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EXPO ‘Entre bois et pierres’ – Pôle Bijou Baccarat (France) – 16 Janv-9 juin 2013

Du 16 janvier au 9 Juin 2013 : « Entre bois et pierres »

15 créateurs de bijou et plus de 150 pièces exposées (en bois, papier, galets, roches…) venant de toute la France mais aussi d’Italie, de Suisse, des USA et de Turquie nous confient leurs pièces pour illustrer la thématique.
Le bois et la pierre sont à l’origine de l’économie du territoire (le bois des Vosges pour alimenter les fours des usines à feu –verre et céramique, mais aussi pour la production de mobilier et pour la production de papier et puis la pierre avec la carrière de trapp de Raon l’étape ou encore les exploitations de grès rose …). Il s’agit donc de leur rendre hommage, et de témoigner de toutes les richesses qu’ils savent offrir.

"Entre bois et pierres"  - pôle Bijou Baccarat (France) - 16 janv-9 juin 2013

Les artistes invités : Ela Cindoruk (Turquie) – Teresa Faris (USA) – Angelo Lomuscio (Italia) – Philippe Narbel (Suisse) – Claude Vernet – Nathalie Rolland Huckel – Angela Baduel CrispinBlandine LuceJuan Riusech – Claire Mahey – Frederic Lardier – Pierre Barieraud – Jacky Schwartz – Sandrine Mansoutre – Vincent Troguet

  EXPO - entre bois et pierre - Angelo LomuscioAngelo Lomuscio

EXPO - entre bois et pierre - Teresa Faris série intitulée 'Collaboration avec un Oiseau'Teresa Faris série intitulée ‘Collaboration avec un Oiseau’

 EXPO - entre bois et pierre - Blandine LuceBlandine Luce





Pôle Bijou Baccarat
Pôle Bijou – 13 rue du Port
54120 Baccarat (FR)
tel 03 83 76 06 99

Jours et horaires d’ouverture :
Basse Saison : Du 1er octobre au 14 mai – Ouvert les mercredis, samedis, dimanches et jours fériés de 10h à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 18h – Ouvert les jeudis et vendredis de 13h30 à 18 h – Fermés les lundis et mardis et le 25, 30 et 31 décembre et le 1er mai
Haute saison : Du 15 mai au 30 septembre – Ouvert tous les jours de 10h à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 18h



COUP de …. BLACK : Daniel Di Caprio, with a mysterious inner space

Daniel DiCaprio : « The pieces I make in wood and precious metals, explore methods of cultural communication through personal adaptation. One example of this is how people in different cultures around the world and throughout history, have identified themselves using hairstyles. I find this form of expression particularly interesting. By expressing themselves this way, individuals define themselves in groups, ranks in society or in gender roles.
The forms I work with are vaguely biological, referencing plant or animal anatomy and invoking a connection with the primitive. Hair is a prehistoric trait that humans have, connecting us with the past. I use metal wire as a surface embellishment to reference hair.
In addition to this physical adaptation, I am also interested in personal adaptation. I want the pieces to be considered from the inside out, externally expressing an identity, with a mysterious inner space. Referencing what we are and where we came from, the pieces are created in recognition of the past, while alluding to the future. The process of making this work is as seductive to me as an artist, as I hope the work is for the viewer or wearer.

All images from WOOD at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Daniel Di Caprio « Stubble » Necklace  2011 – Dyed Rosewood, Silver - (images from « WOOD » exhibition at Velvet da Vinci  Gallery)

All images from WOOD at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Daniel Di Caprio « Stubble » Necklace (detail)

All images from WOOD at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Daniel Di Caprio « Mutation » Brooch

All images from WOOD at Velvet da Vinci Contemporary Art Jewelry and Sculpture Gallery, Daniel Di Caprio « Vessel » Brooch daniel dicaprio -  Inheritance -   blackwood and silver brooch 3"x4"x3"Daniel Di Caprio -  Inheritance -   blackwood and silver brooch 3″x4″x3″

Daniel DiCaprio - broochDaniel Di Caprio -  brooch

Daniel DiCaprioDaniel Di Caprio-  brooch ‘Talkie’ 2008 – Blackwood, 22K Gold, 18K Gold, 14K Gold -3″x3″x1.25″

Daniel DiCaprio - Fruition brooch - Blackwood, Silver - 2008Daniel DiCaprio – Fruition brooch – Blackwood, Silver – 2008

Daniel DiCaprio -  Orifice ring 3 - 2008 - blackwood, 22k goldDaniel DiCaprio -  Orifice ring 3 – 2008 – blackwood, 22k gold

Daniel DiCaprio -  Orifice ring 5 - 2009Daniel DiCaprio -  Orifice ring 5 – 2009


EXPO ‘WOOD’ – Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco (USA) – 9 Mai-17 Juin 2012


Jewelry by Twenty-Six International Artists

WOOD seeks to explore the exciting new jewelry using wood as the primary material. Ideas of sustainability, preciousness and the sensuality of this humble material are the focus of this new exhibition.

