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EXPO ‘Private Exhibition…’ – Villa de Bondt, Gent (BE) – 16 Avril-14 Mai 2016

Villa De Bondt: « Private Exhibition… » -
Gdansk Baltic Amber Biennale, curated by Slawomir Fijalkowski & Wim Vandekerckhove » •
16 April-14 May 2016 •
Opening: 16 April 2016, 6 pm -
Villa De Bondt: "Private Exhibition... - Gdansk Baltic Amber Biennale, curated by Slawomir Fijalkowski & Wim Vandekerckhove" •
with Patrícia Domingues (MA 2013), Tabea Reulecke (MFA 2015), Dana Seachuga (MFA 2015), Nelly Van Oost (MA 2012) (from Idar Oberstein) et al.-


Tabea Reulecke (MFA 2015) • Object "Sandwiches with Honey" • Amber, enamel and cooper • 2015 • ©photo by Maciek NicgórskiTabea Reulecke (MFA 2015) • Object « Sandwiches with Honey » • Amber, enamel and cooper • 2015 • ©photo by Maciek Nicgórski

 Nelly Van Oost (MA 2012) • Brooch "Tell me the truth" • Baltic amber, new silver, paint and steel • 2015 • ©photo by artist Nelly Van Oost (MA 2012) • Brooch « Tell me the truth » • Baltic amber, new silver, paint and steel • 2015 • ©photo by artist

 Patrícia Domingues (MA 2013) • Brooch • Amber, natural & coloured agate, graphite & steel • 2014 • ©photo by Maciek Nicgórski  Patrícia Domingues (MA 2013) • Brooch • Amber, natural & coloured agate, graphite & steel • 2014 • ©photo by Maciek Nicgórski

Gisbert Stach Brooch: Gold Fingers, 2015 Baltic amber, silicone, steel.Conversation with a cloud. Gisbert Stach Brooch: Gold Fingers, 2015 Baltic amber, silicone, steel.  

Vlla de Bondt - 2016 - Sophie Hanagarth   Gdansk Baltic Amber Biennale: Sophie Hanagarth

Vlla de Bondt - 2016 - Carme Roher  -  Gdansk Baltic Amber Biennale, curated by Slawomir Fijalkowski & Wim Vandekerckhove" • 16 April-14 May 2016: Carme Roher

Vlla de Bondt - 2016 - Bernard François   Gdansk Baltic Amber Biennale:  Bernard François

Vlla de Bondt - 2016 - Jacek Byczewsky  Gdansk Baltic Amber Biennale: Jacek Byczewsky

Vlla de Bondt - 2016 - Stefano Marchetti   Gdansk Baltic Amber Biennale: Stefano Marchetti

Vlla de Bondt - 2016 - Dana Seachuga    Gdansk Baltic Amber Biennale: Dana Seachuga


Villa De Bondt
Krijgslaan 124
9000 Gent (Gand) – BELGIQUE
tel 0032(0)92217609



EXPO ‘Amber Chamber’ – Gallery Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco (USA) – 1-31 Oct. 2015

Amber Chamber
New jewelry from an ancient material…
Artists’ Reception: Friday, October 2, 6-8pm

Amber chamber - velvet da Vinci(Helfried Kodre, Brooch, 2015, Amber, sterling silver)

Featured Artists:   Elisabeth Defner — Christiane Förster Heidemarie HerbHerman Hermsen Beate Klockmann Helfried Kodré Philip Sajet Peter Skubic Gisbert Stach Petra Zimmermann

This exhibition shows a number of different approaches to amber, running the gamut from artists working with amber for the first time, to those who have been working with it for an extended period.  The contrasts in these works should help to update the traditional and still rather one-sided view of amber jewelry, showing new possibilities about this interesting material.  Amber, fossilized tree resin, has been appreciated for its color and inherent beauty since Neolithic times.
Curated by Heidemarie Herb.

Herman Hermsen, AllaDali (Brooch), 2015, shark yaw, amber, gold 15 x 8 cmHerman Hermsen, AllaDali (Brooch), 2015, shark yaw, amber, gold 15 x 8 cm
Gisbert Stach, Golden Toast 3 Brooch, 2013, Baltic amber, transparent silicon, stainless steel.  Photo: Gisbert StachGisbert Stach, Golden Toast 3 Brooch, 2013, Baltic amber, transparent silicon, stainless steel.  Photo: Gisbert Stach

 Peter Skubic, Untitled Brooch, 2015, Amber, coral, stainless steel, 9 x 8.5 x 2.7 cm. Photo: Petra ZimmermannPeter Skubic, Untitled Brooch, 2015, Amber, coral, stainless steel, 9 x 8.5 x 2.7 cm. Photo: Petra Zimmermann

 Petra Zimmermann, Untitled (Rings), 2014/2015, Amber, polymethylmethacrylate, gold Petra Zimmermann, Untitled (Rings), 2014/2015, Amber, polymethylmethacrylate, gold

Heidemarie Herb, Neckpieces: Time, 2014, Sterling silver, brass, iron, natural rope, baltic amber, 13 cm. Photo by: Silvana Tili: Heidemarie Herb, Neckpieces: Time, 2014, Sterling silver, brass, iron, natural rope, baltic amber, 13 cm. Photo by: Silvana Tili:  

Beate Klockmann, Earrings, Untitled, 2015, Gold, amber, Plastic, 40 x 40 x 20cmBeate Klockmann, Earrings, Untitled, 2015, Gold, amber, Plastic, 40 x 40 x 20cm


Velvet da Vinci
2015 Polk Street,
San Francisco, CA 94109
Phone: 415-441-0109
Hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 11am – 6pm, Sunday, 11am – 4pm


« Alatyr 2015″ International Biennial of Amber – Amber Museum, Kaliningrad (Russia) – 26 Juin-30 Aout 2015

« Alatyr 2015″ International Biennial of Amber

Kaliningrad Regional Amber Museum hosts the Sixth International Biennial of Amber Art Works « Alatyr 2015″ in June 2015. The Biennial includes exhibition and contest, scientific and practical conference « Restoration and conservation of amber », educational program, publishing of the catalogue.

