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EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Reka Lőrincz – EXPO « PEARLS UPSIDE DOWN » at REVERSO galeria, Lisbonne (PT) – 28 Nov. 2017- 10 Janv. 2018

Reka Lőrincz


Opening: Saturday, 25 November, 17:00 — 20:00.

28 November – 10 January 2018


with : Ana Margarida Carvalho — Birgit Laken –  Claudia Hoppe –  Carlos Silva – Daniel Kruger –  Danni Schwaag –  Dulce Ferraz –  Grego Garcia –  Herman Hermsen –  Joanne. T –  Laura Frazão Matos – Lauren Kalman –  Leonor Hipólito –  Marta Costa Reis –  Masako Hamaguchi –  Nikolay Sardamov – Paula Crespo –  Philip Sajet – Réka Lörincz –  Sophie Hanagarth – Stephanie Jendis –  Tanel Veenre –  Terhi Tolvanen –  Kaori Juzu  ……   among others…

« What about the pearls and their necklaces? From symbol of wealth and opulence to symbol of sobriety, from fantastic jewelery, sensual and transgressive to model of bourgeois modesty, the pearls surround us in multiple scenarios and multiple senses.
Beside the quiet collar of the grandmothers, we have Louise Brooks’s or Emmanuelle’s, alongside the puritanical collar of the typical North American executive (the only permissible jewel in the almost masculine uniform), we have the excessive adornments of the rajas of India, not to mention the earring of the girl from Vermeer, or from a corsair turned into a virginal little girl’s earring.
The pearl is born, like Venus, from a shell, but we do not recognize in it the same erotic and libertarian appeal. The pearl was domesticated. It is today a symbol of purity, chastity and restraint and, let’s face it, boring!
Can contemporary jewelery claim as its own the “stone” wich seems so classic and conservative today? »
Marta Costa Reis, 2017  for Galeria Reverso

 Reka Lorincz "Sunday cleaning"  2017  Reka Lorincz « Sunday cleaning »  2017  #gold #clean #mood #housewife #sculpture

Monday to Sunday #brooch   Reka Lorincz #doctor #jewellery #healingwithstones   #handmade   #wearableart #pearl #girlpower  Reka Lorincz – Monday to Sunday 2 – brooch    #doctor #jewellery #healingwithstones   #handmade   #wearableart #pearl #girlpower 

Reka Lorincz -  Take the brooch and run! II  #pearl  #handmade #jewellery #gold #hunter #mouse #trap  Reka Lorincz -  Take the brooch and run! II  brooch  #pearl  #handmade #jewellery #gold #hunter #mouse #trap

 reka lorincz -  Full Cargo - necklace      #wearableart #pearl #girlpower #truck   #woman #wear

Reka Lorincz -  Full Cargo – necklace      #wearableart #pearl #girlpower #truck   #woman #wear 

Reka Lorincz - Don't take care! brooch  Reka Lorincz - Don’t take care! brooch  

Reka Lorincz  - Don't take care -  necklace for EXPO REVERSOReka Lorincz  - Don’t take care -  necklace 



Galeria Reverso 
Rua da Esperança, nº 59 / 61,
1200 – 655 Lisboa, Portugal
tel (+351) 213 951 407


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Reka Lőrincz – « Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious » at Putti Art Gallery, sept. 2017

Reka Lőrincz

5 new pieces on show at Putti Art Gallery  during September 2017 (08-27 Sep 2017) :  Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Jewellery is not only jewellery

(next exhibition : 2018: Fair  07 Mar 2018 – 13 Mar 2018  Schmuck 2018.)

« On the border of kitsch and consume Réka Lörincz from Budapest and Gisbert Stach from Munich show a colourful kaleidoscope of works defining field of jewellery in a new creative way »
«  There are many misunderstandings in the common meaning of jewellery and in the thinking of what jewellery should be.
On the border of kitsch and consume Réka Lörincz from Budapestand Gisbert Stach from Munich show a colourful kaleidoscope of jewellery, objects, installations and films where they try to define and enlighten the field of jewellery in a new humoristic, critical and philosophical way.
Both are doing as well collaborations in making jewellery pieces.