 WOOD - Velvet da Vinci

Participating artists:
Agelio Batle, USA • Garry Knox Bennett, USA • Daniel DiCaprio, USA • Thomas Gentille, USA • Katy Hackney, UK • Julia Harrison, USA • Sachiyo Higaki, Japan • Tom Hill, UK/USA • Leonor Hipólito, Portugal • Deukhee Ka, Korea • Kenta Katakura, Japan • Djurdjica Kesic, Yugoslavia/Australia • Beppe Kessler, Netherlands • Edgar Mosa, USA • Nick Mullins, USA • Jacob Nyberg, Sweden • Gitte Nygaard, Denmark • Lina Peterson, UK • Auba Pont, Spain • Fliss Quick, UK • Gustav Reyes, USA • Catherine Truman, Australia • Julia Turner USA • Flóra Vági, Hungary • Manuel Vilhena, Portugal • Luzia Vogt, Switzerland
Kenta Katakura African Black Wood Ring.  Currently (at time of posting) in the Velvet Da Vinci Wood Exhibition.
Kenta Katakura African Black Wood Ring
Lina Peterson  Brooch: Bud 2012  Wood, paint, white precious metal
 Lina Peterson « Bud » Brooch
  LEONOR HIPÓLITO -  Bambusa Ventilus" Buttonhole Object
Leonor Hipólito: « Bambusa Ventilus » Buttonhole Object
Leonor Hipólito : «Brassica Metriculus» Neckpiece
Leonor Hipólito: « Brassica Metriculus » Neckpiece
Gitte Nyggard 'M-J's WeddingThing'  (Velvet da Vinci "wood" exhibition)
Gitte Nyggard « M-J’s Wedding Thing » Ring/Object
Beppe Kessler "Equilibre" Necklace.  Velvet Da Vinci's Wood exhibition.Beppe Kessler « Equilibre » Necklace
Catherine Truman "Black Drape" Brooch
Catherine Truman « Black Drape » Brooch & « White Bag » Brooch
Sachiyo Higaki - necklace (wood, thread) 2010
Sachiyo Higaki Necklace
All Images From WOOD | Velvet da Vinci  - Sachiyo Higaki Brooch: Untitled 2010 Ebony, milky quartz
Sachiyo Higaki  Brooch: Untitled 2010 Ebony, milky quartz
Nick Mullins "Hand" Brooch (back)
Nick Mullins « Hand » Brooch (back)
Thomas Hill: "Fish Skeleton" Breast Plate
Thomas Hill: « Fish Skeleton » Breast Plate
"Ad Idem" by Gustav ReyesGustav Reyes « Ad Idem » Ring #1
 Daniel Di Caprio "Stubble" Necklace
Daniel Di Caprio « Stubble » Necklace
Daniel DiCaprio mutation brooch (Velvet da Vinci "wood" exhibition)Daniel DiCaprio mutation brooch
Auba Pont "Pendant V"
 Auba Pont « Pendant V »
 Edgar Mosa The Mountain #5 Neckpiece
Edgar Mosa « The Mountain #5″ Neckpiece
"Wish I'd joined the foreign legion", Neckpiece, 2011, Fliss Quick
Fliss Quick « Wish I’d Joined the Foreign Legion » Neckpiece
Djurdjica Kesic Pins.  Velvet Da Vinci Wood.
Djurdjica Kesic Pins
Jacob Nyberg « Reflecta » Neckpiece
 Jacob Nyberg « Reflecta » Neckpiece
Agelio Batle: Branch Necklace
Agelio Batle: « Branch » Necklace
  Julia Turner: "Blue Chop" Pendant
Julia Turner: « Blue Chop » Pendant
Flora Vagi "Red Spiral" Bracelet.  Velvet Da Vinci, Wood.
Flora Vagi « Red Spiral » Bracelet
Velvet da Vinci Gallery
2015 Polk Street
(near Broadway)
San Francisco, CA  94109
tel 415.441.0109
Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Saturday 11 to 6,  Sunday 11 to 4