En 2015 le Musée de l’ambre jaune de la région de Kaliningrad organise la VIème édition de la biennale internationale des créations d’ambre « ALATYR ». Au programme de cet événement : Exposition – concours, séminaire scientifique, master class, édition d’un catalogue…

Le thème de cette édition est : »Métaphysique de la lumière ». L’année 2015 est déclarée par l’UNESCO « l’Année internationale de la lumière ». Pour la luminosité, aucune des gemmes ne peut être comparée avec l’ambre. Il est proposé aux participants de la biennale de créer une œuvre dans laquelle le créateur révélerait et mettrait en évidence cette propriété étonnante de l’ambre.
Dans l’objectif de travailler à un renforcement des communications culturelles entre les musées, institutions et associations internationales en Russie et à l’étranger, le Pôle Bijou de la Communauté de Communes des Vallées du Cristal est associé au Musée de l’Ambre pour assurer une partie du commissariat de cette manifestation. Les commissaires ont pour mission de définir la collection des œuvres présentées dans l’exposition et au concours, dans le respect du thème de la biennale.
Pour ce faire, le Pôle Bijou lance un appel à candidatures en vue de sélectionner de 6 à 15 créateurs européens. Ces créateurs présenteront 3 pièces ou 3 ensembles de pièces, créés entre 2014 et 2015, et dont l’ambre soit le matériau principal et représente 50 % des matériaux utilisés. L’utilisation de tout ambre est autorisée (naturel, pressé, avec inclusions, etc) et il peut être associé à tout autre matériau.



Le Pôle Bijou assure une partie du commissariat de la 6ème Biennale des créations en ambre organisée par le Musée de l’Ambre de Kaliningrad (Russie). Sa mission : proposer une sélection de créateurs dont les œuvres seront présentées à Kaliningrad.
Le thème de l’année est « Métaphysique de la lumière« , 2015 étant déclarée « Année internationale de la lumière » par l’UNESCO. Les participants devaient créer une œuvre dans laquelle le créateur révélerait et mettrait en évidence l’étonnante luminosité de l’ambre.

Les artistes de la sélection Pôle Bijou :
Angela Baduel-Crispin (France) propose un trio de bagues réalisées en Morta (bois de chêne fossilisé il y a 5000 ans dans la Brière) et ambre dont le thème s’articule autour de la phrase d’Aragon «il n’y a pas de lumière sans ombre».

Angela B. Crispin - L'Ange Est Là Bijoux  "Les Arcanes" - 3 rings : "Parabole", "Jaillissement", "Emergence", made of amber, "Morta" fossilized wood, silver. April 2015   Angela B. Crispin – L’Ange Est Là Bijoux  « Les Arcanes » – 3 rings : « Parabole », « Jaillissement », « Emergence », made of amber, « Morta » fossilized wood, silver. April 2015

Angela B. Crispin - L'Ange Est Là Bijoux  #BalticAmber and #Morta , which is local #fossilizedwood, over 5000 years old and almost black in color. I cut into the veins of the wood to slide and tension fit the amber pieces. #AngelaBCrispinAngela B. Crispin - « L’Ange Est Là » Bijoux  – work in progress – BalticAmber and Morta , which is local fossilized wood, over 5000 years old and almost black in color. I cut into the veins of the wood to slide and tension fit the amber pieces.

Elisabeth Hans (France) illustre, par trois bagues, combien selon elle la métaphysique de la Lumière représente une quête de la Vérité, une idée d’absolu. Chacune des bagues exploite la symbolique de formes géométriques basiques et les étapes de la recherche de vérité …

Aline Kokinopoulos (France) propose une broche et une bague et décline un thème qui lui est cher : les cités imaginaires et les maisons qui les peuplent. Ici les cités troglodytes s’inscrivent en clin d’œil à Montesquieu dans ses Lettres Persanes.

Aline Kokinopoulos -  Deux pièces selectionnéss pour la Biennale de l'ambre à KaliningradAline Kokinopoulos - broche

Patricia Lemaire (France) elle, dans son trio sautoir, bague et broche  revisite le mythe de Phaéton, fils d’Hélios, dont la mort serait à l’origine de l’ambre. Invitation à un voyage imaginaire qui rend toute sa place au soleil et à son rôle fondamental dans la Vie.

