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EXPO ‘Hybrid’ – Parallell Gallery, Stockholm (Sweden) – 4-26 Avril 2013

Hybrid -   Parallell Gallery (Stockholm, Sweden)  04-Apr-2013 – 26-Apr-2013

Hybrid -  Artists: Emelica Lidman, Mia Larsson, Mike Årsjö, Lina Pihl, Sarah Hurtigkarl, Sofia Eriksson, Yasar Aydin  Parallell Gallery (Stockholm, Sweden)  04-Apr-2013 - 26-Apr-2013    website:  website:  mail:

Artists:  Emelica Lidman –  Mia Larsson –  Mike Årsjö –  Lina Pihl –  Sarah Hurtigkarl –  Sofia Eriksson –  Yasar Aydin

There are no unbreakable’s in nature and all we know of the certainty of materials is that there is none. Nothing is ever definite; the world has always been in a constant state of flux. It is never still, it is never certain and it has never really been solid. Even if the aim is to use as little energy as possible the planet has never been at rest and it is always changing. Mans eager hand and mind with the dreams that sketches the future plans (may it be as much dreams as nightmares) forces natures’ path into new directions. What will the result of HYBRID be; utopia or dystopia?
In this exhibition we are presenting seven reflections of HYBRID that raises concerns and wishes about the phenomena. Here HYBRID comes in the shape of development & destruction, creation & transformation, filtering & connecting. There is a combination of HYBRIDs changing with its surroundings and against its surroundings. There is also a questioning regarding control and uncertainty-but most of all about awareness and the lacking of it. In jewellery and objects we are presenting the co existing of different elements in forms of HYBRID; as something unknown, something new.

Mia LarssonMia Larsson

Lina PihlLina Pihllina pihlLina Pihl

Mike ÅrsjöMike ÅrsjöMike ÅrsjöMike Årsjö

Sofia Eriksson -  hybridSofia Eriksson Yasar Aydin


Parallell Gallery
Hornsgatan 149
11734 – Stockholm
Telephone: 0046(0)703514447


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