EXPO ‘The WOOD Show’ – FLOW Gallery, London (UK) – 23 Nov. 2011-21 Janv. 2012

The WOOD Show
This exhibition will be based on the different ways artists work with wood within their practice. Each of the fourteen international artists subverts the preconceptions of this material. Ranging from Wycliffe Stutchbury‘s compositions of fallen and forgotten timber to the geometric, painted wooden jewellery of Katy Hackney. Corina Rietveld‘s Birch rings, use the beauty of bark to determine the shape of the ring. Artist’s reference traditional techniques, such as Koto Fukunaga‘s fresh take on the ancient Japanese art of birch vessels and Shigeki Kudo‘s use of the traditional Japanese technique Hegi, the splitting of wood into layers. Markku Lyttinen carves layers of birch plywood into beautiful platters reflecting the undulating Finnish landscape. Others combine wood with various materials, such Adele Brereton mixes traditional Silversmithing techniques with wood; Amanda Caines explores archaeology and recycling, mixing natural and man made objects; Katy Hackney combines wood with the more unorthodox: Formica worktops, toys, chess pieces, spectacle frame off cuts plywood & cutlery handles ……

Artist’s include:  Rut-Malin Barklund — Adele Brereton — Anthony Bryant — Amanda Caines — Grace Girvan — Simon Grainger — Katy Hackney — Sachiyo Higaki — Mark Hanvey — Kota Fukunaga — Tahakashi Kougei — Shigeki Kudo — Markku Lyytinen — Oda Makiko — Malcolm Martin — Hans-Henning Pederson — Corina Rietveld –  Wycliffe Stutchbury.

Corina Rietveld
Corina Rietveld

Amanda Caines
Amanda Caines

EXPO 'The WOOD Show' - FLOW Gallery, London (UK) - 23 Nov. 2011-21 Janv. 2012 dans Alison MAcLEOD (UK) flora-vagi
Flora Vagi

Sachiyo Higaki
Sachiyo Higaki

Rut Malin Barklund
Rut Malin Barklund
Alison Mcleod

Alison Mcleod



FLOW Gallery
1-5 Needham Road    London   W11 2RP   UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 7243 0782


Edgar MOSA and trees’ necklaces

Classé dans : bois / wood,COUP DE COEUR,Edgar MOSA (PT),Portugal (PT),www DesignBreak — bijoucontemporain @ 0:06

sur le site designbreak, Edgar MOSA est à l’honneur !

Edgar Mosa’s 2010 “Month Three”:  “Trees are like people – its not like you can just walk up to them and expect to get along.



Classé dans : bois / wood,COUP DE COEUR,Mayra ORAMA MUNIZ (US),recup' / recycled — bijoucontemporain @ 10:02

Mayra ORAMA MUNIZ (& Erica Millner), discovered at  the Smithsonian Craft Show 2011

Recycling rough materials into miniature sculptures meant to be worn, Mio Studio crafts new life from exotic hardwoods and metals. Artists Mayra Orama Muñiz and Erica Millner hand carve and sand each piece from start to finish, using their years of experience to meld remnants together into clean, modern designs


Shaping exotic hardwoods as an expression of life in organic moving forms, Mayra Orama Muñiz has created a line of jewelry that reflects her New York City upbringing and the more recent influences of living in Puerto Rico for five years. The many landscapes of her life – from the modern industrial city to the tropical rain forests in Puerto Rico – have become an inspiration to her.
The miniature sculptures Muñiz creates are a melding of richly textured woods and cool metals. She creates forms that hint at the natural flowing beauty of the lush green mountains of Utuado and the pristine white sand beaches of Vega Baja. An admirer of Henry Moore, she is also influenced by Asian art and is drawn to creating balance and movement in her work. Muñiz is self taught and wishes to remain so.