Patricia Lemaire - "Like the sun through the clouds" 2015Patricia Lemaire - « Like the sun through the clouds » 2015

  Patricia Lemaire - "Light shaft" 2015 ring  Patricia Lemaire - « Light shaft » 2015 ring

 Patricia Lemaire LIKE SPOT OF LIGHT Broche 13 X 3 X 4cm Argent 925 patiné, bois flottés ambre taillée polie - photo SPO CréationPatricia Lemaire LIKE SPOT OF LIGHT Broche 13 X 3 X 4cm Argent 925 patiné, bois flottés ambre taillée polie – photo SPO Création

Monique Voz (Belgique) quant à elle joue avec les deux origines étymologiques possibles de l’appellation grecque de l’ambre : élektron et électrum. Elektron fait référence aux propriétés électrostatiques de l’ambre et à l’origine du terme «électricité»; tandis qu’électrum «matière jaune» a donné son nom à un alliage d’or et d’argent.

Voz Monique - Métaphysqiue de la lumière, ambre et lumière.Voz Monique - Métaphysqiue de la lumière, ambre et lumière.

1) L’Exposition «Métaphysique de la lumière»
Elle se déroulera du 27 juin à fin août 2015, au sein du Musée de l’Ambre. Le vernissage est prévu pour le 26 juin. Elle fera l’objet d’un catalogue bilingue qui sera édité à l’issue de l’événement. Il sera illustré et imprimé en couleur. Il contiendra un portrait du créateur, la photo d’un ou de l’ensemble de ses objets, et un article de 1800 à 3000 signes rédigé par le commissaire sur son travail. Un exemplaire sera offert à chaque participant de la biennale.

2) Le concours international
Le concours compte 5 catégories : « Maîtrise » (technique), « Création artistique« , « Esprit novateur« ,  » Ce Jour de la Victoire… » (Catégorie spéciale consacrée à l’anniversaire des 70 ans de la Victoire à la Grande Guerre Nationale), « Poésie dans la pierre » (catégorie spéciale consacrée à l’année de la littérature, déclarée en Russie en 2015).
Récompenses : Grand prix général, un lauréat dans chaque catégorie, deux diplômes spéciaux du jury dans chaque catégorie, diplômes du jury, prix et les récompenses des sponsors de la Biennale.
Par ailleurs, les objets qui retiendront l’attention du jury seront achetés par le Musée de l’ambre afin de compléter sa collection.

Results of the contest exhibition « Metaphysics of Light » :

Grand-Prix Martin Messavilla, Italy – for the big and small necklaces "Lightbell" and ring "Lightpoint", 2015 (amber, silver, plastic).Grand-Prix
Martin Messavilla, Italy – for the big and small necklaces « Lightbell » and ring « Lightpoint », 2015 (amber, silver, plastic).

Category "Creation of Artistic Image": Laureate Jaroslaw Kolec, Lodz, Poland – for the brooch "Light", 2015 (amber, silver; casting).Category « Creation of Artistic Image »: Laureate  : Jaroslaw Kolec, Lodz, Poland – for the brooch « Light », 2015 (amber, silver; casting)

Category "Creation of Artistic Image": Laureate Olga Tsyplakova, Kaliningrad, Russia – for the brooch №3 from the set "Electron", 2015 (amber, metal, copper wire; author's technique).Category « Creation of Artistic Image »: Laureate Olga Tsyplakova, Kaliningrad, Russia – for the brooch №3 from the set « Electron », 2015 (amber, metal, copper wire; author’s technique)

Category "Innovation" Laureate Susanne Elstner, Munich, Germany – for the brooch series "Of the Same Origin", 2015 (amber, charcoal, silver, steel).Category « Innovation » Laureate Susanne Elstner, Munich, Germany – for the brooch series « Of the Same Origin », 2015 (amber, charcoal, silver, steel)

Category "Poetry in Stone", посвященной dedicated to the Year of Literature announced in Russia in 2015 Laureate Daria Nesterova, Togliatti, Russia – for the brooch series "Winged", 2015 (amber, ivory, bronze; carving, casting).Category « Poetry in Stone »,  dedicated to the Year of Literature announced in Russia in 2015
Laureate : Daria Nesterova, Togliatti, Russia – for the brooch series « Winged », 2015 (amber, ivory, bronze; carving, casting).

