Korutaide : The jewellery art association was founded in Lappeenranta in 2005. The association aims to promote contemporary jewellery in Finland and to improve its recognition as an art and design form. Another goal of the association is to increase awareness about Finnish jewellery internationally. As means towards those ends, the association organizes exhibitions, presentations and discussion panels, and distributes information about events. (info@Korutaideyhdistys.fi)

ULLA AHOLA - Necklace – Marble, cotton threat 2008 (Photos Juho Ahola)
Necklace 2008 – Marble, silver, cotton threat

TUIJA HIETANEN – Brooch, 2008 – glassbeads, thread, silver
Necklace, 2008 – thread, silver

EERO HINTSANEN - Yellow Submarine, brooch, 2008 – silver, gold plating, foam rubber
Väki Vahva- mask, 2004 – silver

HELENA LEHTINEN - ‘Domestic landscapes and others’ Brooch, textile, hematite, fimo, optic fiberglass, silver 2008
‘Domestic landscapes and others’ Brooch, Rintakoru textile, agate, silver 2008

SARI LIIMATTA - The Costume I, necklace, glass beads, fresh water pearls, metal, plastic toy – 2006
MIA MALJOJOKI -Brooch/Rintakoru 2009 dental plaster, pigment, silver, stainless steel

NIINA MAHLBERG ‘Nests’, neclace,1998 glass, copper
‘Dewdrop’, neclace, 2004 glass, silver, nylon

NIINA MAHLBERG Leafs, necklace, 2006 -glass, nylon line
Net, necklace, 2006 glass, metal wire

EIJA MUSTONEN ‘Garden’, brooch, 2006 bioresin, silver
‘Snow’, brooch, 2006 bioresin, silver, paint

KATI NULPPONEN - « Amazing Animal » jewelry

INNI PÄRNÄNEN ”Lisäelimet”, necklace – parchment, silk, mother of pearl, 2003
JANNA SYVÄNOJA Necklace, 2005 Recycled paper, steelwire
etc etc etc …. TROP de merveilles pour tout mettre !!! je développerai dans des « coups de coeur » !
mais allez voir !!! un site en OR !