BLACK is BEAUTIFUL - Mayra ORAMA MUNIZ  dans bois / wood 1a2b3473
Mayra ORAMA MUNIZBetty necklace – carved ebony wood – diamonds set in white gold tube settings

Mayra ORAMA MUNIZSun ray bracelet – ebony & aluminium

347675c3 dans COUP DE COEUR
Mayra ORAMA MUNIZWhim bracelet -  ebony & aluminium




Classé dans : bois / wood,COUP DE COEUR,Flora VAGI (HU),Hongrie (HU) — bijoucontemporain @ 0:03

Avec Flora Vagi  je fais un « coup de coeur », un « coup de rouge » ou un « coup de blues » ??? ce qui est certain, c’est que je craque !

« There are things we can think of, things we can name. Like ‘bread’, ‘pane’, ‘kenyer’, ‘chlieb’ and so on. But there are also lots of things we have no words for.
Search, discover, transform…. surprise, all parts of the process I apply to the pieces. The materials get a ‘return ticket’ from me, and with their ‘newly dressed souls’ I send them back to the world, where they came from.
I make objects, that are intimate and meaningful to their owners who carries them: JEWELLERY, which not only adorns, but ‘talks’ or sometimes ‘whispers. I work in a language that is understood without words and the verbal explanation becomes secondary really, so… »

so …. écoutons ces chuchotements  ! et admirons !

COUP de COEUR ! Flora VAGI dans bois / wood curious-wish.brooch
Flora Vagi - ‘curious wish’ brooch

azur-reverse-necklace dans COUP DE COEUR 
Flora Vagi - ‘azur reverse necklace’ – ebony, silk, cold enamel, 18 ct gold, d 25 cm – 2005

bw-brooch dans Flora VAGI (HU)
Flora Vagi - brooch
Flora Vagi - azur-seanemone brooch

reverse-neckpiece dans Hongrie (HU)
Flora Vagi -  ‘reverse’ neckpiece – ebony, silk, cold enamel, 18 ct gold, d 25 cm, 2005

Flora Vagi - incubus necklace. ebony, silk, fine gold,  2004 –
ce « cauchemar », je le ferais bien mien ! ce collier, avec son « déploiement », me fascine !

Flora Vagi - incubus necklace. ebony, silk, fine gold, 130x5x0.5 cm, 2004

Flora Vagi - incubus necklace. ebony, silk, fine gold – 2004
et hop ! collier rangé, plié, on en parle plus !

Flora Vagi - R&B necklace. ebony, silk, cold enamel, 18 ct gold, d 25 cm, 2005

Flora Vagi - neckpiece. ebony, 18 ct gold, d 18 cm, 2004

Flora Vagi - papavero brooch – oak, cold enamel, shibuichi, d 6.5 cm, 2005

Flora Vagi - leaves necklace (detail) ebony, padauk, silk- 2008

Flora Vagi orbit neckpiece

Flora Vagi -  spiral bracelets – burnt wood, painted

« coiled bangles carved out from a single piece of wood and held in tension with metal pins. »

« The objects are trying to be part of an imaginary world, where ‘things’ can decide when to go on, what to become or who to be owned by and not the other way around. Attempting to show beauty beyond ‘injured’ surfaces, they are able to find the familiar look that sees and the words that say something about them.« 

Flora Vagi -  ring 


EXPO ‘Schmuck-Wald-Papier’ – Galerie Slavik, Wien (AT) – 1er Mars-2 Avril 2011

Castello Hansen, Nel Linssen, Kaoru Nakano, Silke Spitzer, Flora Vagi
Exhibition period: 1 March – 2 April 2011
Die Galerie Slavik präsentiert in ihrer aktuellen Ausstellung SCHMUCK WALD PAPIER Kreationen von internationalen Künstlern in unterschiedlichsten Formen und Gestaltungen aus der Welt der Natur

EXPO 'Schmuck-Wald-Papier' - Galerie Slavik, Wien (AT) - 1er Mars-2 Avril 2011 dans Autriche (AT) GALERIE%20SLAVIK