Special Jury Diplomas:
1. Аndrey Gilodo, Mette Saabye and Benno Simma awarded with their diploma « for the original innovative decision » – Gianluca Bartellone (Italy) for the brooch « Pampaque », 2015 (paper, amber, silver, pearl, steel);
2. Galina Kovalyova awarded with her diploma « for the professional and emotional usage of unique materials » – Angela Baduel-Crispin (France) for the ring from the set « Appearance », 2015 (amber, fossilized wood, silver; carving, polishing);
3. Аndrzej Szadkowski awarded with his diploma « for the new construction in rings » – Adam Kaczmarek (Lodz, Poland) for the ring  »Mobil », 2015 (amber, plastics; author’s technique);
4. Julie Rey-Camet awarded with her diploma « for the balance and perspective » – Martin Pechlaner (Italy) for the brooch « Reflection », 2015 (amber, silver, alpaca, gold, marble). 
Special Diplomas of the biennial partners:
1. Special award from the general partner JSC « Yantarniy Yuvelirprom » and diploma in the special nomination « New Blood »:
Kao Lin Studio, Moscow, Alexandra Petrova and Nikifor Ignatenko – for the usage of eco-friendly materials and popularization of the natural beauty of amber.
2. Hofman Literature award and diploma from the hotel « Hous of the Story-teller » and Kaliningrad Regional Organization of Writers:
Vyacheslav Zavarzin – for the composition « Ant’s Feast », 2015 (amber; carving).
3. Special award and diplom from the Kaliningrad Regional Public Organization of Entrepreneurs « Amber Union »:
Vyacheslav Zavarzin – for the composition « Ant’s Feast », 2015 (amber; carving).
4. Special award and diploma from the Kaliningrad Regional Branch of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia:
Tamara Emsen – for the set « Heritage », 2015 (amber, brass; casting, granulation).
5. Special award and diploma from the travel agency « Yunona »:
Lyubov Serebryakova – for the set « Garnet », 2015 (amber, garnet, silver; hand-casting).
6. Special award and diploma from the travel agency « Yunona »:
Lyudmila Sakharova – for the set « Lights of the Night City », 2015 (amber, silver).
7. Special award from the magazine « Solemn Occasion »:  Alexandr Korolyov – for the casket « Delightful », 2015 (amber; carving).
8. Special award from the magazine « Jewel & Travel »:
Christian Muehlbauer – for the necklace « Light Column », 2015 (amber, silver, leather).
9. Special award from the LLC « Bezkay »:
Galina Syromyatnikova – for the pendant « Lightful Image », 2015 (amber, silver, mother-of-pearl, ivory; carving, sawing-out, engraving).
10. Special award from the LLC commercial manufacturing enterprise « Alk »:
Christoph Straube – for the brooch series, 2015 (silver, amber, enamel, steel).
11. Special award from the Amber and Redwood Manufactory « Emelianov and Sons »:
Ekaterina Artemieva – for the pendant « Prism. Spectrum », 2015 (silver, amber, quartz, cornelian, citrine, amazonite, turquoise, radioed jewelry alloy; casting, sawing-out, soldering, setting).


Kaliningrad Museum of Amber Amber Museum
Marshall Vasilevskiy Square, 1
236016 Kaliningrad, Russia



EXPO ‘Amber Chamber’- The Ring Gallery, Legnica (Poland) – 28 Avril-7 Juin 2015

Amber Chamber

 The Ring Gallery, Legnica, Poland – curator : Heidemarie Herb
The opening of the travelling exhibition, which presents ten renown artists taking a fresh look on amber, coincides with the Legnica Jewellery Festival Silver.
This exhibition shows a number of different approaches to amber, running the gamut from artists working with amber for the first time, to those who have been working with it for an extended period. The contrasts in these works should help to update the traditional and still rather one-sided view of amber jewelry, showing new possibilities about this interesting material.
Amber Chamber Exhibition  /  28 Apr-7 Jun 2015 - The Ring Gallery, Legnica, Poland

Artist list :  Elisabeth Defner — Christiane FörsterHeidemarie HerbHerman HermsenBeate KlockmannHelfried KodréPhilip SajetPeter SkubicGisbert StachPetra Zimmermann

Helfried Kodré Brooch: Untitled, 2015 Amber, silver 6 x 9 cm Photo by: Helfried KodréHelfried Kodré Brooch: Untitled, 2015 Amber, silver 6 x 9 cm Photo by: Helfried Kodré
Gisbert Stach Brooch: Golden Toast, 2013 Baltic amber, transparent silicon, steel 11 x 10.5 x 1.8 cm Photo by: Gisbert StachGisbert Stach Brooch: Golden Toast, 2013 Baltic amber, transparent silicon, steel 11×10.5×1.8 cm Photo by: Gisbert Stach
Christiane Förster Brooch: Untitled, 2015 Amber, mother-of-pearl, silver 5.7 x 5 x 0.7 cm Photo by: Christiane FörsterChristiane Förster Brooch: Untitled, 2015 Amber, mother-of-pearl, silver 5.7 x 5 x 0.7 cm Photo by: Christiane Förster
Heidemarie Herb Ring: Untitled, 2014 Baltic Amber, silver Photo by: Heidemarie HerbHeidemarie Herb Ring: Untitled, 2014 Baltic Amber, silver Photo by: Heidemarie Herb
Philip Sajet Ring: Untitled, 2014 Amber, white gold 3.5 x 1.8 x 1.1 cm Photo by: Beate KlockmannPhilip Sajet Ring: Untitled, 2014 Amber, white gold 3.5 x 1.8 x 1.1 cm Photo by: Beate Klockmann
Peter Skubic Brooch: Untitled, 2015 Amber, coral, stainless steel 9 x 8.5 x 2.7 cm Photo by: Petra ZimmermannPeter Skubic Brooch: Untitled, 2015 Amber, coral, stainless steel 9 x 8.5 x 2.7 cm Photo by: Petra Zimmermann
Petra Zimmermann Rings: Untitled, 2014/2015 Amber, polymethylmethacrylate, gold Photo by: Petra ZimmermannPetra Zimmermann Rings: Untitled, 2014/2015 Amber, polymethylmethacrylate, gold Photo by: Petra Zimmermann
28 Apr 2015 – 07 Jun 2015 Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER 2015, The Ring Gallery, Legnica, PL
10 Jul 2015 – 23 Aug 2015 Galerie Orfèo, Luxembourg, LU
01 Oct 2015 – 31 Oct 2015 Velvet da Vinci, San Francisco, USA
05 Mar 2016 – 01 Apr 2016 Alternatives Gallery, Rome, IT
01 Jul 2016 – 31 Jul 2016 (AV 17) Gallery, Vilnius, LT
06 Oct 2016 – 16 Nov 2016 Galerie V&V, Vienna, AT
The Ring Gallery
Rynek 12
mail :



EXPO ‘Amber in Contemporary Art Jewellery ‘ – Putti Art Gallery, Riga (Latvia/Lettonie) – 23 Mai-2 Aout 2014

Amber in Contemporary Art Jewellery -

Putti Art Gallery (Rīga, Latvia)

Amber - Riga - Putti gal.

