials, techniques, designs and statements in the world today.

I gioielli di Denise Julia Reytan

Momentaufnahme_9 par DENISE JULIA REYTAN
« Snapshots »

« The fixation of the pieces of jewellery and other objects of peronal value I have collected by way of the rather unconventional technique of silicone casting, is a snap-shot of my time and the culture I am part of, the culture of an often unreflected consumers’ society, in which objects become easily disposable. With jewellery not the material but the ideal value should come to the fore, so that the personality of everyone can get expressed, shaped and reflected. The idea of democratic jewellery and of sharing my messages and my collected and unique objects is important for me. That´s also a reason why I choose the silicone casting method. There is a strong contrast between the material of non-precious silicone, the cast precious jewellery pieces and a very personal content. By changing the original materiality of the used objects into silicone or resin, a new harmony of material, colour is created, a novel entity. «


blog ‘‘  et ‘


CIGARETTES ! une p’tite dernière, please !

A force de tomber sur ces curieux bijoux pour « addicts » de la clope (avec humour !), je « post », je « post », pour ne pas dire je vous « fiche mon billet » ! ;-)


CIGARETTES ! une p'tite dernière, please ! dans Alexandra CHANEY (US) 0327
Liaung Chung Yen « cages » ring – « Blowing Smoke » series (cigarette encased in glass).
Alexandra Chaney, « Repel: Fumiphobia, » 2008, Cigarettes, gold plated brass, guitar string
Francis Upritchard (New Zealand born artist living in London)‘Cigarette Necklace’, 2003

DSCN7818 dans Carrie BILBO (US)DSCN7824 dans Francis UPRITCHARD (UK)
Carrie BILBOPulmonary Fibrosis Bracelet - brass, copper,cigarette butts, resin (& detail)

L'ultima sigaretta di Liaung-Chung Yen
 Liaung-Chung Yen - la dernière cigarette ….argent (coulisse pour ouvrir sur 1 cigarette)


Gioielli di carta – Paper Jewelry – Bijoux de PAPIER

Milano : Gioielli di carta - Progetti di 60 designer – EXPO Milan sept-oct 2009

Organised by Alba Cappellieri, professor of jewellery design at the “Politecnico” of Milan and by Bianca Cappello, jewellery historian, Paper Jewellery: poor jewellery is an exhibition that represents the most complete exhibition dedicated to paper jewellery: 60 designers from all over the world – from Australia to Austria, from Italy to Finland, England, Germany, Belgium, Hungary, Poland – in an unmissable journey through distant cultures under the sign of only one protagonist: paper. Folded, embroidered, plaited, sewn, sponged, pleated, punched, recycled, glued, water-painted, paper takes on unimaginable decorations and shapes: rarefied like Nobuko Murakami’s origami, elegant like Daniele Papuli and Janna Syvanoja’s pleats or the Dutch Nel Linssen’s ruffs, blooming like Sandra di Giacinto’s geometries or materic like Ritsuko Ogura’s textures, joyous like Ana Hagopian’s flowers, the collages by Feroci Design or Andrzej Szadkowski’s spectra, conceptual like the Fritz Maierhofer compositions.

Paper jewellery imposes a reflection on preciousness, no longer entrusted, as with traditional jewellery, to metals and gems but rather to the project that represents the main theme of this exhibition. The vulnerability of paper is suitably pliable to design reflections that are usually far from the world of jewellery like sustainability, ecology, territorial valorisation. Free from exchange values codified by the market paper jewellery explores languages and themes covering many disciplines: ornaments, colours, shapes, surfaces, textures, by transferring influences and aesthetics not only from fashion but also from design. And so, with this aim in mind we have included the works of 5 designers, designers that usually have to measure themselves with internal decoration and lighting, who have produced their paper jewellery especially for this exhibition. They are Deep Design, Giulio Iacchetti, Marco Ferreri, Miriam Mirri, Marco Romanelli with Marta Laudani and Paolo Ulian.

Daniele Papuli
Daniele Papuli - necklace ‘Estesa’ , 2007

Triennale Design Museum presenta Gioielli di carta a cura di Alba Cappellieri e Bianca Cappello, la piu’ completa rassegna dedicata al gioiello di carta attraverso i progetti di sessanta designer provenienti da tutto il mondo .

Gioielli di carta - Paper Jewelry - Bijoux de PAPIER  dans ADOR (IT) gioielli-di-carta-foto07Fabrizio Tridenti
Caren Hartley  ring    –    Fabrizio Tridenti- anello/ring 2009 -cardboard, paper, resin, pvc

Piegata, ricamata, intrecciata, cucita, spugnata, plissettata, fustellata, riciclata, incollata, acquerellata, la carta assume decori e forme insospettabili : rarefatte come gli origami di Nobuko Murakami, eleganti come i plisse’ di Janna Syvanoja e di Daniele Papuli o le gorgiere dell’olandese Nel Linssen, fiorite come le geometrie di Sandra di Giacinto o materiche come le texture di Ritsuko Ogura, gioiose come i fiori di Ana Hagopian, i collage di Feroci Design o gli spettri del polacco Andrzej Szadkowski, concettuali come le composizioni di Fritz Maierhofer.