Réka Lörincz’s jewellery is playing with the colourful world of plastics and toys that she is deforming by absurd and surrealistic elements into amazing jewellery pieces. Their objects are pretending to have a function. But by combining abstract materials the visitor is surprised by the humour and colourfulness of the installation. Reka Lorincz has studied in Hungarian University of Craft and Design, has shown her works in various group and personal exhibitions around the world. » (Klimt02)


COCO ! sort de ce corps !!!!

 Réka Lörincz Brooch: Don't take care!, 2017 Pearl, silk, gold-plated brass, wood, acrylic paintRéka Lörincz Brooch: Don’t take care!, 2017 Pearl, silk, gold-plated brass, wood, acrylic paint

Réka Lörincz Necklace: Don't take care!, 2017 Pearl, silk, gold-plated brass, wood, acrylic paintRéka Lörincz Necklace: Don’t take care!, 2017 Pearl, silk, gold-plated brass, wood, acrylic paint Réka Lörincz Brooch: Monday to Sunday, 2017 Pearl, champagne quartz, mystic topaz, sapphire, ruby,  rhodium - plated brass, plastic, stainless steel, mountain crystal, citrineRéka Lörincz Brooch: Monday to Sunday, 2017 Pearl, champagne quartz, mystic topaz, sapphire, ruby,  rhodium – plated brass, plastic, stainless steel, mountain crystal, citrine

Exhibition display.  -   Réka Lörincz Brooch: Monday to Sunday, 2017 Pearl, champagne quartz, mystic topaz, sapphire, ruby,  rhodium - plated brass, plastic, stainless steel, mountain crystal, citrineExhibition display.  -   Réka Lörincz Brooch: « Monday to Sunday »

Réka Lörincz Object: Pearl grinder, 2015 Pearl, alloy, wood, metal foilRéka Lörincz Object: Pearl grinder, 2015 Pearl, alloy, wood, metal foil

Réka Lörincz Object: Must Have, 2017 Pearl, shovel, epoxy, textile  Réka Lörincz Object: Must Have, 2017 Pearl, shovel, epoxy, textile 

Réka Lörincz Necklace: Pearl truck, 2015 Pearl, goldplated brass, alloy, plastic, epoxyRéka Lörincz Necklace: Pearl truck, 2015 Pearl, goldplated brass, alloy, plastic, epoxy

Réka Lörincz Brooch: Perfect woman, 2015 Gold plated cooper, pearl, plastic 7.5 x 10 x 1.5 cmRéka Lörincz Brooch: Perfect woman, 2015 Gold plated cooper, pearl, plastic 7.5 x 10 x 1.5 cm

 Réka Lörincz Brooch: Pearl can, 2015 Gold plated cooper, pearl, stainless steel ø 6 cmRéka Lörincz Brooch: Pearl can, 2015 Gold plated cooper, pearl, stainless steel ø 6 cm

 Reka lorincz - Hommage à Coco Channel -  necklace - pearl, duct tape 2015:Reka Lorincz - Hommage à Coco Channel -  necklace – pearl, duct tape 2015




Workshop with Gemma Draper – Antwerpem
2011 Symposium in Bratislava – Atelier EM
2010 Semmelweis University – Department of applied Psychology
2007 Workshop with Ted Noten – BIAD – Birmingham
2004 Diploma
2002 Erasmus scolarship to Spain, Barcelona
2000 Hungarian University of Craft and Design – Visual educator teacher department
1999- 2004 Hungarian University of Craft and Design – Metal design department
1997-1999 Budai Art technical college – goldsmith department




Putti Art Gallery
16 Mārstaļu iela
1050 -  Rïga


EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Lidia PUICA – fresh green for spring

Lidia Puica

fresh green for spring !

Lidia Puica - april 2017 - czech beads Just arrived from Prague ! Lidia Puica - april 2017 – czech beads Just arrived from Prague !

Lidia Puica - work in progress  #emerald #crochet #necklaceLidia Puica – work in progress  #emerald #crochet #necklace

Lidia Puica -  GO green !Lidia Puica -  GO green !

Lidia Puica  crochet necklace  #lightgreenLidia Puica  crochet necklace  #lightgreen – Light-green crochet necklace with needle felted elements and embroidered beads.
Made of: cotton thread, natural wool, glass beads. – you LIKE IT ? you can buy it HERE

Lidia Puica  crochet necklace  #lightgreen - detailLidia Puica  crochet necklace  #lightgreen detail

GREEN ??? SPRING ?? … yessss … but NOT ONLY !