Amber in Contemporary Art Jewellery -  Putti Art Gallery (Rīga, Latvia) 23-May-2014 -
Nikolai Balabin (brooch ?)

The core idea of the exhibition is to demonstrate the possible range of application of amber in the contemporary art jewellery created by professional jewellers.  This area of interest is largely based on the specific materiality of amber – and its historical significance. The choice of exhibition organizers to choose „Amber Road” as the thematic background is not accidental; it played a significant role between 1st and 5th centuries AD as an exchange route of goods between the Baltic Sea region and Roman Empire. The route started in the eastern coastal area of the Baltic Sea, which at that time was inhabited by the Prussians and Curonians. It continued down the Visla up to the city of Karnunta (currently in Hungary) and further to the coast of the Adriatic Sea and the Apennine peninsula, providing Rome with the precious and exclusive material. Many Roman coins and antiquities found in the graveyards in the Baltic countries is perceived as the evidence of this trade route together with testimonies in the writings of Roman Empire era. Thus not only will Latvian and Italian jewellers participate in the exhibition but also artists from countries that Amber Road passed through (Russia, Estonia, Lithuania, Poland, Austria, Slovenia, and Hungary). This exhibition will not only link the Amber Road geographically, but also historically by connecting the ancient times with the present, the past with the future and demonstrating the spectacular miracle of amber jewellery creation.

The stage of the exhibition is set by an internationally renowned fashion designer brand “MAREUNROL’S”. The fashion designers – Mārīte Mastiņa and Rolands Pēterkops created their first joint collection in 2002 while still being students at Riga Applied Art College. Since then, they have participated and received awards in various international fashion and arts festivals, including the International Fashion and Photography Festival in Hyeres (France). ( and )

Exhibition catalogue is designed by Kirils Kirasirovs and the text authors are Una Meistere and Daiga Rudzāte. The catalogue is issued by the arts and culture portal “Arterritory” (

The catalogue publishing is supported by “Rīga 2014″.

Twenty artists take part in the exhibition: Andris Lauders (Latvia), Claudia Steiner (Austria), Eva Tesarik (Austria), Eve Margus-Villems (Estonia), Fanni Vékony (Hungary), Gigi Mariani (Italy), Guntis Lauders (Latvia), Heidemarie Herb (Italy), Helfried Kodré (Austria), Jānis Vilks (Latvia), Jurgita Erminaitė-Šimkuvienė (Lithuania), Maria Cristina Bellucci (Italy), Māris Auniņš (Latvia), Māris Šustiņš (Latvia), Nataša Grandovec (Slovenia), Nikolai Balabin (Russia), Pawel Kaczynski (Poland), Sara Gackowska (Poland), Valdis Brože (Latvia) and Viktoria Münzker (Austria).

Gigi Mariani, Brooch, 2013Gigi MarianiBrooch: Alone in my Thoughts, 2013Silver, 18kt yellow gold, Amber, Niello, patina12,5 X 6,5 X 1,6 Photo: Paolo Terzi
gigi mariani - will remain a sign...- ring- silver, 18kt yellow gold,Amber, niello,patinaGigi Mariani - « will remain a sign… »  ring- silver, 18kt yellow gold,Amber, niello,patina
Heidemarie Herb, Brooch, 2013
Heidemarie HerbBrooch: Untitled, 2013925 Silver, raw amber, steel, pigment4 x 5,5 x 1,5 cm -Photo: Silvana Tili
Andris Lauders, Ring, 2013
Andris LaudersRing: Seal’s Dream, 2013Amber, Mammoth bone, 925 Silver, 750 Gold7,5 x 5 cmPhoto: Normunds Brasliņš
Fanni Vékony, Brooch, 2013
Fanni VékonyBrooch: Names of Amber II, 2013Plastic coated paper, copper, silver and Matrix boardPhoto: Mária Pecsics
claudia steiner, ring -highlighted distance- amber
Claudia SteinerRing: Highlighted Distance, 2013Copper, 925 Silver oxidized, Resin, Baltic Amber7 x 5 cmPhoto: Claudia Steiner
Helfried Kodre  - ring - amberHelfried Kodre  Ring: Vienna, 2013Amber, silver, gold, copper1,9 x 2 x 3,8 cm
Victoria Munzker - white electron - brooch with amberVictoria Munzker – white electron – brooch 
Eva Tesarik - brooch with amber
Eva Tesarik - brooch
Valdis BrozeValdis Brože – pendant (« The big one, the talkative one », 2013 -Carved amber, Silver 925, enamel
140 x 50 x 30 cm)  & ring (?)
Maria Cristina Bellucci, Necklace, 2013Maria Cristina Bellucci, Schon 2, necklace, 2013 – Silver, marble, amber, coloured pencils, rubber, epoxy resin
88 cm –
Photo: Giulia Lupi
Putti Art Gallery
16 Mārstaļu iela
1050 – Rīga
Telephone: +371 67214229
Fax: +371 67214230


EXPO ‘Hardened Tears’ – Museo Nacional de Cerámica, Valencia (ES) – 8 Mai-9 juin 2014 – Melting Point Valencia 2014

« Hardened Tears«   forma parte del recorrido de exposiciones de Melting Point 2014 del 8 al 11 de mayo.