Castello HansenNel LinssenKaoru NakanoSilke SpitzerFlora Vagi

In its current exhibition JEWELLERY – WOOD – PAPER, Galerie Slavik presents creations by international artists in a rich array of forms and designs inspired by the world of nature.
The Danish jewellery artist Castello Hansen specialises in working in wood – and he prefers birch for its lightness. His ring sculptures and pendants, with their simple and clear forms, are captivating to the eye. The profiled golden disc at the centre of his round brooch of whitened wood seems to float as it catches the light.
Silke Spitzer, Grassi Prize winner of 2010, views her wooden creations as homage to the beautiful things that nature offers – the simplest materials and the simplest shapes mirroring the indomitable force of constant recurrence.
Her necklaces of discs sawn from thin branches reflect the growth of a tree, seeming to expand from the perfect surface of tiny slices of veneer into the three-dimensionality of space.
The fabulous paper-folding technique which the Dutch jewellery artist Nel Linssen has developed and used since the early 1970 brings forth creations of timeless relevance – bracelets and necklaces assuming variegated and unexpected shapes and tinges of colour as the wearer moves or the light changes.
Owing to the vitality and lightness and the high aesthetic quality of the works, the wearers experience the spiralling neck chains composed of folded paper elements in bright and variegating tones of blue, red and yellow as a highly pleasurable experience. The selection at the exhibition gives an insight into the enormous variety that Nel Linssen achieves with her passion for cutting and folding paper, using techniques which she has perfected to absolute mastery.
Flora Vagi presents chains made of richly coloured wood chips and brooches reminiscent of sea anemones compactly knitted out of fine strips of paper.
Kaoru Nakano folds Japanese ‘washi’ paper into almost weightless chains and brooches.
Kaoru Nakano

Blue bangle by Nel Linssen
Nel Linssen – blue bangle

curious-wish.brooch dans bois / wood
Flora Vagi - ‘curious wish’ brooch



Galerie Slavik
Himmelpfortgasse 17
A-1010 Vienna
Telephone: +43 1 513 48 12
Fax: +43 1 513 07 48


COUP de …. BLUES ! YUXTAPOSICIONES de Lourdes Carmelo

Lourdes Carmelo (ES) : une autre des membres du Taller Perill*

COUP de .... BLUES !  YUXTAPOSICIONES de Lourdes Carmelo dans BARCELONA
Lourdes Carmelo (ES) – Dos pins y una yuxtaposición – madera y fimo

 dans bois / wood


 dans Espagne (ES)

 dans Lourdes CARMELO (ES)
juxtapositions de broches – bois 

* Taller Perill es un espacio en Barcelona dedicado fundamentalmente a la joyería contemporánea desde 2008.
Se dan cursos de distintas técnicas de joyería y de libro de autor, se coordinan proyectos de creación y se utiliza de taller individualmente
El espacio está abierto a iniciativas dirigidas a desarrollar proyectos creativos personales y colectivos.


Frida Åberg : why do we wear jewellery ?

Frida Åberg’s expression combines poetic value with romantic memories.
The material and tactical qualities of her jewellery reveal strong intent and judgement and a most sensitive approach to making.
The beauty of her jewellery lives in the space between the inner and outer expression of the object. The pieces are created around a feeling. Hidden memories materialise into objects that simultaneously appear to be fragile and immortal, and behold a strangeness that will capture the viewer.
Year of birth 1981 Place of birth Gothenburg, Sweden

Frida Åberg : why do we wear jewellery ?  dans bois / wood shapeimage_1

« My project started with the question; why do we wear jewellery? And after that came; why do I make jewellery?
Through asking these questions I have found answers, some are for me and others are universal.
It is the emotional value the jewellery contain that makes the whole difference, that makes it worth wearing. The dreams and memories, people and places that lives within, and the abilities that seeps into it when we wear it.
I have chosen the branch as a material to work with. The branch is a small part of the whole tree, with the wind in its leaves and the roots in the soil. The small piece still contains the memory of the whole tree, and some part of it is feeling the wind and the soil, still being a part of a tree. Which people and what places are living in your jewellery?
 » (Frida Aberg, Bachelor work 2009, Konstfack Spring Exhibition)

 dans COUP DE COEUR dans Frida ABERG (SE) dans KONSTFACK Adellab (SE) dans recup' / recycled
 dans Suede (SE)


« Remember and dream, 2009″ (Frida Aberg, Bachelor work 2009, Konstfack Spring Exhibition)



Current work :

« Sand and Oil« various fabrics, sewing thread and linseed – April 26, 2010

« The desert has time.The wind is slowly but surely turning the mountains into sand, the sand turning into sand dunes. Underneath is the oil, plant material that over an unimaginable time turns into this thick, black, desirable liquid.
And the cultures are quickly blinking by. Forming and disappearing.
This is the piece which is going to be in the « I Care A Lot » exhibition.




Valérie Salvo |
dochinoiu | | Annuaire | Signaler un abus | Françoise Fourteau-Labarthe
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