Lidia Puica - mars 2017Lidia PuicaBlue & purple long crochet necklace with embroidered glass beads -
you LIKE IT ? you can buy it HEREEnregistrer



EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Sébastien Carré – aaah ZUT alors !

Sébastien Carré

Il avait quitté 2016 un peu ….. « cavalièrement » sinon « fraichement » :-) en nous disant ZUT !

mais bon ……. ;-)

Sébastien Carré  8 octobre 2016 ·    Merci à Emilie Bauer et Emmanuel Abela pour ce bel article qui parait dans le Zut ! Strasbourg N°31 (page 114 - 116)

Sébastien Carré - oct. 2016 ·   « Merci à Emilie Bauer et Emmanuel Abela pour ce bel article qui parait dans le Zut ! Strasbourg N°31 (page 114 – 116) et merci à Christophe Urbain pour ces belles photos.  Edition papier à paraitre cette semaine et disponible gratuitement dans tous les lieux culturels Strasbourgeois et déjà consultable en ligne :
(vous y lirez l’article plus clairement ! …. nom d’une pipe !!!! ;-) …)


Bon, sinon il reste avec nous chez Alliages jusqu’au 21 janvier 2017 ((Lost) Paradise, exhibition, Dec 10th 2016 to Jan 21st 2017), mais également, toujours chez Alliages, fait partie de la « Permanent 2017 selection »

Sébastien Carré - Lost Paradise(Lost) Paradise, with Sébastien Carré  – « OGHAM INCENSUM« 
« Just imagine… Living in a world in which we would not have destroyed our relationship to nature. In which, the society, the moral, the value or our belief would not have put us in a virtual cell. A world of difference, of similarity, of ambiguity but after all isn’t it what is making a more interesting world. Vegetation, Animal, and Mineral are all combined in objects reminiscent of organic forms, the shape of the central figure in all form of shamanism around the world, the Tree that connects us all together. Mixing materials in order to create a symbolic life in an object by using interactive mediums allows me to wake up a body which tends to be more insensitive due to an over-communicativity of society. Let’s hope for a world with more shamanism, more bound between all living forms. Let’s Cherish the diversity in our small world, being together is already a treasure. »

 Sébastien Carré - Alliages permanent selection 2017Sébastien Carré  -collier – at  Alliages permanent selection 2017


Mais à part ça il nous prépare pour février 2017 une expostion aux USA  ……
« really happy to be selected as one of the finalist for the « Wearable Expressions 7th International Juried Exhibition«   – Fiber – Jewelry – Accessories -   Febr.10 – April 16, 2017  – Palos Verdes Art Center (south of Los Angeles) -
Opening Reception: February 10, 6-9pm
Je suis très heureux d’apprendre qu’une de mes pièces est finaliste pour la 7eme édition de l’exposition/ concours International  » Wearable Expressions » qui aura lieu au Palos Verdes Art Center, dans le sud de Los Angeles (USA) ……
(5504 Crestridge Rd – Rancho Palos Verdes- tel +1 310-541-2479 – – )

Sebastien Carré - Opening Receptio February 10, 6-9pm - "Wearable Expressions 7th International Juried Exhibition"  January 21 - April 16, 2017  Palos Verdes Art Center - south of Los Angeles

Sebastien Carré nouveau collier 'The Big Reminder'  me suis amusé à changer de taille de modules et de forme: Sebastien Carré - nouveau collier ‘The Big Reminder’


 en tous cas …


Sébastien Carré -

I wish you all  a wonderful Year 2017!!!





EXCHANGE-BIJOU 1 – Lidia PUICA – from the comfy corner ….


during these cold periods, from deep white outside to (imagined !) warm black & red & comfy inside ! ;-)


Romania - Pasul Tihuta,  Montagne - 2 Decembre 2016 Romania – Pasul Tihuta,  Montagne – 2 Decembre 2016

Lidia Puica - dec. 2016 - Disponibile à RODLidia Puica - dec. 2016  – Disponibile à ROD  (Pictor Arthur Verona 15 – Bucarest)

Lidia Puica - viburnum - autumn colors: lidiapuica#crochet #bracelet #customorder #corals #contemporaryjewelry - fin 2015/debut 2016:

Lidia Puica - viburnum – autumn colors  / Lidia Puica crochet bracelet  corals

Lidia Puica - pour moi !! dec 2016: Lidia Puica - dec. 2016 – the STAR !!!  :-)   ;-)

Lidia Puica work in progress  crochet  necklace  fiberart Lidia Puica work in progress  crochet  necklace  fiberart

Lidia Puica workinprogress crochet elements corals  oct 2016 Lidia Puica workinprogress crochet elements corals  oct 2016

Long Crochet Red & Black Necklace €96.26 - detail - by CreativeLida on Etsy (Lidia Puica): Long Crochet Red & Black Necklace – detail – by CreativeLida on Etsy (Lidia Puica)


and ……. Have still some gifts to do ? SHOP at her Etsy shop, CreativeLida



EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 – Sébastien Carré – De coeur et de tripes …

« Sébastien Carré is a jewelry designer based in France. After studying five years at HEAR, the prestigious Art school of Strasbourg in France, he decides to stay there to keep on working on his organic jewelries. Throughout many exhibits he tries to wake up corporeality and the senses of the spectators.  »

 Sébastien Carré -  Viscéral - necklace 2013 - collier de 7 metres ....Sébastien Carré -  Viscéral – necklace 2013 – aluminium & lin – collier de 7 metres ….

Sébastien Carré -  Viscéral -Sébastien Carré -  Viscéral ………. 7 metres d’intestins ….

Sébastien Carré - Viscéral, 2013  Collier 7 mètres, Cotte de maille Aluminium, coton, lin, soie, cuir 7 meters Necklace, aluminum chainmail, cotton, linen, silk, leather ("+ de 187000 anneaux a la main et deux semaine de broderie intensive=près de 6 mois de travail sur cette pièce" !!): Sébastien Carré - Viscéral (porté), 2013  Collier 7 mètres, Cotte de maille Aluminium, coton, lin, soie, cuir 7 meters Necklace, aluminum chainmail, cotton, linen, silk, leather (« + de 187000 anneaux a la main et deux semaine de broderie intensive = près de 6 mois de travail sur cette pièce » !!)

« The making of these pieces of jewelry is inspired by cell mitosis. The modular process used to produce its shape, and the interactivity of materials chosen, bring forth the idea of a living organism.
The materials I use are picked in order to allow me to work despite the constraints of my disease. (eg: Crohn’s disease) Being able to work outside of the studio was definitely the most important part of this process, and textile became one of the most obvious choices of material to use during my creative process.
I am using this process to create objects to represent parts of the human body (see the seven meter necklace which represents the digestive tract), sometimes to symbolize the concept of the inflammation, or to even question our relationship with our own body and others’.
Even if we can find cathartic meaning in my pieces of jewelry, I consider them more interactive artefacts designed to help you feel your own body and to instigate discussion and thus interpersonal communication. » (Klimt02)

 Sébastien Carré - DNA’s Causes?, 2013, necklace, copper chain, Japanese paper, 2000 x ø 25 mm - Galerie-Marzee-GraduateShow2014 Sébastien Carré - DNA’s Causes?, 2013, necklace, copper chain, Japanese paper, 2000x ø 25 mm – shown at  Marzee-Graduate Show 2014

« Pour ma part, je suis dans un autre domaine, celui du bijou d’art, dans lequel la valeur artistique et conceptuelle compte beaucoup. Certains artistes vont même jusqu’à réaliser des bijoux quasi importables. En questionnant le rapport au corps, le bijou d’art quittera ainsi l’espace du musée, d’une galerie, en trouvant un nouvel espace d’exposition, celui du corps, qui n’a jamais connu une telle mise en valeur que dans notre société de l’image. ….. J’ai été diplôme en juin 2014, après 5 ans d’études à la Haute Ecole des Arts du Rhin (HEAR) …. C’est également grâce à mon Erasmus à l’Escola Massana de Barcelone, que j’ai réussi à gagner en autonomie » (Les Pulpeuses)