Melting Point Valencia 2014

Inauguración: 8 mayo, 18.00 h
Fechas: 8 mayo/9 junio


EXPO "hardened tears" from Villa de Bondt

Coordinadores: Wim Vandekerckhove, Sławomir Fijałkowski -
Sławomir Fijałkowski — Christiane Förster Karl FritschSophie Hanagarth Herman HermsenDaniel Kruger Stefano MarchettiPavel OpočenskyAnnelies Planteijdt Ramon Puig Cuyàs Wolfgang Rahs Ulrich Reithofer Philip SajetAdolfas Šaulys Gisbert Stach Wilhelm Tasso Mattar Manuel Vilhena Arek WolskiPetra Zimmermann

Villa de Bondt

  HARDENED TEARS /7)  No 1462 subtle architectures. Brooch made by Ramon Puig Cuyas. No 1462 subtle architectures. Brooch made by Ramon Puig Cuyas

Hardened Tears /2)  Neptun eyes in Goldwasser. Necklace made by Sophie Hanagarth (Baltic amber, iron). Neptun eyes in Goldwasser. Necklace made by Sophie Hanagarth (Baltic amber, iron)   
Beautiful city in the middle of the stonewood. Necklace made by Annelies Planteijdt (Baltic amber, gold, pigments)« Beautiful city in the middle of the stonewood ». Necklace by Annelies Planteijdt (Baltic amber, gold, pigments)



Museo Nacional de Cerámica y Artes Suntuarias González Martí
Sala Temporales 1. Espacio B
Poeta Querol 2
Martes a sábado de 10.00 a 14.00 h. y de 16.00 a 20.00 h.
Domingos de 10.00 a 14.00 h. Lunes cerrado.


Amberif – Gdansk (Poland) – Amberif – Gdansk (Poland) –Design Award & Fair : 19-22 Mars 2014

AMBERIF – International Fair of Amber, Jewellery and Gemstones



Amberif Design Award 2014 – exhibition of the award-winning works in the International Amber Jewellery Design Competition theme of 2014 : “Materia Prima”

AMBERIF design award

The watchword of this year’s Amberif Design Award is not just the alchemic representation of the primal substance able to take on the perfect form but also a direct reference to the contemporary idea of sustainability in design which respects local tradition, refers to the historical heritage of functional arts and elevates natural materials. Prized already in ancient Rome, Baltic amber is predisposed, as a substance close to the ideal, to be transformed into an original design. The unique nature of each individual nugget has always provoked artists to look for the right form, interpret associations, make use of its internal structure, colours, shades, transparencies and natural peculiarities preserved for the lucky finder over the past 40 million years. In an era of disposable products, it is sometimes worthwhile to look back to pre-history and fix your sight on the elusive aspects of both the physical and the metaphysical. The material, the medium itself usually gives designers a hint towards their first decisions; let us try to listen to this hint and follow through with it. We expect jewellery (without any functional limitations at all) in which the amber will be a remarkably strong justification for highlighting its most natural properties.Prof. Sławomir Fijałkowski

At the session of February 15, 2014 in Gdańsk, the Jury assessed 143 works submitted by 111 artists from 18 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Mexico, The Netherlands, Poland, Russia , Spain, Taiwan, UK, USA in the Competition with the topic Materia Prima.

Amberif Design Award 2014 : Main Prize  Nina Kupniewska & Dario Dalessandro

sponsored by Mr Paweł Adamowicz, the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk PLN 10,000:

Nina Kupniewska – Dario Dalessandro, Warsaw, Poland
This is a potent and brave piece – funny, uncomfortable, serious and maybe controversial.
It prompts discussion about our attitudes toward menstruation. In the past, this has been considered unmentionable, embarrassing, even dirty, although it is a natural and healthy process, fundamental to human life. Amber, hidden in the ground for so long, has an association of time and the mysteries of natural processes. Displaying the tampon in such a beautiful material potentially stands for a positive change in attitude.
Amberif Design Award 2014 -the Amber prize -  necklace by  Tomasz KisielTHE AMBER PRIZE

sponsored by the International Amber Association 1 kg of amber:
Tomasz Jan Kisiel, Gdańsk, Poland

The piece relates to the Materia Prima theme of the competition in a very convincing way.
An iconic necklace which is made special by the contrasting materials used. The qualities of the natural amber are highlighted by the contrast with the texture and colour of the other rough beads. There was much discussion about what these were made of. Tufa? Concrete? Bread?

