SOME NEWS …….. online SHOPS
in these times of INTENSIVE SHOPPING ………………….
added some links to ONLINE SHOPS ….. at the bottom of my blog, on the right column, check for SHOP-online- …
petite nouveauté sur le BLOG ….. en BAS à DROITE : SHOPS on line !

of course, you have more, like ETSY or BOTICCA, or KABIRI, Notjustalabel, but Etsy is so huge, and can have so many (good & bad) things that I let you have your own choice …. Same thing for Boticca …
on Etsy some of my favourites are : Maria Goti Joyas, MardecoLorrosa (Montserrat Lacomba nice jewels), ArteArtesania (Carlos Tellechea, has often the « Joyas Sensacionales » jewels …..), PaperStatement by Dorisse (paper beads to make your own jewels or paper jewels yet done), LaChicadelosAnillos (Sarah Robinson, for nice lil’ rings …), Giardinoblu (Francesca Mancini jewelry), Kosmimata (Sofia Georgiopoulou jewelry), GustavoParadiso shop/jewels, notAjewelry (nice red dot jewels by Petra from Zagreb), byLoumi (nice, delicate, French, porcelain jewelry), Creatiff Bijoux (by Tiffany Rowe), JiaStyle (jewels by the 2 Parisian jewellers Xiaojia and Jean-marc Waszack) , Nanopod (Tosca Teran jewelry), Kjoo (Maria João Ribeiro crocheted jewelry), Emilie Bliguet shop/jewels, Kathy Frey (great wire jewelry), Colleen Baran shop/jewels, Cynthia del Giudice shop/jewels, Sipora Aguia shop/jewels, GulnurOzdaglar (PET jewelry from Turkey), ShanShanjewellery (Shan Shan Mok), LaurenMarkley shop/jewels, Margauxlange (for Barbie addicts ….), SarahHoodJewelry, Phlaznatch (Jillian Moore jewelry), LigiaRocha shop/jewels, KateRamseyFelt (gorgeous flower felt brooches from Ireland), Sassafrasdesignl (Claudia Burkhardt, felted jewels from Netherlands), Giia (Milan based felt jewelry), Artesserae, AshleyJewelry (Ashley Akers jewels), InbarShalak shop/jewels, and some others (without jewels for the moment) like AmyTavernJewelry , Vina Rust (verust ), Francesca Vitali (FrucciDesign ), HanaKarim , YuPingLin , etc etc ……………….