rencontres-sebastien-carré « Quelles sont les matières que tu utilises pour signifier l’organique ?
« Tout peut potentiellement être utilisé, métal, papier, cuir, textile, pierre semi-précieuses… Je cherche cependant des éléments qui me permettent d’amener du sens à mes bijoux. J’ai par exemple utilisé de la pellicule de film pour évoquer les souvenirs responsable de la dépression. Le cuivre est souvent employé pour symboliser l’inflammation car il est traditionnellement employé comme anti-inflammatoire (déjà chez les Aztèques…); L’acier inoxydable me permet de symboliser le monde médical; le nylon évoque quant à lui la présence humaine; et les pierres semi précieuses sont généralement choisies en fonction des théories de Naturopathie qui leurs sont associées. Ma seule constante est désormais de créer la structure de ces bijoux par l’emploi de techniques associées aux textiles sur lesquels je viens appliquer ces différents éléments comme un cancer colonisant un organe. Tout l’intérêt étant de jouer sur la préciosité des matières au niveau de la représentation de la partie malade afin de faire réfléchir sur nos questionnement occidentaux lié à la préciosité. Ainsi j’essaye de montrer que l’on peut trouver du bon et de la beauté dans toute situation (même les pires) parfois en changeant simplement de façon de penser ou en changeant de point de vue. »  (Le Polyèdre – rencontres avec Sébastien Carré)


ACTUALITé immédiate & « noëlesque » :

Some of my pieces are travelling to Rome... in myday-byday gallery  Exhibition White Christmas Coming Soon!!!! Some of my pieces are travelling to Rome
to myday-byday gallery
Exhibition « White Christmas » Coming Soon !!!! 15-31 Dec. 2016

EXCHANGE-BIJOU 2 - Sébastien Carré - De coeur et de tripes ... dans COUP DE COEUR 15181383_343899402634955_4517682422516992831_n



 Sebastien Carré - marche-de-noel-2016 - Strasbourg - 30nov-31dec2016À partir d’aujourd’hui 30 Nov. jusqu’au 31 Dec. 2016
Pour la seconde année, vous pourrez retrouver quelques unes de mes toutes dernières créations à la galerie Art’Course dans le cadre de la programmation Off du Marché de Noel de Strasbourg
Vernissage dimanche 4 décembre à partir de 17h
Et merci à la galerie Art Course d’avoir utilisé une de mes pieces pour réaliser le Flyer (photo: Milo Lee Photography)
galerie Art’Course
49a rue de la Course
67000 Strasbourg




EXPO ‘Joyce J. Scott new work 2014′ – Mobilia Gallery (USA) – 14 Oct.-1er Nov. 2014

Joyce J. Scott - Mobilia Gallery (USA)


Joyce J. Scott - Mobilia Gallery (USA)  - 14 Oct-1er Nov. 2014 -

« [This is] the one life we know we have. I can’t be complacent about the world I live in. It’s important to me to use art in a manner that incites people to look and then carry something home – even it it’s subliminal – that might make a change in them. Art can be a life force. That’s why so many people in other cultures integrate it into everyday use. I know I’ve got an itch. I guess I just want to keep making work that confounds me. I want to be confused, ignited, knocked down by my own work. I believe in messing with stereotypes, prodding the viewer to reassess. »

Joyce J. Scott - Blue Arrow, Neckpiece Woven glass beads, thread 10" x 8" Joyce J. Scott - Blue Arrow, Neckpiece Woven glass beads, thread 10″ x 8″

Joyce J. Scott - Fall, Neckpiece Woven glass beads, thread 10" x 8" Joyce J. Scott - Fall, Neckpiece Woven glass beads, thread 10″ x 8″

Joyce J. Scott -  Neckpiece  Joyce J. Scott -  Neckpiece 


Mobilia Gallery
358 Huron Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138 – USA
tel 617-876-2109


EXPO ‘Pearls’ – V&A Museum (UK) – 21 sept 2013 – 19 janv. 2014

Classé dans : Exposition/Exhibition,perle(s) / beads/pearls,USA,V&A Museum (UK) — bijoucontemporain @ 3:01

Pearls – - Victoria & Albert Museum

Pearls - 21 sept 2013 - 19 janv. 2014 - V&A Museum (Victoria & Albert Museum)
Pearls are a worldwide phenomenon going back millennia. Fascination for these jewels of the sea transcends time and borders. Natural pearls have always been objects of desire due to their rarity and beauty. Myths and legends surrounded them, chiefly to explain the mystery of their formation. Goldsmiths, jewellers and painters exploited their symbolic associations, which ranged from seductiveness to purity, from harbingers of good luck in marriage to messengers of mourning.