  Amberif Design Award 2014 - the SILVER prize -necklace by Maren Giloy THE SILVER PRIZE

sponsored by the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. 1 kg of silver:
Maren Giloy, Idar-Oberstein, Germany
The beautiful natural amber nugget has been exquisitely cut to form the regular shape of
a necklace. The artist perfectly tapped into amber’s natural assets, i.e. transparency, the tree crust effect and the proportions of the nugget. By deconstructing the upper part, the designer achieved an intriguing effect of contrast between shape and texture. The Jury acknowledged the artist’s meticulous knowledge of amber as a material and the use of unconventional techniques to transform the commonplace shape of the necklace-amulet into a piece that is both avant-garde and elegant.
The Jury decided to award six honorary mentions which evoke what the topic of Materia Prima brings to mind :
* Miron Kutarba, Puck, Poland for entry no. 021609
An intriguing combination of amber—a mixture of natural polymers, with plastic—artificial polymer chains.
Tamara Grüner, Pforzheim, Germany for entry no. 290473
Delightful piece, rich in detail and an unusual use of amber.
* Agnieszka Krzyżanowska, Bydgoszcz, Poland for entry no. 121106
For its graceful form and distinctive structure evocative of the natural conditions in which amber formed.
* Agnieszka Krzyżanowska, Bydgoszcz, Poland for entry no. 061112
Materia Prima—amber is central in more than one sense here. A very appealing and mysterious piece.
* Philip Sajet, Bruchkobel, Germany for entry no. 151053
For simplicity of message, the quintessence of amber encapsulated in a ring.
* Susanne HolzingerRegensburg, Germany for entry no. 936717
High quality presentation with a surprising and cheeky use of amber.
Philip Sajet -  Amber GlueringPhilip Sajet -  Amber Gluering

Amberif 2014 : HONORARY MENTION Susanne HolzingerSusanne Holzinger
The Jury selected 14 further works by the following artists for publication in the AMBERIF 2014 Fair Catalogue and for display at the exhibition:
Karolina Krych, Mikołajki Pomorskie, Poland for entry no. 240488
Karolina Navus Wysocka, Gdańsk, Poland for entry no. 789156
Marta Rudnicka, Łódź, Poland for entry no. 840328
Adriana Lisowska, Łódź, Poland for entry no. 836274
Iona Mccuaig, Saffron Walden, UK for entry no. 792031
Alicja Kołakowska, Pruszków, Poland for entry no. 361903
Tamara Grüner, Pforzheim, Germany for entry no. 290474
Wanying Xu, Florence, Italy for entry no. XYZ993
Heidemarie Herb, Perugia, Italy for entry no. 281000
Sara Gackowska, Międzychód, Poland for entry no. 710342
Piotr Tołkin, Gdańsk, Poland for entry no. 280813
Adriana Lisowska, Łódź, Poland for entry no. 233715
Monika Woszczak, Bydgoszcz, Poland for entry no. 230720
Karolina Krych, Mikołajki Pomorskie, Poland for entry no. 041010
Heidemarie Herb Brooch: Untitled, 2013 925 Silver, raw amber, steel, pigment 4 x 5,5 x 1,5 cm Photo: Silvana TiliHeidemarie Herb Brooch: Untitled, 2013 925 Silver, raw amber, steel, pigment 4 x 5,5 x 1,5 cm Photo: Silvana Tili
Amberif 2014, Gdańsk International Fair Co.
11 Zaglowa Street
80-560 – Gdansk
Telephone: +48 58 55 49 362


EXPO ‘Hardened Tears’ – Legnica Cultural Centre (PL) – 30 Avril–30 Juin 2013

Hardened Tears
Exhibition of amber designs by nineteen well-known European artists at the Legnica Cultural Centre
The curators of the exhibition are Wim Vandekerckhove, owner of the Villa De Bondt Gallery in Ghent (Belgium), and Sławomir Fijałkowski , professor of the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdańsk.
Artists:  Sławomir Fijałkowski — Christiane Förster — Karl FritschSophie HanagarthHerman Hermsen Daniel KrugerStefano MarchetttiWilhelm Tasso MattarPavel OpočenskýAnnelies PlanteijdtRamon Puig Cuyàs — Wolfgang Rahs — Ulrich ReithoferPhilip Sajet — Adolfas Šaulys — Gisbert Stach — Manuel Vilhena — Arek WolskiPetra Zimmermann
EXPO amber - Petra ZimmermannPetra Zimmermann amber rings  – Baltic amber, polymethyl methacrylate, gold
« The natural fossilised tree resin is combined with a material of our times, polymethyl methacrylate, a synthetic polymer. I was surprised how many material properties they have in common. »
Sławomir Fijałkowski from Poland - "bloody Cherry" Pendant (Baltic amber, stainless steel).Sławomir Fijałkowski from Poland – « bloody Cherry » Pendant (Baltic amber, stainless steel).
HARDENED TEARS /7)  No 1462 subtle architectures. Brooch made by Ramon Puig Cuyas.  “The thinking arrives almost always with action, arrive with dialogue, with materials and shapes”.Ramon Puig CuyasNo 1462 subtle architectures. Brooch   “The thinking arrives almost always with action, arrive with dialogue, with materials and shapes”.
Hardened Tears /2)  Neptun eyes in Goldwasser. Necklace made by Sophie Hanagarth (Baltic amber, iron).  “The piece of amber that was given to me looked like a cut of dried meat or becon”.Sophie Hanagarth – Neptun eyes in Goldwasser. Necklace   (Baltic amber, iron).  “The piece of amber that was given to me looked like a cut of dried meat or becon”
HARDENED TEARS /6)  Beautiful city in the middle of the stonewood. Necklace made by Annelies Planteijdt (Baltic amber, gold, pigments).  “You see resin turned to stone with prints of trees and rocks that were ever there. When wearing the piece everything comes together”.Annelies Planteijdt – « Beautiful city in the middle of the stonewood »  Necklace  (Baltic amber, gold, pigments).  “You see resin turned to stone with prints of trees and rocks that were ever there. When wearing the piece everything comes together”
Brooch made by Manuel Vilhena (Baltic amber, gold, wood, string).  “I cut some tear-shaped forms from a raw piece of amber. The frozen moments of the past, captured in the amber are now placed in a dynamic and moving setting”. Manuel Vilhena Brooch (Baltic amber, gold, wood, string).  “I cut some tear-shaped forms from a raw piece of amber. The frozen moments of the past, captured in the amber are now placed in a dynamic and moving setting”.
Hardened tears – not in vain. Necklace made by Wolfgang Rahs (Baltic amber, brass, tin).  “I am just a wounded man. I hope my piece of work suits a woman, so that both of them get me into the flow again”. Wolfgang Rahs « not in vain » Necklace (Baltic amber, brass, tin).  “I am just a wounded man. I hope my piece of work suits a woman, so that both of them get me into the flow again”.
Legnica Cultural Centre,
Knights Academy,
Chojnowska 2
Open:  Tue – Fri: 11.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m., Sat: 10.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.