Sarah Kate Burgess - Do it yourself rings
Sarah Kate Burgessdo-it-yourself rings

Il gioiello di carta impone una riflessione sulla preziosità, non piu’ affidata, come nel gioiello tradizionale, ai metalli e alle gemme bensi’ al progetto che rappresenta il filo conduttore della mostra.

Ana Hagopian
Ana  Hagopian (ES)

La vulnerabilità della carta si presta a riflessioni progettuali solitamente distanti dal mondo del gioiello come la sostenibilità, l’ecologia, la valorizzazione territoriale.
Libero dal valore di scambio codificato dal mercato il gioiello di carta esplora linguaggi e temi trasversali a molte discipline: l’ornamento, il colore, la forma, la superficie, le texture.

gioielli-di-carta-foto03 dans Ana HAGOPIAN (ES)Maria Stella Ivana Riggi
Riccardo Dalisi                                    -       Maria Stella Ivana Riggi

A questo scopo sono stati inclusi i lavori di sei designer, che solitamente si confrontano con l’arredo e la luce, che hanno realizzato i loro gioielli di carta appositamente per la mostra : Matteo Bazzicalupo e Raffaella Mangiarotti [deepdesign], Marco Ferreri, Miriam Mirri, Marco Romanelli con Marta Laudani, Paolo Ulian.

01.jpgAngela Simone
Angela Simone - Neckpiece: Scapigliata 2009- Black cardboard, raffia
Janna Syvanoja (FI)

Opere di : Luis Acosta, Atelier VM, Sarah Kate Burgess, Ela Cindoruk, Riccardo Dalisi, Matteo Bazzicalupo e Raffaella Mangiarotti [deepdesign], Sandra Di Giacinto, Claudia Diehl, Sabina Feroci, Marco Ferreri, Anna Fornari, Maria Rosa Franzin, Noemi Gera, Lisa Grassivaro, Joanne Grimonprez, Ana Hagopian, Andrea Halmschlager, Caren Hartley, Lydia Hirte, Meiri Ishida, Mari Ishikawa, Nathalie Jean, Hu Jun, Nel Linssen, Angelo Lomuscio, Fritz Maierhofer, Beatrix Mapalagama, Miriam Mirri, Nobuko Murakami, Devran Mursaloglu, Kazumi Nagano, Kaoru Nakano, Ritzuko Ogura, Takehide Ozaki, Daniele Papuli, Shari Pierce, Wendy Ramshaw+David Watkins, Erica Spitzer Rasmussen, Ivana Riggi, Romanelli e Laudani, Marjorie Schick, Angela Simone, Peter Skubic, Maurizio Stagni, Deganit Stern Shocken, Janna Syvanoja, Andrei Szadkowsky, Fabrizio Tridenti, Barbara Uderzo, Paolo Ulian, Marion Van Cruchten, Manon Van Kouswijk, Giorgio Vigna, Paper to Pearls, Kiwon Wang, Fiona Wright, Annamaria Zanella, Ina Zeller Bleil e gli studenti del Politecnico di Milano, Accademia di Brera, Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze.
Nathalie Jean

gioiellidicarta1 dans Andrzej SZADKOWSKI (PL)gioiellidicarta2 dans Angela SIMONE (IT)gioiellidicarta3 dans Angelo LOMUSCIO (IT)

Ela Cindoruk                           –     Nel Linssen  necklace, 2007       —      Lydia Hirte

Sandra Di Giacinto
Sandra Di Giacinto Necklace: Star rossa/grigia 2008 – Paper

gioiellidicarta dans Annamaria ZANELLA (IT)gioielli-di-carta-foto08 dans Barbara UDERZO (IT)
Noémi Gera                    –  Matteo Bazzicalupo e Raffaella Mangiarotti [deepdesign]
ring from Noemi Gera‘s paperjewellery collection (to shop at this address : !)
Giovanna Gariboldi - Necklace: Filigrana 2009 Paper,-collana.jpg
Myungshin Ko (Accademia di Brera)- Necklace: Struttura – 2009 – Black cardboard
Kaoru Nakano
Kazumi Nagano
Kiwon Wang
Ritzuko OGURA
Manon Van Kouswijk
Luis Acosta



Triennale Design Museum – Triennale di Milano
viale Alemagna 6
Milano (Italy)
Inaugurazione 15 settembre 2009


BOOK/Catalogue expo :

Gioielli di carta-Paper jewellery- CatEXPO (Milan,2009)-Mondadori Electa

Paper Jewellery/Gioielli di carta – Electa – 2009 -
111 pp + pochette de 6 bijoux de papier prédécoupés
pour les amoureux du bijou en papier : à  AVOIR !


voir aussi :

* ADOR (Associazione Designers Orafi )


* paperfine : bijoux de papier


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