Pearl jewellery through the ages

Across the Roman Empire jewels with pearls were a desirable and expensive luxury, a symbol of wealth and status. In medieval Europe pearls appear as symbols of authority on regalia, and as attributes of Christ and the Virgin Mary in jewellery, symbolizing purity and chastity. By the Renaissance, portraits show that nobles and affluent merchants were adorned with pearls, the symbolism became increasingly secular.
By the 17th and 18th centuries pearls had become lavish adornments, often worn in a seductive manner. They were also demonstrations of high social rank. By the early 19th century pearls embellished more intimate or ‘sentimental’ jewellery to convey personal messages celebrating love or expressing grief.
The opulence and ceremony enjoyed by the courts of Europe in the 19th century was favourable for pearls, necklaces of all lengths were fashionable, from long ropes to chokers.
In Paris, jewellers working in the Art Nouveau style were fascinated by the extraordinary shaped pearls and transformed them into breathtaking interpretations of nature.
In the ‘Roaring Twenties’ urban life changed fashions, women wore short sleeveless slim-line dresses and pearl sautoirs dangled down to the waist and beyond.

Lover’s Eye brooch, England, 1800-20, gold, pearls, diamonds and painted miniature. Museum no. P.56-1977, © Victoria and Albert Museum, LondonLover’s Eye brooch, England, 1800-20, gold, pearls, diamonds and painted miniature. Museum no. P.56-1977, © Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Bodice ornament  Bodice ornament Spain About 1670 Gold filigree with freshwater pearls Collection of Deborah Elvira Photo © Martin VellónBodice ornament – Spain About 1670 – Gold filigree with freshwater pearlsCollection of Deborah Elvira - Photo © Martin Vellón

Contemporary design

Jewellery design experienced great changes during the second half of the twentieth century. During the 1960s and 1970s avant-garde jewellers in Europe broke away from traditional gem-set jewellery to create abstract sculptural designs with unconventional settings for pearls. In contrast, the high-end jewellers sought a path between tradition and Modernism. From the 1980s, the emphasis for artist jewellers has been less about the value of the pearl and more about novelty of design. Searching for new ways of wearing pearls, they set them in a variety of metals, often with textured surfaces and successfully combined them with non-precious materials.
Today the range of aesthetics in pearl jewellery is boundless and the variety of pearls quite remarkable. Whether natural, cultured or imitation, pearls continue to be fashionable and are being worn by increasing numbers of women. Pearls are a symbol of femininity and timeless jewels befitting at any event or occasion.

'Grand Jeté' brooch, made and designed by Geoffrey Rowlandson (born 1931)  'Grand Jeté' brooch Made and designed by Geoffrey Rowlandson (born 1931) London 1999 18 carat gold, brilliant-cut diamonds and cultured baroque pearls Private Collection © Geoffrey Rowlandson‘Grand Jeté’ broochMade and designed by Geoffrey Rowlandson (born 1931)London 199918 carat gold, brilliant-cut diamonds and cultured baroque pearlsPrivate Collection © Geoffrey Rowlandson

Snow White Wrist Piece 'A Fusion of Winter Snow and Spring Flowers' Made and designed by Nora Fok (born 1952) London 2012 3-D printed white plastic, cultured white pearls Private Collection © Frank Hills, photographerSnow White Wrist Piece ‘A Fusion of Winter Snow and Spring Flowers’Made and designed by Nora Fok (born 1952) – London 2012
– 3D printed white plastic, cultured white pearlsPrivate Collection© Frank Hills, photographer

Brooch Made and designed by Friedrich Becker (1922-1997) Düsseldorf, Germany 1962 18 carat white gold, 96 natural pearls in varying shades RSV Collection © Frau Hilde BeckerBrooch – Made and designed by Friedrich Becker (1922-1997) Düsseldorf, Germany – 1962 – 18 carat white gold, 96 natural pearls in varying shades RSV Collection © Frau Hilde Becker


Cromwell Road
London SW7 2RL
020 7942 2000


Dania Chelminsky, une perle on vous dit !