Legnica Jewellery Festival SILVER – Amberif Design Award – 30 Avril-30 June 2013

Amberif Design Award 2013

Exhibition presents pieces selected to the 17th International Competition for Jewellery Project with Amber organized by the International Fair of Amber, Jewellery and Gemstones Amberif. Its aim is promotion of a creative thinking and innovative solutions in jewellery design with amber. This year’s topic was: Simply a ring.

International jury composed of:
Caroline Broadhead – chairwoman, lecturer of jewellery design at the Central Saint Martins College of Arts and Design, London, Great Britain
Christophe Burger – jewellery designer, Colmar, France
Katarzyna Rzehak –Institute of Industrial Design, Warsaw, Poland
Agnieszka Jacobson – Cielecka - journalist, art critic and curator of design, Poland
Gisbert Stach – jewellery designer, Graefelfing, Germany

assessed 152 works submitted by 110 artists from 17 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Ireland, Israel, Germany, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Great Britain and Italy

and awarded the following prizes:

GRAND PRIX sponsored by the Mayor of the City of Gdańsk – 10.000 PLN  :
Bożena Czarnecka

Bożena Czarnecka - amberif-design-award-2013 - Grand Prize - amber inclused into ... caramel ! the ring can also be eaten .......Bożena Czarnecka -  Grand Prize – amber inclosed into … caramel ! the ring can also be eaten …….

* AMBER PRIZE  sponsored by the International Amber Association – 1 kg of amber  :
Angelina Stoykova

Angelina Stoykova - amberif design award 2013Angelina Stoykova

* SILVER PRIZE – 1 kg of silver: Bogdan Dowlaszewicz

Amberif Design Award 2013 -  Bogdan DowlaszewiczBogdan Dowlaszewicz


The Jury selected 21 works by the following artists for publication in the AMBERIF 2013 Fair catalogue and for display at the exhibition:
Bożena Czarnecka, Grand Prix, Honourable Mention — Bogdan Dowlaszewicz, Silver Award — Maren Giloy — Paweł Kaczyński — Lidia Karpacz –  Miron Kutarba, Honourable Mention –  Katarzyna Luter –  Adam Łyszkowski –  Marek Mrowinski –  Karolina Navus-Wysocka –  Olga Oblezina — Alain Roggeman — Marta Rudnicka, Honourable Mention — Wojciech Rygało — Svetlana Shagarova — Angelina Stoykova, Amber Prize — Andrzej Szadkowski — Jasper Vanderberghe

Amberif Design Award 2013 - Marta Rudnicka  ring / honorable mention :)Marta Rudnicka  ring

AMBERIF DESIGN AWARD 2013 /14)  Rings made by Jasper Vanderberghe from Belgium.  Publication in catalogue Amberif 2013, ADA 2013, Gdańsk, Poland.   photo: MTG SA.Rings made by Jasper Vanderberghe from Belgium AMBERIF DESIGN AWARD 2013 /9)  Ring made by Karolina Navus-Wysocka from Poland.  Publication in catalogue, ADA 2013, Gdańsk, Poland.   photo: MTG SA.
Ring made by Karolina Navus-Wysocka from Poland

AMBERIF DESIGN AWARD 2013 /3)  Ring made by Marek Mrowiński from Poland.  Publication in catalogue, ADA 2013, Gdańsk, PolandRing made by Marek Mrowiński from Poland

AMBERIF DESIGN AWARD 2013 /7)  Ring made by Angelina Stoykova from Bulgaria.  Publication in catalogue, ADA 2013, Gdańsk, Poland.Ring made by Angelina Stoykova from Bulgaria

Alain Roggeman - -amberif-design-award-2013Alain Roggeman

Katarzyna Luter - amberif-design-award-2013Katarzyna Luter

Legnica Cultural Centre,
Knights Academy,
Chojnowska 2
Open: 30th April – 30th June, Tue – Fri: 11.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m., Sat: 10.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m


AMBERIF DESIGN AWARD 2013 – deadline: February 10, 2013

Classé dans : ambre / amber,Concours / Competition,Pologne (PL) — bijoucontemporain @ 20:39


AMBERIF -,lang,2.html

As always, a maximum of two entries can be submitted.
Participation in the competition is free of charge.
Where: Gdansk Poland/ International
When: Submission deadline: February 10, 2013
More information:


AMBERIF design award