Dania Chelminsky

« I combine contrasting materials in my work; organic with synthetic, hard and soft, crafted and found, creating a possible connotation and meaning.
I am intrigued by their touching points, using traditional metalsmithing techniques to emphasize moments of tension, telling a story.
I wonder about the meaning of recycling.
Pieces and bits, disposable, unnecessary transform to precious fractures of garbage.
I combine these materials as a statement, as a moment of thought about the way we refer to our surrounding world. »

Dania Chelminsky  Necklace: Branches 2013  Wood, gf  16x1.5 cmDania Chelminsky  Necklace: Branches 2013  Wood, gf

« I cut branches into pieces no bigger than a finger. Each cut stump inspires me to begin a process of mending.
Working directly with the material, without preliminary sketches, creates a pattern in which every piece is different .The individual fingerprints and small defects that   characterize handcrafted jewelry create a sense of personification and connection to the body. The pieces are not merely ‘accessories of adornment’ but have a story to tell.
The role of the hand is something very visible .The hand is at the same time the one who wears the pieces and the one who creates them. All the branches are cut off and pierced, transforming them into stumps, small statues, preliminary sketches that can be made into something bigger, but they are also perforated, like potential rings, something that is both in the image of a finger and suitable to be worn on a finger.
The placement of the pieces on the table creates a sort of ‘group picture’ but also reveals a disturbing aspect of the gathering. A gathering of fragments that have been torn out, burnt or that were made defective. »

Dania Chelminsky  Necklace: Branches 2013  Wood, pearls, gf  19x19x4 cmDania Chelminsky  Necklace: Branches 2013  Wood, pearls, gf
Dania Chelminsky  Necklace: Branches 2013  Wood, pearls, gf  22x22x1.2 cmDania Chelminsky  Necklace: Branches 2013  Wood, pearls, gf

Dania Chelminsky -  Silence - Brooch - base + replaceable part 3 x 3 x 0.6cm, silver, epoxy, pearls, fabrication, 2011Dania Chelminsky -  Silence – Brooch – base + replaceable part 3 x 3 x 0.6cm, silver, epoxy, pearls, fabrication, 2011

Dania Chelminsky - Decocameo necklace, Epoxy, pearls, cameos, gold leaf, gold-filled, 22 X 0.9 cm, 2012Dania Chelminsky – Decocameo necklace, Epoxy, pearls, cameos, gold leaf, gold-filled, 22 X 0.9 cm, 2012


Toujours une histoire de perles …..

Classé dans : COUP DE COEUR,laque,perle(s) / beads/pearls,Salome LIPPUNER (CH),Suisse (CH) — bijoucontemporain @ 21:18

… avec Salome Lippuner :

« My current work is focused on the Japanese lacquer Urushi and a well-known issue: Pearls.
A string of pearls or beads is the very simple and traditional way of lining up selected items on a thread. A necklace of pearls slung around the neck – it’s a classic we have seen many times.
What about changing the old pearl-game?
Create more daring and playful objects for the pleasure of adorning. Just arrange dancing dots and twisting lines in different ways. Explore the balances and enhance the body by contrasting lines. Find new setups for the precious lustre of natural pearls and the soft shine of Urushi.
Japanese lacquer Urushi is a wonderful material, difficult to conquer on long and challenging ways. Its creative potential is without end, and as far as you try to master Urushi, as much Urushi is educating you as well. It’s an exercise in unintended will and a passion for the artist and the collector.« 

  Salome Lippuner - the pearl game - neckpiece with red coloured urushi lacquer on wood, white sweetwater pearlsSalome Lippuner – the pearl game – neckpiece with red coloured urushi lacquer on wood, white sweetwater pearls

Salome Lippuner  Necklace 2011  Sweetwater Pearls and red Urushi lacquer  Four different ways of wearing a necklace (1)
Salome Lippuner  Necklace 2011  Sweetwater Pearls and red Urushi lacquer – Four different ways of wearing a necklace (1)
Salome Lippuner Necklace 2011 Sweetwater Pearls and red Urushi lacquer Four different ways of wearing a necklace (2)Salome Lippuner Necklace 2011 Sweetwater Pearls and red Urushi lacquer Four different ways of wearing a necklace (2)
Salome Lippuner, urushi lacquer & pearls Salome Lippuner Necklace 2011 Sweetwater Pearls and Suzu Makie Urushi-lacquer



Salome Lippuner lacquer works have been exhibited on august 2012 at Museum für Lackkunst – Münster
Toujours une histoire de perles ..... dans COUP DE COEUR Einladung_urushi


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